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NCO120 – Spiritual Wings II Workshop Session 1

2012-04-13. Spiritual Wings II Workshop

Session 1

1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Spiritual Wings II Workshop
o 1.2 Group: N. Colorado TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Machiventa, Sondjah
o 2.2 TR: Daniel Raphael
• 3 Session 1
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
 3.2.1 Sustainability, Peace
 3.2.2 Individual
o 3.3 Dialogue
 3.3.1 Creativity, Reality
 3.3.2 Ego, Motivation
 3.3.3 Expectations, Intention
 3.3.4 Free will
 3.3.5 Guidance
 3.3.6 Leadership
 3.3.7 Co-creation
 3.3.8 Presence
o 3.4 Closing
• 4 Note

Topic: Spiritual Wings II Workshop; Group: N. Colorado TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Sondjah; TR: Daniel Raphael
Session 1
April 13, 2012

MACHIVENTA: Good evening, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. Some of you are acquainted with me and some of you are not. Some of you know that every planet that will have life, and other planets that do have ascending life, have an administration to care for the souls that these planets bring forth for their ascendant careers. It is no different on your planet, though on your planet you have had far more difficulties than most other planets in the universe. It is remarkable, as well, because the Creator Son has been here to visit 2000 years ago.

Sustainability, Peace

MACHIVENTA: My presence here today is to make the affirmation that we are present, that we are here to assist your world to grow into the days of light and life, the days of peace you know as “the days where the lamb lays down with wolves or the lions,” the days where there is peace all over the world, where there is prosperity and abundance for everyone. This takes the form of food and water—nourishment—and shelter; it also takes the form of peace, peace that you and this world have not enjoyed for centuries or millennia. It is our work to bring peace to your world, to teach you how to have peace, how to have a sustainable society, one that begets more sustainability.

Each generation learns those skills and carries them forward so that children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and generations way into the future have a life of peace, that potentially each one of you could grow to your greatest extent, so that you can find meaning and purpose and fulfill all those things within you, as the potential that you know exists, which can be expressed, demonstrated and put into action. This is what people truly yearn for. It is our turn now to teach you how to live in societies to generate peace and sustainable living. We know that this is not an easy process for you, for you have many needs, and some of you have needs for power, control and authority, for acquisition of material goods and those things that control other people’s lives. This must give way in the future to individual leaders who are living examples of sustainable lifestyles, ones who generate peace in their relationships, ones who are also at peace within themselves.

This is a remarkable generation now because you are seeking that. You are here because you yearn for peace in yourselves; you yearn for peace in your relationships with others. You want to leave the anxieties behind you, to leave them aside so that you can progress day-by-day effectively, competently, and capably. The healing of your world will not be done by miracle or fiat, in the blink of an eye or a click of the fingers, but the actual living out of the learning process. It is not easy. You all have come through great difficulty to reach the age that you are now. Many of you, even though you may come from prosperous parents, have had difficulty growing as an individual. These, my friends, are skills to be learned.

We are very pleased and excited by this type of workshop, which we hope will be replicated thousands of times over around your world, to teach people the basic fundamentals of how to find peace within themselves. Intra-personal growth is essential; it is a prerequisite for spiritual growth. The inner peace, the inner journey is a prerequisite for the journey of your ascendant career to Paradise. It begins by learning these skills, and begins principally by learning who you are, what you are, how to become acquainted with your mind and teach yourself, and you—you—make decisions about what your mind thinks. This is the primary beginning of growth, when someone is in charge [of themselves].

We want to teach you those skills this weekend, as you prepare for the rest of your life. I, as the Manager of this planet, under the great supervision of God’s hierarchy of light, have been given the challenge, this mission, to help bring your world into the era where individuals grow and prosper, automatically, to those families that teach those skills [to their] children. This is the one condition that we have for this planet and hope that you are [ready] and commissioned for the work, and the actions and the decisions that you make, to make those actions possible for this growth, and [for you] to teach your children how to grow.


This is no small challenge, is it? This planet is grossly overpopulated and the nations quarreling with other nations make it more difficult for peace to begin. So we begin with individuals. All life within the ascension plan begins with individuals. The ultimate relationship in the universe is between yourself and your Creator. All other relationships are secondary. Think of that. God’s relationship is not with the nation; it is not with society; it is not with communities. It is with you—you the individual—you have a personal relationship with the Creator, the presence within you, and we are here to teach you how to access that source easily, in conversation, in a dialog, as you would a friend or a companion.

