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HMB1.3- Halfmoon Bay Part 2 – Sessions 14-21

1993-03-20-Halfmoon Bay, Part 2 – Sessions 14-21
Halfmoon Bay #14-21 – HMB #1.3

Note: Within these transcripts are several areas where the T/R relates their sensations, impressions, feelings and thoughts during the TR sessions which are green text. Many celestial lessons and responses are not identified and left as they appear in the transcript. When the celestial is identified they are capitalized and emboldened for ease for the reader. 


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Half Moon Bay, Part 2
o 1.2 Group: Half Moon Bay TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Signa, Olfana, Tarkas
o 2.2 TR: Susan Kimsey
• 14 Session
o 14.1 Dialogue
o 14.2 Closing
• 15 Session
o 15.1 Dialogue
• 16 Session
o 16.1 Dialogue
o 16.2 Closing
• 17 Session
o 17.1 Dialogue
o 17.2 Closing
• 18 Session
o 18.1 Dialogue
o 18.2 Closing
o 18.3 Note
• 19 Session
o 19.1 Dialogue
o 19.2 Closing
• 20 Session
o 20.1 Dialogue
o 20.2 Closing
• 21 Session
o 21.1 Dialogue
o 21.2 Closing

Session 14
First contact with Lucinda

You know now when we are connected. Healthy Living importance of Take all precautions with your health. They will help us heal you. Drink fluids regularly. Take vitamins. Go to great lengths with our advice. You will heal faster this way. The Flower Essence sand healing lower essences are helping to heal Teresa. That was truly correct. You know what to do with testing. This procedure works well. Let no one think we dabble now. God’s Kingdom grows powerful on Urantia God’s Kingdom grows powerful on; Urantia. The colors are brilliant. God’s love is brilliant too. Praise him!’Color Visualization The green light announces a new member of our team. We call her Lucinda. Yes. Energy Transmission Combining our energies carries much power.

[I saw beautiful swirls and pulsating bursts of color: magenta, blue, purple, fuchsia, and green! for the first time! These colors surged into each other against a background of black. This lasted for 30-40 seconds.]

Tarkas greets you.

[I felt a shift to a stronger, deeper energy.]

Your hands are pulsating. Now lift them in thanks. God’s beauty is evident in our work. Blessings flow from the Father.

[I felt a surge of energy in my body.] Lessons Lessons will come later. [T had said to me this morning that he would be able to believe this more easily if we had lessons that carried more “substance.”]

Healing energy Now the healing work comes first. Your feet tingle, but let them be. Remember our purpose. God’s energy thrives in our beings. We honor this in our work.

 [My feet were tingling and distracting me.]

Going deeper. Last night made many changes. T’s body is transforming slowly but surely. Practice the stillness, T. TR Process”Trust this process”Trust this process. Open your heart, Open your mind. Let us travel together.
Tell T not to worry that this will change you from your nature. We hope to augment all the beauty that God has implanted in you. Swirling energy blends us together.

[Again I saw the mixture of colors swirling before me. Then it seemed to primarily become the magenta/fuchsia colors]


Olfana sends you blessings. Fuchsia charges your system. Take all this and rejoice in our work together. We do release you now. Tarkas, Lin-el, Signa, Manotia, Lucinda, Olfana, Jun-el Closing now.

Session 15
Contact with Jun-el

We open this session tonight with many teachers present. Jun-el comes forth now…long pause…This connection is difficult. Color visualization You see my color telling you all things…

[I saw a field of red color spots.]

…Love manifests as energy…Take this…Olfana connects with you. She…


[I waited for perhaps five minutes, but felt and heard nothing more. I was tired, so I decided to stop.]

Session 16
Healthy Living – Restoring balance

Take time with yourself, S. This process grows and changes you slowly. Transformation is God’s power coupled with your efforts. This process creates beauty and truth in you. This changes your appearance to the world. Energy Transmission Olfana is charging your system of energy now. You feel vibrations throughout. Your hands tingle for a reason. The energy she sends you pulses through them. Take your hands. Now let them rise. Leave everything to us. We understand this process. Stay with each word. Color Visualization Listen and watch the colors come.

[I saw bursts of many colors…long pause…]

Trying to connect with you is not easy tonight.

