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HAM3- Collection1: Bertram & Malcom Sessions 7-12

1998-11-01-Collection1: Bertram & Malcom Sessions 7-12

Hamilton #3

9Session 7
10Session 8
11Session 9
12Session 10
13Session 11
14Session 12

Session 7
 Received – Nov. 1, l998

Q: I am feeling somewhat confused after talking to Judy this evening. Could you clarify her concerns, and help me to re-examine myself?

Bertram & Malcom: Little one, we have told you not to doubt. All come from different experiences in life. We realize this is all so new to you and you at moments are overwhelmed. You need not fear or be overly concerned what others may say. They only speak to warn you from the goodness of their hearts and out of their concern for you. You are all, each of you, on the right path.

You learn, especially you my child, from repetition. As you have read tonight, you are just now in the beginning stages of learning the steps to the “dance.” We do not expect that you be proficient at your first attempts. Just in learning to be an accomplished dancer, you must learn the steps and the beat of the music you hear within. Let your adjuster and guide lead you in the dance! You are not alone in the dance. Many more are learning “the steps” as new phases in the Mission are opening up.

Session 8
 November 2, 1998

Q: Am I really called? Isn’t it just enough to be a reader of the blue book? Show me, tell me what you want of me?

BERTRAM:  Be patient, little one. We are here beside you. Do not fear or be sad of heart. You are struggling with belief in the Mission. We will show you the truth of this Correction Time. The dance has begun. It is only for you to be in sync so to speak. We see into your heart, your mind, your thoughts. You truly do desire to do the Father’s will. Don’t be so hard on yourself, little one. We are not task masters. You are in the process of learning, step by step. All is yet so new to you. But be assured, we have been teaching you all along and guiding you to this place in your life to choose, to make your decision of apostleship. Are you willing to drink of the Master’s cup?

You have come to an understanding of what it means to be on this path. The understanding of what this revelation means to this world. Little one, little one, wipe away your tears. You are lovingly supported and needed. Go about your life learning to walk in the spirit, incorporating the “fruits of the spirit” into your life, so as to be an example. That is your lesson for now. Be assured we will guide you daily as you call upon us. You are all individuals and we work with you individually.

Trust that we can and are communicating with you. Do not let it bother you that we teach you by repetition. That is the way you learn best. You can be of service where you are. Activities are in progress you know not of as yet. All will be made known in due time. You are each experiencing your own correcting time period. As we have told you before, as you, each one change for the better, the world changes also! So, little one, rest assured, you are called and chosen. How are you to serve? You will know and understand clearly in time. I bid you farewell this evening. Your teacher Bertram.

Session 9
 Nov. 12, l998, 12:30 A.M.

Bertram & Malcom: Arise, we have a message for you. We sorrow to see you feeling so blue this evening. There is so much for you to do.  Come now, little one, and you shall soon know what the Father has in store for you. So, doubt no more. So long we have guided you and trained you. We know that you want to know, but you resist, not trusting your own abilities to fullfil your calling.

Listen, little one, you are very much loved. The Father knows your every need, your every need, indeed. Do you hear us? We are communicating with you! Trust and you shall understand. It is not so hard or so difficult what is asked of you. Just be a clear and open channel for God’s love and truth to pour through you. We will do the rest. It is our words and our thoughts that will flow into your conscious mind. Trust! Practice the stillness every day. Practice, practice, practice. Don’t despair, tonight you did fine, short but fine, sincere effort, yes sincere. Sincerity of heart is of primary importance. A meek and humble, simple and trusting childlike attitude, the Father searches for, as Christ Michael taught. We will commune with you and guide you daily. Through your devotion, we are devoted to you.

Return to your rest and be at peace. You are called and chosen and needed in this Mission work. Your God-consciousness and understanding are deepening and growing day by day. Learn your typing and computer skills, but remember, balance! You cannot be a light to the world hid in a corner of your room! Remember that, little one. Remember that! Go out into the world and be that light! Be an example to your friends, your co-workers, your family, neighbors and even strangers that you meet along your daily path.