Thank you for being here. I look forward to observing what happens here, and I recommend to you that you call upon your Guardian, who is with you now, to assist you in awakening your mind to the realizations, to the insights, to the awareness that will lead you to greatness within yourself, straight and sound. Thank you and good night.

Track 6

SONDJAH: Good afternoon, this is Sondjah Melchizedek. I thank you and welcome you to the Melchizedek School, this Spiritual Wings, I, II and III. This school was initially started approximately 5 years ago with this one, and we have been continually following its development and of the co-creative design team process. My “former employment” was as a teacher on the mansion worlds where new students arrived, and I was able to know many students, from many systems and planets in this local universe. It is a pleasure to be here with you, as this helps me extend my experience to new realms. I was chosen for this position, this work, principally because I have great acquaintanceship with many hundreds of species of sentient individuals, who have the Father presence within them. I am used to diversity; I am used to tremendous differences in the presence of students, and so I am here with you today—not that you are so different—but because you are so special. I plan to answer any questions you may have, that we have time for.

Creativity, Reality

Student: Sondjah, very good to have you back. I had a question about the topic of creating your own reality—we’ve talked about it this morning somewhat, but I think it is real important for us to think about, and I’d like you to embellish, if you would, on how we can create our own reality, either the steps that we can take or things that we can do to help that.

SONDJAH: Through this world or the afterlife?

Student: In this world.

SONDJAH: You have been receiving the fundamentals of this training and it deals particularly with beliefs. You must examine all your beliefs and you must examine all of your assumptions. This is quite literally a ‘literal’ project, one, that you can do on your own, and should, simply by writing down what you believe in, what you have truly come to believe from your own personal experiences, and those beliefs, which were given to you, what you have accepted from someone else. You have pulled them out of a waiting space, so to speak. Suspend judgment upon that belief and examine it for whether it has validity in the larger dimensions of the universe, and then examine that belief for any assumptions that may be behind it. In order to create your own reality, you must define what that reality is that you want to create, and further, you must have an intention to create it.

Further, you must make a command upon the universe to enact that design, to create by your will. It is very similar to what you know about commanding things to be. Does that make it so? And if you say, “Make it so, according to God’s will for my highest, greatest good for the fulfillment of my life plan,” then you can be assured that it will be enacted in the capacity that it contributes to your life plan. You must be able to define the reality you want to create—this is part of the design process. You must be able to define what you want, measure it, and fully know what it takes so it becomes completed. What will it look like? What are your expectations? What are your beliefs? And so, you see that the chart, the schematic that I taught this one about so few years ago, becomes a living, breathing process, a sieve, so to speak, of what is real and what is not. Does this help?

Student: Yes, it does, thank you.

Student: Sondjah? Welcome!

SONDJAH: Thank you. It is good to be in your presence once again, dear.

Ego, Motivation

Student: Well, I was wondering… how do you… you’re saying phrases like “ You have to define what you want to create and have intention”… how do you keep the ego out of that whole process?

SONDJAH: By asking this question: In what way does this add to my self-esteem, or how does this add to my life? How does this make me greater than other people? Or, how does this diminish me compared to other people? If you are doing this for ego reasons, then there is some form of return that you have received from doing this work. Is it for praise from people? Is it for emulation by people? Is it to have access to their resources for your own discretion? If there are no answers to this, which indicate that you are there for some return that comes back to you for doing this, then you are clear of those ego motivations. You must have the capacity to accept your analysis. You must have the confidence and sureness in your ability to determine that, for you are the only one who truly can, in the end, determine whether it was for some other ulterior motive or purpose. Does this help?

Student: Yeah. Thank you.

SONDJAH: Quite a good question.

Expectations, Intention

Student: Sondjah, there has been a sense of expectancy, excitement about coming to this class this year. There is a feeling, an energy about it that I know is not just me, but others in this room also feel that. What is this energy, this expectancy that we are feeling?

SONDJAH: For one, this is genuine; it is not something that we have instilled in you. We have, as you may surmise—and we hope you do surmise this—that we have an intention for this workshop, as well. And so, our intention begins, who will be here? Who could be here? Who might be open to accept the invitation to be here? And so, you, dear friends, brought with you the anticipation, the expectancy of those answers, which will help you become more effective in the days in this era ahead. Your anticipation or expectancy is to have some answers that you can use throughout your life and to assist others as the era of confusion comes into your world. Many of you know that this era of confusion has already begun, and so you want to have an anchor, a post that is driven deep into the ground that you can tie to, to be safe when the winds of change begin to blow hard. You have that sense of hope, that sense of expectancy, of anticipation, and you have the belief that you can learn this and you can participate in directing the course of a level of change, that what comes out of it can be constructive and useful.

