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MLV4- Future Earth Changes

2017-09-01  Future Earth Changes
MLV #4



English (via machine translation)

1 Introduction:

MACHIVENTA:  Here Machiventa Melchizedek and we have produced this document, which is a summary of the most complete of future times that will affect your planet as a result of the planetary changes and tribulations that will occur over the next 25 to 30 years. The data that will be disclosed to you will be fairly accurate, but some forecasts may be somewhat different from actual events when they occur or may differ over time in our forecasts, because there is a real probability factor, but also a factor of unknown that can take place in the movement of tectonic plates, volcanic eruptions and movements of the oceans. First, it is important to mention that the global changes announced in this document are expected to begin in late 2017 or early 2018 and are expected to continue for a period of 25 to 30 years.

So by the years 2040 to 2050, the main planetary changes will have been completed and a very great terrestrial stability will settle thereafter and will last for the next 1000 years approximately. It is very unlikely that additional changes can happen again at the end of the current planetary changes. This document is produced in order to allow the entire population of this planet to be informed about the changes that will take place in the future so that it can predict what the dangers will be exposed and so to be able to prepare. Before we expose future planetary changes to come, we want to advise you to prepare immediately for these changes by making a reserve of water and food for you and each member of your family in order to survive for a minimum of 15 days in case of need, because during disasters, it will be difficult for you to have access to this water and food in your usual supply centers. Another

The advice we want to make is to reserve enough fuel to refuel your vehicle in case you have to leave your home in a very short time. By following these two guidelines, you will be able to cope with unforeseen and sudden situations, which will allow you to survive until you reach rescue or otherwise go to a place that will be deemed safe. We advise you that a website will be set up and this site will be accessible in several languages. It will aim to transmit the global changes in real time as well as the transmission of alerts for the populations of the regions that will be affected. This site will provide all the necessary information on the assistance that will be offered for the main regions and the various important directives will be promulgated.

This site will describe the planned global changes in the major regions in each of the continents as well as the approximate dates that these changes should occur. When necessary or when the situation requires, local evacuation notices will be sent to you in your media and it may be that these notices leave you little time to evacuate the place where you are located, hence the importance of prepare yourself in advance. Finally, these planetary changes have become necessary in order to release as much heat as has accumulated in the core of the planet and the current situation requires immediate intervention. We also have to move the different tectonic plates so that they can move in a parallel way unlike their current displacement.


The changes taking place in North America will be caused by the movement of the tectonic plates of North America, the Pacific, Cocos and the Caribbean.

United States West: A large part of the west coast of California will be submerged a great distance inland and there will remain only a few islands off the coast that will still be visible. West Coast cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose and San Diego, among others, will only be remembered as these cities and many more will be swallowed up in the Pacific Ocean. There will be massive tsunamis on the west coast of the Pacific that have never been seen before, and these tsunamis that will be caused by the movement of the tectonic plates of North America and the Pacific, and these movements will be devastating for the people living on these shores between 10 and 15 miles inland.

We believe these changes are expected to occur between 2019 and we advise the resident population in these locations to consider leaving this very high-risk area as soon as possible and to move to the central United States or Appalachian Mountains in the Eastern Zone or in the New England State Lands, as all these areas will be safer during future changes. Regarding the State of Alaska, we are warning you that this area is located within the Pacific Ring of Fire as well as a fault that will be very active soon and our predictions indicate that these changes will begin in 2018 to continue to a large extent will be of Alaska.

4 engulfed under the sea.

Already in 2018, there will be huge earthquakes that will be at a steady pace and many volcanoes in this area will be very active. As with the people of the west coast of California, we recommend this population to leave this area as quickly as possible, as you will be hard hit by high intensity earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. Now, there are large volcanoes all along the west coast that are part of the area called the Pacific Ring of Fire and these volcanoes will erupt soon. These eruptions will continue for many years. While the vast majority of these volcanoes will be very active, there will still be some others that will have a less intense level of eruptions.

However, the best-known and most dangerous volcano of all is the Yellowstone Volcano in the state of Wyoming. Its caldera measuring 34 miles over 45 miles makes it one of the largest volcanoes on the planet. This volcano will be very active and according to our estimates, it should erupt by mid-year. We estimate that any population between 100 and 125 miles from the center of the volcano will be in real danger. During this major eruption, there will be a thick cloud of ash that will cloud the sky over much of North America and this cloud will persist for a long time. The population currently living in this very high-risk region should leave it quickly to seek refuge or establish themselves in the safer areas that we have mentioned before.

East and Bahamas

The east coast of the United States, from the state of Florida to the state of Virginia, will be greatly affected by large tsunamis.