Have a happy and joyful countenance that they may know that the Father abides in you and is with you, and that He is your life and your guiding light. And when you are asked the “way of your life,” the words needed will be given you, the words they need to further them along their own paths to light and understanding. As Christ Michael taught, ”be a light on a light stand, not hid under a bushel!” Remember your lessons in childhood, the song you sang? “Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine”.

Little one, you are just beginning, really now beginning, the ascension path you have so longed and searched for. So now, go forth on that path and with you, those you love in the flesh, for they are many. The way home is open before you. Seek to do and to be His will here on earth in all your ways and in your ascending career until you become one with Him, an immortal child of God, beloved and glorified! Now, in this Correcting Time, be a “way shower” all the while humbly learning and teaching as you go. Our blessing and peace we share with you. Now sweet rest in your Father’s arms.

Session 10
 Nov. 16, 1998 12:45 A.M.

Q. What can I do, what can I say to help my youngest son? Please help me.

Bertram & Malcom: Your desire, as a loving mother, is understandable. You love your son, dearly. We understand your sense of failure regarding your family because of your own past mistakes. It pains you to see your son suffering as you did so many years ago. The dilemma — two family efforts, one failed, one failing. One was ultra religious, the other irreligious. Both were unsuccessful. Why? What is the middle, sane, logical and truly right way of successful family life, with love, and support that we should all strive for?

Your daughter-in-law, Susan, phrased it perfectly, teamwork! Teamwork, yes, combined with love! All working together for the success of the family unit. As you read tonight, just as the overall human family on a planet goes through stages of development to spiritual maturity, so does the individual human family go through its stages of growth also.

  • First — it has it’s physical needs of nourishment – food attainment, working for, buying or growing and preparation thereof.
  • Second — it needs the security of housing – a home, a safe environment in which to grow and nurture and raise a family within that safety, rental of, or purchase of, a home.
  • Third — the need of education, mental maturity, cultural advancement, trade and work habits – family chores and schooling, establishing a good means and source of income.
  • Fourth — pleasure and comfort, needs to be addressed – leisure and play time together at home or vacation times.
  • Fifth — development of the sense of family and brotherhood, of love and belonging, of mutual bonding and trust within the family.
  • Sixth — the ongoing development of moral values, the understanding of truth, – resulting in enlightenment, ethics and wisdom- resulting in family harmony and community citizenship.
  • Seventh — finally validation of self – self realization and gradual spiritual attainment as a growing, moral child of God – a virtual cosmic realization of life and its purpose to encompass love and appreciation of the Heavenly Father and the brotherhood of all human beings.

Truly, stable human family life, is the building blocks, each one, of a civilized society. You personally suffer when you fail to fulfill your duties and responsibilities in the area of family. In your failures at family and home life, you collectively hinder the progress of civilization itself!

In your successes you surely contribute to the advancement of your world into peace and harmony by raising loving, moral human beings who further raise stable families, worthy contributors, to a world growing towards peace.
How does a young man, such as your son, turn things around?

First and foremost, by changing the self. You cannot change another. That is their decision and their responsibility and their work to do. Always remember that. Learn to love the self, respect the self, forgive the self. Your son must be willing to forgive; to forgive his parents for their own human errors in their own lives, their own methods and rules of family conduct that he feels affected his life so adversely and severely when he was growing up. Only with forgiveness, can come understanding.

His parents were young and made their mistakes too, which lead to their own divorce, and the unfortunate destruction of their own family for which he especially suffers to this day. In learning to love, forgive and accept himself and others, he can start anew with himself, his wife, his family.

Can this marriage and family be saved?  With forgiveness, love and effort applied by both. The children also must be worked with, by showing unconditional love, patience, consideration and trust. Their worthwhile-ness must also be validated. Doing what is best for the whole family unit and all working together, it is possible. But all must remember that it cannot be done alone. Each must learn to take responsibility for self, for their own thoughts, words and actions.

Having a positive attitude is most important. Being aware of negative reactions and by choosing not to go there! Been there, done that, and it doesn’t work! Love will turn it around. Yes, but both must work at it. Both must want the survival of their marriage for the sake of self, mate and family. They must have extended family support and encouragement. Give him a base to start from. Help him to trust again in you, your love in your heart for him and your steadfast support, that you will be there for him now.

