2021 History:  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr  May  Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec  >

OCT 2021

  • 10/28/2021 – 
  • 10/27/2021 – added Lytske (LYT)-LYT161218- Gratitude; The Art of Listening; LYT161203- Be Prepared for Change; LYT161127- A Lesson on God’s Will; LYT161119- Release and Let Go; LYT161113- The Road to Perfection is Always under Construction; LYT161106- Sounding a Wake-up Call; LYT161030- Accept the Consequences of the Way You Think; LYT161016- A Meditative Effort; LYT161009- Expect Miracles to Happen; LYT161002- A Charitable Attitude; LYT160925- By Divine Appointment; LYT160917- From the Heart of God; LYT160910- Eyes to See and Ears to Hear; LYT160904- Wisdom Comes Through Insight; LT160822- Endeavor to See Life as a Miracle; LYT160814- Always in training; LYT160807- Everything is in Divine Order; LYT160731- Co-creating with the Creator; LYT160724- Breathe in These Words; LYT160712- A Personal Equilibrium; LYT160710- Do Not Worry About Tomorrow; LYT160703- Learning Life’s Lessons; LYT160626- Improving Your Listening Skills; LYT160618- The Power of Belief in Prayer; LYT160612- From the Deepest of the Deep; LYT160606- Paying Attention to the Inner Voice; LYT160531- Regaining Equilibrium; LYT160517- Some History of This Planet; LYT160515- The Love of a Mother; LYT160511- Your Divine Life-Plan; LYT160508- Personal Choices, Decisions and Actions; LYT160504- The True Reason for Living; LYT160501- Real Life is Lived Within, Not Without; LYT160409- The Law of Cause and Effect; LYT160404- Change is Ever a Constant; LYT160403- Be Vigilant and Aware; 
  • 10/26/2021 – WDC259- Ego; WDC258- Spiritual Strength And Endurance; WDC257- Going for Father’s Adventure; WDC256- Drink the Cup; WDC255- Adversity; WDC254- Worship Brings Positive Changes; WDC253- Give Thanks; WDC252- Youth Ministry Now Available; SEI17.1- Clearing Cobwebs of the Mind; WDC250- Circles of Light; 
  • 10/25/2021 – added Woods Cross (WDC)-WDC284- How Good Is Our T/R’ing; WDC283- Put Childish Things Away; WDC282- Be As The Small Child; WDC281- Divine Abilities; WDC280- Who Is Seated In The Watchtower; WDC279- In Him We Can Do All Things; WDC278- How Is Father Within Manifested; WDC277- Your Fellows Are Your Lessons; WDC276- Spiritual Harvest; WDC275- Problem Solving Within Relationships; WDC274- Life Sustaining Nutrient; WDC273- Love One Another As He Does; WDC272- Life Giving Energy; WDC271- Learn God; WDC270- Self Mastery Is The Key; WDC269- One Step Closer To Him; WDC268- Be Ready for His Light; WDC267- 1st Step In Self Mastery; WDC266- The Master’s Hand; Draw Close To Michael; WDC264- Trust; WDC263- Spiritize the Mind; WDC262- Mindal Domain; WDC261- Spiritual Strength; WDC260- Heavenly Gifts; added new Light Circle message-LCR62- Michael’s Message for Impending Chaos; LCR54- Time For Action; LCR39- Use Your Higher Values; LCR41- Continue to Raise Your Vibration Level; LCR36- Principles of Faith and Equality; 
  • 10/24/2021 – NOTE: clicking on “Good News” in the page header will display the ‘Good News’ page; also clicking on the 3-ring emblem in the header will bring you back to the home page; added Light Line (LLN)-LLN635- Envisioning Success; added Spanish-(( 11CT-111sp- ¿Qué es un Círculo?; 11CT-112sp- Preparación; 11CT-113sp- Dejar el Pasado en el Pasado -Parte1; 11CT-114sp- El Factor Miedo; 11CT-115sp- La Primogenitura; 11CT-116sp- Preparación -Parte 2; 11CT-117sp- El Cuerpo de Guías Mortales; 11CT-118sp- Curación –¿Dónde está el Hogar?; 11CT-119sp- Dolores del crecimiento; 11CT-120sp- Casualidad; 11CT-121sp- Misión de Vida; 11CT-122sp- El Viaje; 11CT-123sp- Fundamentos de la Verdad y el Propósito; 11CT-124sp- Serenidad; 11CT-125sp- Escuchar Espiritualmente; 11CT-126sp- La Búsqueda del Tiempo; 11CT-128sp- Entrenamiento de Resistencia; 11CT-129sp- El Efecto Magnético de la Entrega -Parte 1; 11CT-130sp- El Efecto Magnético de la Entrega -Parte 2 )); added No Idaho (NID)-NID539- Truth About Decimation; NID538- Calm Before the Storm; NID537- Higher Self, Co-creation, Fusion, Spontaneous Human Combustion; NID536- Phenomenon of Acceptance; NID535- What is Stasis; NID534- Awareness and Appreciation of Universe Family; NID533- Teaching Mission Questions; NID532- Greater Awareness; NID531- Why Are We So Different From Each Other, Off-World Contact; NID530- Monjoronson Q & A Session 23; added Woods Cross (WDC)-WDC299- Pure Intentions; POC190.1- Barnard’s Platoon & the Teaching Mission; WDC297- Group Chores; WDC296- Assignments; WDC295- Faith Trust Factor; WDC294- Father Makes Me More Than I Am; WDC293- The Creative Mind, Universe Broadcasts; WDC292- Free Mind & Soul; WDC291- Personality ; WDC290- Our Creator’s Urantian Birth; WDC289- Use Logic to Diffuse Emotionalism; WDC288- Mature Tool of Divine Power; WDC287- Relinquish Control; WDC286- Natural Evolution; WDC285- Trust & Suspicion; 
  • 10/23/2021 – Lytske (LYT) continued- LYT170109- Meditative Listening;  LYT170101- Connectedness; LYT161227- Motivation; LYT161220- A Lesson about Awareness; added Spanish-(( 11CT-102sp- Nunca es Demasiado Tarde para Cambiar; 11CT-103sp- Él o Ella; 11CT-104sp- Intuición; 11CT-105sp- El Tiempo de Corrección sigue su curso; 11CT-106sp- Lo que es Correcto y lo que se Espera; 11CT-107sp- Obstáculos a la Luz y a la Vida; 11CT-108sp- La Verdad, la Belleza y la Bondad; 11CT-109sp- Cuidando los Asuntos; 11CT-110sp- Construyendo un Legado; )); added N Idaho(NID)-NID548- Approaching Father in Prayer-Second Revelatory Commission + Adamson & Ratta; NID547- Realization and Relationship; NID546- Energy of Interconnected Movement; NID545- Control from Spirit of Transmitters, What Happened to Caligastia?; NID544- Sexual Practice and Spiritual Development; NID543- Gift in a Small Package; NID542- Womb Death & Mansion World Potential; NID541- Projection of Your State of Being; NID540- Is Universe Cosmology a Caste System?, Circuits, Who Gets A Thought Adjuster?; 
  • 10/22/2021 – added new FAQ #12- FAQ12- Machiventa Discusses the Relationship to the Supreme; added group GEN-FAQ for FAQ ‘s not related to Off-world conversation but rather other general questions – which can be found in the main search group dropdown under the category: GEN-FAQ; added Light Line (LLN) – LLN633- Spiritual Punishment, Attitude, Discipline; added Lytske (LYT)-LYT070528- The Ultimate Gift; LYTR170523- Become Aware of My Nearness; LYT070518- Our Unlimited Potentials; LYT170426- Healing Starts in the Inner Life; LYT170409- A Lesson on Hidden Things; LYT170402- A Lesson about Trust; LYT170327- A Lesson on Patience; LYT170311- Fear is a Spirit Poison; LYT170305- A Spiritual Learning Curve; LYT170226- A Lesson on Direction;  LYT170220- A Lesson about Expectation; LYT170212- The Meaning of True Freedom; LYT170205- A Lesson on Connectedness; LYT170129- A Lesson on True Happiness; LYT170122- Waiting Serenely; LYT170116- Ingrained Fear; 
  • 10/21/2021 – WDC314- Serenity in Simplicity; WDC313- Spiritual Freedom; WDC311- Allowing Liberation; WDC310- Law of Personal Liberty, Pets and the Supreme; WDC309- Acceptance of Others; WDC308- Acceptance & Doing Father’s Will; WDC307- Goodness & Worship; WDC306- Beauty; WDC305- Universal Law of Divine Truth; WDC304- Justice; WDC303- Divine Justice Reigns Supreme; WDC302- Self Empowerment; WDC301- Times Are Changing; WDC300- Being Adaptable; 
  • 10/20/2021 – added Nashville (NSH)-NSH125.1- The 911 Attacks; NWZ870924- Speaking to Fill Quiet Spaces, Barriers; added Nashville(NSH)-NWZ870924- Speaking to Fill Quiet Spaces, Barriers; added Pocatello (POC)-POC184- Our Relationship with Michael; 
  • 10/19/2021 – WDC359- Successful Families; Family Concept; WDC357- Morontial Lessons; WDC356- Ministry Tasks; WDC355- Natural Flow of Life; WDC354- Striving Toward Perfection; WDC353- A Balanced Life; WDC352- Be About the Father’s Business; WDC351- Spiritual Up-step; WDC350- Honesty With Self & Father; WDC349- Incoming Spiritual Up-step; WDC348- Baptism of the Spirit; WDC347- Service; WDC346- Good Practice to Worship; WDC344- Balanced Living; WDC343- Conscious Playground; WDC342- Group Fellowship; WDC341- Nebadonia – New World; WDC340- Live On Purpose, No Regrets; WDC339- Intentional Living; WDC338- Allow Room to Grow; WDC337- Energy Moves Matter; WDC336- New Enhancements; WDC335- New Supreme Reflections; WDC334- Benefits from the God In Time; WDC333- Be Calm and Observant; WDC332- Questioning Mind; WDC331- Being in A State of Celebration; WDC330- A Moslem’s Questions; WDC329- Personal Ministry; WDC328- Your Hour Has Come; WDC326- Balanced Humility; WDC325- View One Another As The Master Does; WDC324- The Marriage Begins; WDC323- Which Master Do You Serve; WDC322- A Learner’s Outlook; WDC321- Growth & Change; WDC320- Pure Communication; WDC319- The Brotherhood; WDC318- Balanced Self Compassion; WDC317- Compassion; WDC316- Abundance of the Whole; WDC315- Abundance in Experience; 
  • 10/18/2021 – added Costa Rica (CRC)-CRC021127- Meeting the Unexpected; CRC021127- Discipline of Love; Rest in Green Pastures; CRC021118- Way of Blessing; CRC021117- Gestures of Love; CRC021116- Covenant of Love; CRC021109- Nothing to Fix; CRC021104- From Distress to Rest; CRC021031- Regarding Wounds; CRC021027- Sunday with Alana; CRC021027- Halloween Coming; CRC021016- Practicing Communication of Communion; Language of Love; CRC021004- David’s 74th Birthday; CRC021002- Creative Speech; CRC020927- Mind Can Be Tricked By Idea of Love; CRC020927- Agendas, Distress, Balance; CRC020924- More on David; CRC020923- David; CRC020909- Session with Sonja; CRC020909- Session with David; CRC020908- Balancing Love and Pain; CRC020907- Session with David and Nena; CRC020901- Surrender, Isolation, Medicine; CRC020805- Healing Broken Trust; CRC020818- Smile of Light; CRC020818- Heart Room of Three Points; CRC02004- The Jungle Group; CRC020729- Pleasure & Mastery of Mind; CRC020720- Group Transmission; CRC020714- Heart Room & Counsel to Parents; CRC020623- More on Speaking Truth with Love; CRC020619- Speaking Truth with Love; CRC020611- Loving Forgiveness; Speaking Truth With Love; CRC020602- Speaking Truth With Love; CRC020528- Healing Gene; CRC020522- Allowing Gods Will; CRC020513- Heart Room 6; CRC020512- Pura Vida; CRC020502- A Fragment; CRC020428- Group Exercise; CRC020425- Session with Norma; CRC020421- Business of Stillness; CRC020420- Open Your Heart; CRC020407- Resource of Love; CRRC020402- David and Alana; CRC020402- Carrying the Understanding of Love; C RC020401- David and Nena; CRC020329- With Jaquetta-Helena; 
  • 10/17/2021 – added off-world conversation with the Arcturians – INS210929- Arcturian Session Q&A: 1-108; added No Idaho(NID)-NID565- Small Groups Exploring Solutions; NID564- Human Coordination in Mission; NID563- Assurance, Search for Sustainability; NID562- Zero Point Energy, Decimation; NID561- Avonal Preparation; NID560- Gap Between Actual & Potential; NID559- The Great Circuit of Spirit Connection; NID558- Post Suicide Resurrection; NID557- Light and Life, Personality;  NID556- Morontia Worlds Witness Urantia’s Changes; NID555- I AM Presence, Focusing Light; NID554- Changes Comes From Within; NID553- When Do Adjusters Become Co-Pilots; NID552- Value of the Moment; NID551- How Does Adjuster Reflect Will of God; NID550- Experience, Spiritual Energy Vortex; added Spanish-(( 11CT-578sp- Experimentar el Contacto Consciente – Parte 2; 11CT-580sp- Experimentar el Contacto Consciente – Parte 4; 11CT-579sp- Experimentar el Contacto Consciente – Parte 3; 11CT-581- Experimentar el Contacto Consciente – Parte 5 )); added Lytske (LYT)- LYT171015- The True Meaning of Love; LYT171008- Be Ever Watchful; LYT171001- This Path is Open to Each Mortal; LYT170924- The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within You; LYT170917- Take Time to Listen; LYT170910- Just Listen, Listen, Listen; LYT170905- Do Not Underestimate Yourself; LYT170827- Take the Gospel of Peace to Heart; LYT170812- A Lesson on Trust (2); LYT170801- The True Purpose of Life; GEO170729- The Task at Hand; LYT170717- Speaking to You Directly; LYT170703- A Lesson on Cooperation; LYT170618- Only Believe; LYT170613- The Eternal Now; LYT170602- A Lesson on Seeking and Finding; added Spanish-(( JSP28sp- El Yo Superior; JSP29sp- La Verdadera Esencia; JSP30sp- Rudimentos del Amor; MSG211011sp- Mensaje Especial de Maquiventa sobre las Próximas Revelaciones; PMG15sp- Conviértete En Todo Lo Que Puedas Ser ));
  • 10/16/2021 – OSC110609- About Negative Thoughts; OSC1110608- This is How Humans Become Divine; OSC110603- A Lesson About Your Purpose; OSC110531- A Lesson About Resisting Change; OSC110526- A Lesson about Apathy; OSC110525- Never before in the History of this World; OSC110523- If Only You Would Ask; OSC110519- The Things of Men and the Things of God; OSC110516- A Man of Work and Action; OSC110513- Looking Back at the End of Your Life; OSC110509- A Lesson about Learning; OSC110502- May His Love Be Your Guide;  
  • 10/14/2021 – added Lytske (LYT)- LYT180218- Ponder These Words; LYT180203- The Beneficial Influence of Loving Vibration; LYT180121- Oh, the Richness of Creation; LYT180114- By Your Free Will; LYT180107- Peace beyond Understanding; LYT171231- Let this be the Desire of your Soul; GEO171227- URANTIA and the BORDERLAND & Human Responsibilities; LYT171224- The Question to be Asked; LYT171217- According To Your Faith; LYT171210- Seek To Become Like Little Children; LYT171203- My Spirit Shall Ultimately Triumph; LYT171126- To the Best of your Ability; LYT171119- These Are Heaven’s Values; LYT171113- An End to All Confusion; LYT171105- You are not Bereft of Assistance; LYT171029- First Satisfy the Inner Self; LYT171022- A Glad Recognition; WDC364- Perspective On Life; WDC363- Expanded Perception; WDC362- Mindal Connection; WDC361- Examples of Our Father; WDC360- True Nature of God; 
  • 10/13/2021 – added Lightline (LLN)-LLN634- Discovering the Layers of Potential Within and the Depth of Your Connectivity; ICC-MM- 211013- The Great Reconnection of Planetary Mind to Universe Mind; NET-PMG(PMG)- PMG15- Become All You Can Be; New Zealand(NWZ)-NWZ871001- Study Hurdles to Overcome, Strengths; 11CT Chris Marius – 11CT-581- Experiencing Conscious Contact – Part 5; added Lytske (LYT)-LYT180304- My Love Is Ever Present; LYT180303- Listening to and Hearing from On High; LYT180225- Living by the Golden Rule; 
  • 10/12/2021 – added special message from Machiventa – MSG211011- Special Message From Machiventa on Upcoming Disclosures; added New Zealand(NWZ)- NWZ871008- Perfection, More About Barriers, the I AM; added N Idaho(NID)-NID576- Change & Managing Priorities; NID575- Choose Me and Open the Door; NID574- What Are We Waiting For; NID573- Sincerity, Focus of Light; NID572- Sincerity & Spiritual Orbits; NID571- In the World, Not of the World; NID569- War and Healing, Déjà vu; NID568- Spiritual Flow of Energy; NID567- Working with Bible Readers; added 11:11 Oscar(OSC)-OSC131025- About Mind Control; OSC131024- Active Members; OSC131022- Advancement Without End; OSC111111- About Shyness; OSC111108- A Most Interesting Time; OSC111107- Lessons of Eternal Value; OSC111103- Living the Will of the Father; WDC399- Our Beloved Adjusters;  WDC398- Concerns of the World; 
  • 10/11/2021 – added Woods Cross (WDC)- WDC414- Balancing The Spiritual Life; WDC413- One Brick At A Time; WDC412- A Day In All Of Eternity; WDC411- Personal Weaknesses; WDC410- Sources of Strength; WDC409- Relationships; WDC408- Tri-Fold Personality; WDC407- Desires; WDC406- Easter Message; WDC405- Wonderful Example; WDC404- Resurrection of the Master; WDC403- Peace; WDC402- Message To Mission Participants; WDC401- Tree Of Integrity; WDC400- Body Wired To Receive Adjuster; WDC399- Our Beloved Adjusters; WDC398- Concerns of the World; WDC397- Universal Law; WDC396- Putting Truth into Action; WDC395- Truth & Awareness; WDC394- Your Own Gifts; WDC393- Mankind’s Evolution; WDC392- Remember Who You Are; WDC391- Crossroads; WDC390- Collection On Stillness – Sessions 1-50; WDC389- God’s Love Made Visible; WDC388- Gratitude; WDC387- The Brotherhood; WDC386- Ultimate Good; WDC385- Inner Knowingness; WDC384- The Art of Living; WDC383- Integrate Divine and Mortal Worlds; WDC382- Allowing Father to Guide Us; WDC381- Divine Assurance; WDC380- Soul Intake; WDC379- Emotions; WDC378- Spiritual Scaffolding; WDC377- Faith and Trust; WDC376- Parable of Job; WDC375- Self Mastery Part 4; WDC374- Self Mastery Part 3; WDC373- More on Self Mastery; WDC372- Michael’s Birthday; WDC371- Self Mastery; WDC369- Perfected Humility; WDC368- Spiritual Maturity & Self Mastery; WDC367- Spiritual Maturity & the Personality; WDC366- Thought; WDC365- Welfare of the Whole; 
  • 10/09/2021 – updated paper; paper- 7 Innate Human Values 42.09.02; 
  • 10/05/2021 – RIO16- Does Rebellion Have Value?; RIO15- Holy Words & Holy Spirit; RIO14- Why Not A Bestowal Mother?; RIO13- The Eyes Of Love; RIO12- Midwayer Assistance; RIO11- Winds of Change; RIO10- Mercy for Adam & Eve; RIO9- Worship Perfection; RIO8- Divine Minister; RIO7- Shedding Light On Life; RIO6- God Is With Us; RIO5- Welcome to New Teacher Base; RIO4- Dreams of Tomorrow-Live Today; RIO3- Other Human Worlds; RIO2- Love of Self; RIO1- Tolerance; *** This concludes the upload of all of the available transcripts from the Rio Rancho (RIO) group 1993-2014 ***; NOTE: Working on replacing the current popup software – thanks for your patience
  • 10/04/2021 – RIO18- Advancing Evolution, World Citizens; RIO17- Enemies & Foes; 
  • 10/03/2021 – added Spanish-(( NET-PMG #14- PMG14sp- Gobierno, Tiranías, Maduración de las Democracias, Cambios; 11CT-61sp- Conciencia del Espíritu; 11CT-60- El Cuidado de las Personas Mayores; 11CT-62sp- ¿Por Qué Yo?; 11CT-63- Haz como los Romanos; 11CT-64sp- Los Cambios que se avecinan));  added Rio Rancho (RIO)- RIO34- Understanding Yourself & Your Neighbor; RIO33- Perception in Reflection; RIO32- Impulse of Life; RIO31- Power of God; RIO30- Building Your Soul; RIO29- Sanctuary, When To Walk & When To Stay; RIO28- You Will Become The Revelation; RIO27- Romance; RIO26- The Soul; RIO25- Foresight & Prophecy; RIO24- The Afterlife Experience; RIO23- Stillness; RIO22- Language & Stillness; RIO21- Potential, How To Find God; RIO20- Connecting & Correcting Time; RIO19- Universal Father, Cosmic Connections; 
  • 10/01/2021 <> 10/02/04 – no work; vacation