[I had been to a party that evening. I had two glasses of white wine, some tea with caffeine, and had been exposed to lots of cigarette smoke all evening. I felt rather “toxified” by the time I came home. Also, I felt guilty, as though I were too undisciplined to follow the advice I had been given about caring for my body as they tried to heal me…so much for stubborn, ego-centered human nature!]

Healthy Living balance Many things can help restore your balance. Rest… water… love… kindness… exercise. Knowing your limits helps us heal you. Take your hands. Put them together.

[Prayer position I felt drawn to put my hands in a traditional prayer position. When I did, I felt a powerful surge of energy pass between my hands and then into my whole body.]

This completes a powerful circuit. Prayer with hands touching Prayer with hands touching has meaning beyond ritual. Now touch your forehead.

[Keeping my hands in the prayer position, I moved them to my forehead, where my fingers touched my forehead and my thumbs touched my nose. Again I felt a powerful surge of energy enter my head.]

Again feel the connection. Let yourself relax. Teachers relationship with student Always remember, we love you. Your care matters to us. We know you make mistakes. This is being a mortal. You are not a perfected creation of God’s universe. You grow from your errors. Blessed be. God’s Love: extends throughout universe; God’s love extends throughout the universe of created beings. We watch your growth. We know you care. Forgive yourself. There is no error that cannot be undone with God’s love. Take time to study the books you checked out today.* They will help you understand our work. Let the colors come. Olfana is happy you think of her often. She know you are growing closer to her. In time your connection will be very strong. . i.Flower Essences: healing patterns;The flowers you see are connected with the colors. Yes, you do understand something of God’s plan.

[I had seen a patch of spring wildflowers that day, and the thought suddenly came to me that perhaps there was a connection between the color of the flower petal, and the healing patterns placed in that flower from which essences are made. . i.Melchizedek energy; Perhaps blue flower petals, for example, carried attributes of the blue/Melchizedek color I have seen.]

In time, more will be revealed. . i.Urantia changes now; Urantia changes now. Glory to God. His love extends to everyone who reaches out for him.

[I’m not sure I heard that statement correctly.]


Please try hearing each word. Urantia takes on new patterns of healing now. . i.Energy Circuits;These patterns open the circuits further. One day the life you lead on this planet will change immensely. Let all hear these promises. You tire now. We understand. Thank you for praying tonight.’ Tarkas, Olfana, Signa, Lin-el, Jun-el Goodbye


The books I had checked out were Healing books:
Therapeutic Touch: A Practical Guide by Janet Macrae
Techniques for Health and Wholeness by Betty Bethards
The Ancient Art of Color Therapy by Linda Clark
Healers on Healing edited by Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield

Note: When S went to the library she had no preconceived sense of what books she might select. As she perused the section on alternative medicine, she found, to her surprise, that she felt subtle vibrations in her hands as she touched some of the books. She assumed this might be guidance, and then checked out the above-noted books.]

Session 17
Urantia’s transformation

You worked well today. This effort is noted by all of us. We thank you for showing your faith in God’s work. There is time. There is time to grow healthy, yet still do your daily tasks. Transcripts

[T and I had spent all day typing transmissions, figuring out computer glitches, photocopying transcripts, indexing what we had typed, etc. I can see how copying and reproducing transcripts is an enormous job in itself! I had said in my prayer that I was worried we were going to be overwhelmed by all this and not have time for all our other responsibilities. I asked for guidance.]

We wish you well always. We love you. We know you try to do your best. Take these transmissions in stride. You will balance your tasks over time. No one is asked to sacrifice their commitments unreasonably. We notice your efforts, T. The Father’s love for you is great. Your energy is warmth, because you burn strongly with the Father’s love. Stillness Practice Practice the stillness, T. Have trust and faith that all effort on your part will be rewarded. Let no one doubt God’s plan for all his universe. This creation is made beautiful and transformative because he so decrees. He is the Father who protects all he cherishes. Tell yourselves you have done well today. Watch your movie, Little Ones.

[I had said in my prayer that T and I were tired, and if it was all right with them, could this transmission be short, so we could have time to watch a movie that we had rented. As I heard these words, I was filled with strong emotions of love and protection.]

We love you very much. Blessings! Blessings to both of you! S, hold T’s hand.

