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ANY190611- Long Live the Truth!®

2019-06-11.  Long Live the Truth!.


Oregon, US of A, June 11, 2019. – ANY #190611
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Long Live the Truth!”

Message received by Anyas.



“This gospel of the kingdom is a living truth…. [I]t is like the seed of the living being, which, from generation to generation, while it remains the same living seed, unfailingly unfolds itself in new manifestations, and grows acceptably in channels of new adaptation to the peculiar needs and conditions of each successive generation.”  [U B 178:1.15]

Thought Adjuster: “Why did Jesus qualify the truth as living? Because it applies to all facets of life at any given moment. Such is the ‘living revelation’ He shared, empowered by the very Spirit of Truth He sent to indwell humanity after His resurrection from the dead.

“What have you done with this ‘living seed’? Have you robbed it from its life force to bury it between the pages of some ‘sacred’ reference book, writing its eulogy in permanent ink? Have you stopped it in its track by freeze-framing it in your mind? Or do you allow it to roam free, coaching you to lead an authentic life?

“Work at getting to the bottom of your very own living truth. What is your purpose as an individual? It is a fundamental question that needs to be answered by the Spirit of Truth Itself. It will activate your life to become a living testimony of the liberating power of truth. Indeed, truth is powerful — and this is forever true. It makes sense of everything That Is and debunks everything That Is Not, but That Pretends To Be What Is Not.

“In each generation, truth seekers have to collaborate with Spirit in bringing up-to-date obsolete revelations that no longer meet the needs of the present evolutionary state of affairs.

“Why do you think Jesus refused to write anything down? Because He did not want to stifle the truth content of His words, thus preventing their seeds from maturing and adapting themselves to each generational need for pro-active truth.

“By engaging in an endless quest for truth, you will have a thrilling life. Truth finds a deep resonance in both your heart and mind and empowers you to become the best you can be at each stage of your unfolding metamorphosis. Not only does it make you soar to ever-new heights of self-understanding, but it also connects the myriad of cosmic dots, revealing the multi-dimensional living organism of which you are a living cell.”

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