SEP 2021

  • 09/30/2021 – WDC422- Michael Saves Us; WDC421- The Costs of Living; WDC420- Salvation; WDC419- What Is Salvation; WDC418- Maintaining Simplicity; There Must Be Balance; WDC416- Our Personal Relationship With Father; WDC415- Things You Invest Yourself In; added NET-Planetary Management Group (PMG)-PMG14- Governance, Tyrannies, Maturing Democracies, Changes;
  • 09/29/2021 – added Institute of Christ Conscious (ICC-MM)- ICC-MM- 210926- Our Divine Mother’s Joyful Song of Life Infusion into the Collective Value of Humanity and Life; The Great Reconnection to Spirit; added Light Line (LLN) – LLN632- This Notion of Circuitry and its Potency; added Rio Rancho (RIO)- RIO43- Blanket of Love; RIO42- Daydreaming; RIO41- Stillness, Hearing the Great Spirit; RIO40- What Was It Like At Gethsemane; RIO39- The Value of Spiritual Names; RIO38- Knowing, 4th Adjutant Mind Spirit; RIO37- Courage, Third Adjutant Mind Spirit; RIO36- Joy of Existence; RIO35- Our Contribution to the Greater Reality; added  Woods Cross (WDC)- WDC424- The Possibilities of the Brotherhood; WDC423- The Brotherhood of Man; 
  • 09/28/2021 – added Rio Rancho (RIO)- RIO88- Celebrating The Season; RIO87- Learning To Go Within; RIO86- Identifying with Divinity, Asexuality of Spirit; RIO85- The Movie, “The Passion”, on Atonement; RIO84- Humans Love to Be Afraid; RIO83- Overcoming Difficulty; RIO82- The Work Is Upon Us; RIO81- More About Prayer; RIO80- Cultivating The Soil of Spiritual Growth; RIO79- Human Heart & Infinite Love; RIO78- Opinions; RIO77- Art of Keeping Silence; RIO76- The Nature of God; RIO75.1- Thankful For Agondonters; RIO75- Experiential Learning; RIO74- The Quality of Mercy; RIO73- Creating Harmony & Happiness; RIO72- Invitation to Friendship; RIO71.1- My Unseen Friends; RIO71- Lure of the Father; RIO70- Believing In & Having Faith In; RIO69- Symphony Revisited; RIO68- Abundance of Sonship; RIO67- Receiving That Which Was Transmitted; RIO66- Purpose, Ministry; RIO65- Difficulties, Gifts; RIO64- Living Life, Finding Divine Pattern; RIO63- Living & Doing the Father’s Will; RIO62- Soul Birth, Finding Purpose; RIO61- Soul Birth, The Supreme Decision; RIO60- Art of Living, Art Appreciation; RIO59- TR’ing Sessions 1-3; RIO58- Looking at Time; RIO57- Hope & Undying Hope; RIO56- Perfection of Attainment; RIO55- Solemnity of Trust; RIO54- The Meek, Transitioning From the Old to the New; RIO53- The Sparrow; RIO52- The Nature of Justice; Rites of Spring, Responsibility of Sonship; RIO50- Christedness; RIO49- The Spiritual Waters; RIO48- Values, Violence, Citizenship; RIO47- Relationships, Depth & Breadth; RIO46- God’s Will, Real Value; RIO45- Your Joy; RIO44- Gentle Jesus, Friend of Friends; 
  • 09/27/2021 –  added New Zealand (NWZ)- NWZ90- Noting Positive Changes; NWZ89- Finite & Infinite, White Light; added Lytske (LYT)- LYT180408- The Secret Of Waiting; LYT180401- Become More Discerning; LYT180325- I Am Your Creator’s Gift; LYT180318- Generational Healing; added Rio Rancho (RIO)- RIO119- Ham Introduces Merium; RIO118- Coping Mechanisms; RIO117- Gifts Are From The Goodness Of God; RIO116- Regarding Free Will; RIO115- Not All Know They Are Acting In Faith; RIO114- The Yearning Heart; RIO113- Same Thing, Different Results?; RIO112- The Collective Consciousness; RIO111- Lessons on Forgiveness; RIO110- Fine Art of Cosmic Speculation, Maturing DNA ; RIO109- Our Eternal Parents;  RIO108- On Problem Solving; RIO107- Meeting The Challenges Ahead; RIO106- Why People Don’t Get Along; RIO105- Scriptural Relevance; RIO104- Rejoicing In The Harvest & The Art of Debate; RIO103- Season of Politics & Ideology; RIO102- The Plan Is Now To Connect You With Your Adjuster; RIO101- If God Were To Search You; RIO100- The Only Thing Worth Pursuing; RIO99- Accessing Mother Spirit; RIO98- Death Experience; RIO97- I Am A Son Of I AM; RIO96- Do You Know What Love Is?; RIO95- Living Artistically; RIO94- Acceptance Is Key; RIO93- Singing The Lost Chord Within; RIO92- Rebelling Against The Status Quo; RIO91- Life’s Conundrums; RIO90- See Beyond The Obvious; RIO89- Personal & Group Resurrection; 
  • 09/26/2021 – added Rio Rancho (RIO)- RIO142- Nalda Syndrome; RIO141- Cultivating Group Consciousness; RIO140- Daydreams & Imagination; RIO139- Construct of Beliefs; RIO138- The Art of Living; RIO137- Take Time To Be Holy; RIO136- One Size Does Not Fit All; RIO135- Merkaba Energy Grid; RIO134- Know Thyself, Political Sub-Culture; RIO133- Facing Fear, Using Prayer Feather; RIO132- Commemorating 13 Years With Tomas; RIO131- Celestial Divisions Of Labor; RIO130 – Worship, There Is No Goodbye; RIO129- Anxieties Felt During Planetary Crises; RIO128- Spiritual Inventory; RIO127- Literary Selections; RIO126- Lessons From Children’s Stories; RIO125- Most Highs Rule In Kingdoms of Men; RIO124- Official Equivalents in U.S. & Celestial Hierarchy; RIO123- Wonders Of Nature; RIO122- Walking Amid The Trees; RIO121- Step Lively On Your Path; RIO120- This World Is Your Starting Place; added Pocatello (POC)- POC188- The Career Beyond; POC187- The Magisterial Son Is Here; POC186- Your Culture; POC185- Energy Channeling; added Lytske (LYT)- LYT181111- Always Seek Harmony and Enlightenment; LYT181104- A Center of Inner Peace and Love; LYT181021- Recognize Me In All You Meet; LYT181017- My Promise to You; LYT181010- Only One Eternal Moment In Time; LYT181007- A Lesson on Sincerity; LYT180930- Throw Off These Shackles; LYT180923- A Clear, Unblocked Channel;  LYT180909- Love and Teamwork; LYT180826- The Fulfillment of the Law; LYT180819- Children of One God; LYT180812- Seek Me First; LYT180805- Take The Time To Make The Connection; LYT180722- Faith like a Little Child; LYT180720- The Connection to the Creator; LYT180708- The Ultimate Goal of Evolution; LYT180701- A Grand Design to Life; 
  • 09/25/2021 – WDC464- Various Kinds of Energy; WDC463- Your Are Rocks in the Foundation; WDC462- Fearing Reactions Of Others; WDC461- Self Evaluation and Balance; WDC460- Correcting Time Successful Through Your Ministry; WDC459- Great Changes On Urantia; WDC458- Elation Upon Discovering God; WDC457- Personal Ministry Within the Teaching Mission; WDC456- Mother Spirit Is Vigilant Gardener; WDC455.1- To Honor Our Mother; WDC455- Overcoming Weaknesses;  WDC454- To That Place of Peace In Mind; WDC453-  Excitement of Shift in Mass Mind; WDC452- Mortal Life Is Struggle; WDC451- Balance; WDC450- The Evolution of Progress; added Spanish-(( 11CT-74sp- La Unicidad del Ser; 11CT-73sp- Igualdad; 11CT-72sp- Decisiones Difíciles; 11CT-71sp- Victoria sobre la Aflicción; 11CT-70sp- La Fe en la Fe; 11CT-69sp- Entrañamiento; 11CT-68sp- Cargas; 11CT-67sp- El Propósito Divino; 11CT-66sp- Depresión; 11CT-65sp- Huele las Rosas )); added Woods Cross (WDC)- WDC449- Confident Kindness; WDC448- Reality With a Spiritual Twist; WDC447- Material Life Aids in Life Eternal; WDC446- Faith; WDC445- All Things In Balance; WDC444- Times of Discomfort Are Times of Learning; WDC443- Old Mortal Wounds; WDC442- The Teaching Mission; WDC441- Father Not In Distortions of Truth; WDC440- Spiritual Abundance; WDC439- Practice Surrender to First Source; WDC438- Work Has Tremendous Spiritual Value; WDC437- Together We Live On Purpose; WDC436- Spirit Poisons; WDC435- Self and Personal Control; WDC434- To Learn, One Must Be Teachable; WDC433- Healing of the Whole and the Self; WDC432- Where We Are In This Mission; WDC431- Being Receptive; WDC430- Live A Life of Good Example; WDC429- Secure In Your True Being; WDC428- Citizens of the Mansion Worlds; WDC427- Set Father at the Head of the Table; WDC426- Laws of the Morontial Brotherhood; WDC425- Morontial Brotherhood; -GEO031121- Tolerating The Differences; GEO031113- It’s A Commitment; ANY201201- Emotional Stability Goes in Pair with Spiritual Mastery; ANY210112- Strong Are the Meek; ANY210115- Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock; ANY210127- What Are You Postulating For?; ANY210128- Let It Be Light!; LYT210424- You Will Never Be Alone; LYT180624- Life is a Playground of Opportunities; ANY180617- Present-Centered Awareness; LYT180603- Learn to Uplift Your Heart and Soul; LYT180522- Consider The Water Lily; LYT180520- Like Dust before The Wind; LYT180513- Pray Together; LYT180501- I Shall Teach Your Spirit to Soar; LYT180429- Leading You Unerringly Forward; LYT180422- Complements in the Dance of Life; LYT180415- No Two Snowflakes Are Alike;
  • 09/24/2021 – Rayson Compilation excerpts – RAF9308- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Part II – The Lessons H-I; RAF9309- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Part II – The Lessons J-O; RAF9310- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Part II – The Lessons P-R; RAF9311- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Part II – The Lessons S-T; RAF9312- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Part II – The Lessons U-Z; RAF9313- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Part III – The Prayers;  added Spanish-(( 11CT-100- La Quietud – La Llave de la Vida; 11CT-99- Accidentes del tiempo; 11CT-98sp- Fe en uno mismo; 11CT-97sp- Saludo de Año Nuevo 2010; 11CT-96sp- Inventario; 11CT-95sp- Celebraciones y Tradiciones; 11CT-94sp- No eres un Huérfano; 11CT-92sp- Llamada a la Acción; 11CT-91sp- La Carne es Débil; 11CT-79sp- Dignidad Humana; 11CT-78sp- Dividendos Espirituales; 11CT-77sp- Sentido del Espíritu; 11CT-76sp- La Disciplina de la Simpatía; 11CT-75sp- Trinidad del Ser ));
  • 09/23/2021 – SEI17- Guardian Angel of Destiny; SEI16- Delusions About God on Urantia; SEI15- Communications, Good & Bad; SEI14- Exercise Peacefulness; SEI13- Group Exercise; SEI12- The Group and the Individual; SEI11- Teacher;  Effectiveness; SEI10- Group Exercise; SEI9- Progress Check; SEI8- Effective Prayer; SEI7- Seriousness of This Business; Nothing Lost in the Universe; SEI6- Nothing Lost in the Universe; Life Carrier, Healing Phase; SEI4- Angels of Progress-Churches; SEI3- Effects Of Universe Broadcasts; SEI2- Rebellion Adjudicated 1984; SEI1- Expanded Concept of Love;  *** THIS CONCLUDES THE UPLOAD OF THE SE IDAHO GROUP with all available transcripts ***;
  • 09/22/2021 – ANY210213- Are You All In?; WDC469- Remain Grounded; WDC468- Give Service That Satisfies; WDC466- Cleansing Mind, Body, and Spirit; WDC465- Playing Games of Life; added Spanish-(( 11CT-90sp- Duelo y Ascensión; 11CT-88sp- Hacer la Voluntad – Cooperación; 11CT-87sp- Hacer la Voluntad – Creer; 11CT-86sp- Hacer la Voluntad – Comunicar; 11CT-85sp- Hacer la Voluntad – Crear; 11CT-84sp- Desesperanza; 11CT-83sp- Hoy es el día; 11CT-82sp- Intención; 11CT-81sp-Limpieza de Armarios; 11CT-80sp- Cooperación y Unidad; )); SEI19- Interaction & Self-Maintenance; SEI18- TeaM, Not A Short Term Project; 
  • 09/21/2021 – SEI69- Discussion of Isaac’s Departure; SEI68- Who Am I?; SEI67- Experience of Loss; SEI66- Judgment; SEI65- Personal Teacher Night; SEI64- We Watch, You Must Make Decisions; SEI63- More Interaction With You; SEI62- Follow Up On Topic Of Love; SEI61- Love; SEI60- Bringing Truth, Beauty, & Goodness To Your Attention; SEI59- Other Message Sources; SEI58- Review and Discussion; SEI57- Experience of Newness; SEI56- Prayer & Communion As I Learned And Practiced It; SEI55- Group Graduation; SEI54- Status Achievement of Agondonters; SEI53- Lesson on Agondonter Status; SEI52- Grateful Enjoyment vs. Hedonism; SEI51- About Milestones; SEI50- Use & Need For Humor; added Woods Cross (WDC)- WDC477- Correcting Time is a Personal Journey Too; WDC476- Different Perceptions of Life; WDC475- Intentional Living; WDC474- Step Back and Allow Spiritual Insight; WDC473- Evolving Instincts; WDC472- Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled; WDC471- Our Maturation & The Correcting Time; WDC470- Knowledge and Experience; SEI40- Evolution, Mind, & War; SEI48- Belief Systems & Faith; SEI47- Time To Gather; SEI46- The Satisfaction of Living Water; SEI45- Eulogy on Eros; SEI44- Role of Prophet; SEI43- Stillness, Interdependence, Codependence; SEI42- You Are No Longer Seedlings; SEI41- What Does Christmas Mean; SEI40- Love in Action Simplify Christmas; SEI39- I Was Tempted To Use Magic Wand; SEI38- Accept Mantle of Trust; SEI37- 5th Epochal Revelation Comparison; SEI36- Apostles & Disciples; SEI35- Problems of Isolation; SEI34- Dare to Ask God; SEI33- Keep Hope Alive; SEI32- Mindfulness; SEi31- The Apostle Paul, Final Visit; SEI30- The Apostle Paul, Greetings; SEI29- Spiritual Nourishment; SEI28- Comfort Zone; SEI27- The Magisterial Son Is Here; SEI26- Growth; SEI25- On Friendship; SEI24- Self Esteem; SEI23- The Ascension Career; SEI22- Expectations; SEi21- Evolution; SEI20- Expectations; 
  • 09/20/2021 – added Light Line (LLN)- LLN629- Democracies, Censorship, Free Press, Participation; added Arcadia (ARC)- Your Life Will Become A Constant State Of Revelation; ARC216- Life Is Precious, No More Pain On Mansion Worlds; ARC215- Message To The World; ARC214- Guests From Senegal, What Is Needed For Light & Life; ARC213- Forgiveness; ARC212- To See God In Everyone You Begin To Grow; ARC211- Struggles & Challenges Create Strength; ARC210- See Yourself Through Eyes of Others; ARC209- Remain Awake & Keep Eyes Open; ARC208- Much Correction Needs To Be Done; ARC207- The Mission Evolves; ARC206- Events Are Quickening; Sessions 1-3; ARC205- Remember To Use Stillness; ARC204- Midwayer Realities; ARC203- Bring Light To Where It Is Needed; ARC202- The Truth; ARC201- Update, Second Revelatory Commission Project; ARC200- Do Not Give Up On Your Fellow Man; added 11:11 Oscar (OSC)-OSC111221- The Faith You Need to Cultivate; OSC111220- About Searching the Truth Within; OSC111213- Your Journey of Self-Discovery; OSC111212- All is Well; OSC111207- Revolutions and Exemplary Lives – Part 2 of 2; OSC111207- Revolutions and Exemplary Lives – Part 1 of 2; OSC111202- Being Thankful; OSC111128- About Mistakes; OSC111118- Acts of Faith; OSC111115- Stillness and Change; added 11:11 Lytske (LYT)-LYT181223- Walk more Humbly with Your God; LYT181216- I Will Show You the Way; LYT181209- Fear Is The Great Temptation; LYT181201- Establishing the Connection with Me; LYT181125- Become All You Can Be; LYT181118- Your Faith Richly Rewarded; 
  • 09/19/2021 – added LLN631- Distinction Between the Bestowal of Revelation Through the Combined Efforts of Spirit and Mortal Components; Freelance With Spirit; ANY210313- Handle My Sheep With Kid Gloves;  ANY210317- Faith Gives the Go-Ahead, Truth Sets the Course;  ANY210318- About Whole-Hearted Singleness of Purpose; ANY210320- What Sets The Market Value Of Any Action; added a row for searching year/month transcript for 2012; *** added new display format for viewing all documents by TR group. Still some display/border issues but being worked on***; added 11:11 Anyas (ANY)- ANY210323- Your Call!; ANY210330- Assume At Your Own Risk; ANY210401- One Stirred by Spirit, A soul Becomes Self-Aware; ANY210430- The Road to Somewhere; ANY210501- Ask Widely; ANY210716- The Real Misfits; ANY210717- The A.R.T. of Tr’ing; added N Idaho (NID)- NID584- Energy Levels & Vibratory; NID583- Reality of Planetary Supreme; NID582- Free Will Choice in Ascension Frequencies 1; NID582- Free Will Choice in Ascension; NID581- Is Paradise a Living Substance; NID580- The Teaching Mission, Swine Flu; NID579- The Component of Fear; NID578- Monjoronson Q&A Session 46; NID577- Change, Insert Your Creative Choice; LLN630- Bringing Your Inner Spirit Guides Onboard to Your Roundtable; JSP30- Rudiments of Love; added 11:11 Oscar (OSC)-OSC120327- About Sharing Ideas; OSC120322- About Internal Rewards; OSC120313- Spiritual Feelings; OSC120313- Michael’s Secret; OSC120308- You are the Catalysts; OSC120305- Promoting Love; OSC120228- Absolute Freedom; OSC120223- Enlightenment; OSC120222- Rest and Distraction; OSC120214- About the World Appearances; OSC120210- Applying Truth in Your Life; OSC120208- Living in Light and Life – Part II; OSC120208- Living in Light and Life – Part I; OSC120206- Human Expectations; OSC120203- Let Go and Let God; OSC120201- How is Life at the Next Level?; OSC120130- The Beauty That Surrounds You; OSC120127- A Worthy Goal – Part 2; OSC120127- A Worthy Goal – Part 1; OSC120126- About Soldiers; OSC120125- Communication With Your Father is Possible; OSC120117- Different Spiritual Influences; OSC120113- The Respect of an Entire Universe; OSC120110- Moment by Moment; OSC120109- The Ideal of Perfection; OSC120106- One Day at a Time; OSC120104- A Greatly Courageous Decision; OSC120103- Measuring Spiritual Growth; added Woods Cross (WDC)- WDC479- Time for Change Is Now; WDC478- Perfectly Acceptable Being Human; added 1:11 CT CHris (11CT)- 11CT-580- Experiencing Conscious Contact – Part 4; added So East Idaho(SEI) – SEI79- What Do You Fear About Change; SEI40.1- Group Direction; SEI78- Connecting With Each Other; SEI77- Progress; SEI76- Recommitment to Michael; SEI75- Group Anniversary; SEI74- Christmas All Year; SEI73- The TR Experience; SEI72- Practicing Connectivity; SEI71- Receptivity of God’s Presence; SEI70- Being the Light, Health; 
  • 09/18/2021 – *** DISPLAY ISSUE UPDATE – fixes have been applied; options for language display instead of all languages – so there is an improvement! ; some other display cleanup ongoing – will turn on on 9/19***; OSC120710- Your Creation is Teamwork; OSC120705- What is Faith?; OSC120627- About Beliefs; OSC120621- About Schemers and Schemes; OSC120613- Self-Observation; OSC120611- A Universal Family; OSC120607- Discover Love; OSC120601- About True Humility; OSC120530- By Spiritual Assault; OSC120529- About Your Ego; OSC120524- The Creation of Your Own Reality; OSC120523- About Origins; OSC120516- Always Under your Control; OSC120511- All Is Well; OSC120508- A Long Career; OSC120503- Infinite Possibilities; OSC120501- About Self-Mastery; OSC120426- Laws Upon Laws; OSC120424- A Personal Commitment; OSC120417- The Experience of Fear; OSC120411- Your Motivations and Your Decisions; OSC120410- A United World; OSC120406- The Main Goal; OSC120403- We Are One; 
  • 09/17/2021 –  ***PLEASE NOTE -A SOFTWARE UPDATE HAS MESSED UP THE DISPLAY ON THE LIST DOCUMENTS PAGES – WE ARE WORKING WITH SUPPORT FOR A FIX – THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING ***; JSP29- True Essence; INS210911- Galactic Federation of Worlds – FAQ10 & 11; added 11:11 Oscar(OSC)- OSC120919- Limited Teachings; OSC120919- A Dynamic Faith; OSC120917- How to Change the World; OSC120912- Quality of Life; OSC120911- About Work; OSC120910- About Potentials; OSC120906- Talking with your Father; OSC120905- A World of Extremes; OSC120904- Soul Messages; OSC120831- The Universe Is…; OSC120830- What is next?; OSC120829- About the Value of Each Person; OSC120828- Truly Living; OSC120827- Religion and State; OSC120823- The Journey of Faith; OSC120822- Search for the Truth within You; OSC120822- It is not about being right or wrong; OSC120821- Sincere Motivation Leads to Perfection; OSC120817- A Lot of Spiritual Help; OSC120814- The End of Human Life; OSC120803- About Differences of Opinion; OSC120802- Conscience; OSC120731- Meditate and Pray; OSC120724- Self-governance; OSC120720- About the Big Problems; OSC120717- Superior Knowledge; OSC120712- About Foresight and Work; OSC120711- Are you doing what you are supposed to do?;
  • 09/16/2021 – WDC489- Live In The Moment; WDC488- Reference the Father More; WDC487- World In Ease Seeking Era; WDC486- The Father & The Individual; WDC485- When All Else Is Gone, Love Remains; WDC484- Birth of Jesus; WDC483- All That You Take In Becomes Part of You; WDC482- Love Needed Not of Material World; WDC481- Mortal Life Is Education and Change; WDC480- Aspects of Change; added Spanish-(( LLN6sp- Somos Unión para el Trabajo que se va a Realizar; LLN7sp- Los Mundos Evolutivos están en Primera Línea; LLN8sp- Preparación; )); added Rio Rancho (RIO)- RIO149- Embracing Divine Reality; RIO148- Support for Local Co-Creative Working Teams; RIO147- Be Firm In Your Faith; RIO146- No One Is Denied; RIO145- Rejoice In Me; RIO144- Rio Rancho’s 5th Anniversary; RIO143- What Are We To Teach; added Rayson & Friends Vol II- RAF9301- The Teaching Mission Purpose Of Teaching Mission ; RAF9302- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Seeing, Hearing, Guides; RAF9303- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Guests, Spirit Names, Circuits; RAF9304- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Phase 2; RAF9305- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Messages from The Celestials; RAF9306- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Part II – The Lessons A-D; RAF9307- The Teaching Mission Teachers – Part II – The Lessons E-G;  added  Spanish-(( LLN9sp- El Hijo Material y la Pregunta de los Extraterrestres; LLN10sp- Nueva Fase, Compartiendo la Verdad; LLN11sp- Mucha Actividad en Urantia Ahora; LLN11sp- Mucha Actividad en Urantia Ahora; LLN12sp- Miedo, Reencarnación, Ajustador; LLN13sp- La Quietud, La Voluntad del Padre; LLN14sp- Utilizar la Quietud para Contactar con la Realidad Espiritual; LLN15sp- Visión Global, Género )); NID588- What Is Whole Soul Choice; NID587- What Is Outside of Space; NID586- Smallest Act of Creation & Service; NID585- Energy Levels and Vibratory Frequencies 2; 
  • 09/15/2021 – added Woods Cross (WDC)-WDC499- People Need People; WDV498- Deep Thinkers Seek Higher Mind; WDC497- Humility Is Not Weakness; WDC496- That Which Lasts; WDC495- World On Binge To Escape Pain; WDC494- Serving Father; WDC493- The Business of Faith; WDC492- Faith & Spiritual Maturity; WDC491- Continue To Exercise Faith; WDC490- Transformation and Role of Maturity; added Spanish-(( PMG13sp- Medios de Comunicación, Instituciones, Chakras, Nueva Era y Esperanza; LLN1sp- Crecimiento en la Comprensión del Estado; LLN2sp- Comunión; LLN3sp- Compromiso con el Plan del Padre; LLN4sp- Tenemos que Perseverar juntos; LLN5sp- Espacio del Corazón; )); added Institute of Christ Conasciousness (ICC-MM) ICC-MM 210906- Infusion from our Divine Mother of the Value of Humanity into the Collective; added 11:11 Corr Time (11-Chris) -CT578- Experiencing Conscious Contact – Part 2; CT579- Experiencing Conscious Contact – Part 3; 