[For approximately 40 seconds Energy Transmission I felt incredibly strong surges of energy pass through my body. I could barely speak, it was so intense. However it felt very powerfully invigorating.]


Relax now…Olfana sends special love. Prayer acknowledgment of Your prayer was heard, S.

[Since they so often say they are praying and helping us, I had prayed for all the celestials who were working so hard to heal and uplift Urantia.]

Listen to your heart. It serves you so well. We are releasing you now.
Tarkas, Olfana, Signa, Lin-el, Jun-el, Lucinda

Session 18
Preparing transcripts

Transcripts We congratulate you on this accomplishment. These papers that you complete will help others understand this work. Olfana is happy and proud of your diligence in this task. Let the transcripts go to Thern, Patije, Bob, Connie. Olfana wants these papers protected for now. Tell them not to distribute these papers to others. Nature work takes time to understand. Healing carefully managed Healing is carefully managed work. S, ___ must be discreet. Let no one tamper with the timing of this work. Energy Transmission Your hands tingle. Raise them to the Father. He charges your system with his love.

[Color Visualization I saw lots of Energy lavender is Father lavender color.] Have faith in our guidance. Know you are loved, S.


Sunshine is good for you. Get some exercise. Make your plans with our advice in mind. We leave you now.
Olfana, Signa

Session 19
The Healing Time

Let all cares evaporate, S. Your faith is strong. We see your efforts create benefits for others and yourself. Let us do our work now. Take your hands. Feel God’s power Chakra adjustment Energy Transmission.

[I felt tingles in my hands, and pulsations in my body.]

God’s Love :is energy; God’s love charges . i.Energy is God’s love them. Allow your thoughts to focus on the currents in your hands.

[I began to feel small spinning swirls of energy in my palms, as if tiny tops were spinning on my skin.]

Pulsations rotate. Cycles of energy charge your hands. Place them on your face.

[I had impressions of swirls and tingles of energy and warmth that lasted for 40-60 seconds.]

Now take your hands and place them on your heart.

[For one to two seconds, I saw an image of a large statue of the Virgin Mary, in white and blue robes, standing with her hands crossed one on top of the other, over her heart. She was looking downward, and the image left me with a sensation of great love. Please note, I am not a Catholic, and religious icons have not been any major part of my personal spiritual inspiration. I was quite surprised to see this image of the Virgin.]

The statues of Mary with hands on her heart tell another truth. The connection of your hands touching your heart allows God’s energy to enter the heart chakra easily. Healing energy This brings feelings of patience, trust, love, forgiveness, truth, and worship with this connection. Allow us opportunities to teach you these healing positions. Urantia needs healing Urantia needs healing. We bring you these gifts in God’s name. Blessed be! Energy CircuitsFeel this energy pass through you.

[Again I felt strong pulsations.]

Tell no one yet the details of our teachings. Let time pass. Teaching Mission progress of Others must learn first of God’s Mission. Healing Time Then, the Healing Time truly begins. Olfana cherishes you. Believe in your work with her. This gift is of the Father.

[Earlier in the day, my friend, A, had been helping me sort Urantia papers that we keep on file for our study group. She has recently begun meditating and thinking about this Teaching Mission. She told me that she had an “impression,” the previous day, that just as Christ’s symbol of the past two thousand years had been the fish, that Christ Michael’s symbol for this new time of change would be the lily. She and I both commented that seemed to be a perfect symbol, especially to A and me because of the beautiful image of the lily that is discussed in Course in Miracles image of lily A Course in Miracles.]


Christ Michael lily, symbol of Lily symbol of CM The flower, the lily, is truly Christ Michael’s symbol of love, transformation, rebirth, God’s glory. A opens her heart to this Mission. We cherish her. We ask A to TR Process”Trust this process”trust this process. Faith, truth, beauty, and love are virtues she brings to this work. Service in God’s name is a powerful protection against the ego and its illusions. Let all things be dealt with patiently, S. God’s work will be done. God’s will is the mandate that illuminates this universe. You tire. Relax. Let us release you gently.
Olfana, Signa, Aflana, others who care…Goodbye

Session 20
Free will– greatest factor in spiritual growth

Greetings, S. Energy Transmission Raise your hands. Allow us to heal you now. Put your hands near your heart. Breathe deeply. Take time. We love you. We know your responsibilities are many. Use your time wisely. Allow practice in the stillness regularly. Teaching Mission doubt in We hope you fear nothing in this work. Always trust in God’s love for you, S. Never doubt his presence in your life. The books you study help in this process. Discovering the art of healing is a great adventure. Allow this process to become more real. Slowly but surely, you will understand the power of God’s love to heal.

