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HAM12- Collection2: Bertram & Malcom Sessions 32-36

1999-04-28-Collection2, Bertram & Malcom Sessions 32-36
Hamilton #12

• 34 Session 32 – o 34.1 Correcting Time
• 35 Session 33
• 36 Session 34
• 37 Session 35
• 38 Session 36

Topic: Collection2, Bertram, Michael
Group: Hamilton TeaM
Teacher: Bertram, Malcom
TR: Tara Logan

Session 32
Correcting Time
April 28, 1999

TARA: I feel prompted to come to you this morning for a new message. Please respond.

BERTRAM: My little one, how perceptive of you. We do have a message for you and to all who will read this message in the future. It is the future which we wish to relate to you this morning. You have just watched the introduction to the movie “Revelation” on television tonight. This movie is indeed a fairly true presentation, in cinema format, of what is believed in the fundamentalist churches of Christianity today, and it will certainly reinforce their beliefs and sway many. You were right in your evaluation of this program and of the one you saw last night, “Quest for Love.”

Both did not directly mention the love of God the Father. The latter was the search for love by some of the authors of the New Age movement that you once so ardently embraced. They failed to recognize the loving hand of the Universal Father in the affairs and relationships of humankind. They failed to understand the Father’s love to us during this Correcting Time of trials upon the earth. The Father is not here to punish and destroy at the hand of an Anti-Christ. Mankind brings his own trials upon himself by his rejection of the higher way of life which Christ Michael plainly revealed while on earth through his life and his teachings.

In their humanness and in their passions of belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus, the apostles gradually forgot to teach the heart of the Gospel of the Kingdom and taught a new religion about Jesus, instead of the gospel of Jesus, his gospel which he taught to them, and it continues to be so to this very day. Master Michael brought the good news of the great, world-wide brotherhood of mankind, thus revealing that you are, indeed, the children of the living God, and that he is your Creator Father of this universe, and that in trusting him, in believing him and understanding him, having faith in him, that what he revealed was the revelation of the fatherhood of God and His love for all His children.

Now it has been revealed to you the cosmic brotherhood of all God’s children throughout all time and space. It was indeed difficult for humanity, in the times of Christ Michael’s bestowal on your planet, to grasp such extended and expanded knowledge of the truth of God. It would have been far beyond their grasp to even conceive of even your earth as a sphere orbiting around the sun, much less the concept of local universes, superuniverses, a central universe, an isle of paradise. Even the concept of Paradise Sons of God would have believed to be blasphemous just as even today, the worlds churches will find this truth hard to embrace. The idea of the One God concept, yet embracing 700 thousand Creator Sons, ruling in the superuniveses and eventually into outer space, will be seen as inconceivable heresy.

Humanity has been allowed to progress until now, in their now old and outdated concepts. But now it is time for a new awakening of truth, a time for the correction of old concepts, traditions and dogmas, even more so now, with the true revelation delivered into your hands in the written form of your Urantia Book. The world now hungers for this knowledge, this precious knowledge delivered to you at the close of this present age, at the close of this millennium. Dedicated workers are needed now to carry Urantia over into this new age, into this new world order of tomorrow.

“Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.” Pg. 2082 of your Urantia Book (UB 195:9.2). This is true indeed. All you need do is look around you and you will see this Correcting Time taking place now. Consider the war in Yugoslavia, the violence in your schools, the violence in your homes, the corruption and moral decay in your societies and your politics, even in your sports and recreation. Reactions are being taken to produce change but what is also needed is courageous men and women who will come forth and lead your people into the ways and teachings of Christ Michael.

Only when each child of the Father begins to realize how much he is loved and cared for, will that soul begin to cherish his own life and find purpose, and begin to see and love his brother in that kinship with the Father and with each other.

  •  Only when God’s children begin to truly realize this eternal truth and begin to desire to become more God-like, striving for that perfection will the world begin to transform into the beginning stages of life and light.
  •  Only then will the earth be transformed into heaven on earth.
  •  Only then will the darkness be dispersed and the light of truth and love shine forth.

It is so important that families be turned around, that parents begin to spend time with their children and listen to them, truly listen. Family unity built on love and mutual respect having the true gospel at its core is needed now.

  •  All must come to realize the Father’s love and purpose for His children.
  •  All must begin to develop self-government of their own nature.

Self-love, self-respect, self-esteem, self-control, all are needed to raise the self to a higher level of living in harmony with the will of the Father; to bring peace of mind and heart and soul and eventually peace on earth. Only then will mankind be truly civilized.

The future indeed looks bleak with war in Yugoslavia, rumors of more war in Iraq, the horrendous acts of violence in your schools, your homes, on your streets, in your cities. This we must yet again admonish you, the end of the world is not going to happen! Your world is going through a severe Correction Time, and it will get worse for a time but the end is not upon you The end of this violent age yes, but the future is bright and you will find your way in the light of God’s truth..