  • 09/14/2021 – GEO090731- The Time-space Disagreement About 11:11; GEO090704- 11:11 Troopers and Full Reclamation; GEO090303- I Wonder Why I Told You That; GEO080229- We Can Only Hand-feed You Morsels; GEO08118- We Make a Lot of . . . Sense; GEO080101- Sponsoring To Be Prompted; GEO071122- Patterns, Prompts, and Love; GEO070406- Lightworkers Of the Mansion Worlds; GEO070316- The Self-Made Spiritual Individual; GEO070212- A Superior Brain and Mind; GEO061124- Go for Soul Growth; GEO061105- Undiluted Raw Faith and Paradise Input; GEO060805- Put Aside Your Emotional Responses; GEO060804- Heartfelt Intent Is All That Counts; GEO060608- A Reason To Celebrate – I Make It My Gift To You; GEO060603- Treating Your Siblings as Equals; GEO060220- A Lesson in Trust; GEO060115- I Shall Be Ready to Guide You; GEO041215- My World, My Life, My Progress – Identifying Your Tasks; GEO040825- The Quirks of the Blue Man; GEO040817- A Lesson in Gardening; GEO040808- Cogs in the Mechanism of Progress; GEO040605- A Message for Someone Deeply Troubled; GEO040306- The Greatest Visible Sign Ever Given; GEO040229- The Better of Two Options – (Or the Least of Two Evils.); GEO031202- Reincarnation – A Myth; GEO031125- Reconciliation! Of Such Importance! – The Proverbial Lost Son; GEO031122- No-Strings-Attached Love – Your Yardstick Of Spirituality; GEO030706- On the High Wire of Mortal Life; GEO030217- In Our Master’s Name; GEO030208- Massing at the Borders; GEO030104- A Numbers Game; GEO020329- Clarification of Machiventa’s Status; Ode to Beatrice; GEO010912- Attacks on the US; GEO010609- Portrait of Dr. Mendoza – MNO-8; GEO010118- The Akashic Construct; GEO010101- United Midwayers – Parts1&2; Midwayer Care, Mongo-Zulu; GEO000101- A Sleeping Survivor Awakens;  *** This concludes the upload of all available transcripts fro 11:11 George Barnard (GEO) ***; added portions of the Rayson & Friends Compilation (RAF); RAF9101- Rayson & Friends Compilation – Preface, Forward, Index; RAF9102- Part 1/A – About Teacher Rayson; RAF91103- Part 2/C – About The Teaching Mission; RAF9201 – Part II – The Lesson Aids – Topics A-D; RAF9202 – Part II – The Lesson Aids – Topics E-F; RAF9203 – Part II – The Lesson Aids – Topics G-H; RAF9204 – Part II – The Lesson Aids – Topics I-M; RAF9205 – Part II – The Lesson Aids – Topics N-P; RAF9207 – Part II – The Lesson Aids – Topics T-Z; RAF9206 – Part II – The Lesson Aids – Topics Q-S; RAF9208 – Part III – Prayers;  
  • 09/13/2021 – added 11:11 George B(GEO)- GEO120325- Sudden Recall; GEO120222- Toxic Unrealities; GEO120209- The Correcting Time; GEO120205- The Known Unknowns; GEO111101- Co-creation and Inspiration; GEO110929- A Coma Patient and Purgatory; GEO101222- Universe Credits and Forgiveness; GEO100911- I am the Ground You Walk On; GEO100710- Minded Morontia Machinery; GEO100623- Who Do You Think You Are?; GEO106022- The Loss of Innocence – The Stones We Throw; GEO100411- Talents and Healing; GEO100401- Getting the Picture; GEO091223- A Process of Balancing; GEO091212- Midwayer Origins – Parts 1 & 2; GEO091210- Special Status; GEO091111- A Little About The Borderland – Part 3; GEO091107- A Little about the Borderland – Part 2; GEO091106- A Little about the Borderland – Part 1; GEO091020- Let That Cake Rise; GEO091017- His Gift Of Immeasurable Value; added Planetary Mangt Group (PMG) -PMG13- Media, Institutions, Chakras, New Era and Hope; 
  • 09/12/2021 – WDC504- Different Arenas of Life Are Separate; WDC503- Material Realities, Spiritual Necessities; WDC502- Overcoming Resentment; WDC501- Being Embittered; WDC500- Spiritual Connection Is Essential; added Spanish-(( INS210830sp- Federación Galáctica de Mundos Sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas 1-46; LLN624sp- Se Necesita un Alma para Tener Empatía, El Costo del Aislamiento; LLN625sp- Cumpleaños de Miguel, Conexión AT; LLN626sp- El Ego – ¿Un Aspecto del Ser Humano?; LLN627sp- Aspectos del Yo y el Ego son Difíciles de Contener; LLN628sp- Los Remanentes de la Rebelión de Lucifer Continúan con los Intentos Deliberados de Confundir y Engañar; LLN629sp- Mantener la Conexión con el Padre )); added 11:11 Oscar(OSC)- OSC121120- Do Not Fear For Your Future; OSC121119- Small Decisions; OSC121114- Two Fundamental Attitudes; OSC121113- Something so Simple; OSC121107- Endeavors of Eternal Value; OSC121106- About Perception and Decision; OSC121031- The Greatest Treasure; OSC121030- The Philosophy of Life; OSC121026- Spiritually Grateful; OSC121026- Failure; OSC121026- A Slow Process; OSC121025- About Greatness; OSC121023- A New Dispensation; OSC121017- Transform with Love; OSC1210116- About revelation; OSC121015- Human Will; OSC121012- Spiritual Leaders; OSC121012- About Unconditional Love; OSC121010- We Grow Together in Experience; OSC121009- Mind and Habits; OSC121008- How would you live?; OSC121008- About Leaders and Change; OSC121005- Who?; OSC121003- The Origin of Everything; OSC121002- The Power of Love – Part 2; OSC120928- The Power of Love – Part 1; OSC120926- About Helping Others; OSC120924- Quality of Life; OSC120920- Points of Light; 
  • 09/11/2021 – RIO159- Angels of the Future; RIO158- Home Seraphim; RIO157- Angels of the Nations; RIO156- The Order of the Day; RIO155- Seraphic Planetary Government – Part2; RIO154- Let It Be; RIO153- Seraphic Planetary Government – Part1; RIO152- Heart of the Matter; RIO151- Cat and Mouse Games; RIO150- Balance; added Pocatello (POC)- POC190- Ghost Fear; POC189- Spiritual Hearing; added Woods Cross (WDC) – WDC519- Avoid Personal Agendas; WDC518- Take Chances in Faith to Live and Learn; WDC517- Ultimate Good Has Carried Urantia Forward; WDC516- Mary Recalling My Mortal Life; WDC515- Being Adaptable To Father’s Plan; WDC514- Trust; WDC513- Learning More About Jesus & Father; WDC512- Watching the Master; WDC511- Being Self Forgetful; WDC510- Uplifting To Stop and Be Grateful; WDC509- Reviewing Time Mary Lived; WDC508- Self Sacrifice Is Not Necessary; WDC507- Trusting Other Human Beings; WDC506- Mary: My Story; WDC505- Introduction by Mary Magdalene; 
  • 09/10/2021 – NSH24- Vacation Deficit Disorder; NSH23- The Kingdom, Truth; NSH22- Emotional Healing; NSH21- Focused Energies; NSH20- Growth, Responsibility, Love; NSH19- Loving Acceptance of Self Great Achievement; NSH18- Humor; NSH17- Death, NDE’s, Coma, Euthanasia, Morality; NSH16- Easter, Give Understanding; NSH15- Comprehension of Totality; NSH14- Slavery & Dependence; NSH13- Vagrancy of the Soul; NSH12- Honor & Union In Diligence, Time & Eternity; NSH11- Opportunity; NSH10- Rage & Fear, Health & Faith; NSH9- God And His Nature; NSH8- Healing; NSH7- Fear; NSH6- Giving Thanks; Slavery; NSH4- God and His Infinite Love; NSH3- Courage; NSH2- Love and Abundance; NSH1- Tolerance; ** This concludes the transcript upload for the Nashville(NSH) group. ***; added Rio Rancho (RIO)- RIO167- Group Dynamics; RIO166- Loyalty; RIO165- Lasting Value Gratification; RIO164- New Year Agenda; RIO163- Angels of the Races; RIO162- Seeming Death; RIO161- Angels of Industry; RIO160- Angels of Enlightenment; 
  • 09/09/2021 – Today BMS had its 100,000th visitor!!; added Nashville(NSH)-NSH39- Mansonia, Part 2; NSH38- Mansonia, Part 1; added Lightline(LLN)- LLN629- Maintain the Connection With Father; added Cosmic Insights (INS) section and transcript for the Galactic Federation of Worlds; added new category Gal-FedW to reference this new off-world group; INS210830- Galactic Federation of Worlds Q&A Session 1-46; NSH37- Addictions; NSH36- Wonder; NSH35- Spiritual Liberty; NSH34- Contact With ETs, Teacher Son; NSH33- Who Is My Neighbor; NSH32- The Will; NSH31- Steadfastness; NSH30- Giving; NSH29- Anxiety & Cardboard Perfection; NSH28- Spiritual Poisons, Future Unknown; NSH27- Opportunity; NSH26- Overcoming Fear by Focusing Upon God; NSH25- Commitment to Reality; 
  • 09/08/2021 – added Nashville(NSH)- NSH59- Message from Michael; NSH58- Experience & Relationship; NSH57- On Faith; NSH56- Easter Message; NSH55- Your Own Garden; NSH54- Letting Go Of Resentments; NSH53- Balance; Intimacy; NSH51- Overcoming Catastrophe; NSH50- Certainty of Uncertainty; NSH49- Giving Up Self; NSH48- Eye Contact; NSH47- Levels of Reality; NSH46- Waiting; NSH46- Waiting; NSH45- Trust & Guilt; NSH44- Faithfulness & Morality; NSH43- Good & Evil; NSH42- Work; NSH41- Easter Messages; NSH40- Future Growth & Advancement; added 11:11 GeorgeB (GEO)- GEO121021- Offloading Guilt; GEO121020- Emotion Overflow; GEO121013- Revelation, Prophesy and Gross Error; GEO121006- The Art of Listening; GEO121001- Free Will and the Undiscerning; GEO120926- The Rewards of Being an Essential; GEO120923- Of Past and Future; GEO120911- A Direct Task in Progress; GEO120910- Of Hierarchy, Friendship and Love; GEO120806- Creation and Evolution Revisited; GEO120804- Of Spiritual Truth and Equilibrium; GEO120803- Of Tolerance and Patience – Part 2; GEO120802- Of Tolerance and Patience – Part 1; GEO120719- The Morontia World; GEO120714- Communication; GEO120709- Impatience, So Very Human; GEO120623- Justification Overload; GEO120612- Finding the Ultimate in Security; GEO120604- A Collection Point (The Sea of Glass); GEO120529- What Did You Do?; GEO120523- Momentary Eternity; GEO120520- Mindsets in Disrepair; GEO120504- A Theory about Evolution/Creation – The Factors; GEO120429- A Lesson About Healing; GEO120414- Of Energies and Humility; GEO120406- Opposites Attract and More; GEO120404- A Maturing Population; GEO120329- Of Genuine Request; 
  • 09/07/2021- NSH107- Forgiveness; NSH106- Devotion; NSH105- Love Power; NSH104- Reflections on Progress; NSH103- Evaluations & Messages; NSH102- Heroism; NSH101- Dedicating Your Personality to Father; NSH100- Father Relationships; NSH99- Topic of Love; NSH98- Harmony; NSH97- Understanding Others; NSH96- Communicating; NSH95- Understanding; NSH94- Art of Living; NSH93- Compassion; NSH92- Missing Some Spiritual Growth; NSH91- Choices; NSH90- Love of Others; NSH89- Honor; NSH88- Spiritual Awakening; NSH87- Theology & Faith; Tuning Your Will To The Father; NSH85- Let Go Of Fear; NSH84- The Supreme Being; NSH83- Levels of Relationships; NSH82- Want vs. Need; NSH81- Gratitude; NSH80- Pain Within; NSH79- Greed; NSH78- Wedding Oneself to Spirit; NSH77- Daily Life; NSH76- Happiness; NSH75- Nature of Perception; NSH74- Father’s Will; NSH73- The Celestial Hierarchy; NSH72- Buried By Worldly Cares; NSH71- Morontia Mind; NSH70- To the Young; NSH69- Compassion; NSH68- Prosperity & Happiness; NSH67- Cooperation with The Spiritual; NSH66- Perseverance; NSH65- About Energies; NSH64- What Is Peace?; NSH63- Progress; NSH62- Significance of Ceremonies; NSH61- Service; NSH60- Tragedies; added 11:11 George B -GEO140403- Complaints and Arrested Growth; GEP140324- Consider the State You Are In; GEO140227- The Rewards of Millennia of Isolation; GEO140219- A Reset of Giant Proportions; GEO140212- On Being Chosen; GEO140117- A Marvelous Opportunity; GEO140115- She Needed Support, still does, and the Robot Massage Table; GEO140113- Receiving, Transmitting, and Dyslexia; GEO140105- Where It Is Most Needed; GEO140105- Intricacies of Our Communications; GEO140101- The Akashic Construct; GEO131228- Consider Your Function II; GEO131207- The Many Facets of Karma; GEO131102- Reset an Inevitability; GEO131026- Our Near Endless Journey; GEO131023- Coping with the Mundane; GEO131018- A Lesson on Freedom and Equality; GEO131012- Interspecies Cooperation; GEO131009- Mitigating the Potential Crises; GEO130930- The ‘Dearth’ of Revelation; GEO130926- Finding Motivation in Contribution; GEO130915- War No More and Prayers from the Heart; GEO130915- One Government and Light and Life; GEO130914- Service to Others; GEO130909- Frequent Liaison and Permanent Prayer; GEO130906- World Dominance; GEO130824- Local Celestial Administrator; GEO130815- An Important Key to Progress; GEO130812- Seeing is Believing; GEO130810- Eternally Optimistic; GEO130806- Appropriate Preparation; GEO130806- An Invitation; GEO130729- The Mystery of Time; GEO130717- Autism and More – Aspergers and Tourette’s; GEO130717- Autism and More; GEO130706- Spiritual Opportunism; GEO130630- Listen with the Ears of the Heart; GEO130630- Give It to the Teacher; GEO130628- Correcting Time Dispensations; GEO130621- It’s a Numbers Game; GEO130614- Sincerity and Commitment; GEO130604- Of Attaining Perfection; GEO130530- Good Sense and Plain Reason; GEO130525- Of Importance and Humility; GEO130518- An Unconditionally Loving God; GEO130512- Creation, Evolution and Nurture; GEO130504- Information, Empathy and Love; GEO130504- Cooperation, Growth, New Laws and Control; GEO130428- After the Flood – Religion; GEO130410- Near Perfect Organization; GEO130405- Important Universe Rules; GEO130330- Just Good Messages; GEO130325- A Celestial Embrace; GEO130323- Guilt and ‘Self-flagellation’; GEO130312- Time Prompts; GEO130310- Northern Andites and the Tribes of Ratta; GEO130222- Karma and Reincarnation; GEO13022- Consequences of Time-space Creation; GEO130222- Collective Karma; GEO130210- The Reality of My Visit with You; GEO130120- Religion and Spirituality – Part 3; GEO130120- Religion and Spirituality – Part 2; GEO130120- Religion and Spirituality – Part 1; GEO130114- Function – Messengers and the Bringers of Tidings; GEO130103- Human Groups, Uniformity and Variety; GEO130102- The year that Was; GEO121231- The Question To Be Asked Of Each Mortal; GEO121227- Viewing Life through a Keyhole; GEO121219- The Aggressive and the Accommodating; GEO121214- Shortcut to Spirituality; GEO121209- The First Moral Choice – Answers to Questions; GEO121119- Visions, Creation and Evolution; GEO121117- The Spirit of Truth and ‘Truth Bells’; GEO121112- Mindedness; GEO121107- As Below, So Above; GEO121103- Morontia World Acclimatization; GEO121028- The Two Masters; added 11:11 Oscar(OSC)-OSC121218- Action, not Words; OSC121214- Some Words about Simplicity; OSC121212- The Only Thing Needed; OSC121210- The Progress of Your World; OSC121207- About Worship; OSC121206- The Spiritual Career.; OSC121206- No Appointment or Reservation Required; OSC121203- Understanding Self-forgetfulness;  OSC121127- True Forgiveness; OSC121126- A Nebulous Dream; 
  • 09/06/2021 – NSH119- Spiritual Priorities; NSH118- Reality Perception; NSH117- Witnessing; NSH116- Symbols of Reality; NSH115- True Friendship; NSH114- Welcome Father; NSH113- Spiritual Growth; NSH112- Loneliness; NSH111- Discerning Truth; NSH110- Ending Friendships, Drugs; NSH109- Acceptance & Open-Heartedness; NSH108- Stillness; 
  • 09/05/2021- OSC130111- A Living Example; OSC130110- The Blueprint of Your Life; OSC130110- About Differences; OSC130107- The Courage to Look at Yourself; OSC130103- A Message about Fear; OSC130102- Creating your Reality; OSC121221- Spiritual Enlightenment;  added FAQ#9- FAQ9- Machiventa on, “The Dark Night of the Soul” Q&A; added Nashville(NSH)- NSH149- On Releasing the Brake; NSH148- Time; NSH147- Growth & Self-Acceptance; NSH146- Overcoming Fear; NSH145- Men Seek God While Rejecting Me; NSH144- Being Open to Growth; NSH143- Michael’s Spirit Pours Out; NSH142- Freedom; NSH141- What Are the Mansion Worlds Like; NSH140- Soul Expectations; NSH139- Spiritual Energies in Time and Space; NSH138- The Charitable Heart; NSH137- Wonder of New Year; NSH136- About the Master; NSH135- Fate & Fortune; NSH134- Keeping Open Even If Disappointed; NSH133- Being; NSH132- Secret to Life of Happiness; NSH131- The Teaching Mission; NSH129- Balance, Mediums, Anthrax; NSH128- Honesty & Self Honesty; NSH127- Starting Over;NSH126- Upsetting Times; NSH125- Letting Go of Your Expectations; The Father Indwelling; NSH124- The Father Indwelling; NSH123- Growth Assessment; NSH122- Bigger World; NSH121- Prayer; NSH120- Hindrance; 
  • 09/04/2021 – added Woods Cross(WDC)- WDC544- Tragedy Puts Our Priorities In Order; WDC543- Riches of Everyday Living; WDC542- You Are Acceptable As You Are; WDC541- Succeeding In a Negative World; WDC540- Being One of Many Has Meaning; WDC539- Life Tests & Trials; WDC538- Removing Lines of Separation; WDC537- Life Preparation; WDC536- Faith Is Reason to Carry On; WDC535- New Outlook; WDC534- Correcting Time Alive & Busy: WDC533- Aligning With Father’s Will; WDC532- Mary Discusses the Apostles: WDC531- Building Bridges To Make Connections; WDC530- Jesus Lived in the Moment; WDC529- A Few Words on Tradition; WDC528- Poor Decision Making Excuses; WDC527- New Possibilities; WDC526- Your Introspective Views; WDC525- Relationship Attachments Cause Control Issues: WDC524- Fulfillment; WDC523- Anxiety Brings Chaos & Discomfort; WDC522- Helping Hand Not Pointing Fingers; WDC521- Urantia Experiencing Rampant Emotionalism; WDC520- Rest & Trusting Father; added code for 2013 to “List All Documents Page; added Planetary Managemnt Group(PMG)- Spanish-(( PMG12- Siete Valores Fundamentales, Alineación con los Celestiales, Lecciones de Welmek sobre la Oración, Disolución Social )); NID604- Genetics of Spiritual Growth; NID603- Human Acts, Divine Demonstrations; NID602- Introducing This Mission to Friends; NID601- Character; NID600- Spiritual Fruit; NID599- Using Prayer; NID598- Role of Adjusters in Sleep; NID597- Cycles of Growth; NID596- Monjoronson Q & A Session 57; NID595- Who Am I; NID594- Intentions Are a Powerful Force; NID593- Nature of the Unqualified Absolute; NID592- Cooperation With the Divine Fragment; NID591- What Type of Mission is This?; NID590- There Many Ways To Experience Truth; added 11:11 GeorgeB-(GEO) GEO140522- Losing One’s Mind and The Acclimatization of the Mind; GEO140515- Windows of Opportunity; GEO140503- Un-sung Heroes and Samuel’s Prayer; GEO140425- Being Prepared, Daring; GEO140421- Mind-to-Mind Training; GEO140411- Connecting with One’s Spirit Self- Part 2: Leaving Your Left Flank Unguarded; GEO140410- Connecting with One’s Spirit-Self- Part 1; added 11:11 Oscar(OSC)- OSC131021- Organization, Purpose, and Life; OSC131018- The Bridge; OSC130329- The Progress of Civilization; OSC130328- What is important in life?; OSC130327- Truly Living; OSC130325- About Spiritual Development; OSC130322- Guardian Angels; OSC130226- Changes and Growth; OSC130221- About the Role of Uncertainty; OSC130219- About Overcoming Fear; OSC130218- This is How Human Beings Will Be Lifted High; OSC130215- A New Era of Progress and Love; OSC130211- Love and relationships; OSC130206- Understanding and Living Truth; OSC130204- Overcome Your Personal Origin; OSC130204- His Plan of Love and Truth; OSC130131- Life Beyond this Material Life; OSC130130- To the Glory of the Father; OSC130130- A Life that Will Become a Beacon; OSC130125- Two Advantages; OSC130121- Your Focus Placed on the Heavens; OSC130121- About Sharing the Truth; OSC130118- The Rewards of Patience and Consistency; OSC130116- Infinite Possibilities; OSC130116- A Milestone on Their Spiritual Progress; OSC130115- Your Path of Spiritual Growth; OSC130115- Walk Along Your Path With Joy; 
  • 09/03/2021 – added Magisterial Mission(MGM)- MGM29- The Truth Will Emerge; added No. Idaho(NID)- NID629- Monjoronson Q&A Session 79; NID628- Monjoronson Q & A Session 78; NID627- Monjoronson Q & A Session 77; NID626- Monjoronson Q & A Session 76; NID625- Prince of Forgiveness; NID624- Monjoronson Q & A Session 74; NID623- Constancy in the Random Soup; NID622- Monjoronson Q & A Session 73; NID621- Unique Experience; NID620- Monjoronson Q & A Session 72; NID619- Relative Truth; NID618- Soul Sense of the Circuits; NID617- Existence of the Absolutes; NID616- Home as Harbor; NID615- Monjoronson Q & A Session 69; NID614- Circuitry of Sharing; NID613- Psychic Circle Details; NID612- Ego & the Balance of Living; NID611- Forgiveness, Injustices, Defeating Illness; NID610- Vive la Dif·fé·rence; NID609- Character, Focusing on Peace & Light; NID608- Ego and Spirit; NID607- Groups, Central & Peripheral; NID606- Developing Spiritual Advancement; NID605- Choice, Experience & Navigation; 
  • 09/02/2021 – added New Zealand group – NWZ871203- Individual Good Qualities; NWZ871117- Commitment; NWZ871112- Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, Use Stillness; NWZ871029- Right Path, Inner Path; GEO141008- Enlightenment and the Morontia Mind (Part One — The Seven Adjutant Mind-Spirits); GEo141008- Enlightenment and the Morontia Mind.” (Part Two – Dimming Minds and Cosmic Consciousness); GEO141005- Dispensations, Teachers and Wider Responsibilities; GEO140909- Change – Step by Step and at a Leisurely Pace; GEO140811- A New World; GEO140810- The Frailty of Democracy; GEO140723- Your World is Not Unique” – “Kali or Kalika”; GEO140723- The Source and the Fragment; GEO140719- Life Carrier Functions – Revelation and Re-introduction of Ideas; GEO140716- The Real Meaning of the Time Prompts; GEO140713- The Importance of Terrestrial Experiences; GEO140712- God’s Law over Human Decree; GEO140703- Complacency, Balance and Spiritual Illumination; GEO140623- Apply to Your Planetary Prince; GEO140722- Evolutionary Progress; GEO140615- Of War in the Heavens; GEO140610- Secondary Midwayers; GEO140608- Morontia and Spiritual Senses; GEO140604- Putting All Magic Aside; GEO!40601- Hurry Slowly; 
  • 09/01/2021 – LLN19- Stillness Why You Do What You Do; *** DISPLAY FOR ACCORDIAN DROP-DOWN SECTION FIXED – THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE ***; LLN18- Why We Come Together; LLN17- Worship is Alignment, Prayer Adjustment; LLN16- Policy on Urantia Book Modification; LLN15- Global View, Gender; LLN14- Use Stillness to Contact Spiritual Reality; LLN13- Stillness, The Father’s Will; LLN12- Fear, Reincarnation, Adjuster; LLN11- Much Activity on Urantia Now; LLN10- New Phase, Sharing Truth; LLN9- Material Son & The Aliens Question; LLN8- Preparation; LLN7- Evolutionary Worlds Are Front Lines; LLN6- We Are Union For Work To Be Done; LLN5- Heart Space; LLN4- We Need To Persist Together; LLN3- Commitment to Father’s Plan; LLN2- Communion; LLN1- Growth in Comprehension of Status; *** THIS CONCLUDES THE UPLOAD OF THE LIGHTLINE (LLN) TRANSCRIPT SERIES ***; added Lytske (LYT)- LYT210601- My Unconditional Love; LYT210115- Take This Choicest Gift of All; LYT190220- Oh, The Richness Of Creation!; LYT190214- The Great Mystery of The Ages; LYT190210- Unlimited Potential; LYT190203- Into Bliss Everlasting; LYT190125- The Fullness of Freedom in Me; LYT190113- Forgiveness And Compassion; LYT190110- Your Elder Counterpart; LYT181230- Peace Begins In Each Human Heart; 

