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MZV243- The Spiritual Development Of Men

2018-07-23-We Will Take Care From Now On Of The Spiritual Development Of Men
Mezza Verde #243

Session nr 9 of 23 July 2018 -English translation – Original Dutch.
Place : Mezzaverde in Belgium.
Received by Wivine
Visitor : Father Melchizedek

Father Melchizedek : Yes girl, it is me and I come to announce good news. Luoja, the Creator Son of Paradise who does not administer a local universe, has been conceived. We will announce later his birth. It is on purpose that we don’t tell when He was conceived. This will keep you all in suspense and we hope to avoid false birth announcements this way.

Those Celestials who normally accompany such Paradise Sons are preparing to descend on Urantia. They will not be visible to the population. The Melchizedeks who will accompany Him are already around your planet and will not be visible neither in the near future. None of these born Paradise Sons will represent on Urantia a Celestial kingdom. Nor do they need a human to represent them.

They will not proclaim a new world religion. They will not appear on TV, they will not communicate via social networks, nor will they assign someone to do this for them. They will be here for a long time and their ultimate task is to prepare the future of Urantia for the era of God the Supreme. Five Great Heavenly Palaces will be built on your planet that cannot be seen with physical eyes. They have nothing to do with the future Morontia temple, described in The Urantia Book. They are intended to serve as headquarters for:

  • • Aya – Master Spirit nr 7 of your Superunivers Orvonton. The Voice of The Trinity as an entity and The Supreme Being – our Universal Mother Goddess.
  • • For different Celestial Orders such as the two Paradise Sons who will reside here in a physical body: Aaron (Avonal Son) and Luoja (Creator Son).

Of course also for me : Father Melchizedek.
For the Melchizedeks who accompany Aaron and Luoja. For the different battalions Archangels and many others who will establish their headquarters here. To receive visitors from Uversa – the capital of your Superunivers No. 7 and other local universes. Of these 5 Huge Celestial Palaces, two are already in place. Several members of this group have participated in this.

{Wivine: I call them the Giant Celestial “Taj Mahal’s” because I don’t know to what else I can compare them. They cover vast territories in two continents. When all 5 Palaces will be in place I will tell where they are.}

There is a good reason why humans who are able to work with the Trinity Energy had to participate in this. Many of them are already able to work with the Pure Energy of their indwelling God fragment in the 4th dimension but still not in the 3rd dimension or our material world.

First of all, these people must have sufficiently developed their Morontia Soul. When this development has reached a certain level, their Thought Adjuster may begin to send his Pure Energy through their soul during a bilocation work.
Its only after this stage that the physical body will be prepared together with its creature mind received from Mother Spirit. When that work is completed the coordination will be done between the physical body with its mortal mind and the Morontia soul with her Morontia Mind. Only then will they be able to work with the Pure Energy of their God Fragment in the material world.

These people keep few memories of such a group bilocation done during a meditation. Just enough to confirm that they have participated in something with us. It is extremely important that these people can continue to live a normal life for the development of their morontia soul. The greatest teacher of souls is precisely your everyday life experiences, supported by all spiritual influences. This is also the reason why they will not play a public role and will remain in the background. They will not be spiritual teachers like the evangelists, they will not be spokespersons for us.

They are not chosen ones, they have worked and are still working to get there. They made their choices at soul level. They were not even aware towards what they were evolving. They simply trusted us in their hearts.
From now on, WE will take charge of the spiritual progress of each individual on your planet, in collaboration with their indwelling Thought Adjuster.

We know better than anyone what kind of spiritual bread each person needs at every moment of his or her life; from birth until death and even afterwards on the Morontia Worlds. From now on, no one should feel called to teach other people what he or she thinks is “truth”. No one has to take over, or interfere with the task of the Thought Adjuster and other spiritual influences in the individual. This is a friendly advice we give you.

The apostles and evangelists lived at a time when the Spirit of Truth had just been poured out on all of Jesus’ disciples and followers; where not everyone received a God Fragment or Thought Adjuster to develop a Morontia Soul. The situation was very different in those days. Meanwhile, 2,000 years have passed. Times have changed since then. The Spirit of Truth is now spread all over Urantia and the Thought Adjusters are indwelling the hearts of all people already from a very young age. Individual soul development is sped up and will be more and more. I salute you, a magnificent period opens to all. I am Father Melchizedek. Always at your service.

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