Only be prepared to do your part and to be a light to those about you as you, by the lives you live, shine a light upon the pathway to peace. Study your true revelation sent to you from above to show your world the way to peace and how to live that peace here on your beautiful planet home and during your ascension journey home. Therein lies your destiny, your promise from the Father.

  • “There is in the mind of God a PLAN which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and
  • THIS PLAN is an ETERNAL PURPOSE of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. And the infinite treasures of such a matchless career are yours for the striving!
  • The GOAL OF ETERNITY is ahead!
  • The adventure of DIVINITY ATTAINMENT lies before you!
  • WHOSOEVER WILL MAY ENTER, and certain victory will crown the efforts of every human being who will run the race of faith and trust, depending every step of the way on the leading of the indwelling Adjuster and on the guidance of that good spirit of the Universe Son, which so freely has been poured out upon all flesh. ”
  • This IS the true and everlasting revelation set before you. Can we say more?
  • Your teacher and guide, Bertram. you for this opportunity to express to you our joy, satisfaction and appreciation of the progress and level of attainment you are all achieving. Your teachers and guides in Michael’s ways, Bertram and Malcom and associates present.

Session 33
May 7, 1999

TARA: Is there a message this evening?

MALCOM: Yes my child, we have a message for you tonight. We would like to speak to you regarding faith.. Faith is the bridge between the material and the spiritual. Mankind has never been able to prove the existence of God the Father, the Creator, Upholder, Sustainer of all things. Never can he see the Father face to face while in his mortal or even morontial form. Mortal man could not survive in the personal presence of the Father. Yet through faith do you believe in Him and by faith see evidence of Him all around you in all He displays.

By faith do you believe in your Sonship, in His Fatherhood. Christ Michael, came to you for the purpose of revealing the Father to you, to demonstrate and to express to you His faith in the Father’s love.

Only by faith do you have the confidence and belief in the indwelling of the Father fragment within you. You can not prove He dwells within you but you can experience His presence there. We would encourage all to grow in faith, in the truth of the knowledge of the Father revealed to you in your text. Now you have been given deeper insight, for you are among the first of your brethren in this new dispensation to believe in this new revelation sent for the enlightenment of God’s children on Urantia.

To you has been given the responsibility to lead the way, to be true “faithers” of the true way of the Master. In faith now, go forth into the new age now coming upon your world. We bid you farewell this evening. Your teacher, Malcom.

Session 34
May 11, 1999

TARA: Malcom, I need some personal advice regarding the T/R process. Am I adding to the process my own ideas and not listening as clearly as I should? I’m more hesitant of late to even attempt the process.

MALCOM: My little one, again you fear. You have come so far. We will not let you slip. You can have confidence in us in the transmitting process of which you are a part. We did explain just recently how each of you have your own “signature,” that is your own way of expressing the ideas you receive from us, colored yes but we work with this and around this to teach you the lessons sent. Do you understand? This process can never be divinely pure for we are not divine, we are only divine in potentiality. We are all students together in this journey of life.

Do not be discouraged. Remain faithful and true to your calling into this mission of Michael. Many more are being called now, many are needed. Grow in faith and in confidence in the purposes of the mission and the work to be done. Much needs to be corrected, relationships healed, families healed, nations healed.

Start right where you are to daily correct your own life and be examples of Michael’s way, students of His truth and exemplify his life in your life in goodness and loving kindness to your brothers and sisters. This is how you show forth the light, how you will aid in enlightening your brother, so that he too can realize his place in the brotherhood of mankind and in the eternal family of God the Father.
Such a great and eternal destiny lies before you all. Never loose sight of your eternal destiny. Through faith, living faith, in a living and personal loving Heavenly Father, will you of promised certainty, arrive at the eternal shores of the Paradise Isle.

Go forward, little one, in full assurance of the work that is in progress, even now behind the scenes, to bring this beloved planet into the beginning ages of Light and Life. You will surely settle into your place among the planets that circle the administration of Christ Michael’s Universe and Kingdom. Always hold high the hope and the promises of Michael regarding your planet home. It will not be destroyed in the coming trials ahead, though there may be dire periods of correction. These you will all experience and it will indeed be at your door also. Only be prepared and not asleep. You would be wise to listen to the lesson of the virgins (UB 176:2.8).

Do not panic or be fearful but abide in complete and confiding trust. Draw close to the spirit within you. There you will find the peace and strength and confidence and assurance of the Father’s love for you and all His children. Look for the new dawning of the new age, the new dispensation coming upon your world. I will leave you now and may you ponder these words. There is purpose and reason for all that transpires around you. Look for the lessons presented to you and grow thereby. I bid you farewell this day, Your guide and teacher, Malcom.