AUG 2021

  • 08/31/2021 – added Jesus Speaks(JSP)-JSP28- The Higher Self; ***ATTENTION – FOR SOME REASON WE ARE EXPERIENCING DISPLAYT ISSUES WITH THE MULTI-DROP DOWN MENUS; RIGHT NOW THEY ARE APPEARING WHITE. FUNCTIONALUTY IS THE SAME BUT THE COLOR CONTRASTS MAY BE UNFRIENDLY. WE ARE WORKING TO FIX THE ISSUE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE. ***; LLN54- Omniscience Transcends Trillions; LLN53- Addressing Depression; LLN52- Stretch Your Wings of Faith; LLN51- Be Carriers of Light and Life; LLN50- What It Means to Say God is Love; LLN49- Be Kind To Children, Maitreya; LLN48- Art Of Service; LLN47- The Part of Us That Is Eternal; LLN46- Healthy Personalities Have Symmetry of Being; LLN44- I Come To Alleviate Your Isolation; LLN43- The Making of Resolutions; LLN42- Giving & Replenishing The Spirit; LLN41- Physical Form Glove Over Hand Of God; LLN40- Face Challenges Through Inner Guidance; LLN39- Finding God Within Others; LLN38- Stress & Fear With Change; LLN37- Experience of Spirit; LLN36- Encourage Interfaith Discussions; LLN35- What Is It You Seek in Teleconferences; LLN34- Your Birthright; LLN33- Insight into Man & Nature; LLN32- Reality of Truth, Beauty, & Goodness; LLN31- Be Beacons of Light To Those Who Explore; LLN29- Freedom & Self Determination; added 11:11-MISC – WHT040920- Finding Peace, Honing Spirit Connections; added 11:1 GEO-GEO151030- Flawed Messages and the Reasons Why; GEO151014- Those Almost Immediately Eligible – Part 2; GEO151013- Those Almost Immediately Eligible – Part 1; GEO151003- Only Those Who Really Know Would See The Point Here; GEO150930- Dependency and Contribution; GEO150924- Of Barter, Money and Currency; GEO150916- The Truth when Untold; GEO150909- Unlimited Free Will; GEO150909- About Groups; GEO150828- Many Will Be Led Astray For A Time; GEO150822- Some Aspects of the Morontia Mind; GEO150817- Keep in Mind Our Function; GEO150813- It’s What You Make of It; GEO150807- Of Absolute and Relative Truth; GEO150720- The Anatomy of the Two Reserve Corps; GEO150710- Discussion about Ongoing Education; GEO150708- Knowledge, Maturity and Spirituality; GEO150706- Lines of Communication; GEO150622- They’re Back; GEO150615- Something Called the Correcting Time; GEO150603- In Retrospect; GEO150531- Celestial Encouragement; GEO150515- Keeping Fusion on Hold — Summary; GEO150428- In These Critical Times; GEO150416- The Need for Worldwide Control; GEO150409- Nothing to Do with Anything, but Good for a Laugh; GEO150404- Criterion for Healing the Sick; GEO150331- Fusion on Hold; GEO150322- Conducting a Series of Lectures; GEO150320- Don’t Automatically Trust Predictions; GEO150315- Where to Apply, How and with Whom; GEO150315- Healing the Human Fetus; GEO150307- We Truly Are Many; GEO150204- We Are Many; GEO150204- There Will Be Continuity; GEO150204- The Power of Prayer — The Prayer; GEO150204- The Power of Prayer — Not a Catch 22; GEO150204- It’s a Grand Old Show; GEO150124- Felix’s Broken Wing; GEO150115- Decimal Planets’ Explosive Potential; GEO150104- Thrown Off the Deep End” — Part Two; GEO150104- Thrown Off the Deep End” — Part One; GEO141226- What Kind of Mind do You Want?; GEO141219- We Are Teachers for a Term — Bringing You Teacher Aaron’s Message; GEO141219- Warfare — Never an Excuse; GEO141130- Order in the Camp; GEO141122- The 11:11 Progress Group – A Permanent Organization; GEO141118- My 11:11 Progress Group;  GEO141211- Of Personality, Positive Motivation and Soul Growth; GEO141206- A Far-away Lecture Theater; GEO141109- The Big 3Qs; GEO141104- The Women and Men Apostles; GEO141028- Our World Today; GEO141021- What Constitutes a Dispensation; LLN28- The Need For Fellowship Stillness; LLN27- The Merkaba; LLN26- Living Example of Spirit, Speak Little; LLN25- Purpose, Intention; LLN24- What You Prepare Now; LLN23- Evolution of Receptivity to the Divine; LLN22- Making Decisions; LLN21- Your Training in TM; LLN20- Magisterial Son Helpers; 
  • 08/30/2021 – added paper-Societal Morality; Re-Inventing Social Sciences – 59.02.01; added Anyas(ANY)-ANY210103- Time Will Tell; ANY210107- About Spiritual Royal Jelly; ANY210110- The Surreptitious Toll of Distractions; added Black Brook (BBK) – BBK6.1- Exercise of Faith; added Lighltline(LLN)- LLN85- Your World Undergoing Great Transformation; LLN84- Be Independent, Know Yourself; LLN83.1- We Provide Oversight & Planetary Preparation; LLN83- A Lesson On Honor; LLN82- Partnership With Our Father; LLN81- Morontia Blending Process; LLN80- Importance of Group Synergy; LLN79- Your Will In Dedication To God; LLN78- Increased Spiritual Pressure On Urantia; LLN77- Joy Of Living; LLN76- Prayer & The Divine Order; LLN75- Discussion About Teaching Mission; LLN74- Discernment & Faith Required For Growth; LLN73- Cosmic Consciousness; LLN72- Lesson Given For Increased Insight; LLN71- Growing In Spirit Brings Desire For Service; LLN70- Receptivity To Spirit What Exercise Is To Body; LLN69- Motivation; LLN68- Outreach & Dissemination by Human Ministers; LLN67- Nothing You Experience Of Meaning Is Ever Lost; LLN66- Pink Stain Of Rebellion; LLN65- Circuitry Bonding, Awakening To A New Age; LLN64- My Incarnation, Universal Way to Share; LLN63- This New Form Of Communication; LLN62- I Am Not Going Away; LLN60- Patience & The Urantia Book; LLN59- We Take You As You Are; LLN58- The Spiritual Embrace; LLN56- I Preside Over Next Phase of Correcting Time; LLN55- Your Life Represents God’s Force; 
  • 08/29/2021 – added LightLine(LLN)-LLN86- The Brotherhood of Man; added Spanish-(( PMG11sp- Cambio, Flexibilidad, Adaptación, Evolución )); 
  • 08/28/2021 – added Lightline(LLN) – LLN139- Inner Life; LLN138- Grow in Awareness of Inner Voice; LLN137- More on Partnership; LLN136- Inner Voice-Human Partners; LLN135- Firing The Grid, Transmission Meditation; LLN134- Process of Supremacy; LLN133- Partnership with God; LLN131-Cosmic Cycles; LLN130- Mind Reception of Spirit Information; LLN128- You Are Not Bound By The Body; LLN127- Adjuster Input Conditioned By Soul Experience; LLN126- Project Greater Than You Can Appreciate; LLN125- Lightline, Adjuster Series; LLN124- Sedona, Part of TM; LLN123- Lightline, Adjuster Series; LLN122- I Am The Still Small Voice; LLN121- Engaging With You; LLN1119- Exercise To Grant Inner Voice To Speak; LLN118- My Spirit Gains Strength On Urantia; LLN116- Politics of Planetary Government; LLN115- Our Partnership; added NET-PMG(PMG)- PGM12- 7 Cores Values, Aligning with Celestials, Welmek Lessons on Prayer, Social Dissolution; added Lightline(LLN)-LLN627- Aspects of Self and the Ego Is Difficult to Contain; LLN628- Lucifer Rebellion Remnants Continue Deliberate Attempts to Misguide and Mislead; added Institute of Christ Consciousness (ICC-MM)-ICC-MM 210822- The Rising Christ in Divine Justice, Personal Sovereignty infusing Planetary Mind;  added Lightline(LLN)-LLN114- Common Spiritual Ancestry; LLN113- Creating A Space To Experience Spirit; LLN112- Renaissance, New Culture Emerging; LLN111- Impacts & Impressions; LLN110- Adjuster Recognition & Relationship; LLN109- Turn To Me For Verification; LLN106- Never Stop Attempting To Contact Adjuster; LLN105- Connecting To Energy Constructions; LLN104- Learning To Feed The Many With Spirit; LLN103- Dedicating Energy To Father, Working With Others; LLN102- Teachers’ Mission, Return to Way of the Master; LLN101- Intertwining With the Adjuster, Energy Fields; LLN100- You Are Spirit Beings; LLN99- Observation of Relationship; LLN98- Distinct Relationship Arenas; LLN97- Be In Your Heart; LLN95- Universe Broadcast, Stillness; LN94- Universe School Designed For You; LLN92- The Power To Drive Growth; LLN91- Finding The Voice, Uplifting The Human Race; LLN90- G.O.D. Guidance on Demand; LLN88- Use & Activation of Energy Circuits; LLN87- Power of Forgiveness; 
  • 08/27/2021 – added Lightline(LLN)-LLN152- Part and Whole; LLN151- Freeing the Adjuster To Participate; LLN150- Work of the Angels; LLN149- Time to Activate Transition Team; LLN148- Sense of Failure; LLN147- Discernment; LLN146- Being Comfortable With Adjuster; LLN144- Having Trust and Faith; LLN143- Walking Together Through Change; LLN142- Inner Life; LLN141- Divine Partnership; LLN140- Ascension Partnership; 
  • 08/26/2021 – GEO151218- Moves Toward a World Government; GEO151212- Those Who Will Follow You; GEO151210- The Meaning of the 11:11 Prompt; GEO151105- A Long List of Ills; GEO151101- Of Matters Faith and Revelation; LLN159- What We Speak Now; LLN158- Magisterial Mission Coordinated With Other Worlds; LLN157- Almost Frightened by Your Own Potential; LLN156- Machiventa Discusses Planetary Government; LLN155- Thoughts Offered in Prayer; LLN154- We’re Only Human; LLN153- Where Does Divinity Leave Off; 
  • 08/25/2021 – added WDC559- Spiritual Logic; WDC558- Spiritual Logic Tames Emotion; WDC556- Requirement for Rest & Relaxation; WDC555- How We Can Add To The Kingdom; WDC554- Working for Father’s Kingdom;  WDC553- Restraint Jesus Used In His Actions; WDC552- Peace and Stillness For Clarity of Mind; WDC551- Allow Time For Emotion To Pass; WDC550- Going Forth With Spiritual Courage; WDC549- Shaken From Unreality to Hear Father; WDC548- What Does the Master Ask Of You; WDC547- Care of the Mortal Body; WDC546- Recognition of Spirit of Truth;  WDC545- Rebirth of My Experience; GEO160423- You Are His Hands and His Feet; GEO160410- A Time for Contemplation; GEO160206- Mind at a Loss; GEO160129- Stop Talking, Start Listening; GEO160123- Aiming for Spiritual Growth; GEO151231- Essentially Serving Two Masters; GEO151230- Many More Tables; GEO151226- Gratitude; GEO151220- Thought Adjusters, Souls and Reincarnation; 
  • 08/24/2021 – added Lightline(LLN)-LLN179- Being a Morontial Mortal; LLN178- Petitions for Spiritual Presence in Rituals; LLN177- Healing Addiction to ‘Power’; LLN176- Role of Thought in Ascension; LLN175- Humility; LLN174- Stories of Attainment; LLN173- Monjoronson Q&A Session 6; LLN172- Faith Extends Reality Grasp; LLN171- Divine Principles Are Yours; NID503- Monjoronson Q&A Session 3; LLN169- Love Communicates Through the Fog; LLN168- Routines Altered for Learning; LLN167- The Greeting; LLN166- Allowing Adjuster Communication; LLN165- Good Mind; LLN164- Built It & They Will Come; LLN163- Sounding a Tone, Virtue of Relationship; LLN162- Adjuster Speaks for the Whole; LLN161- You Are Frightened By Your Potential; LLN160- Spirit Is A Vibrational Energy; added 11:11 Oscar-OSC130628- About Patterns; OSC130626- About Hard Choices; OSC130625- A New Theology; OSC130624- True Intelligence; OSC130621- The Meaning of Self-forgetfulness; OSC130621- Keeping the Communication Open; OSC130620- The Solution is Within; OSC130619- Your Talents; OSC130614- Turn your Attention Within; OSC130612- About Aspirations; OSC130611- A True and Beautiful Purpose; OSC130531- A True Faith; OSC130529- One More Step in the Right Direction; OSC130524- About Gratitude; OSC130523- A Requirement; OSC130522- Unleashed Potential; OSC130521- The Present Task; OSC130520- Children of the Future; OSC130520- About Guidance; OSC130517- The Most Sublime Act; OSC130515- Moments of Enlightenment; OSC130515- Higher Thinking; OSC130510- About Lies and Deception; OSC130509- Consequences of Your Actions; OSC130508- Your Real Needs; OSC130507- A Sincere Desire; OSC130503- Inner Growth and Outer Growth; OSC130502- Unconscious Guidance; OSC130501- A Commitment for Each Human Being; OSC130429- About Teaching; OSC130425- The Best Teacher; OSC130423- From Low to High; OSC130422- You Posses the Key; OSC130422- A Human Life Filled with Purpose and Meaning; OSC130422- A Human Life Filled with Purpose and Meaning; OSC130419- Hymns of Glory; OSC130418- You Are Responsible For Your Own Destiny; OSC130415- About your Dreams; OSC130412- There Are No Limits; OSC130412- The Treasures You Will Carry; OSC130410- Relevant Lives; OSC130409- Two Extreme Thoughts; OSC130408- About Comfort Zones; OSC130404- The Most Favorable Position; OSC130403- One More Reason to Motivate You; OSC130402- Keep Moving Forward; OSC130401- Travelling Companions; OSC130401- Living a Life Consecrated to the Father; OSC130329- The Progress of Civilization; OSC130328- What is important in life?; OSC130327- Truly Living; OSC130325- About Spiritual Development; OSC130322- Guardian Angels; OSC130421- Innate Curiosity; OSC130320- The Divine Presence; OSC130319- Become Deaf to the Noise of the World; OSC130319- About Attachment; OSC130318- Higher Realities; OSC130314- Two Extremes; OSC130312- About Following Your Heart; OSC130308- A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words; OSC130307- About Blind Faith; OSC130306- What Can You Do?; OSC130305- Questions to Consider; OSC130304- Infinite Dimensions; OSC130304- Beyond the Horizon; OSC130227- The Progressive Understanding of Love; added WoodsCross (WDC)- WDC569- Open Minds; WDC061002- Many Issues To Ponder -Part 3; WDC567- Many Issues To Ponder -Part 2; WDC566- Many Issues To Ponder -Part 1; WDC565- The Correcting Time; WDC564- Continue To Use Your Faith; WDC563- Correcting Time Is Step In Evolution; WDC562- Age Should Be Viewed With Spiritual Logic; WDC561- Correcting Time Chaos; WDC560- Correcting Time Experimental; 
  • 08/23/2021 – OSC130828- Where Should You Focus your Efforts?; OSC130828- Make an Informed Decision; OSC130827- The First Signs; OSC130827- Pray and Listen; OSC130823- The Wisest Course of Action; OSC130821- Seeds of Truth; OSC130819- It May Seem Simple; OSC130815- Share Your Ideas; OSC130815- Creative Power; OSC130813- Just One Step; OSC130809- A Perfect Day; OSC130808- The Most Eloquent Demonstration of Love; OSC130808- By Their Own Merit; OSC130806- Spontaneous Gratitude; OSC130802- About Errors; OSC130731- What Is Service?; OSC130730- Why We Pray?; OSC130729- Higher Expressions of Devotion; OSC130729- Another Light; OSC130726- They Will Be the Truth; OSC130726- A Perfect Human Life; OSC130725- About Hard Times; OSC130724- The Good Fight of Faith; OSC130715- About Civilization; OSC130715- A Gift to Him; OSC130712- Intelligent Cooperation;  OSC130711- On Your Own Terms; OSC130710- The Mind of the Observer; OSC130709- The Spice of Life; OSC130709- Improving Your Learning; OSC130708- Human Value; OSC130701- Beauty; added N Idaho (NID)-NID643- Creative Freedom; NID642- Polarity Balance Unity; NID641- Monjoronson Q&A Session 86; NID640- Prayer; NID639- Monjoronson Q&A Session 85; NID638- Freedom in the Journey; NID636- Infusing the Grid; NID637- Monjoronson Q&A Session 84; NID635- Spirit Charity; NID634- Monjoronson Q&A Session 82; NID633- Enlightened Justice; NID632- Monjoronson Q &A Session 81; NID631- Monjoronson Q&A Session 80; NID630- Treasures, Parable of Christ’s Birth; LLN189- Alignment and Joining Awareness; LLN188- Various Components Within; LLN187- Circuits, Politics; LLN186- How To Manifest on This World; LLN185- Be The Reference of Light for Others; LLN184- Teamwork; LLN183- The Spiritual Veil Grows Thin; LLN182- Urantia to Become of Architectural Sphere; LLN181- Perspectives; LLN180- Service; 