All must realize that the past mistakes cannot be changed. Present acts can. Present attitudes regarding the past can be changed, now. With that change in attitude, a change in understanding can become a turning point towards the healing of the pains of the past that still haunts and hurts him. This you well understand, when you experienced your own healing of the past regarding your own relationship with your mother before her death.

Have faith and hope that he will see early and overcome his pains and scars of the past, for they chain him and blind him from going forward in life and being the loving father and husband he so longs to be. He tries so hard and yet “spins his wheels” in the ruts of life!

Now finds he is ever sinking into the depths of dark depression, frustration and hopelessness, feeling unloved by his family until death seems the only way out. Though he says he hates religion, the truth, he has not known. But he is very intelligent and a hard worker and loyal provider. With the right tools of right knowledge of a trade or higher education, he could have a brighter future and he could do very well.

Whether he holds his marriage and family together; only time and will power will tell. Regardless, the lessons learned will be valuable ones for him. The gall of bitterness eats away at his soul. This has to stop. A new feeling of worthiness and purpose and love will bring a brighter and peaceful world into his life, at least in the way he perceives it. Be thankful that he loved and trusted enough to come home to you, right now, in this period of greatest darkness for him.

He loves his wife dearly and with a renewed and better perspective, he will try again. Remember though, it is teamwork and love that they need, to get on track in their marriage. In truly loving one another, they will find forgiveness in their hearts and together work at letting go of the past and its mistakes.

Then they must work together at letting their children know that they too are loved and valued and precious in their sight and that they are all part of one family that wants to work at changing the unhappiness they have all created. Love is the answer. Love in action. Loving thoughts, loving words, loving deeds.

Then will healing take place and peace will come to their home. May the Father’s love and blessing come to this family, as they struggle, in each their own way to find and to do what is right in their lives, which is simply to love one another!

Session 11
This message came from teacher Bertram
 November 19, 1998

Q. My beloved friend wants to understand the great feeling of void she has in her life and how she can overcome this. Do you have a message for her?

BERTRAM:  Little one, be assured and tell her so, that she is much loved and cherished by her cosmic family. Reassure her that she is not alone in her daily walk through life, especially in this seemingly dark period in her life. Her journey has been a hard one, a hard one indeed! So many losses she too has suffered, many not so unlike your own. Her mother — so young; her marriage and loss of family unity again; and now the most recent estrangement from her twin sister, who has always been so very close to her. All these add to her since of loss and void. And then no matter how hard she tries, she finds it hard and difficult to be near and helpful to her sons, that she feels so desperately need her, at this time in their lives.

We have entered the Correcting Time on earth. Do keep this in mind, for it is a powerful and motivating force on Urantia today. Your friend feels this prompting, wanting to correct the past, wanting to be there for her sons, wanting to be the mother she feels she failed to be. A mother’s instinct is strong yet gentle.

She longs to hold her sons to her breast and wipe away all the pain they suffer this day. Yes she feels, as you understand, the loss of these little ones in the family embrace of yesterday and longs so desperately to have them with her in their times of need, in the home environment that she now shares with her new husband. She feels deeply frustrated, not being able to fill that void, not being able to be there for them in the way she feels would help them most, but mostly out of guilt, realized or unrealized, for leaving them in the care of their father. She must forgive, even self, for these past errors and rise above them.

She must understand now, that her sons are now young adults themselves, making their own way, no matter how inadequate, how unstable, how unproductive that seems to be. We are all on our own paths leading home, having our own lessons to learn along the way. Rest assured, they are not forgotten by the Father. Each has that precious fragment of the Father within them which is gently leading, though they may not hear or realize it, like the average mortal on Urantia today.

Sometimes there are such hard lessons to learn and sometimes the “pain in the butt” for these, doesn’t hurt enough yet, for them to try to put out effort to change. Your and their lives are far from over yet, as you are just beginning to understand more fully, to be aware of, as you become more and more God conscious. Material mortal death is not to be feared. The sting of death is gone with understanding.

