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11CT-203- Finding a Deeper Connection with Spirit

2012-03-25. Finding a Deeper Connection with Spirit

Location: Michigan, USA #203
Date: 25 Mar 2012
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Receiver: Chris Maurus

The message for today is about finding that deeper connection to spirit, which so many of you students on the path would like to experience, but find it difficult and seemingly elusive, coming at times when you least expect.  The one sure way to have this deeper connection is to simply be connected more often.  How can we be more connected?  By directing our thoughts and feelings to the things of spirit and to have open dialog with that which you call God.

For most, there is no other way, my friends, but to exercise the faith muscle.  You must be vigilant in your determination to seek for that connection, and with this seeking there must be clear intent and purpose.  There must also be room in the mind for the solitude of soul nourishment. Being constantly busy and plugged into media leaves no room for this connection.  It is vital to prepare a space for this and to honor your commitment to commune with God.

To be connected to spirit is to feel what spirit feels.  Spirit feels unity—that all are one and so all are loved.  All share life in the Creator and so all spirit wants to help the parts of the whole find equilibrium with perfection.

The steps to building a deeper connection are:

Pray without ceasing.  Is this really possible?  It may not be possible to pray unceasingly because you must attend to the duties of earth life, but if you remind yourself to do this as often as is possible, keeping this phrase in mind, you can build a connection that is tremendously potent and you will begin to see the ways of spirit working in your life and those who you pray for.

Cultivate compassion.  In order for you to really and genuinely love others, you must have compassion for their weakness. If we wish to receive love, mercy, and kindness from God, you must show love, mercy, and kindness to your fellows.  In many ways you can consider compassion as the meter of depth for your connection with God.  What you give out you receive back.

Serve selflessly.  You cannot sit still and hide away in solitude keeping the light to yourself.  Only when you share your wisdom can you gain wisdom, for only in service can you have soul building experience, and experience IS wisdom.  To serve selflessly—without expecting something in return is to emulate spirit, for God gives life to all without strings attached and so to emulate spirit is to be Godlike.

Practice regular stillness.  Having each day prayed unceasingly, cultivating compassion for your fellows, and serving selflessly to the needs of others, you must set aside time in stillness meditation to commune with the Creator and receive the gifts of the spirit.  This is the reward, my friends, for living a life of spirit led love.  This is where you share your experiences with the Creator and where your spiritual potentials are expanded.  This is where the deeper connection lies and this is the goal of the god seeking soul.  This is true worship—to have a connection with the Creator and to experience a personal relationship with the God within.

All can have this deeper connection.  Integrate these steps in your daily life and you will find a richer, more meaningful, more loving, more joy filled existence that will continue to astonish you all the days of your life—here and hereafter.

Peace to you, The Circle of Seven


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