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WDC687- Off the Path into Gossip

2009-11-16-Off the Path into Gossip
Woods Cross #687


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Off the Path, Into Gossip
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham, Mary
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Off the Path, Into Gossip
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. It is a wonderfully serene atmosphere here this evening. I appreciate your willingness to be seen as you are. I hope that you know how much you are loved just as you are.


In this mortal life it is common to stray from the path from time to time. Various instances may cloud your vision. Obligations blindside your ability to make spiritual decisions. Many individuals feel a need to be productive all the time and there is an inner drive to keep moving. They may keep moving even though not much is productive, it just feels that way. As the world up-steps in technology and various high-tech adventures, there seems to be a need to always stay on top of the game. This is an unnecessary pressure.

We try to do too much all at once instead of taking time to really experience various circumstances. I know personally, I would like to avoid those issues in my mortal life that were not food for the ego. My motivation was power and that’s where my energy went, most of the time I felt drained and unsatisfied, perhaps foolish. There had to be something out there with more meaning and value.

MARY:  I am MARY. Greetings friends. I enjoy this particular lesson because I felt I have experienced it over and over again. We last discussed the helpfulness of our Mother Spirit and how close She is to us as far as emotions or higher minded thinking is concerned. I know that as mortals we can take in great amounts of spiritual knowledge and have memories of this scripture or that, this lesson or that, but these are simply theories until Mother breathes the breath of life into them and makes our spiritual experiences real. We know as mortals there are some things we can trust, a few things we do count on and

I believe these are lessons that have been enlivened by our Mother. As a mortal I had a particular lesson on gossip and I knew it was of a negative mind. It was harmful to me, as well as others and yet, I still participated in it. One day I discovered some negative gossip about me and my personal techniques of ministry and it was painful to discover. Mother found this an opportune time to show all sides of this lesson and make it real for me. Gossiping became something I had just lost interest in. I had developed new skills to avoid it, for example: changing the subject or I could find something positive to say about the person we were speaking of.

It took experience and Mother making this understandable for me to realize that gossiping is futile and I had no desire for it in my life. We can learn so many spiritual laws and they do not really stay with us. We know of them mentally, but they are not a living reality until Mother finds us ready to take in the lesson on a soul level. Mother helps us to find the truth in spiritual laws and understand how they apply. She helps us to understand issues beyond the mental level, to cultivating the ability to know it on a soul level.

As you experience your mortal lives and you seek more training, you will come to understand Mother quite well, because She coordinates with the Spirit of Truth to bring us understanding of lessons or universal laws. While She appears to be far away, She knows each one of us very well and loves us with a protective love. Just like Michael, Mother wants us to continue on in our eternal careers learning what we are ready for, so we can keep completing the goals that are set before us. She is a wonderful helper.

This week as we begin to feel ourselves being pulled from our path, let us give thought to Mother and how her intelligence brings logic to spirituality. Reading or studying is more enlightening when you have invited Mother to show you the realness of a lesson or concept. She breaths the breath of life into worthwhile theories and theories you cannot understand at this time, probably are not important at that time. Mother knows you very well and what you are ready for, She will give.


MARY:  That is all for this evening. We are so blessed in knowing the Trinity works for our well-being. A complete understanding of Father, the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Mother Spirit, will be beneficial in our upcoming lessons. Know that our love grows for you each time we meet. Go in peace. Until next time, Shalom.

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