2020-07-05. The Mysteries of the Universe.
The mysteries of the universe are not the same as we once thought. We have since learned a bit more of the reality of our world and heaven; mind and spirit; the secrets of life here and hereafter.
We learned of not one God, as we always were taught, but the existence of many Deities, and sons and daughters of Deities, and many beings with many assistants to the Deities and to the Creators––and to us.
And we learned––or relearned again––that God, the First Source and Center of all that is, is not up there on some cloud bank called heaven. We learn that God, our heavenly Father, is within each of us, and that is also where heaven lies. But we should have known that; Jesus told us that.
We learned that our destination of not heaven; how could it be if it is within? But our destination is Paradise, as Jesus again told us as he told the crucified robber at this side.
And we learned that our Creator is not God, our Father on Paradise, but that our Creator is a Son of God called Christ Michael, whom we know on this world as Jesus.
We also learned that our sacred books of this world were made by men, some were inspired by the indwelt Father, some by the whisperings of others that help us to understand.
We learned that God was never jealous, angry, nor vengeful.
He is and has always been and forever will be Love. And Truth, And Beauty. And Goodness.
We learned that by faith alone we are saved––we survive. We do so by the fact of our inheritance as sons and daughters of God, as are all created beings.
And we learned that we have received incredible gifts from God directly, the One Source and Center of all things in the Universe.
- He gave us a fragment of himself to live within us, to guide us and talk to us, and to help us with our understanding of truth.
- He gave us a unique personality that is linked to God’s personality at all times; it is a reflection of God’s own personality.
- He gave us the opportunity to grow a soul and to survive this world and move on to other, more glorious worlds that lie ahead.
- And he gave us free will, the power to make up our own minds about how and when to act, to decide, to choose, to be.
We have learned we are never alone, for in our unique oneness God, that indwells within, is always there, always listening, always guiding us through each experience. Plus we have many, many other guardians that watch us and care for us. If we stumble we will not fall; it is just a part of our dance with the universe.
And we have learned that regardless of the circumstances of being in this world, we are not of it. We have no fear because we know that regardless of what befalls this world, we are cosmic and spiritual beings. Jesus told us this also.
We have learned from Jesus we should “resist not evil.” That does not mean we condone it; it means it cannot really touch us. And that we should return love for whatever evil comes our way. Evil has no real power over us. Spiritual Jujutsu.
We also learned that if we have eyes to see and ears to hear we will understand many more of these mysteries of the universe. But we must be intent upon this understanding and we must listen to the wee, small voice that resides within: “Be still, and know that I AM God.”
But while we have learned about all of these amazing things, we have also learned that our experience on this world is necessary and valuable, regardless of what has happened in the past and what happens to us here and now.
Finally, for this musing, we know we are far more than material beings. We know that each of us and our Father are one.
Oh, there is so much more we have learned, far more than we can begin to say. This is, after all, the mere beginning, our pre-kindergarten time of eternity.
But what about the rest of the world? What do they know? When will they know more? In time they, too, will understand. And they, too, will know all that we know. They, like we, have all eternity to learn who we really are. Then Be it.
And the old mysteries will be replaced with new ones. The adventure never ends, the learning never ceases, and love, as it always has, conquers all.
James Leese – July 5, 2020