5 We anticipate that a portion of southern Florida including the Keys will be swallowed up entirely. The islands of the Bahamas for the vast majority will also be swallowed up under the Atlantic Ocean. East Coast shoreline lands will be submerged for several miles and permanently, but not more than fifteen thousand inland, all of this at-risk area will remain dry and be preserved in its current state. The shoreline of the central-eastern part of the New York state of Carolina will also be affected by tsunamis and the rising waters of the Atlantic Ocean, but they will be affected by events of lesser magnitude than the states. from South. The earth in this area will move and cause damage never known in the past. The cities of New York and other cities in this region will be greatly affected and a very large part of New York City will be submerged for a long time.

The riparian area of ​​the New England states will also be very affected by massive tsunamis and earthquakes even though this region is not known for this kind of cataclysm. The majority of the coastal areas of these states will be permanently amputated several miles by the rising waters of the Atlantic Ocean. We believe that the central inland portion and the Appalachian Mountain regions of these states will be safe areas as a whole, since it should not have much damage as a result of global changes. South Center The coastline of the states located in the Gulf of Mexico will see part of its coast disappear under water during the movements of the tectonic plates. The geographical situation of the state of Louisiana is problematic in its lowest part and more precisely in all the region of city of La

6 New Orleans since much of this region is below sea level and this area will be submerged under water permanently. The central United States will be affected by earthquakes and cataclysms and volcanic eruptions from volcanoes that are unknown to you today, will appear and burst in areas of smaller population. For the vast majority of states in the central United States, this area remains safe despite the magnitude of the anticipated disasters. Northern and Great Lakes Region The northern US states will for the most part be spared from future planetary changes and little damage is expected in these areas except for the Great Lakes region, which will be addressed later in this report. this document.

However, we would like to point out that most of the Great Lakes will be flooded to become a large inland sea and rising water levels are expected to invade cities like Chicago and Detroit. Canada West Canada will also be affected by global changes and in the West Zone, the Vancouver area will be hit by some large tsunamis. Victoria Island will be partially submerged, but much of it will remain dry in its highest land. Most of the West Coast-Canadian near Alaska will be hard hit by rising waters and large-scale earthquakes. The volcanoes of this region will again be very active as well. We noted that changes in these areas will be important, but they will be less damaging because this area is sparsely populated.

7 Center The central provinces will be shaken by large-scale earthquakes as well, but these changes will only be for a short period of time beginning in the year. Cataclysms will be minor in this area. The entire area known as the Canadian Shield will be greatly affected by the movement of the North American tectonic plate at this location, since this area, which is located west of the St. Lawrence River and covers a large part of the provinces of Quebec, Canada. Ontario, Manitoba and the Northwest Territories will see its landscape change in an exceptional way and become an area of ​​great beauty and very conducive to quality agriculture in the not too distant future. East Now, the eastern Canadian zone and its shores along the Atlantic Ocean will also be affected by the rising waters and tsunamis caused by the movement of tectonic plates.

We believe that the Province of Newfoundland is largely swallowed up throughout the lowland portion of this Island and Prince Edward Island is set to disappear underwater forever. The eastern shores of Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia will have their coastline invaded by the Atlantic Ocean a few kilometers inland. These changes will be permanent because we do not expect submerged lands to be visible again. The coastal areas of these provinces will also be hit by tsunamis, some of which may be large. This area is also earthquake-prone, but it will be small in magnitude compared to some other places in North America.

8 The province of Quebec is expected to be greatly affected by the movement of the Canadian Shield west of the St. Lawrence River and the rising waters of the St. Lawrence River. We also expect that the shores of the St. Lawrence River will be pushed back by rising water for a distance of about 20 to 25 km and even more in some places in the lowlands. The vast majority of towns and riverside villages will be affected more or less greatly by the rising waters, including the city of Montreal which will be immersed to a large extent. The southern part of the St. Lawrence River including the Appalachian Mountains region will be less affected and this area is considered a safe area during future changes.

The St. Lawrence River will become the main source of water for the Great Lakes. This area will be greatly modified to become a huge inland lake with a large part of the current land will be immersed. It is expected that these changes will begin around 2020 and will continue over the next 10 to 15 years and stabilize and become an inland sea. We will advise the people of Canada and the Great Lakes regions of the process when we will be able to see the actual changes before they begin. Mexico Mexico is located in the south of North America on the North American Plate that is in motion and in contact with the Cocos, Pacific and Caribbean Plates. Mexico will be hard hit by global changes, given its geographical location at the edge of these four tectonic plates. Where is

9 The west coast of Mexico will be particularly affected by the many volcanoes that will be active in this region. It is expected that many tsunamis will hit the entire western area of ​​Mexico. Our predictions indicate that part of the shoreline in this area will be submerged by Pacific waters and will swamp the coast for up to 8 miles to 10 miles inland permanently. The area known as Baja California and Baja California will be swallowed up almost entirely by the movement of tectonic plates and only a few islands will still be visible. Central Mexico’s central zone will be greatly affected by many large-scale earthquakes and these will cause considerable damage to structures and buildings that will not be able to withstand the major crustal movements in these areas.