Come to this Mission with an open heart. We know problems arise at times. Healthy Living evaluation D needs rest. Her faith/trust in God is great. Her spine will heal slowly, but it will heal in time. She needs calcium, vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin. Heat helps. Exercise gently. Surgery can be prevented if she loses weight and strengthens her musculature. Tell her nothing will come without effort on her part. God’s temple needs her cherished love. Her body will mend. Her heart needs strengthening. Fluids will help. Take these precautions and pray willingly to know God’s guidance in her own mind. That is all.

Allow your hands to drop. Wondering about all this is normal. You are new to this Mission. We see your growth. Touch your hands together.

[Long pause…including an interruption by someone knocking on my door.]

Every effort you make to connect with us is appreciated. Realize that everyone faces doubts and challenges in this process. Transcripts Your transcripts may be read by those whom you trust. Thank you for heeding Olfana’s request. Flower essences discussion of Flower essences will help others. This information should be known by others in the Mission. Free Will Free will continues to be the greatest factor in any person’s spiritual growth. Relinquishing your will to the Father’s guidance allows us opportunities to guide you in these choices. Olfana wishes to speak…

Dear One, abide by your desire to help your family. The work we do can wait until you feel comfortable. Know that healing is occurring for you now. Make your decisions without concern that I may be angry. I know your heart, S. You will grow at a solid pace. Allow time to relax. Teaching Mission progress of This Mission moves forward as God’s plan. No one can deter us from this work. Urantia grows brighter Urantia grows brighter every day. The glory of God’s plan continues to unfold whether all understand yet or not. Right actions kills much of the pain Urantia has suffered. Deliver this message to Thern. Healing TimeThe Healing Time comes soon. The network opens. The Teaching Mission TR newsletter newsletter needs your input. [the TR newsletter] Ask for contacts from others interested in the healing work. Allow connections to begin. Connie knows much that pertains to healing. Listen to her opinion, thoughts.


Take time to rest now. We love you. Olfana

Session 21
TR’s vision of Jesus

Turn your attention to your breathing. Allow our transmissions to come through. S, your faith thrives with trust. Turn your sorrows, your worries over to God. Give him your burdens. God will take them. Release will come this way. God unfolds his plan in his own time. Color Visualization The colors…

[I saw clouds of purple, gold, and blue]

Seek Him…Energy Transmission The energy flows through you. Breathe, S. Take your hands Healing hands. Place them together.

[I held my hands in a prayer position, fingertips touching.]

Turn your attention to your hands. Try pulling them apart.

[I held my hands in this prayer position. When I willed my fingers to pull apart, it was as if the message from my brain just seemed to stop at my arms, and my muscles would not move. This was not in any way a fearful experience. Instead, I felt awe at the immense power that was in command of my body. I began to cry. Before this meditation I had felt overwhelmed with doubts and I had asked for some message to be given to me that would encourage my faith.]

Believe, S. Believe in God’s power. God loves you. God cherishes you. TR Process”Trust this process”Trust this process. Jesus Imagine Jesus. Remember, you saw him.

[During a Sufi dance, at a Course in Miracles Course in Miracles retreat in July, 1990, I experienced a vision of Jesus’s face superimposed over the face of my dance partner for approximately fifteen seconds Vision Jesus’s face;. It was one of the most riveting, compelling, emotionally-inspiring experiences in my life. Jesus’s eyes show immense compassion and acceptance. The love that I felt during those moments are beyond my descriptive abilities. The only experiences that ever came close to this experience for me was when I looked into the newborn faces of my two children. This experience was so personal to me, that I would never choose to discuss it in these transcripts. However, I feel this commentary is necessary for any reader to understand the statement, “Imagine Jesus. Remember, you saw him.” I hope anyone reading this transcript can understand how compelling it was to hear those words. I have a crystal-clear remembrance of Jesus’s handsome and loving face, and I hope it never dims in my memory.]