You have self-selected yourself, though we have broadened the invitation to many people. Many people were invited, but few have chosen to come. Some, of course, could not come, but they are still interested in this. You are here because you anticipate more completion in your life—not necessarily fulfillment—but more tools to take with you to use in your life, to become more effective in your life and living. These, of course, all contribute to your soul growth, to its weight and density, and its capacity to survive the vicissitudes that are ahead in this world and the next. You need to have this ballast with you—this weight is much like ballast in a sailing ship—a sailing ship without ballast close to its keel can be tipped over very easily by the winds, and so they put extra weight in the bottom of the boat, or in the keel itself, that goes into the water to help keep it upright, and so, this is what you are doing. In some of you, we can sense this bit of ‘relish’ in you, to engage this opportunity, this adventure that you have chosen to engage, and that you want a few more answers to help you to unlock this puzzle, this adventure of your life, and so, you are here.

Student: Will you come back, during this visit?

SONDJAH: Yes, if you wish.

Student: We do! (Laughter.)

Free will

Student: Sondjah, I have a question.

SONDJAH:  Sondjah: Certainly.

Student: I am wrestling with what the word ‘will’ means, because I have spent a lot of my life willing things to happen, and now I am [going] much more with the flow, but then I struggle with the language of the idea of ‘commanding’ things. That isn’t part of how I want the world to unfold. I don’t want to command things. I’m struggling with what does it mean to ‘will’ this new vision? Am I making sense?

SONDJAH: Most definitely you are making sense—it makes good sense.

SONDJAH: A mother had two children and says to the children, “Clean your rooms.” We do this every week, and I have [always had] to tell you, so you need to remember after this. The next week passes and Saturday morning comes and they are watching cartoons and nothing is happening. So, she says, “I’m going to the movies this afternoon. Does anyone want to go with me?” Both of the children say, “Yes.” The mother says, “Well, have you cleaned your room?” Both of the children look at each other and say, “No.” “Well, I guess you can’t go until you clean your room. I’m not going to tell you to do this anymore. So you can ask in the morning if we are going to do anything special in the afternoon, and if you want to do that ‘something special,’ then you will automatically remind yourselves to clean your room.” So the mother lets them clean on their own, with the discipline that there will be something afterwards which will perhaps be seen as reward. The mother does not say, “Well, if you clean your room, we might go to the movies—maybe.” Maybe does not work. You have to be sure in what you say.

If you want something to happen in your life, you say, “This must be done.” But here is the key to the puzzle that you ask: to know what you want and you have the intention of having it completed, and then you ‘will it to be done,’ but in the willing, we soften that arrogance, that command, that shrill voice that you might hear in your mind’s voice, to say, “According to God’s will, the highest, greatest good for my life plan,” for instance. Or, “The highest and greatest good for all concerned, in the right time, in the right order.” You are conditioning your command to have something done that is in agreement with the universe’s ability to fulfill it. Because surely, children, you do not know what is good for another, let alone yourself, and so you must have the higher mind in your consciousness and call that to be a part of it.

It is kind of like planting carrot seeds: you do not go out [immediately] and look to see how they are doing. You wait until they grow out of the ground, and then you choose which ones you do not want to keep, and which to stay in the ground when you thin them. You do not go back and worry and fret and stew about what you have commanded, but you let the universe fulfill your design, your intention. Does this help?


Student: How does that differ from being open to God’s Will?

SONDJAH: God knows what Its Will is, and you are there to discover what God’s Will is. For you to become a creator in your own right, you need to know what God’s Will is. And you learn what God’s Will is, as God reveals those opportunities for you to make decisions about. You discover God’s Will by commanding something to occur and when it does not happen, you say, “Got it! Not this way.” Release it; you do not take ownership of it, you let the universe take responsibility for fulfilling it and when it is fulfilled in a particular way, then you have your guidance.

Student: Okay. Thanks.

SONDJAH: You are welcome.

SONDJAH: I will be here at the times that you desire and the instances. I will be among you this afternoon as you go to your quiet spaces to converse with spirit. I would be most happy to engage any of you and all of you simultaneously, as I am capable of doing that.

Student: Anything else you want to tell us?