  • 08/22/2021 – added 11:11 LYTSKE – LYT210527- A Spirit Inspired Life; LYT210518- Many Shall Be the Blessings; LYT210517- I Desire Total Attention; LYT210516- For This Is Hallowed Ground; LYT210507- According to Your Faith; LYT210506- A Great Start to An Eternal Friendship; LYT210423- I Promise to Lead and Guide You; LYT210418- Sharpen Your Persistence; LYT210417- Wipe Clean the Slate; LYT210421- This Ascension into Glory; LYT210120- Unconditional Love; LYT190525- An Interchange of Thought; LYT195012- A Love and Mercy Oriented Universe; LYT010503- The Real Purpose Of Life; LYT190419- The Love of God Shall Triumph; LYT190414- The Still Voices; LYT190406- With and Through Each of You; LYT190330- As I Am the Pilot of Your Ship; LYT190324- What Are You Waiting For?; GEO160523- A War That No One Can Win; GEO160517- These Are Changing Times; GEO160510- We Will Be There; GEO160501- Other Emergencies; OSC130913- Many Enjoyable and Beneficial Things; OSC130911- Faith is Just Curiosity with Hope; OSC130909- Patience and Consistency; OSC130905- Your Consciousness; OSC130904- About Changing the World; OSC130903- Truth will Find the Way; OSC130830- The Greatest Miracle; 
  • 08/21/2021 –  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MICHAEL from BMS!! – born this day 7B.C. – 2,008 years ago; added NET-Planetary Management group (PMG) PMG11- Change, Flexibility, Adaptation, Evolution; added GEO161207- Multitudinous Factors and the Paradise Savior; GEO161202- Unsettled Times; GEO161202- All is Connected; GEO161114- His Hands and Feet; GEO161031- What You Call Perfection; GEO161029- David Zebedee and More.; GEO161021- Born in Sin; GEO161015- Serving the Sovereign; GEO161005- Reincarnation; GEP160925- The Work, the Costs and the Reward; GEO160921- Truly the Most Confused in the Local Universe; GEO160902- Fighting a Rearguard Action; GEO160826- Payment for Services Rendered; GEO160805- About Gratitude and Understanding — a sudden spiritual upstepping; GEO160804- Mansonia Pets; GEO160726- The Master, Tibet and India; GEO160721- The Story of a Silver Spoon; GEO160716- Our Task on Mansonia One; GEO160712- Living Sparingly; GEO160709- Where Your Future Lies; GEO160627- Dedication and Change of Responsibilities; GEO160619- Subjugation or Cooperation; GEO160610- Like a Tiny Flint and Evermore Greater Surprises; GEO160523- It Comes As No Surprise; GEO141222- Welcome to the 11:11 Progress Group; added 11:11 Oscar – Be the Beacons; OSC131017- Knowledge and Experience; OSC131015- Imagine; OSC131014- One with God; OSC131014- Inspiration and Courage; OSC131010- Great Potential; OSC131010- All is Well; OSC131009- An Expression of His Will; OSC131008- Greater Happiness; OSC131007- Increased Likeness; OSC131003- Why Faith?; OSC131002- Of Individuals and Groups; OSC131001- One Step Closer; OSC130930- Religious Experience; OSC130927- Your Salvation; OSC130926- There is Plenty you Can Do; OSC130919- The Cultivation of your Being; added new category; 11:11 MISC for 11:11 transcripts with only a few TR sessions insufficient to make their own class; – RTH191217- The Holiday Blues; AGN190529- Claim Your Superpowers!; LAB151215- I AM the Doer; LAB151109- About Love; LAB151010- Coming to a Close;  ELA131008- Scorn, Criticism and Enlightenment.; WHT101010- A Lesson Learnt in Time; WHT100629- The Beauty of it All; ELA080209- Dissolve Your Fears Into The Tapestry Of The Universe; WHT060412- My Time is Near; WHT051103- Light Chords; WHT041129- The Game Of Life; MON030831- Universal Changes; JOI960127- The Seeds Of Loving Kindnessl; **This concludes the upload of the 11:11-Miscellaneous (1111MSC) transcripts***;
  • 08/20/2020 added 11:11-Anyas – ANY201204- Relative Versus Absolute Truth; ANY201211- To Each Their Own; ANY201227- Do Not Let Defeat Get the Upper Hand; ANY201228- Make Your Prayers Count!; added SE Idaho (SEI)- SEI84- Trust; SEI83- More on Trust; SEI82- Stillness; SEI81- Everyone Can Be A TR; SEI80- Visualization; added 11:11 Anyas – ANY200810- The Strict Eligibility Requirements for Apprenticeship in Godlikeness; added 11:11 George (GEO) George Barnard- GEO170526- Forever; GEO170513- What Your World Needs Now; GEO170509- About Humanness; GEO170422- It’s an Occasion; GEO170403- We are your Teachers; GEO170328- The Tree of Life; GEO170314- Engineering and the Past; GEO170304- A Better Way Forward; GEO170212- The Most Misunderstood in His Young Universes; GEO170124- An Awakened Look at Jealousy; GEO170115- Eternal Life or Extinction; GEO170110- Preparing for the Task; GEO170105- About Mandates; GEO161227- The Poverty of Language and the Thought Adjuster; 
  • 08/19/2021 – VAL140901- Saving Faith; VAL140814- Life – A Means to Growth; VAL140805- Wars are Obsolete; VAL140614- Superpower Nations; VAL140613- Cultural Interruptions and Failures; VAL140612- Celestial Changes; VAL140423- Planning Your Life; VAL140305- When I Fuse with You; VAL140214- The Path of Excellence on High; VAL140207- Seek Balance in Your Life; VAL140102- The Best You Can Do; VAL131223- Celebrating Special Dates; VAL131212- Maturity in Life; VAL131207- Critical Thinking; VAL131206- Goals for Life; VAL131110- I Am Your Spiritual Gauge; VAL130921- You were born for Greatness!; VAL130826- Life, Personality and Spiritual Life; VAL130802- Eugenic Procreation; VAL130731- Consequences of the Lucifer Rebellion; VAL130707- Essential Needs to Spiritual Survival; VAL130701- Paths to Avoid; VAL130610- I Forget Nothing” (a personal message); VAL130429- Power – A Means to Love; VAL130416- Tragedies; VAL130403- Being Considerate; VAL130321- Death and Resurrection; VAL130302- Evolution; VAL130202- Government; VAL121215- Live Courageously!; VAL121213- Optimism with Faith; VAL121205- Evidence of Genuine Spirituality; VAL121128- Seeking Peace; VAL121115- Human Associations; VAL121111- The Presence of Evil; VAL121023- Escapist Solutions; VAL121015- Hope for Peace; VAL121010- Kindness is your Strength; VAL121008- Your Basis for Security; VAL120928- Real Values Show Through Love; VAL120916- A Lesson on Violence; VAL120909- Sexuality and Respect for the Personality; VAL120824- God’s Inevitabilities; VAL120821-I Am Just the Messenger.” – a personal message; VAL120807- What is Spiritual in You; VAL120712- Love is the Best Way, Always!; VAL120709- Revenge versus Justice; VAL120707- Everyone is Precious!; VAL120706- Dissertation on Prejudice; VAL120630- A Lesson On Courage; VAL120608- The Interconnection of Life; VAL120606- Worship; VAL120526- Free Will is Paramount; VAL120521- Outlines of Truth; VAL120517- Why Would I Stop Now?; VAL120515- Excellence in Living; VAL120329- Care for Your World!; VAL120205- Actions and their Repercussions; VAL120125- Being at Rest; VAL110729- Stagnant Faith and Living Faith; VAL110607- Thoughts and the Adjuster of Thoughts ; VAL110204- The Uniqueness of God’s Love; ***This completes the upload of all of the available transcripts from Valdir Soares ***; added 2 new groups 1111-REN -11:11 Renee & 1111-OSC – 11:11-Oscar; added 11:11 Renee: REN130305- Allowing the Light; REN130306- Love Yourself; REN130307- Soul Satisfaction; REN130308- Transcendence of Creature Will for Co-creation of Light and Life; REN130309- Learning Ability and Cooperation, Trust and Desire for Soul Growth; REN130310- Access to Divine Intelligence and Wisdom; REN130315- Spiritual Progress and Soul Growth; REN130317- Partnering with your Creator for Personality Perfection; REN130406- Willingness to Co-Create with Spirit; REN130430- Personality Development Part 1 – The Language of the Heart; REN130508- Spirit Investment; REN130511- Your Greatest Need is Our Greatest Challenge; REN130512- The Still Small Voice – Trusting the Guidance Within – I; REN130515- Cultivating Wellbeing–Part I–Parenting the Viable Child; REN130515- Inviting the Gracious Presence; REN130517- Selfless Service Motivations; REN130531- Generosity; REN130620- Idolatry; REN130620- Sincere Inner Listening — an Activity of Discipline and Dignity; REN130715- Personality Development Part 2 – Healthy Thoughts and Attitudes; REN130729- The Gift of Inspiration; REN130304- Love All Persons” – (a first introductory lesson); REN131204- Friendship and Partnership with God; REN131227- Divine Feminine – The Investor of Vitality; REN140317- Affirmation — An Invitation to Higher Learning; REN140622- Cultivating Wellbeing – Part II – Teaching the Principle of Brotherhood; ** This concludes the transcript upload of 11:11 Renee (REN); 
  • 08/18/2021 – VAL170329- Do The Best You Can; VAL170322- Caring for the Elderly; VAL170319- Second Most Satisfying Love; VAL170317- Rush Not my Child!; VAL170315- Respect Free Will; VAL170314- Enemies of Satisfaction; VAL170314- Dimensions of Health Care; VAL170310- Seriousness; VAL170308- Hope’s Infusions; VAL170305- What about Health?; VAL170303- Education is Liberating; VAL170215- Time is too Valuable to be Wasted; VAL170210- To Those Feeling Disheartened; VAL161111- Layers of Truth; VAL160821- Aspirations for Urantia; VAL160109- The Importance of Change; VAL151216- I Am Always Aware of You; VAL151112- The Seasons of Life; VAL150904- Human Companionship; VAL0618- Minister as You Go on Living; VAL150522- I Am Always with You!; VAL150409- Human Interchanges — Tools for the Human Brotherhood; VAL150321- Commonalities among Religions; VAL150314- My Guidance to You; VAL150312- Things to Know about Evil; VAL150225- Evolutionary Religion; VAL150208- Sources of Human Joy; VAL141012- Urantia’s Uniqueness; VAL141005- Strengtheners of Good Character; VAL141001- Learning to Deal with Violence; VAL140907- What Does it Take to Unite the World?;
  • 08/16/2021 – added LightLine (LLN) LLN624- Takes a Soul to Have Empathy, The Cost of Isolation; LLN625- Michael’s Birthday, TA Connection; LLN626- The Ego – An Aspect of the Human Self?; added Spanish-(( 11:11 Correcting Time  – 11CT-17sp- La Felicidad; 11CT-16sp- Amor y Respeto )); added ValdirS – VAL181207- The Time is Approaching; VAL181130- Why Revenge is Wrong; VAL181108- The Most Highs Rule in the Kingdom of Men; VAL181020- Basic human flaws; VAL181002- How Does Faith Progress?; VAL180817- How to Make the Best of all Situations; VAL180809- Sexuality and Spirituality; VAL180720- On Physical Death; VAL180402- Towards the Attunement with the Spirit Within; VAL180329- Living Better With Yourself; VAl180312- The Home Life; VAL180113- No Reason to Fear; VAL180102- Life Cycles, Changes and Decisions; VAL170923- The Ethics of the Kingdom of God; VAL170708- Perfecting Relationships; VAL170628- Signs of Personal Maturity; VAL170528- Don’t Regret the Good You’ve Done; VAL170429- Give me Peace and I Will Give You Peace in Return.; VAL170428- Experiencing Tragedies; VAL170424- Unconditional Love: Loving Over and Beyond; VAL170424- The Stages of Forgiveness; VAL170422- Fatal Diseases; VAL170420- A Word for Your World; VAL170417- Unintended Encounters with Malice; VAL170413- The Greater Good; VAL170406- The Future of Medicine.; VAL170404- Facing Disappointment; 
  • 08/15/2021 – INS210521- Machiventa, Michael’s & BMS Welcome Messages Regarding Our New Off-World Involvements; added Spanosh-(( INS210724sp- Sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas de Los Mentori 54-174; INS210728sp- Sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas de Mentori 175-236; 11CT-39sp- Desequilibrio de la Doble Naturaleza; 11CT-38sp- Consecución de Objetivos; 11CT-37sp- Oración de Sanación; 11CT-36sp- Disciplina Espiritual; 11CT-35sp- Desafíos por Delante; 11CT-34sp- Agradecimiento; 11CT-33sp- Mundos de las Mansiones; 11CT-32sp- Eventos Actuales; 11CT-31sp- Una Lección sobre la Verdad; 11CT-30sp- Fortalecimiento del Circuito; 11CT-28sp- Una Lección de Telegrafía; 11CT-27sp- Una Lección de Voluntad; 11CT-26s- Sensibilidad Espiritual; 11CT-25sp- Una Lección de Confianza; 11CT-24sp- Servicio a los Demás; 11CT-23sp- Una Lección de Caridad; 11CT-22sp- Perseverancia; 11CT-21sp- Confirmación; 11CT-20sp- Amistad; 11CT-19sp- Los Nobles Senderos; 11CT-18sp- Libertad; 
  • 08/14/2021 – added updated paper- Learning Centers for Sustainable Families-36.19.04; ANY160228- Strive for Connection — Not for Isolation; ANY160227- Love, the Supercharger; ANY160219- About the Inner Stairway; ANY160212- A Detour Can Turn Out to be a Shortcut; ANY160211- About the Planetary Springtime; ANY160210- You Are a VIP in the Father’s Heart; ANY160104- Love is God’s Trademark; ANY160103- About Integrity; ANY160102- The Book of your Life is being co-authored; ANY160101- What would Jesus do?; ANY151224- The Good News is not a Secret; ANY151223- The Love Faucet; ANY151221- Would you Rather be a Damsel in Distress?; ANY151218- Reserve Corps and Active Duty; ANY151216- About the Second Mile; ANY151215- The Music of Gratitude; ANY151214- About Malignant Emotions; ANY151209- About Growth and Metamorphosis; ANY151207- The Fruits of Spirit; ANY151202- The Furnace of the Divine Heart; ANY151201- Daily Spiritual Hygiene; ANY151129- You are an Action Figure in the Game of Life; ANY151120- About Indoctrination; ANY151114- Love is the only viable response to Hate; ANY150128- Truth has to be Experienced Personally; ANY150127- Even the Downs Have Their Ups; ANY150126- You are Spiritual Beings Meant for Spiritual Experiences; ANY150125- Treat you God-given Gifts with Gratitude and Respect; ANY150124- Some relationships come with an expiration date; ANY150123- You are engaged to Your Thought Adjuster; ANY150122- Recalibrate your internal GPS; ANY150121- Cooperate with the Trinity; ANY150120- The Spiritual Influence of Truth; ANY150119- Become a Divine Mouthpiece; ANY151129- You are an Action Figure in the Game of Life; ANY151120- About Indoctrination; ANY151114- Love is the only viable response to Hate; ANY150128- Truth has to be Experienced Personally; ANY150127- Even the Downs Have Their Ups; ANY150118- How do you use your silver talents; ANY150106- Self-centered Pride vs. God-centered Pride; ANY150105- Each Part is as Important as the Whole; ANY150103- The Intention of the Heart; ANY150102- Progress Comes with Perseverance; ANY150101- You are a Piece of the Cosmic Puzzle; LYT120205- Breaking Free; *** This concludes the upload of all of the available transcripts from ANYAS ***; 
  • 08/13/2021 – added new Cosmic Insights – INS210728- Mentori Session Q&A 175-236; ANY150117- Cultivate Your Unique Personality; ANY150116- An Easy Life Contributes to Spiritual Indolence; ANY150115- Love is the Life Force of the Universes; ANY150114- Good Will Ambassadors; ANY150113- The Substance of Love; ANY150112- Guiding Lights; ANY150111- You Are the Commander-in-Chief of your Own Being; ANY150110- Practice Your Listening Skills; ANY150107- Personal versus Group Intentions; ANY150106- Training leads to Mastery; ANY160902- A Detour or a Dead End?; ANY160830- Outlaws or Freedom Fighters?; ANY160819- Friendship by Proxy is not Friendship; ANY160814- The Truth Crusade; ANY160804- About Guidance; ANY160730- The Father Gives His All and His Best; ANY160726- About Painful Memories; ANY160716- Invest Yourself, Heart, Body and Soul; ANY160708- Drop into Your Heart; ANY160703- The Uniform of a Light Worker; ANY160628- Take a Walk in the Serene, Divine Park; ANY160622- Conversion or Course Correction?; ANY160612- Are You a Honey Bee or a Wasp?; ANY160609- About the Many Wombs; ANY160524- About a Spiritual Trust Fund; ANY160421- Are You Addicted to Lower Emotions?; ANY160408- You Can Make the Weather; ANY160403- Are you traveling light?; ANY160331- Worry or Worship?; ANY160329- Be a Way Shower of Peace; ANY160320- About Prayer; ANY160319- Go Zen of Feng Shui; ANY160312- Flip Your Inner Real Estate; ANY160311- No RSVP Needed; ANY160310- Talk the talk or walk the walk? – Part 2; ANY160310- Talk the talk or walk the walk? – Part 1; ANY160308- Be the Phoenix Rising from the Ashes; ANY160304- Every Situation is Pregnant with Growth Potentials; 