The Correcting Time has begun here on earth in the lives of all God’s children and with some it takes a very long time and may not be completed in this present physical life in the flesh. Mankind as a whole continues to evolve and grow out of his bestial traits here and in the mansion worlds after this life in the flesh. So do not fear, all will have their true and full and complete chance at change for self betterment. You are just beginning your soul development and ascension.

Contemplate the life cycle of a giant and mighty oak tree: That little acorn reveals absolutely nothing of its great and magnificent potential and destiny. Even so, you are like this little acorn, for you will also, one day, grow into a new and glorious, magnificent life and destiny of a true and perfectly manifested child of God in every way! It is an ongoing process, an ever advancing process, an eternal process.

Our dear little one, our little one here, strives to correct the pain of the past. Strives to put things right so her sons will suffer no more. Her love is so great for them; the void of them in her life is quite overwhelming for her at times! Her circumstances, her financial situation hinders her from doing the physical things she would like to do for them. But these are only physical, yes, present needs, dire needs, and yes they do need addressing, but the responsibility for this is not entirely on her shoulders.

These young men are adults, struggling yes, but by their own choices, their unwise choices bring these difficulties upon themselves. Though it is a bad situation and keeps being so, you cannot forever keep “bailing out” their lives when they keep filling up those lives up with more problems, costly problems. They need to be helped with life changing attitudes of self love, self respect, self esteem resulting in self help. Only then, will they begin to walk on the finer path of life.

Of course, her deep and compassionate motherly love for her children will always be there but it is for her to also understand her husbands love as well. He wills that her sons be strong and change and grow into responsible manhood. When he sees some positive change and effort then he will be more inclined to assist to a greater degree. “Tough love” do they call it?

He genuinely wants to see them become strong and manly, men with purpose and goals in life, responsible. Life isn’t always kind and gentle in its lessons, nor is it always as you would want it to be while living on this lowly planet of past rebellion and default.

But the Correcting Time and the Teaching Mission are here to help change all this, to bring this planet up to its lost, or better put, delayed potential. Both are here to teach and to show the better way, the higher path of life; life worth living in true service and love to others starting right where you are. We are here now to help you, to revitalize you and show you the way, to enlarge upon the truths set aside, forgotten or unknown by most of this world’s religious communities. What a different world this could have been, even now, had a religion activating the teachings of Jesus into daily life been taught instead of a religion about the life of Jesus. This world needed and still needs the gospel He taught, the message of the Kingdom of God, the family of God.

We are all truly God’s children and the Father is apart of us and within us to help us become more Godlike, to lessen our bestial nature over time. There should have been no vice, nor such vices and abuses as we see today so rampant on this world, destroying the very lives of our children. So many children are caught up in this decadent life style, to the pain and worry and sorrow of their parents.

If we could but love one another, truly love one another, as Jesus, Christ Michael taught, you would not harm one another at all. If you loved yourselves, you would not harm yourselves with your self abuse, which so many of the young ones do today.

Why doesn’t the Father stop all this? He is and He will through us all working collectively for a better world based on love of self, love for our brother, love for our world and most important love for God. In loving the Father, we seek to do His will of our own free will.

Therein lies the heart of the matter, where to fill the void in life. When we are filled with the Father’s love and living according to His will in our life then we find true peace and true happiness and true joy and love in our lives. Your friend must continue to build a strong and happy married home life with her beloved now. To show an example to her sons of real home and hearth and family strength and loyalty.

Another failed marriage is not the answer nor the right example. The void would not be filled by making a larger one. They are still family though her children are not with her in this stage of their lives. She must remain steadfast as she grows and progresses in greater understanding of the truth. They must work together as best they can with full confidence all will work out in time. Be supportive and loving but encourage change and growth. They, her children must first desire to change themselves, for themselves. She cannot live their lives for them or choose their path of learning for them. That is their job and their responsibility.

For her -”Listen to the wisdom of your husband, of your teachers, of Sai Baba, of the Blue Book. All can teach you and guide you on your chosen path. Be a light and an example to all you love and the Father will most certainly send you, and be for you, a continual daily guide. You need not fear. He is with you. He will help you and uphold you, and lift you up in his arms in your sorrow and in your pain, and in your despair. He will fill that void as you seek to do His will in your life. Remember, love is always the answer, always. He is love and you are becoming that love expressed to all His children everywhere on Urantia. His love, His presence, His guidance is here for you. Reach out, grasp the hand that reaches out to you, my child.” It is our pleasure to be of service to you all, beloved children of God.