The region of Mexico City which is densely populated will be very affected by these earthquakes, because the cataclysms will be numerous in the center of this country. East The east coast of Mexico will, however, be less affected and despite some tsunamis and a rise in water that will swallow the shores of the coast about two miles inland, we estimate that this area will be the safer Mexico for years to come. South Southern Mexico will be greatly affected by the movements of the two tectonic plates that converge at this location. These two plates (Cocos and Caribbean) will move very quickly which will cause the complete disappearance or at least a large part of the most southern part in the regions of Oaxaca until Yucatan. These changes also imply

10 Central America and this area will be discussed later in this document. We are warning people in Mexico who live in higher-risk areas to be prepared for emergencies, to move quickly to the safest area, as these changes are expected to begin very soon and continue over the next 20 to 25 years.  Carribbean: The Caribbean is located in the South Atlantic zone of the United States and is located on the Caribbean tectonic plate. This region is composed mainly of islands of small, medium and large areas. This plate will move to the east and during this trip, which is expected to last several decades from 2025, the largest islands are not expected to undergo major changes and despite numerous tsunamis that will affect this area, Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic as well as Puerto Rico should remain intact or at least undergo only minor changes except on their littoral of these islands which will be enlarged or diminished according to the places. The other small and medium-sized islands will suffer more damage and more particularly the islands which are located, whose lands are located near the sea level, because they will be immersed partly or entirely under the sea. will also appear new islands. We would like to advise the people who live in this area to plan for smaller earthquakes and the arrival of large force hurricanes and to prepare for them, as they will become more frequent and with winds that will be very devastating.

11 CENTRAL AMERICA Central America is located in the same area as southern Mexico and the Caribbean and will be affected mainly by movements of the Cocos and Caribbean tectonic plates. As mentioned before, the Caribbean Plate will move east and the Cocos Plate will move southwest, causing major changes in this area of ​​Central America. Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador will experience major earthquakes and part of this region will move eastward with the Caribbean plate movement.

These countries will be hard hit and the movement of the two tectonic plates will be very problematic. In the same movement of plates that was mentioned for the southern region of Mexico, it is expected that the northern part of this area will be partially engulfed under the sea greatly affecting Guatemala and Belize.

The center of this region including Nicaragua will also be affected by the movement of tectonic plates, but most of this country will remain intact. Costa Rica and southern Panama will suffer heavy damage as both countries are at the junction of the two tectonic plates. Costa Rica will be separated into two regions, some of which will move west to the Cocos plate and the other part will move east on the Caribbean plate. This country will also undergo significant changes in coastal regions. Panama will largely disappear under the sea and only a part will remain attached to Colombia and the Continent of South America. These changes will begin soon and will continue for several decades.

12 SOUTH AMERICA The South American continent sits on the South American plate that converges with the Nazca Plaques and Scotia. Major changes will occur in this region which will cause widespread damage in the western part of the continent. North Countries in northern South America, including Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and Ecuador, will be greatly affected by the Caribbean and Nazca plate movement. Much of the coastline of these countries will be flooded and the islands of Trinidad and Tobago will be partially submerged in the lower parts, but the damage will be less significant. This region will experience massive tsunamis and earthquakes that will wreak havoc on coastal cities and most buildings, as most of them will not be able to withstand high-intensity tremors.

West The West Coast countries will be particularly affected by major earthquakes and the eruption of volcanoes that will be very active for the next decades. The Nazca and South American plates will be very active in these places and there will be earthquakes of great intensity that will devastate Peru and Chile. Our forecasts indicate that gradually the coast of Peru will sink under the sea for a long distance and that Chile will be engulfed in almost all of it. The cities of Lima and Santiago are in great danger and our forecasts indicate that they will be immersed in the future. The majority of buildings in Peru and Chile will not be able to withstand high-intensity seismic movements and cause unprecedented damage to the people who live there.