  • 08/12/2021 – added Spanish-(( 11CT-40sp- Los Maestros Esperan; 11CT-41sp- Doctrinas y Dogmas; 11CT-59sp- Progresión Morontial; 11CT-58sp- Purificación; 11CT-57sp- Tener el Pastel y Comérselo; 11CT-56sp- La Esclavitud Espiritual; 11CT-55sp- Obediencia y Fracaso; 11CT-54sp- Cultivar la Fe; 11CT-53sp- Acción de Cambio; 11CT-52sp- Una Lección de Amor; 11CT-51sp- Valor Espiritual; 11CT-50sp- Limpieza del Templo; 11CT-49sp- Ley Universal; 11CT-48sp- Libertad de Espíritu; 11CT-47sp- Una Lección sobre el Conocimiento de Dios; 11CT-46sp- Una Lección sobre la Fe Infantil; 11CT-45sp- Una Lección sobre la Salvación; 11CT-44sp- Sexualidad Humana; 11CT-42sp- Santidad; 11CT-43sp- Una Lección sobre la Filiación; LLN273sp- Cadenas y Eslabones del Alma; LLN274sp- Asociación y Servicio Divino; LLN276sp- Sinceridad, Vida Interior; LLN277sp- Aceptación )); added 1111-Bettina, BET180420- Return to Your Center, Return to Your Peace; BET180411- Come Closer, I Am Waiting; BET171019- Focus on service; BET171018- Be Messengers of the Light; BET171005- Life is; BET170810- Cross over the threshold; BET170809- You’re not Alone; BET170808- Everything is Perfect; BET170805-A Universe of Possibilities; BET170803- A Grateful Heart -Part 2; BET170725- The Dawn of the Earth; BET170724- Flow with the River of Life; BET170716- Walk lightly; BET170716- Stop Asking Why; BET170712- Stop hurting yourself; BET170707= A Grateful Heart; BET170704- Live on Paradise; BET170620- Here I AM; BET170618- The power of believing; BET170401- Leave Judgments Behind; BET170328- True Freedom; BET170320- The Unconditional Love of the Father; BET170319- Connect in the Silence; BET170314- Growth and Evolution occur during Tribulation; BET161106- Change the suffering for peace; BET161026- If you knew how much I love you; BET161009- Messengers of Light; BET161004- “Listen to Me. I want to talk with you; BET161003- Trust in Me at the Time of the Test; BET160924- Learn, grow, renew and change; BET160914- About Absolute Truth; BET160828- What really moves you?; BET160826- About Liberty; BET160818- Rest in My Presence and Love; BET160808- Patience and Faith; BET160725- Do not lose track; BET160629- The perfect moment; BET160623- Free will and self-mastery;  BET160616- A lesson about respect; BET160614- Listen to Me; BET160611- To love God; BET160607- Rest in Me; BET160530- Renew yourself every day; BET160516- Speak the Truth; BET160509- A lesson about Gratitude; BET160503- Short Moments, Big Differences; BET160428- Focus on the Now.; BET160427- Let nothing worry you; BET160425- Let Your Walk Be Guided by Spirit; BET160422- Be consistent; BET160421- Your Life, Your Project; BET160419- Keep going and don’t let anything hold you back; BET160412- A lesson about fear; BET160411- The Light; BET160408- A Lesson about What Should Be; BET160407- Do not lose the connection; BET160405- About forgiveness; ***Thus concludes the upload of all of 11:11 Bettina transcripts that were available.***
  • 08/11/2021 – added ICC-MM 210808- Focus on the Rising Christ; added 11:11 Valdir Soares-VAL200201- The Most Highs of the Constellations; VAL190902- About Mass Shootings or Evil Sprees; VAL190805- All in Due Time; VAL190715- Let Come to Me the Little Children; VAL190707- Is Urantia In for a New Great War?; VAL190511- Questioning About God; VAL190305- In What Sense Can Christ Michael Be a Savior? -Part1; VAL190305- In What Sense Can Christ Michael Be a Savior? -Part2; VAL181221- More on Urantia’s Magisterial Mission; 
  • 08/10/2021 – added ANY160930- Which One Will It Be?; ANY160925- About Spiritual Lineage; ANY160920- Solo or Choir?; ANY160911- About Prayer;
  • 08/09/2021 – added new Cosmic Insights Q&A transcript #2 from the Mentori – INS210724- Mentori Q&A Session 54-170;  added Anyas(ANY) ANY171111- Love Is Life, and Life Is Love; ANY171103- About Three-Pronged Outlets; ANY171101- Love-Fueled or Hate-Fueled?; ANY171019- About Living Mirrors; ANY171009- About Compassion; ANY171007- Graduate from Conditional to Unconditional Love; ANY170927- Stop Doubting!; ANY170918- Saddle up!; ANY170914- God’s Love and Christ’s Love Are a Given; ANY170908- It is the Time of Purification; ANY170831- About Sanctuary Cities; ANY170823- The Stumbling Block of Unforgiveness; ANY170816- The Said and the Unsaid; ANY170811- About Nuptials; ANY170804- Living to the Fullest Means Loving to the Fullest; ANY170730- One plus One Equals ONE; ANY170722- Conceived in Heaven; ANY170713- About Love and Forgiveness; ANY170706- View Yourself as a Winner; ANY170705- Your Heart and Your Mind Should Be an Item; ANY170626- In or Out of Shape?; ANY170618- The Communion of Souls; ANY170612- About the Multiplication of Spiritual Bread; ANY170603- The Gradual Expansion of Personal Freedom; ANY170525- About Meanings, Significations, and Values; ANY170519- One Size Does Not Fit All; ANY170515- About the Wise Dissemination of Truth; ANY170509- The Quest for Positive Attributes; ANY170430- Be Passion-Driven!; ANY170424- Swords or Salve?; ANY170418- About Self-Mastery; ANY170404- Are You Fluent in Prayer?; ANY170401- Who Are You?; ANY170328- God’s Leap of Faith; ANY170317- The Handicaps of Time; ANY170311- My Silence Does Not Imply My Absence; ANY170304- About the Good Guys; ANY170227- I Am Light; ANY170219- About Radio Paradise; ANY170206- About Receptivity; ANY170201- We Come in Peace; ANY170123- Find a Positive Outlet for Your Anger; ANY170114- Respect Your Body; ANY170107- About Your VIP Status; ANY161230- The Ascension Ladder; ANY161224- Be Spiritual All the Time; ANY161219- The Peace That Passes All Understanding; ANY161212- Ascend and Transcend; ANY161204- The Feeding of the Soul; ANY161127- Love is the Answer; ANY161124- Being Just is Being Merciful; ANY161111- God is Pro Life; ANY161105- About the Divine Transformer; ANY161102- Close and Personal; ANY161019- About the Truth Whisperer; ANY161013- About Difficult Emotions; ANY161008- About Self-Respect; 
  • 08/08/2021 – added Anyas(ANY) ANY201218- Jesus’ Subtle Spiritual Guidance; ANY201215- From Belief to Love; ANY201214- About Spiritual Lobbyism; ANY201209- Do Not Neglect Your ‘Funny Bone; ANY201119- Free-Diving in the Stillness; ANY201118- The Gauntlets You Take; ANY201117- One Vetted Supremacy; ANY181220- Why Does It Take You so Long?; ANY181218- The Time Has Come for the Chosen Ones to Choose; ANY181214- You know what you KNOW; ANY181209- Humility is the Gateway to Divinity; ANY181203- You Have It in You!; ANY181126- Playing by Different Rules; ANY181120- Your Spiritual Life is not an Optional Feature; ANY181101- Have Faith in Your Heart!;  ANY181115- A Pint Can Never Hold a Quart; ANY181027- Practice Love to Become IT; ANY181018- You Cannot Skip the Basics; ANY181017- Love, Light, and Miracles; ANY181013- About Heart-titude; ANY181007- Eternally Yours; ANY181005- About Love-Ability; ANY180925- From Ground Zero to Cloud Nine; ANY180919- Before I Was, You Were; ANY180918- About the Wisdom of the Ages; ANY180915- Easy Does It; ANY180906- How to Turn a Toughie into a Softie; ANY180903- About Free Energy; ANY180830- The Flashflood of Love; ANY180825- To Be Eternal Is to Be Fully Sustainable; ANY180822- Plug into the Greater Mental Network; ANY180809- Peace is the Support Framework of Your Godlike Nature; ANY180805- Beware of Rogue Thoughts!; ANY180731- Crossing the Rainbow Bridge; ANY180725- About the Labor of Tough Love; ANY180718- The Consolation Prizes of Defeat; ANY180706- About Luminescence; ANY180703- About the Spirit of Idealistic Beauty; ANY180623- Stranded on the Beaches of Hard Times; ANY180618- Rally with the United Forces of Love in Action; ANY180611- Patience and Courage; Standby, Not Standstill; ANY180603- From a Grueling Climb to a Walk in the Park; ANY180527- Love to the Fullest!; ANY180517- About Discernment versus Discrimination; ANY180507- You Are Equipped with All the Bells and Whistles; ANY180429- Prayer is the Language of the Heart; ANY180418- As Below, so Above; ANY180410- About 20-20 Vision; ANY180401- The Apprenticeship of the Golden Rule; ANY180323- Manifest Love in Action; ANY180320- Forgiveness Comes Easy to Those Who Love Unconditionally; ANY180313- The Master Fraud of Fear; ANY180311- A Judgment-Free Zone; ANY180305- Beautiful Lives are Lived with an Echo of Truth and a Fragrance of Goodness; ANY180226- Are You Ready Yet?; ANY180219- The Four-Step Program toward the Acquisition of Mercy; ANY180213- Your Spiritual Birth; ANY180207- Welcome Aboard!; ANY180127- The God Experience; ANY180121- Is Your Answering Machine Turned On?; ANY180119- Treading New Paths; ANY180105- Turning Cain; ANY180101- About Effective Guidance; ANY171224- Hosting Your Private Christmas Event; ANY171211- Set Your Sights on the Starry Canopy of Greater Spiritual Achievements; ANY171208- About Party Crashers; ANY171204- About Sandpaper; ANY171123- Pay It Forward!; ANY171122- The Regeneration Process; 
  • 08/07/2021 – 11:11 Correcting Time-11CT-59- Morontia Progression; 11CT-58- Purification; 11CT-57- Having your Cake and Eating It; 11CT-56- Spiritual Bondage; 11C T-55- Obedience and Failure; 11CT-54- Cultivating Faith; 11CT-53- Change Action; 11CT-52- A Lesson on Love; 11CT-51- Spiritual Courage; 11CT-50- Cleansing the Temple; 11CT-49- Universal Law; 11CT-48- Freedom of the Spirit; 11CT-47- A Lesson on Knowing God; 11CT-46- A Lesson on Child-like Faith; 11CT-45- A Lesson on Salvation; 11CT-44- Human Sexuality; 11CT-43- A Lesson on Sonship; 11CT-38- Imbalance of Dual Nature; 11CT-35- Challenges Ahead; 11CT-42- Sanctity; 11CT-41- Doctrines and Dogmas; 11CT-40- Teachers Await; 11CT-39- Imbalance of Dual Nature; 11CT-38- Goal Attainment; 11CT-37- Healing Prayer; 11CT-36- Spiritual Discipline; 11CT-35- Challenges Ahead; 11CT-34- Thankfulness; 11CT-33- Mansion Worlds; 11CT-32- Current Events; 11CT-31- A Lesson on Truth; 11CT-30- Strengthening the Circuit; 11CT-29- Eve of Celebration; 11CT-28- A Lesson on Telegraphing; 11CT-27- A Lesson on Will; 11CT-26- Spiritual Sensitivity; 11CT-25- A Lesson on Trustworthiness; 11CT-24- Service to Others; 11CT-23- A Lesson on Charity; 11CT-22- Perserverance; 11CT-21- Confirmation; 11CT-20- Friendship; 11CT-19- The Noble Paths; 11CT-18- Freedom; 11CT-17- Happiness; 11CT-16- Love and Respect; This concludes the upload of the 1111-Corecting Time transcripts. 1-15 numbers not available and are an error in  original numbering; 
  • 08/06/2021 – added Spanish-(( INS210723sp- Sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas de Los Mentori 1-53 )); added Jesus Speaks-JSP27- Personally Real; 11:11 Correcting Time-11CT-79- Human Dignity; 11CT-78- Spiritual Dividends; 11CT-77- Spirit-Sense; 11CT-76- The Discipline of Sympathy; 11CT-75- Trinity of Being; 11CT-74- Oneness of Being; 11CT-73- Equality; 11CT-72- Hard Choices; 11CT-71- Victory over Affliction; 11CT-70- Faith in Faith; 11CT-69- Entrainment; 11CT-68- Burdens; 11CT-67- Divine Purpose; 11CT-66- Depression; 11CT-65- Smell the Roses; 11CT-64- The Coming Changes; 11CT-63- Do as the Romans; 11CT-62- Why Me?; 11CT-61- Consciousness of Spirit; 11CT-60- Caring for the Elderly; 
  • 08/05/2021 – added 1st message from the off-world contact known as the Mentori- INS210723- Mentori Q&A Session 1-53; 
  • 08/04/2021 – 11CT-109- Taking Care of Business; 11CT-108- Truth, Beauty, and Goodness; 11CT-107- Barriers to Light and Life; 11CT-106- What is Right and What is Expected; 11CT-105- Correcting Time Runs its Course; 11CT-104- Intuition; 11CT-103- He or She; 11CT-102- Never Too Late to Change; 11CT-101- A Lesson on Sharing; 11CT-100- Stillness – The Key of Life; 11CT-99- Accidents of Time; 11CT-98- Faith in Yourself; 11CT-97- 2010 New Years Greeting; 11CT-96- Inventory; 11CT-95- Celebrations and Traditions; 11CT-94- You are not an Orphan; 11CT-92- Call to Action; 11CT-91- The Flesh is Weak; 11CT-90- Grief and Ascension; added Spanish-(( PMG9sp- Ajustadores del Pensamiento, Paz, Crecimiento del Alma, Guerra Cultural; PMG10sp- Víctimas, Adaptación Social, ET’s, Lecciones de Historia, Proteger las Democracias )); 11CT-89- Will to Change; 11CT-88- Doing The Will – Cooperation; 11CT-87- Doing the Will – Believe; 11CT-86- Doing the Will – Communicate; 11CT-85- Doing the Will – Create; 11CT-84- Hopelessness; 11CT-83- Today is the Day; 11CT-82- Intention; 11CT-81- Closet Cleaning; 11CT-80- Cooperation and Unity; 
  • 08/03/2021 – 11CT-Chris; Correcting Time – 11CT-169- The Great Divide; 11CT-168- The Gift of Being Alive; 11C T-167- Sacred Spaces; 11CT-166- Embracing the Law of One; 11CT-165- The Quiescence of the Soul; 11CT-164- The Sentinels; 11CT-163- Big Brothers, Big Sisters; 11CT-162- Prepare for the Coming Age; 11CT-161- Joy and Accomplishment; 11CT-160- The Value of Hardship; added NET-PMG (Planetary Management Group) PMG10- Victims, Social Adaptation, ET’s, History Lessons, Protect Democracies; 11CT-159- Inspiration; 11CT-158- The Choice of Progress; 11CT-157- The Maturation of Soul; 11CCT-156- The Key to Eternity; 11CT-155- Do Your Part for the Whole; 11CT-154- Losing Fear; 11CT-153- Revealing the Soul-Child; 11CT-152- The Field of Higher Light; 11CT-151- What is Truly Important; 11CT-150- Winds of Change; 11CT-149- Having Fun; 11CT-148- Ball of Confusion; 11CT-147- The Haves and Have-nots; 11CT-146- Peace and Assurance; 11CT-145- Changing Dynamics; 11CT-144- Fair, Equitable, and Just; 11CT-143- Evaluating Progress; 11CT-142- Imagine the Possibilities; 11CT-141- The Infinity of Love; 11CT-140- Spiritual Loneliness; 11CT-139- Consecration of Will; 11CT-138- The Two Egos; 11CT-137- The Delay of Time; 11CT-136- Anchors of Light; 11CT-135- Duty to Service; 11CT-134- The Question; 11CT-133- The Mathematics of Transformation; 11CT-132- Religious Tolerance; 11CT-131- Letting Go; 11CT-130- The Magnetic Effect of Surrender -Part 2; 11CT-129- The Magnetic Effect of Surrender  -Part 1; 11CT-128- Endurance Training; 11CT-127- Dedication; 11CT-126- The Pursuits of Time; 11CT-125- Spiritual Hearing; 11CT-124- Serenity; 11CT-123- Foundations of Truth and Purpose; 11CT-122- The Journey; 11CT-121- Life Mission; 11CT-120- Happenstance; 11CT-119- Growing Pains; 11CT-118- Healing–Where is Home?; 11CT-117- The Corps of Mortal Guides; 11CT-116- Preparedness -Part 2; 11CT-115- Birthright; 11CT-114- The Fear Factor; 11CT-113- Leave the Past in the Past -Part1; 11CT-112- Preparedness; 11CT-111- What is a Circle?; 11CT-110- Building a Legacy; 
  • 08/01/2021 – added FAQ#8 on introverts  v extroverts; 