Open your eyes.

[I opened my eyes in the dimly-lit room, and saw my fingers held together by this magnetic-like energy. Slowly the energy faded, and I separated my hands.]

Take your hands. Hold them up to the Father. Allow your breathing. Feel the energy. [I felt a charge of energy through my body, and in response said “Thank you, Father.] You are a child of God. You are redeemed. You are blessed. This process takes time, but know God’s power is perfect. Doubts are part of being mortal. God loves you. Permission allows your faith to stay whole. Permit us to heal you, to love you in the Father’s name. Your eye shows healing.

[I had a mild eye infection that day. I was using an antibiotic on it.]

The books you read about this healing process help you to understand. . i. Stillness Practice: seek regularly; Meditate regularly. Breaking the pattern now keeps your progress back.

[I had done very few meditations during the past week because of Easter vacation plans that kept me busy with my children and family members who were visiting from out of town.]

Thern can help you understand too. Releasing/unburdening yourself to God is necessary for every mortal to heal. . i. Healers; Patterning yourself after other healers helps in your growth. Take care of your body. Faith will come. You tire now. We release you with love, Little One.

[I felt embarrassed when I heard “Little One,” so I said “Dear One,” instead. Immediately, I heard . i.TR Process: editing;”Don’t edit!”]

Tarkas, Olfana, Signa, Others who care. Go with God, S. ‘Healing energy Energy Transmission Put them on your eye.

Nothing comes because you are protecting your thoughts with pain. Olfana blesses you. (Thank you) Energy circuit position. Again this draws energy in a connection that matters. Touch your feet together.

[S was seated with her knees out, the soles of her feet facing each other, and her hands rested, palms upward, on her knees]

Remember always to listen carefully. Linda knows much about energy. Healers together can heal Urantia healers can heal Healers Urantia according to God’s plan. The time comes when the network of connections completes its pattern. Everyone plays a part together in this pattern. Urantia continues to heal. Slowly, but surely, transformation begins. Teaching Mission is co-creative Let no one think God’s plan for this pattern will develop without the effort of everyone connected to this Mission. Efforts generate the changes necessary for transformation.

Spiritual Growth Becoming one with At-one-ment God requires awareness, commitment, love, respect for truth, heartfelt effort, allowing oneself to be used in God’s plan as the creative beings that you are. Remember the Stillness Practice God’s connection to you; stillness is evidence of God’s connection to you. The Father needs your attention to his guidance. Energy begins to pulsate in your hands and through your feet. This connection grounds you. Again . i.Energy circuit position;physical positions play a part in energy transmissions.

Yoga . i.Yoga;is an art/science which contains awareness of truth concerning these energy patterns. Many other Yoga positions deliver God’s energy through your body properly. Discovering these positions will help the healing of Urantia. We welcome your efforts to learn this. Becoming aware of your breathing will help. . i.Chakra: adjustment; Move this pain upward.

[I felt a deep pain in my groin area. As I breathed deeply, I moved my hands, palms facing my body, from my groin up to my chest area. The pain dissipated as I moved my hands upward. This experience lasted about two minutes.]

Balancing your energy is a process you begin to understand. Now take your hands. Put then on your neck.

[I placed my hands on my throat area with the heels of my hands touching.] Surround your throat. Listen to every word. Push forward gently [with your hands.]

Feel pulsations.

[I felt pulsations in the heels of my hands that did not correspond to the pulsations of my heart. Again, it felt like tingles and energy pulsations that were faster than my heartbeat.]

This pain is being released.

[I held this position for approximately two minutes.]

Allow your mind to rest.

[I was starting to try to analyze “what on earth” I was doing to myself! I began to see bursts of purple energy.]

Purple surges are . i.Color Visualization;healing…Release your hands.’Flower Essences discussion of flower essences with others. Linda my be curious to know about them. Life Carriers working with healing recommend learning about them.

[I have had flower essences discussed so much in my transcripts that I feel compelled to note here that I have absolutely no financial or any other vested interest in any of the marketed flower essences. I am concerned that someone reading these transcripts may wonder if I have any personal “stake” in anyone buying or using flower essences. I do not!]


Allow healing now…You tire. This session can end now. We bid you farewell. Tarkas, Olfana, Signa, Others who care.

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