Session 12
 November 29, 1998

BERTRAM:  Please give me right and higher spiritual perspective on the Melaleuca business? Thank you. Little one, be not concerned with the actions of others whether they be right or wrong. You are called to serve one Master, your Father in heaven and Him only should you serve wholeheartedly. You are concerned with unjust and unethical business practices of others, but that should not be your major concern. Ill gotten gain never brings true and lasting happiness or prosperity, and you well know, “you can’t take it with you.” The Father knows all your needs even before you ask and supplies all to all, even though few fully realize it. You have no need to worry or fret over this kind of situation as you are learning and have learned.

You cannot change others attitudes or actions but can only be a light of the right way to them.
The right way will prosper , yes even into eternity. The lessons learned, day by day, is the important thing.
See how you were enriched yesterday when you stepped out into the world in service? Think about it, really think about it.

  • — tolerance and understanding gained of another religious philosophy.
  • — compassion and love towards your new friend in her recent personal loss of a loved one.
  • — serving in time of need making burdens lighter for someone else.
  • — a sense of satisfaction for your own soul through service to your fellow man.

And rightly were you rewarded materially also. See! Challenges that you are facing in your Melaleuca business are there for your growth in the “fruits of the spirit.” You are aware of that, we know. You and Cheryl have nothing to fear. Ill gained prosperity can be very bitter, indeed, and that kind you do not want to partake of. Stand firm in your business ethics. Long lasting lessons that edify your soul can be learned here.

In any endeavor, corruption and trickery can enter in no matter what the human endeavor, even religion as history has shown, when imperfect humans are involved. Mis-guidance and deceit often enter in and, of course, lead to greed. Don’t be drawn in or ever do that for which you would be ashamed or that would harm the progress of others in their climb of success both physically and spiritually..

This company is pioneering a new way, a new concept of business for the 21st century which is in keeping with the challenges of the coming age. The ascending concept of learning and teaching is in sync with the Eternal’s divine ascension plan. As you learn and bend back to teach you enhance and lead lives upward. You are blessed to see and understand this concept as it relates to your eternal purpose.

Consider also good and effective products for the environment of the body, home and the earth. A win, win concept for all. For some the money gained quickly, could begin to corrupt, especially if the driving force for success is greed. On the surface it appears as success but ultimately the truth of it will come to fruition as moth and rust decay. Ever keep in mind the right reasons for your personal desire for success, and even encourage your group in the right and wholesome way. Success in anything of this nature is dependent upon a stable and growing economy. Should all success and riches be stripped away, what will one have left to show? Hopefully never a bankrupt soul!

Soul growth is ever the important thing. In faith and as a growing child of God, you are ever in His keeping and care no matter what befalls you. We are only a “step” away. Even death does not end your progress of life! Isn’t that comforting? Trickery and deceit may or may not be found around you, but remember, that is not your concern and not for you to judge, or to sit in judgment upon someone else.

Only be an example. You want a loyal and honest and loving group, which helps and supports one another and works as a team, desiring for and working for the enhancement and success and prosperity of everyone. Money or prosperity is not evil. Your Father “owns” and possesses the entire master universe! It is the love of it that leads one into wrong thoughts and actions. It is not the Father’s will to see you suffer or to be in want. He wants you to love and serve others now and with any future prosperity. We know your reasons for this endeavor and the Father is proud.

Keep on the loving and upward path to home and all your worries and concerns will cease! You can be at any stage of success in life that you desire; it’s up to you and your free will choice always. Don’t forget your true calling. Balance your life with work and play and worship in all your service of doing the Father’s will, teaching the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.

Realizing that we all belong to one great cosmic family puts all into perspective and in truth teaches us humbleness, appreciation and love for such a true and great and magnificent loving parent on Paradise, and our Christ Michael here in Nebadon. Little one, go about you day now and be at peace and don’t forget the stillness with the Father within you. He will prosper you and give you peace as you continue living your life according to His will, ever serving this one and only true and loving master!

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