JUL 2021

  • 07/30/2021 – 11CT-229- “Free Your Mind”; 11CT-228- Divinity in the Midst; 11CT-227- Personality and Loving the Self; 11CT-226- What is Saving Grace?; 11CT-225- The Process of Detoxification; 11CT-224- A Lesson on How to Love; 11CT-223- The Freedom to Live and to Love is Yours; 11CT-222- The Greatest of Love Songs; 11CT-221- The Fundamentals of Light and Life; 11CT-220- Experience a “Lollapalooza”; 11CT-219- Healing Effect of Laughter; 11CT-218- The Prayer of Life and Ascension; 11CT-217- Counting the Blessings; 11CT-216- Spiritual Dreams; 11CT-215- Intelligence—Practical and Spiritual; 11CT-214- Cycles of Life; 11CT-213- The Final Agreement; 11CT-212- The Circle of Love; 11CT-211- Patience and Perseverance; 11CT-210- Is There Really a God?; 11CT-209- Spirit Finance; 11CT-208- Ambassadors of Light; 11CT-207- Affliction – Strengthen Your Faith; 11CT-206- The Vital Ingredients; 11CT-205- The Answer to the Questions; 11CT-204- Transcendence; 11CT-203- Finding a Deeper Connection with Spirit; 11CT-202- Want for Others; 11CT-201- Say Hello to Love; 11CT-200- Finding the Path; 11CT-199- Spending Time on the Self; 11CT-198- Difficult Decisions; 11CT-197- Emotion: Who is Master?; 11CT-196- LOVE IS; 11CT-195- The Exclusivity of Belief; 11CT-194- Expressing the True Self; 11CT-193- The Divine Relationship; 11CT-192- The Feeling Network; 11CT-191- 2012 New Year Greetings; 11CT-190- Experience Divine Love; added Spanish-(( 11CT-576sp- Desarrollar el Contacto Consciente -Parte 2; 11CT-577sp- Experimentar el Contacto Consciente – Parte 1; INS210421sp- 3er. Encuentro con los Apunianos; INS210425sp- Apunianos sobre la Sanación y la Partícula Minius; LLN623sp- Diferentes Enfoques para la Curación; LLN622sp- Creando el Gran Circuito – El Gran Atajo a su Guía Interior; LLN621sp- Caminos y Portales; LLN190sp- La Voz y su Contraparte Humana; LLN191sp- Su Entorno los Pone a Prueba; LLN192sp- La Influencia del Espíritu es a Través de los Patrones de Pensamiento; LLN193sp- ¿Existe Hoy la Posesión?; LLN194sp- La Incomodidad del Contacto con el Ajustador )); Lightline(LLN) 11CT-189- Exemplification of Self; 11CT-188- The Great “AH-HA”; 11CT-187- Let Today Be; 11CT-186- WE ARE THE WORLD; 11CT-185- Spiritual Gifts and Service; 11CT-184- Children of the New World; 11CT-183- Open to the Possibilities; 11CT-182- Those Who See; 11CT-181- The True Realization of Self; 11CT-180- Shared Wisdom; 11CT-179- Perfection; 11CT-178- Time is Now; 11CT-177- The Day the World Changed; 11CT-176- Color in the Mosaic of Life; 11CT-175- There Will Come a Time; 11CT-174- Time Alone with God; 11C T-173- Transmutation of Divine Will; 11CT-172- Spiritual Prowess; 11CT-171- Spiritual Duty; 11CT-170- Sustainable Legacy; 
  • 07/29/2021 – 11CT-253- The Springtime of Eternity; 11CT-252- “I Abide In You”; 11CT-251- Following Your Life Plan; 11CT-250- The Walls of Limitation; 11CT-249- Equality and the Untapped Potential; 11CT-248- Spiritual Growth and Progress -Part 3; 11CT-247- Spiritual Growth and Progress -Part 2; 11CT-246- Spiritual Growth and Progress -Part 1; 11CT-245- The Importance of Faith; 11CT-244- Communicate Your Feelings; 11CT-243- Relationships and Divine Guidance; 11CT-242- Self-forgiveness: The First Step Toward Freedom;  11CT-241- Mind and Memory: The Building Blocks of the Soul; 11CT-240- The Viewpoint of Eternity; 11CT-239- Methods to Prepare a Soul for Enlightenment; 11CT-238- The End of Separation; 11CT-237- “Why” Many Questions; 11CT-236- Era of Change; 11CT-235- Maintaining Your Spiritual Health; 11CT-234- The Circuit of Worship;  11C T-233- The Willingness to Change; 11CT-232- Sentinel Check Point; 11CT-231- Life Friends and the Divine Framework; 11CT-230- The Keepers of the Flame; added Institute of Christ Consciousness-Magisterial Mission (ICC-MM) ICC-MM 210725- Activating Humanity’s Potential through Calibration to Universe Mind; 
  • 07/28/2021 – 11CT-259- Give Pause and Let Your Light Shine; 11CT-258- The Love of God; 11CT-257- “Allow Yourself the Space to Grow”; 11CT-256- Spiritual Unity: “A View from the Mountain Top”; 11CT-255- Each According to Their Needs; 11CT-254- Fulfilling the Needs of the Soul; 
  • 07/27/2021 – 11CT-261- The Kingdom of Heaven, What is it?; 11CT-261- The Kingdom of Heaven, What is it?; 
  • 07/26/2021 – added 11CT Correcting Time (a/k/a 1111-Chris) 11CT- 577- Experiencing Conscious Contact – Part 1; 11CT-331- Destiny Points—The Crossroads of Decision; 11CT-330- The Divine Partnership — Part 1; 11CT-329- The Big 3Qs; 11CT-328- Precious is your Life?; 11CT-327- This is Your Destiny; 11CT-326- What is it that you truly Desire?; 11CT-325- The Connection between Centers; 11CT-324- The Many Degrees of Higher Love;11CT-323- Higher Love – The Soul Fuel; 11CT-322- From This Day Forward, You are a Student of Love; 11CT-321- The Power Zone; 11CT-320- The Soul Building Process – Part 4; 11CT-319- The Soul Building Process – Part 3; 11CT-318- The Soul Building Process – Part 2; 11CT-317- The Soul Building Process – Part 1; 11CT-316- The Quickening – Amp-up the Frequency of Consciousness; 11CT-315- Where is Monjoronson?; 11CT-314- “Go with the Flow” – Embrace Change; 11CT-313- Soul Treasure – Practice the Art of Friendliness; 11CT-312- Manifest Love from the Great Potential; 11CT-311- Trust, Believe, and Transform—You are the Conduit; 11CT-310- Real Love is Freedom; 11CT-309- The Great Plan – Life and Purpose; 11C T-308- Midwayer Ingenuity; 11CT-307- First Contact – Primary Midwayer Andrea; 11CT-306- Letter to My Father; 11CT-305- Learn How to Expand Your Creative Potential; 11CT-304- The Divine Riddle; 11CT-303- The Fact of Eternal Life; 11CT-302- First Wave;11CT-301- “What Can I Teach,” and “Who is My Student?”; 11CT-300- The True Meaning of Peace, Love, and Understanding; 11CT-299- What does it mean to “Be in Your Peace?”; 11CT-298- The Journey of the Soul; 11CT-297- Look Boldly Into the Mirror; 11CT-296- Experience a Guided Meditation for Healing the Afflicted; 11CT-295- Morontia Mind – Experience Life from A Higher Perspective; 11CT-294- Love – God’s Integral Relationship with the Soul; 11CT-293- Prepare Your Mind for Expansion by Unclogging the Bottleneck; 11CT-292- Take a “Time-out” and Release the Tension; 11CT-291- Are you a Universe Citizen? Take the Test; 11CT-290- Put Your Imaginations to the Test; 11CT-289- The Necessity for Real Love; 11CT-288- Make it a Personal Challenge to Fine Tune your Awareness; 11CT-287- The “L” Factor; 11CT-286- The “Three Bs” of Universe Citizenship; 11CT-285- Opportunity to Express the Divine Will; 11CT-284- Express the One Truth and Awaken a Sleeping Planet; 11CT-283- Be Counted as the First Ancestors of Light and Life; 11CT-282- Open the Layers of the Mind with Direct Communication; 11CT-281- Techniques for Receiving Divine Guidance – Part 2; 11CT-280- Techniques for Receiving Divine Guidance – Part 1; 11CT-279- Discover What Remains; 11CT-278- Perplexing Moral Dilemma; 11CT-277- This is the Story of Us All; 11CT-276- Alignment: The Key to Inward Movement; 11CT-275- How Will You Answer When the Master Calls?; 11CT-274- The Law of Vibration – The Order of Universe Realities; 11CT-273- Relationships are the Reflection of the Divine; 11CT-272- “Do You Know Which Way the Wind Blows?”; 11CT-271- Meditation for the Expansion of Spiritual Awareness;11CT-270- Prayer of Perfection;  11CT-269- Understanding the Connection to Your Higher-Self -Part 2; 11CT-268- Understanding the Connection to Your Higher-Self -Part 1; 11CT-267- Beautiful Exercise for Raising Your Spiritual Vibration; 11CT-266- “It’s a Matter of Light and Vibration”; 11C T-265- Consciousness and Our Collective Relationship; 11CT-264-Be a Universe Building Co-Creator; 11CT-263- Listen with the Ears of the Heart; 11CT-262- Tap Into Your Inherent Potential; 11CT-261- The Kingdom of Heaven, What is it?; 11CT-260- Prayer of the Child; added GEO050101 – “Intro to Search for 11:11” by George Barnard; 
  • 07/25/2021 – Continued addition  of Butler PA(BUT) BUT16- On the Subjects of Love, Romance, Love, Soul-mates, Midwayers, Light; BUT15- What Is Energy?; BUT14- Human Dissatisfaction, Limitations, Emotion, Defense, Perfection; BUT13- Routine vs. Rut, Life Adventure, Dissemination, Happiness, Health; BUT12- Extended Stillness, Spirit of Truth, Teacher Contact; BUT11- Denial & E-motion;  BUT10- TR Character & Benefits, Ener4gy, Personality, Maturity;  BUT09- Tomas Discusses Money, Economics, Tithing, Progress; BUT08- Loving Service, Manipulation, Sincerity, Balance, Restraint; BUT07- Reviewing Earlier Lessons, Faith, Trust, Understanding, Sensitivity; BUT06- In God’s Time, Teachers, Community, Symbols, Expression, Hospice; BUT05- Becoming Receptive, Seeing Through God’s Eyes, Observation, Discernment; BUT04- Personal Counsel, Teacher Contact, Manner, Health, Human Condition, Menopause, Chakras;  BUT3- If You Cut Your Finger, It Bleeds; Morontia Mota, Accidents, Causality, Victimhood;  BUT02- The Joy Of Learning, Morontia, Healing; BUT01- Simplicity & Tomas’ Bio, Transportation, Sea of Glass; **This completes the transcript upload from the Butler PA Teaching Mission Group**; LYT374- So Come. So Rest. So Learn; LYT373- Unconditionally; 
  • 07/24/2021 – Butler PA (BUT) BUT37- Heart of TeaM, Love One Another, Joy, Diversity, Tradition; BUT36- Emotional Excitement; BUT35- Lesson On Opportunity, Urantia Movement, Distraction, Focus; BUT34- Mansion World Teachers, Merging Mind & Soul, Healing, Spirit; BUT33- Assessment of Teaching Mission, Inquiry, Teacher Sons; BUT32- Washing The Feet Of Your Fellows, Service, Differences, Acceptance; BUT31- Original Sin & Questioning Reality, Marital Role Playing, Shame, Discipline, Growth; BUT30- Observe & Discover, Problem Solving, Renewal, Joy, Judgment, Appreciation; Lightline(LLN) LLN192- Spirit Influence Is Through Thought Patterns; LLN191- Your Environment Tests You; LLN190- The Voice & Its Human Counterpart; Tallahassee(TAL) TAL08- Personality, Re-incarnarion, Bible, Parenting, Symbols; TAL07- The Coming Fellowship & TM Interactions; TAL06- Choices, Grace; TAL05- Rely On Strength From Each Other, Death, Anger, Grief, Spirit Poisons; TAL04- Death & Family Reunion, Parenting, Control, Change; TAL03- Group Formation with Will, Transmitting, Trust; TAL02- Will-Sessions 14-26 With Various Topics & Teachers;  TAL01- Will-Sessions 1-13 With Various Topics & Teachers; **This completes the transcript upload from the Tallahassee Teaching Mission Group**;; Butler PA (BUT) BUT29- Cataclysmic Times Are Upon Us; BUT28- Acknowledgment of Great Need, Friendship, Assistance, Growth, Wisdom, Abuse, Socialization; BUT27- Practice T/R Session; BUT26- Understanding Vortex; BUT25- Identifying Otherness; BUT24- Working In Harmony, Grace; BUT23- Growing In Community; BUT22- More About Spiritual Names; BUT21- Handicap of Literal Mindedness; BUT20- Making Choices, Miracles & Mind, Inquiry, Human Condition, Ritual, Exorcism; BUT19- Time to Change Your Oil, Change Focus, Comfort , Burden; BUT18- The TR Process; BUT17- Perception of His Will, Difference, Urantia Book, Prayer; 
  • 07/23/2021 – North Idaho(NID) NID645- Monjoronson Q&A Session 88 – Discernment, Mansion Worlds, Prayer, Materializations, Spirituality; NID644- Forgiveness; added Spanish(( LLN291sp- Supervivencia de la Personalidad )); Tallahassee(TAL) TAL15- Will’s Observation of People; TAL14- The Jesus Family; TAL13- Giving The UB To A Minister; TAL12- Concern About Materializations; TAL11- Learning to TR; TAL10- Doubts About Transmitting; TAL09- Questions About Appearance of Celestials; Lightline(LLN) LLN199- Rebellious Spirit, Creativity; LLN198- Experience Contrast & Redefine Your Position; LLN197- Distance Between Us Grows Less; LLN196- Self Contained Soul Not a Physical Mechanism; LLN195- Christmas 2008; LLN194- The Awkwardness of Adjuster Contact; LLN193- Is There Possession Today; 
  • 07/22/2021 – added Lightline (LLN) LLN219- Mortal Equal Partners with TA; LLN218- TA Work – Unique & Personal; LLN217- Urantia Needs to Learn Cooperation; LLN215- Expanding Revelation of Truth; LLN214- Magical Mystery Tour; LLN213- The Inner Life; LLN212- Elements & Perceptions of Joining with the Inner Voice; LLN211- One May Not Arm & Preach Peace; LLN210- Urantia Good Experience to Develop Strong Souls; LLN209- Using Group Spaces; LLN208- Channels; LLN207- I AM Perfect in All Ways; North Idaho (NID) NID566- Fully Manifest Your Potentials; NID559- Following the Current Downstream; added Lightline(LLN) LLN205- Carry the Harvest to New Cycle; LLN204- You Have Done Your Homework; LLN202- When Darkness Is Subjected To Light; LLN200- Monjoronson – Adjuster Series; LLN623- Different Approaches to Healing;  added Tallahassee (TAL) TAL16- General Multi-topic – January Lessons 1-25 with Several Celestials; North Idaho (NID) NID664- Faith; NID663- Faith Amidst Change; NID662- Monjoronson Q&A: Thought Adjusters, Murder, a New Church, Temple; NID661- Setting the Stage; NID660- Growth; NID659- Spirituality, Attitude, Perception; NID658- Monjoronson Q&A Session 98 – Providence, Reserve Corps, Time; NID657- Right-Mindedness; NID656- Monjoronson Q&  Session 96 – Soul Evolution; NID655- Healing Energy; NID654- Easter Sunday 2010; NID653- Monjoronson Q&A Session 94 – Perception & Reality, Talking in Sleep; ND652- Peace; NID651- Monjoronson Q&A Session 93 – Meditation, Hearing Inner Voicing, How We Prepare; NID650- Leadership of Love; NID649- Monjoronson Q&A Session 92 – Stillness, Decimation, Urantia History; NID648- Monjoronson Q&A Session 90 – Iniquity, Interfaith, UB Religion; NID647- Monjoronson Q&A Session 89 – Transmitting – Education for Spiritual Motivation; NID646- Stillness Forgiveness Change Planetary Management Group (PMG) PMG9- Thought Adjusters, Peace, Soul Growth, Cultural War; 
  • 07/21/2021 – added Butler PA (BUT) Altered States of Consciousness; BUT38- Tomas, Emcee of Personal Teachers; added Arcadia (ARC) ARC219- Michael On The Planet Again; ARC218- Stillness, Most Important Time In History; 11Correcting Time (11CT) 11CT-333- Human Drama – The Spirit Toxin;  11CT-332- The Divine Partnership -Part 2; GEO170608- In My Name; GEO170606- So Fortunate! The Outright Winner!; 
  • 07/20/2021 – added new video for UUI Cafe – The Mind of Jesus; Human & Divine-Part 1 (background & Childhood); added Spanish-(( JSP26sp- El Plan de Dios para Ustedes; ICC-MM 201122sp- Enfoque en el Cumplimiento de mi Destino Espiritual; Sosteniendo el Planeta en el Cumplimiento del Destino Espiritual; La Justicia Divina de Monjoronson Impronta sobre el Enfoque de Cumplimiento Planetario, Calibrando a la Firma Energética de Maquiventa; ICC-MM 210711- Mantener la Mente Urantia para Calibrar la Mente del Universo en la Justicia Divina; CNF36sp- Conferencia- IC02 Uso de la Mente del TR (’02); CNF37sp- Conferencia- IC02 No Piense en el Apocalipsis, Piense en el Crecimiento (’02); CNF38sp- Conferencia- IC02 Estes Park, Apariencia de Jesús, Asuntos de Actualidad (’02); CNF39sp- Conferencia- IC02 Preguntas para la búsqueda del alma (’02); CNF40sp- Conferencia- IC02 Idea de la Iglesia de Urantia (’02); CNF41sp- Conferencia- IC02 Nuestro Objetivo (’02); CNF42sp- Conferencia- IC02 Alcance de la Intervención Planetaria (’02); CNF43sp- Conferencia- IC02 TM Creciendo sobre el Mundo (’02); CNF44sp- Conferencia- Aspectos Destacados de la Conferencia IC02 (’02);  INS210603sp- Los Apunianos se encontraron con los Arcturianos – y luego fueron 7; )); TAL20- Faith & Listening – Sessions 1-3 with Will; TAL19- General Multi-topic – Sessions 1-5 with Will; TAL18- General Multi-topic – Sessions 1-16 with Will; TAL17- General Multi-topic – Sessions 1-12 with Will; No. Idaho(NID) NID1063- Message from Monjoronson – Circuit of Mercy and Compassion; Pocatello (POC) POC192- The Magisterial Mission; POC191- The Magisterial Son;
  • 07/19/2021 – added Tallahassee (TAL) TAL22- General Multi-topic – Session 1-4 with Will; TAL21- General Multi-topic – Sessions 1-6 with Will; added Lytske (LYT) LYT201128- Practicing the Presence In You; LYT201121- Come and Confide in Me;  LYT201030- The True Meaning of Love; LYT201013- Your Ultimate Destiny; LYT200920- A Matter of Priorities; LYT200912- Your Thoughts Are Pure Energy; LYT200824- Each Honest and Sincere-Of-Heart; LYT200815- The Greatest Visible Sign; LYT200809- The Goal of Finding the Creator; LYT200801- The True Purpose of Life; LYT200727- A Boundless Giver; LYT200710- The Prize of Great Value; LYT200705- Life Everlasting; LYT200620- Remember This; LYT200607- A Lesson on Awakening; LYT200524- In Love Lies Abundant Healing; LYT200510- A Lesson on Connecting; LYT200509- A Lesson in Effort and Struggles; LYT200423- A Lesson on Awareness; added 11:11 GeorgeB – GEO170914- The Same Project; GEO170829- What Troubles You So?; GEO170821- Unity and Cooperation; GEO170814- Compassion — Innate and Learned; GEO170710- Messages from the US West Coast; GEO170703- Setting the Record Straight; GEO170618- Caring for the Family; added Anyas (ANY) ANY201123- Saturate Your Soul with Benevolence; ANY181224- What Makes Your Soul Quiver?; added 11CT 11:11 Correcting Time (11CT) 11CT-349- Through the Eyes of Love; 11CT-348- The Neuro-Network – A New Campaign of Light; 11CT-347- The Most Essential Relationship You Will Ever Know; 11CT-346- Wholeness and Realization of Completeness; 11CT-345- The Doorstep of Fateful Elections; 11CT-344- Co-Creativity, Opportunity, and Divine Timing; 11CT-343- Relationship with the Real-Self; 11CT-342- Renew — Change the Mental Landscape; 11CT-341- Spirit University: Path to Perfection 101; 11CT-340- Focus — Your Access to the Greater Spirit Network; 11CT-339- We are Partners — Light and Life; 11CT-338- The Mirror Effect; 11CT-337- Vulnerability — The Condition for Attraction; 11CT-336- The Challenge of Being Human; 11CT-335- Are you Still Picking up Seashells?; GEO141219- Warfare — Never an Excuse; 11CT-334- This Feeling is your Heart-Space;
  • 07/18/2021 – The available conference transcripts were completed today with the addition of the following (NOTE: there were found 59 group conferences which covered from 1 to several days of meeting and discussion on various topics which range from 1994-2019. If there are others we have not located them as yet); CNF49- IC05 Ownership Of Teacher Transcripts Conference (’05); CNF48- IC05 Being On Avonal Staff (’05); CNF47- Conference – Indigo Children Southwest Spiritual Conference; CNF46- Conference- Niagara Falls Conference – Multi Topics Sessions 1-11 (’03); CNF45- Conference- Endless Source of Energy (’03); CNF44- Conference- IC02 Conference Highlights (’02); CNF43- Conference- IC02 TM Growing Over the World (’02); CNF42- Conference- IC02 Scope of Planetary Intervention (’02); CNF41- Conference- IC02 Our Goal (’02); CNF40- Conference- IC02 Idea of Urantia Church (’02); CNF39- Conference- IC02 Soul Searching Questions (’02); CNF38- Conference- IC02 Estes Park, Appearance Of Jesus, Current Affairs (’02); CNF37- Conference- IC02 Don’t Think Apocalypse, Think Growth (’02); CNF36- Conference- IC02 Use of TR’s Mind (’02) – series upload complete for “conferences”; Tallahassee (TAL) Will – Lessons for Young People – Sessions 1-5; TAL23- Will General Sessions 1-5;  Butler PA (BUT) BUT52- Baring Your Chest; BUT51- Motivating Motivators; BUT50- We Are The Gospel; BUT49- Sharing Stillness; BUT48- Super Consciousness; BUT47- Intellectual Peace; BUT46- Toys & Tools; BUT45- 1998 Christmas Message; BUT44- Another 1998 Christmas Message; BUT43- Cosmic Internet; BUT42- Balanced Personality; BUT41- See What You Are Taught To See; BUT40- Relationships;
  • 07/16/2021 – JSP #26- God’s Plan For You;  LLN #621 – 2021-07-01. Pathways & Portals; LLN #622- Creating the Great Circuit – The Great Shortcut to your Inner Guide; LLN224- Journey of Faith; LLN223- Material Compliments of Spirit; LLN222- Gift of Human Faith; LLN221- Victimization & Motivation; LLN220- Human Mind Filter; ANY 201026- Humility Issues Your Permission Slip for Divine Intervention; ANY200218- Safely Crank Up Your Will Power; ANY200217- To Be Human is;  ANY200216- About the Implementation of Wishful Thinking; ANY200118- Home Is Where Hearts Beat in Unison; ANY200113- Agents-of-Grace; ANY200107- Step Out of Artificial Compartmentalization!; ANY200105- About the Telltale Luminosity of Enlightenment; ANY190421- Follow Me All the Way!; ANY190418- We Are in It Together; ANY190102- The Purging of the Soul; ANY190101- The Best Resolution Ever; added List All Documents for 2015;
  • 07/14/2021 – added Stuart Kerr documents, UUI Cafe videos & links;
  • 07/13/2021 – added ICC-MM 20210711- Holding Urantia Mind to Calibrate to Universe Mind in Divine Justice; 
  • 07/11/2021 – added CONFERENCE transcripts from various years – CNF57- Conference- Unity, Ideal, Stillness, Coming Together (’11); CNF56- Conference- IC08 Service (’08); CNF55- Conference- IC08 Eve on DNA Uplift (’08);  CNF54- Conference- Working Team Demo – Unity Village; CNF53- Conference- Closing Session at Santa Barbara (’06);CNF52- Conference- Settling into Light & Life – Santa Barbara (’06); CNF51- Conference- The Prayer Circle @ Cannossian Retreat; CNF50- Conference- Time For Incarnation Has Arrived – Philadelphia Fellowship (’05); added 1111 Lytske – LYT210505- Every Moment of Your Day and Night; LYT210423- I Promise to Lead and Guide You; LYT210419- The Love of God Shall Triumph; LYT210418- Sharpen Your Persistence; LYT210417- Wipe Clean the Slate; LYT210120- Unconditional Love; LYT210103- Hold onto Me; LYT201217- According to Your Faith; LYT201212- Mortal Death – A Door to Eternity; LYT201205- Discovering What Is Truly Important; added 11:11 ANYAS – ANY201128- Inject Your Life with the Plasma of Truth; ANY201124- With the Heart of a Philanthropist; ANY201121- Forgiveness Is a Two-Step Process; ANY201120- Your Dream Team; ANY201117- One Vetted Supremacy;
  • 07/10/2021 – added NET-PMG #8- Celestial Alignment and Sincerity; Planetary Management Objectives; added ICC-MM 210627- Divine Justice Reverberating into Urantia’s Divine Plan; added ICC-MM 201025- Focus on Monjoronson and Michael’s Divine Plans of Evolution for Urantia; Forgiveness and Divine Justice; ICC-MM 201108- Focusing Divine Justice into Planetary Memory Circuits, Holding Focus on I am Forgiving; Focus on Simultaneous Spontaneity of Spiritual Recognition and Remembrance of Father; Worship of the Paradise Father; ICC-MM 201122- Focus on I Am Fulfilling My Spiritual Destiny; Holding the Planet in Fulfillment of Spiritual Destiny; Monjoronson’s Divine Justice Imprinting Upon the Planetary Fulfillment Focus, Calibrating to Machiventa’s Energy Signature; ICC-MM 191013- Focusing GLOBALIZATION OF MICHAEL’S TRUTH into Planetary Circuits of Justification; ICC-MM 190224- Seeding Redemption, Value and Validation of Humans into Circuits of Planetary Consciousness; added Spanish-(( PMG8sp- Alineación Celeste y Sinceridad; Objetivos de Gestión Planetaria )); added paper- The Wu-Wei of Planetary Leadership – PM501-4; 
  • 07/04/2021 thru 07/09/2021 – the host server located in Miami crashed and was due to some damage caused by TS Elsa. It took the entire week to restore the server and to reload the website from backups. BMS was given low priority  for restore since we are not a commercial reseller; we give things away. Anyway, we are back in business and apologies for any inconvenience. 

