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11CT-63- Do as the Romans

2009-06-14. Do as the Romans

Location: Michigan, USA #63
Date: 14 Jun 2009
Teacher: Teacher Ophelius
Receiver: Chris Maurus

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This is a saying on your world that suggests acting in a way that is in compliance and in simile with the culture and the people of a particular city or nation so as to fit in. Therefore when in the kingdom, do a the kingdom believers do. You ask, “how shall one do? The action word here is “do,” and it is in doing that you comply in assimilation with the fold. In this Correcting Time, the doing of the Father’s will is paramount to bringing about change one soul at a time, and so too brings your world that much closer to the epoch of Light and Life.

For the many who will later read these transcripts, I say to you: each one of you are at varying levels of spirit attainment and walking in his or her own path. Some are only starting out on this path in great faith; some are in training for later missions; and some are ready to begin the work of doing. As the master said, “be as wise a serpents and as gentle as doves” when dealing with your fellows. Each one has the ability to “do” according to his position in the path, but I must warn each of you to be wise in the council of your brothers and sisters, for many of them are not ready to receive the truths that you have embraced.

Those that are not hungry will not eat, and this is true for those that are satisfied with their belief system or their unbelief in spiritual matters. It is a mistake to give unwanted advice to these ones and it will have the opposite effect, causing them to despise or ridicule your zealous ambitions to open their eyes to a greater truth. Once they have rejected your views and beliefs, it will be nigh impossible for them to embrace these truths again in the future once the spirit has ripened their souls for greater awareness.

Wait on the spirit my beloved. God will open the door and provide the opportunity for you to “do” the work of the kingdom. He will show you the way and the means to reach out to your brothers and sisters when they are ripe for the harvest. Listen to the indwelling spirit for guidance and use all the spiritual tools at your disposal for discernment in determining when to speak and when not to speak.

Christ Michael encourages us to do this important work in this Correcting Time, and we have the responsibility of plucking only the ripened fruit from the trees in his great orchard.

Go therefore to it and “do” my beloved.

The Circle of Seven


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