SONDJAH: Yes, and it has been mentioned a bit already, that you are designing the future that will be carried out, fulfilled for generations to come. Always the designs of the future occur with individuals at the local level. Almost never have governments or large corporations or large organizations done anything that is incredibly creative. It is always with individuals who design, engage and fulfill the future. You are the architects of the societies and the lives that will be developing in the generations to come. Consciousness, your intentions that you hold in your minds today, are those which will be fulfilled in times to come, beginning right now in your own life. You are learning to be creators in your own right; you have begun the process, and you have anticipated this and are engaging it very constructively. We applaud you and we salute you, and we respect what you are doing. Thank you.

(Students thank Sondjah.)

Track 8

SONDJAH: This is Sondjah. Thank you for your presence here today; thank you for inviting me into your team/group processes—I appreciate that—and as you know, I was there, you felt me; this is real. This is not a figment of your imagination. You are beginning to see the practical aspects of working with us in your personal lives, business lives and your social ones; that this is something that is eminently useful in all the affairs of your life. We cannot enter your life when you have an agenda ahead of time; when you have objectives and goals that you must complete, but when you ask for directions to find the right course, we can most definitely be involved in that. Each time your questions and your objectives and your goals actually exclude us from the process, then we are set aside because your goals are not the goals of your life plan. So eventually, there will be adjustments and difficulties, where you have a choice to reexamine your lives and reflect on the difficulties you have had and the successes that you have had and to choose which way you want to go again in the future.

This class, this workshop is simply a means to give you more tools. These tools are very basic, elementary, and they are such that you can always expand upon them, develop them, to the extent that you choose. Soon, you will discover new adjuncts, additions to this training that will be useful to you. Each individual is particular and, in many ways, quite peculiar. We appreciate that, as you are distinctly unique. The life that you lead offers experience to the Divine, which it has not had before. You offer a means of expression for the Divine through you, when there is agreement between yourself and the Divine plan to your life; it then becomes final, and we enjoy the process and we learn so much from you and with you.

As you see, it is not a one-sided universe with us in charge, as you know, or you would fail all the time. But for you to learn how to work in co-creative cooperation, you truly have co-creative lives, and the lives of ascension are always successfully co-creative. When this process is not simple, it is most difficult for you, particularly if you live in a head-strong culture, or if you live in a culture where you are diminished and given no authority—so one is as bad as the other, but there must be a balance so you learn to ‘let’ at times and to ‘will’ at times, and soon you find the ‘letting of the will’ to move on. If you have success in your life you will find the successes lead from one to another—one discovery, one “ah-ha” to another. Then the lessons of failure and tragedy become less and less. Those are indicators that you are going in the wrong direction, in the wrong activities.

We admire you! We want you to know that we so much admire you for your courage to come to a venue such as this. It is off the beaten track; it is not something that is popular; it is something that is quite unique and quite different from the rest of your society. You are the vanguard of others who will follow this path before long. You are learning the way and some of you will become teachers and some of you will become tremendously effective facilitators, and some of you will become tremendously effective contributors. If there is something that needs to be done, you will participate—even if you say nothing, your presence there will hold the presence of the energy to coordinate and organize that energy for right and perfect outcomes, because your intention builds that process.


Do not point to outer successes as evidence of your inner successes, but point to the order of your life as it develops, for the ease of your life. Some of you have had great difficulties; you have had tremendous tragedies, and now you find that your life becomes organized, there is some order to it. We are here to help you. This is an active attempt to have you participate in this training, because you will learn more quickly when you have something to do, something that you will do, even if it is simply your presence to emanate the power within you in your consciousness to all the world. This is essential, my friends; you do not have to write books, you do not have to lecture now to the people, just holding the presence is immense. Your consciousness is deeply desired by us and by the universe. It offers you an opportunity to make a huge contribution to your own life and the lives of others in this generation and many to come.


Some of you are aware, but others are not aware that you are now in the bottom of an amphitheater, tremendous galleries that are watching and listening to what is occurring here, as they are seeing the excitement, the experiences that you are going through, and they are learning how to replicate this process in the consciousness of others, in other nations, in other cultures and other languages. This is a learning process for us as much as it is for you. This world has never gone through this before; this is a unique experience on this planet—this planet is unique. So, this has never been done and there are universals to be learned here and applied here, so we give thanks for your presence to be teachers to us, and therefore we say good night and thank you.

Note: Mothers Trust, Lakeshore Interfaith Community, Ganges, Michigan.
For Spiritual Wings I Workshop, see 2011-05-20-Melchizedek School and 2011-05-21-Melchizedek School

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