JUN 2021

  • 06/30/2021 – added Spanish-(( PMG7sp- Talleres, Co-Creación, Puntos En Común, Desafíos ));
  • 06/25/2021 – added NET-Planetary Mngt. Group (PMG) #7; added FAQ#7- How to Find My FAQ Response;
  • 06/23/2021 – added Spanish-((11:11 Valdir Soares VAL#171103-171121 ));
  • 06/22/2021 – added 1111 Correcting Time –  11CT#350-359;
  • 06/19/2021 – added 11CT-576- Developing Conscious Contact -Part 2; 
  • 06/15/2021 – added Musings(MUS) #23- Where am I? In the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven?; added Lytske(11LYT) #210108-210220; GeorgeB (11GEO) #171008-171124; ValdirS(VAL) #171103-171121A&B; 
  • 06/14/2021 – added Anyas (ANY) #200219-201113; Lytske(LYT) #210226-210416; George Bernard(GEO) #171204-180318; added document list/month ability for 2016-2018; added additional bio info/picture rendering of Arcturians; ICC-MM 210613- Holding Planetary Consciousness in Divine Justice, Infusing Michael’s Plans of Correction into Urantia’s Divine Life Plan
  • 06/13/2021 – added Spanish-(( PMG6sp- Igualdad, Valores, Transformación de la Democracia, Hechos, Creencias y las “Zonas Fronterizas” ))
  • 06/12/2021 – added paper – Abbreviated Design Team Process-18.00.00; added Musings(MUS) 19-22;
  • 06/09/2021 – added PMG6- Equality, Values, Transforming Democracy, Deeds, Belief’s and the “borderlands”; added Spanish version of Michael & Machiventa’s messages for the Cosmic Insights section;
  • 06/08/2021 – added Cosmic Insights (INS) #210603; added Spanish(( INS #200809, 200816, 200913 ));
  • 06/07/2021 – added Cosmic Insight-Mentori (INS) #200809;  INS- Healyons #200913; added Spanish-(( INS #200809; Lightline (LLN) #619-620;   ));
  • 06/05/2021 – added ability to search Cosmic Insights – FAQ library; added Spanish-(( JSP #24-25  );  updated several DanielR papers published up to 6/5/2021;  added Lightline #619-620; 
  • 06/02/2021 – added Jesus Speaks (JSP) #25; 
  • 06/01/2021 – added Spanish-(( Lightline(LLN) #616; Cosmic Insights(INS)  #210413 ));

MAY 2021

  • 05/31/2021 – added Anyas (ANY) # 200404-201030; added Spanish-(( LLN #615, #617-618; #266-272, Planetary Management Group (PMG) #5 ));
  • 05/30/2021 – added Lightline(LLN) #616; 
  • 05/25/2021 – added Lightline(LLN) #615, #617-618; added ICC-MM #210523; added Spanish-((  11CT #575; Lightline(LLN) #615, #617-618; #263-265 ));
  • 05/24/2021 – added NET-PMG #5 – New Melchizedek intro’s, Workshops, Jan 06,2021, Backgrounds for Change;
  • 05/23/2021 – activated the Cosmic Insights section; limited function to start; no data, only messages from Christ Michael, Machiventa Melchizedek and the BMS website manager. This site section will be continuously expanding, evolving and growing as time and information continues. Enjoy!
  • 05/19/2021 – added 11ANY (ANY) #2010110 – 201020; added Jesus Speaks (JSP) #24;  added Spanish-(( JSP #22-23 ))
  • 05/18/2021 – added ICC-MM ( Institute for Christ Consciousness Magisterial Mission) Apr-Dec 2017; add Jesus Speaks (JSP) #23; added 11CT-575- Developing Conscious Contact; added Anyas(ANY) #201025-210111;
  • 05/17/2021 – added Spanish-(( Lightline (LLN) #251-262 )); added ICC-MM ( Institute for Christ Consciousness Magisterial Mission) Jan-Mar 2017;
  • 05/15/2021 – updated the ‘Cosmic Insights’ intro description;
  • 05/11/2021 – added Spanish-(( NET-PMG #3-4, LLN #241-247 )); added ICC-MM 210425, 210509; 
  • 05/10/2021 – added NET-PMG #4; Growing With God, Democracies & Oligarchies, Ethics & Morality;
  • 05/04/2021 –  added Jesus Speaks (JSP) #22- Who Are You?; added Spanish-(( 11CT #572-574; Lightline (LLN) #225-229, 236-237, 248-250, 608; Magisterial Mission (MGM) #28 ));
  • 05/02/2021 – added NET-PMG #2;Institute for Christ Consciousness

APR 2021

  • 04/26/2021 – added paper – Feminine Leadership – 58.16.04;
  • 04/24/2021 – added Magisterial Mission (MGM)#28 One Size Does Not Fit All; 
  • 04/20/2021 – added 11:11 Correcting Time (11CT )#573-574 regarding the Afterlife; 
  • 04/19/2021 – added Lightline(LLN) #608;
  • 04/18/2021 – added Spanish(( Lightline (LLN) #610-614, added Planetary Management Group (NET-PMG) #2 )); Lightline (LLN) #225-229, 250-272;
  • 04/15/2021 – added Spanish-(( JSP #20-21, Lightline (LLN) #604, 609 )); added Lightline(LLN) #614;
  • 04/14/2021 – added NET-PMG (PMG) #2- Masculine, Feminine, Vibrational Health; added Timothy Wyllie’s Book2, Chapt. 11 – REB2.11- A Terrible Secret; & REB2.12 – The Birth of a Cult; new vocabulary added to the Glossary
  • 04/12/2021 – added Jesus Speaks (JSP) #21; added Spanish (( Lightline (LLN) #230-234, 235; Project Management Group (NET-PMG) #1 )); Lightline (LLN) #604, 609-613; added ICC-MM Planetary Seraphim #210404 & 210228;

MAR 2021

  • 03/31/2021 – added NET-PMG1- Planetary Management, Bring Forth The Feminine, Curiosity Questions;
  • 03/30/2021 – added JSP#20;
  • 03/28/2021 – added Lightline (LLN) #235, 241-250; 
  • 03/27/2021 – added ICC-MM 210321- Focus on our Indwelling Spirits to Experience Father and Focus on the Magisterial Mission Personal and Planetary;
  • 03/23/2021 – added REB2.10- Return From The Wilderness;
  • 03/21/2021 – added Spanish-(( RRS #3sp- Pandemia, Sedición, Equidad, Empoderamiento Femenino )); added LYT #210204; #020518; #201228-210108;
  • 03/18/2021 – added Rapid Response Solution (RRS #3)-[FINAL for series]
  • 03/17/2021 – added ICC-MM #210314Focusing Moral Courage in Divine Justice into Planetary Mind Circuits;
  • 03/16/2021 – added chapter REB2.9- Shame and Disbelief; added Lytske (LYT) #21011-210131 (2021);
  • 03/13/2021 – added Spanish-(( JSP#19 )); added link to new ICC Video on; “Discussion of Conceiving Thought with Spirit” (2021) 
  • 03/12/2021 – added ANY #200405-200604; 
  • 03/09/2021 – added 11CT #360-368 (2015); added 11GeorgeB 180412-181121 (2018); added LYT 210114-210118;
  • 03/08/2021 – added 11CT #572 – The AfterLife -Part1; added Timothy Wyllie’s Rebel Angel: REB-2.8 “A Harsh Mistress”;
  • 03/07/2021 – added ANY200610-201125; JSP#19 – “Intention is Your Sail”;  added musical compositions by Mark Turnbull entitled; “The Quarantine Chronicles- One-Room Show” to MUSINGS tab; added musing MUS#18 – essay entitled, “Taken Away”;
  • 03/03/2021 – added ICC-MM #210228- Focus on Moral Courage and Redemption; 
  • 03/01/2021 –  added new PODcast #109 Dying-Part-3–The-Afterlife

FEB 2021

  • 02/28/2021 – added JSP#18; added PODcast #109 – Death & Dying Part 3- The Afterlife; added Spanish-(( JSP#17-18; LLN#605-607; RRS#2 ));
  • 02/26/2021 – added JSP#17-Golden Key;  added Rapid Response Solution #RRS2- The Ways of Love, Discernment, Idealism of the 60’s & Millennials, Celestial Expectations; added Lightline (LLN) #605-607; 
  • 02/23/2021 – added REB #2.7 – Book 2; Chapt 7 – A Resonant Stream; added Spanish(( 11CT #570-771 )); 
  • 02/22/2021 – added 11CT #570-571;
  • 02/21/2021- added new video link for ICC: The Purpose of Context for Truth Recognition; added updated paper – The Progressive’s Handbook For Reframing Democratic Values – 19.26.05; added-Spanish(( ICC-MM #201122 – 210110 ));
  • 02/16/2021 – added Jesus Speaks(JSP) #16; added paper-Progressive Politics 56.06; added Rebel Angel Book 2; Chapt 6; added ICC-MM #20210214 – Rightful Conception in Father; Christ Michael’s Personality Sovereignty; Monjoronson’s Divine Justice, Repentance, and Redemption; added-Spanish(( MGM #1-2,7-12; JSP#16; ));
  • 02/15/2021 – added Spanish-(( LLN#238, LLN#240, LLN#601, LLN#601, LLN#603, MGM#27, NCO111.1 ))
  • 02/14/2021 – added Jesus Speaks(JSP) #15; 
  • 02/13/2021 – added  “Like/Dislike” option  for postings; added Magisterial Mission(MGM) #27 -Love Will Prevail;
  • 02/12/2021 – added Musings(MUS) #17 – “Every Kind of People”;
  • 02/11/2021  – added Book2;Chapt1 REB-2.1- Angelic Conspiracies; added link to the new ICC #6 Video Series on Context, Discernment & Perception; added Lightline(LLN) #230-240 (2009); 
  • 02/09/2021 – added Spanish-(( JSP#14 ));
  • 02/08/2021 – added Jesus Speaks(JSP) #14;
  • 02/06/2021 – added JSP#13; added-Spanish(( JSP#13 ));
  • 02/05/2021 – added Jesus Speaks(JSP) #12; ;  Lightline(LLN) #601-603; added- Spanish(( Lightline LLN#602; ICC-MM 201025 & 201108; 11:11 Corr Time (11CT) #369-371 & 569  ))
  • 02/04/2021 – added Musing(MUS) #16 – poetry, “I AM”;
  • 02/03/2021 – added Jesus Speaks (JSP) #12; added Musings (MUS) #15- The Many Faces of Morality;
  • 02/02/2021 – added Rapid Respponse Solution (RRS) #1; added-Spanish(( JSP#10-11 and RRS#1; Maigisterial Mission (MGM) #6; Lightline (LLN) #599-600; 11:11 Anyas (ANY) #181209-181218 )); 11:11 Corr Time: 11CT #369-371
  • 02/01/2021 – added Rebel Angels Book; Chapter 4 – The Barbarian Invasion by Timothy Wyllie; new update to:  The Progressives Handbook for Reframing Democratic Values 19.26.04 (2020); 

JAN 2021

  • 01/31/2021 – added ICC-MM-210124 with Monjoronson; NET series has ended but the new follow-on series is now referred to as: “Rapid Response Solutions: with the 3-char acronym of RRS; issue #1 to be published soon!
  • 01/29/2021 – added 11:11 Anyas(ANY) #200621 – 201104; added 11:11 CT #372; 
  • 01/28/2021 – added Jesus-Speaks-JSP#11;
  • 01/27/2021 – added a few TR bio’s in the ABOUT US page.
  • 01/26/2021 – added link to find a Urantia Study group near you; 
  • 01/24/2021 – added Anyas(ANY) 200810-200814 (2020); added updated: paper- Stage 3 Democracies A Design-Build Project – 53.08
  • 01/18/2021 – added Musings(MUS) #13 -The Work of Byron Katie- MUS #14- Can We Command Celestial Beings?; 
  • 01/17-2021 – New website design and functionality coming soon – website being finalized; added Lightline(LLN) #273-283 (2010); added 11CT #569
  • 01/15/2021 – added Jesus Speaks(JSP) #10; 
  • 01/13/2021 – added button feature to display a daily message from the Urantia book or a selected affirmation; added Magisterial Mission (MGM) #24; added new documents to the essay, musings area – worth the read and contemplation;  added Musings(MUS) #9 on “Reaping What Has Not been Sown”; MUS #10- Monotheism or not?; MUS #11- Why did Jesus say to others “tell no man”?; MUS #12- The Good Place is within?; ICC-MM #210110 Planetary Seraphim with Monjoronson;
  • 01/11/2021 – added Magisterial MIssion (MGM) #25; added Lightline(LLN) #599-600; added MLavasseaur (MLV) #28 EN & FR versions; added Spanish-(( 11CT #568;  Lightline (LLN) 595-598 )); 
  • 01/09/2021 – added updated paper – Handbook For Reframing Democracy 2nd Edition 19.26.02; 
  • 01/08/2021 – added Jesus Speaks (JSP) #9;
  • 01/07/2020 – added Lightline (LLN) #596-598; added #201227 ICC-MM Seraphim  with Gabriel;
  • 01/06/2021 – added Spanish-(( 11GB #181128-181212 )); 
  • 01/05/2021 – added Spanish-(( JSP #7-8; MLV #27; 11GB 181220-190105 )); added new group (REB)  “Rebel Angel” text & audio for Book 1B-Chapt. 1-19 (2012) by Timothy Wyllie; also a menu item for List Document access;
  • 01/04/2021 – added MLevasseur (MLV) MLS#27 & MLV#27fr;
  • 01/03/2021 – added Jesus Speaks (JSP) #8; GOOD NEWS page added for 2021; GOOD NEWS 2020 has own menu plus a link on the 2021 Good News page; a new drop down was added for access to the document added list by month for 2020 history; new line added for 2021 documents added by month for 2021; 
  • 01/01/2021 – added 11:11 GeorgeB 181128 – 181220; We had  43,000 site visitors in 2020! Thank you for using the site! new additions and improvements are coming throughout 2021. All constructive comments or suggestions are welcome.; Wishing all a Happy, Heaelthy & Prosperous New Year!!
Visitors = 196,592 <<>> Page Views =261,291

Click here to go to: Good News 2020