13 Center The central part of the continent will be less affected and Brazil will undergo earthquakes that will cause significant damage in the different regions of this country. The entire east coast will be affected by tsunamis, but these will be less damaging than many other coastal regions of this continent. Bolivia and Paraguay will be less affected by future global changes, but will still experience devastating earthquakes. The central zone is considered the safest area of ​​this continent. South Like the northern region, southern South America will undergo significant transformations as a result of the displacement of the Scotia and Nazca plates. The Scotia plate will move to the Antarctic plate which will cause the plate to collapse there, and the southernmost area of ​​Argentina will be swallowed up under the sea.

The East and West coasts will experience major floods and the city of Buenos Aires will be under several meters of water at the height of tectonic plate movements. In short, South America will be greatly transformed in its southern, western and northern parts, while the center and all the countries that are located in this central region will be preserved despite the many earthquakes that will affect this continent. The volcanoes of the western zone will be very active and will affect a large part of the South American population. We recommend that people living in areas at risk be provided with an evacuation plan to the center of the continent, which will be the safest part for the next 25 to 30 years.

14 EUROPE The European continent will undergo significant changes since this continent is located on the Eurasian plate. This plate is in convergence with the North American plate to the west, the Pacific plate to the east and the African plate to the south. West Western Europe will be greatly affected by the African and Eurasian plate movement and there will be major disturbances in this region of Europe, as much of this region will collapse under the sea. Spain and Portugal will see much of their land sunk over a great distance and we estimate that only a few areas of Spain will remain above sea level in the more eastern areas in the Pyrenees near France and in the highest summits of the country that will become islands. Portugal will be swallowed up forever. The Strait of Gibraltar will be a thing of the past, because the strait will have disappeared there. The city of Madrid will be spared because it is located in the heights of this area. Central and North Central The center of Europe will experience earthquakes of great magnitude and many buildings will not be able to withstand earthquakes. The north of France will see its current coastline disappear and become a coastline closer to land to the city of Paris.

15 The United Kingdom and Ireland will see the vast majority of their coastline disappear under the ocean and these islands will lose about 60% of their current area. London will be flooded and it is expected that this city will be fully submerged. Dublin will be totally engulfed. Iceland will experience major eruptions of its volcanoes and these will remain very active until this country is finally swallowed up to Switzerland, but also all European countries, will be affected by earthquakes, but should not no major change as this area is considered safe. The countries of the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria and Slovakia will also suffer earthquakes of the same kind, with Switzerland and Poland flooding its coastline in the Baltic Sea. Most of the inland area is considered a safe area despite the many earthquakes to come.

Belgium and the Netherlands are in great danger because these two countries are located in the northern part of Europe. Many of these countries will be permanently inundated by the movement of the Eurasian plate that will collapse in this region. The city of Amsterdam will be swallowed up completely while the city of Brussels should suffer only smaller floods. The area north of Germany will be affected by the collapse of its coastline which will be swallowed over a vast distance to the land, however, central Germany will not be affected in addition to the earthquakes that will affect the whole of Europe. Berlin will not suffer any significant damage. This country is considered a safe zone in its interior. Denmark is a peninsula located in a region that will undergo significant changes and this country will be engulfed entirely. North

16 The Northern European countries including Norway, Sweden and Finland are located in an area that will undergo major changes and the tectonic plate at this location is expected to collapse and engulf almost all of this area. Helsinki, Stockholm and Oslo will disappear forever. The Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will also undergo a major transformation, since in this region the North Sea and the Baltic Sea will form a single sea following the collapse of part of the tectonic plate at this location. Much of this coastline will disappear and only the most southerly areas will remain above sea level. Russia, Belarus and Ukraine will also be affected by the earthquakes and cataclysms that will affect all of Europe and Russia. will see all of its eastern part disappear completely into the Bering Sea just like the western region of Alaska. The northern coast of Russia will also be greatly affected by floods of very large size. South

The southern part of Europe will undergo very big changes as well, because it is located at the borders of three tectonic plates that will be very active in the 2030’s and continue for more than 15 to 20 years. Italy will be swallowed up almost completely and only the northern part of this country will remain visible. The movement of the plates at this location will ensure that the islands of Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily are engulfed under the Mediterranean Sea. Greece and Turkey will be greatly affected by the movement of tectonic plates and Turkey will be swallowed up in its center and will be divided into two distinct regions, since its more westerly part will become a separate island from the mainland. The island of Cyprus will disappear permanently. All countries in the southern part of Europe will undergo a major transformation and the vast majority of the current southern coastline will be swallowed up in the Mediterranean Sea.

17 The countries of Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova will be seriously affected by these changes as only the central part of this area will remain above sea level. very at risk to tsunamis. MIDDLE EAST This region is located directly on the Arabian plate which is found in the center of the Eurasiatic, African and Indian plates. The movement of these plates will transform this region significantly. The countries on the shores of the Red Sea will be inundated by a significant rise in water and their coastline will be flooded very significantly. The Suez Canal will become a continuation of the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, while the Dead Sea will now be part of the Red Sea up to the Golan Heights in Syria, partially isolating this Israeli-Palestinian region.