Session 35
May 14, 1999

TARA: Is there a message for the Hamilton Group this evening?

BERTRAM: Little one, we have this message for tonight. There seems to be much concern and worry over what is happening on your world at this time. We will only say that Michael’s bestowal world will not be destroyed now or in the future. Urantia has yet a great and settled destiny of peace and enlightenment. Current lessons must be learned.

United world compassion is going out to these displaced little ones of Urantia. Brotherhood is being felt and acted upon. This is good and as it should be. Dire lessons carry great pain and suffering and now displacement of the innocent. Your world has reeled under great and horrendous acts of war and barbaric acts against one another throughout your brief history. You are much delayed as to where you should be at this time in your evolution. This is indeed a time of correction to bring you up to the level required and usually acquired at this time of your development.

We only ask that you do not lose hope or become discouraged and fearful in the days and months immediately ahead of you. Urantia is in good hands and a multitude waits under Michael’s command. Your world IS in good hands.
This beloved planet will indeed continue

  •  — into a new age of truth and light,
  •  — into a time of change and correction,
  •  — into better and peaceful ways of living,
  •  — into a concept of worldwide brotherhood such as this world has never seen before.

Much work needs to be done and we call you to be ever mindful of the lessons each of you must learn in your own lives. It would most definitely benefit you to study the life and teachings of Jesus at this time. Truly embrace the religion of Jesus and how he lived it. Allow the “fruits of the spirit” to become the very essence of the life you live, the life you exemplify in your daily interactions with your brothers and sisters.

We have a portion of Urantia Text for you to begin with, “The Acme of Religious Living” Section 7, pg. 1101-1104. Throughout his life the Master was an example of true God-like perfection. You have been called to “become perfect as he is perfect.”

Realize, perfection attainment is an ongoing process, beginning here on your beautiful world, and on throughout your sojourns of time and space, in the Central Universe and beyond. You have indeed been given a beautiful example of such a strong and unified personality, as revealed in the Master, in your Text. Read it, study it and learn and grow in spiritual stature daily. We would bid you farewell. Your Teacher and Guide, Bertram.

Session 36
May 20, 1999

TARA: Is there a message this evening?

MALCOM: Little one, wipe away your tears. This transmission is for you only. We must remind you that you are in good hands, as is your beloved planet. We know that you are worried, much concerned about your present health. Truly your friend Jan has spoken well; she does not understand your present problems of health and each one copes differently.

We are here to tell you the truth. You do have severe health problems that are making life more difficult to cope with at this time. We know that you are searching for your own answers, how to become well once more. Little one, do not fear. You are indeed in the loving care of the Master. He loves each and everyone of you and wills that you be well and healthy once more. Each of you have your own individual trials to bear and to overcome. We will help and comfort you. You only need call on us and truly believe that we are here, that we see your pain and discomfort. You will find the help needful for you.

Everyone has their own allotted time to be on their planet of nativity. You do fully now understand the plan of the Father for all His children on all the worlds of time and space. Life does not end here at the time of mortal dissolution of the flesh. Totally and completely realize that life will go on for you, for you have embraced the will of the Father in your life and have that complete hope and faith in your promised destiny.

Take our hand little one for we are all here to love and support you, from your dear and beloved friend Cheryl on Urantia to your Paradise Father who dwells within you. Seek now the proper care that you require. Circumstances will guide you into the proper care you need. So be strong now and fear not in the days and months ahead.

Live today as if you were to die tomorrow, not in gloom and despair but with renewed and radiant hope of the eternal future that stretches out before you. No one now knows the day of their departure of the flesh. But all will. Then life, real life will begin for you. But make no mistake this present life in the flesh is valuable to you, for the strength of character of your soul personality that you develop.

Now little one, take rest and be renewed in your flesh. No one is judging you and no one can live your life for you. Only you have that divine free will choice. You may suffer by your actions; you may find reward for your actions in renewed strength and health. You can now only work with what you have.

Always remember, it is the soul growth that is the supreme goal of any life in the flesh, for this is the survival essence of any child of God in the flesh. All else is left behind in the dust of the earth for ever more. The sting of death has gone for you and you know in you heart that you will welcome that day of departure with rejoicing, knowing it is only the beginning of a wondrous adventure beginning on the mansion worlds of Jerusem.

No more tears, little one, you are progressing well as Christ Michael has told you. He is pleased with your progress and He has yet much work for you to do for Him. So be faithful, little one, to your calling, to your willingness to serve Him day by day in love to your brothers and sisters. We bid you farewell now this beautiful spring evening. Your friend and guide, Malcom.

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