Yemen and Oman will be partially flooded on their Indian Ocean coastline. Saudi Arabia will also see its two coastlines flooded. Earthquakes will be numerous and of great power in Iran and very few of the current structures will be able to resist the terrestrial movements of this region. Iran’s coastline will be flooded and the area to the east of the United Arab Emirates and Oman will be swallowed up and the Persian Gulf and Oman Golf will merge into a single sea. All countries in the north of this region will be subjected to violence. earthquakes that will destroy most buildings and buildings.


18 Asia is the continent with the large population concentration of this planet and the global changes that will occur in the near future will decimate a large part of this population and only a fraction of it will survive. China China will be affected in different ways because it will have a large part of the eastern region that will be engulfed by the collapse of the Eurasian plate at this location. The cities of Hong Kong and Beijing will be just a memory. The earthquakes and cataclysms that will strike in this region of the planet will be of a magnitude never seen in the past and will cause a great deal of material damage and loss of life, given the large concentration of population living in the cities of this country. The northern zone of China including Mongolia will be less affected and this area is considered the safest in Asia.

India: India will not be spared by the coming planetary changes, because this country is located directly on the Indian plate and the northern part of the Australian plate and when these plates are in motion, there will be a separation of India from the continent in the southernmost part thus causing a lot of damage to human losses. The eastern part of India will also see part of its coastline disappear and Sri Lanka will be washed away by the sinking of the plate in this region. All inland areas including India, Nepal and Pakistan will be severely affected by major earthquakes causing a great deal of damage and loss of life. New volcanoes will make their

19 appearances in this area, because there is a fault in this part of the planet that is not known to your scientists. East The eastern zone of Asia including Japan, North and South Korea and Taiwan will be virtually submerged under the Pacific Ocean and, except in a few places that will become islands, there will be practically no visible land in this area from Asia. Southeast This region of Asia is mainly composed of islands and a large population of over 600 million people live there. This region will be greatly transformed by the planetary changes, because here there will be large movements of the Eurasian plates and the Philippines. The Philippines will be completely engulfed and there will remain only a few islands that will still be visible.

Indonesia and Malaysia will also undergo major changes and the east and west coasts will be largely under the ocean, but the northern zone will see its coastline extend with new land. Thailand will be flooded in its southernmost zone and Singapore will be completely flooded. Other countries in this region will also be hit hard with significant changes in their coastal areas, as there will be significant flooding in the eastern zone and about 15 to 20 km of these shores will be permanently submerged. This whole region of Asia will be hard hit by the activity of the many volcanoes that will be very active over the next 25 years.


20 Australia is located in the center of the Australian Plaque and this area will be less affected by the movement of this tectonic plate however New Zealand and all the surrounding islands will be affected by large tsunamis that will cause great damage to people living on the coastline of these islands. Australia, however, will experience a lot of earthquakes just like the rest of the planet, because all the tectonic plates will be moving over the next 25 to 30 years. Australia will also be flooded and affected by tsunamis, but we do not believe the damage will be significant. This area is considered safe.

AFRICA: Just like Australia, Africa will be a continent that will be less affected by future planetary changes, because the African plate will undergo little movement. The most problematic area of ​​Africa is in the east of Africa, because this region is sitting on the big African fault that will be very active, because there is the formation of a new plaque at this place and there will be a lot activities on these plates that will change the structure of the plates of this region. The entire area known as the Great Rift Valley will suddenly separate from the African continent creating huge earthquakes and part of this area will be swallowed up as new lands appear.

21 The rest of the continent should be affected by earthquakes, but the damage will only be minor. This area north, center and east is considered safe. Conclusion All the planetary changes shown in this document have been planned for a very long time and we have studied in great detail the movement of the predicted tectonic plates as well as the anticipated results that these changes will cause. We have also studied the whole internal structure of the Earth’s core as well as its recent behavior and each of our forecasts is based on a very great knowledge of this domain and thus, we can affirm that these forecasts are the most precise that we can establish in this day.

These changes will occur as we have announced and will continue over the next 25 to 30 years. This document is a summary of these upcoming changes and when these changes are about to occur in a specific area or area, we will notify the population of this area of ​​potential hazards and procedures and instructions will be communicated to them in real time. to allow them to take refuge in safer places. Here Machiventa Melchizedek who has given you the most recent information of the tribulations and planetary changes that are about to affect the Urantia planet.

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