2021-02-06. The Three Persons.
T H E T H R E E P E R S O N S – JSP#13
In the manner of my teaching, I am going to tell you the story of the three persons inside of a man. The first person is the one you think you are, the one who is proving to their self and the outside world who they think they are. This is the person living in the animal mind listening to the ego person, trying to prove that person exists. The first person is clever in thinking they have everyone fooled, because when you look at their life, everything appears to be normal, status quo. Their priorities allow them to be easily led by the larger group and that groups’ thinking.
That person is the one easiest to get stuck in a pattern, never to fully question who they are becoming; always believing they are the person they are a shadow to. The first person doesn’t feel they have to correct themselves for they are perfect examples of what the world is telling them who they should be.
The second person is the transitional one, truly the one sitting on the fence. This person is the one making mistakes and slowly learning from those mistakes. They think they have to be like the first person, yet something inside of them is not entirely convinced. The second person is supporting causes they feel will make the world a better place. This person is looking for others to support them, both emotionally and feeling they are being directed in a greater effort to become the greater person. They are not fully committed. They hardly believe without seeing.
These are the one’s comprising the majority of the population, never completely feeling the need to be responsible for much, save their pattern duties. They are not acting upon the options which are presenting themselves only to awaken to the realization that one day those options aren’t available anymore. Regret and worry may finally take them over; never fully grasping the greater wisdom. They can know God but never fully realize they can become like him.
The third person is the one fully committed. In them awakens the awareness of something that needs to be expressed. Not knowing at first what this truly is, their commitment resolves to discover a greater expression for themselves and society at large. This person has the capacity to discover God personally. This person is the one inspiring others, yet never feeling the need to really conform. They are the true individuals; the one’s listening to their inner guidance and acting upon such leading. The spirit of man moves forward on the backs of these individuals. Yes they make mistakes, eventually correctly learning from them and continuing to move forward. This person can unify while accepting diversity.
A person can be all three of these persons at different times in a single lifetime, yet there are not many examples of this. The second person can eventually become the third person. The third person gives full expression of man’s capacity to know God and become like him. The individuals’ personal relationship to God within does not always support the religion of the first and second persons. They are more concerned with religious expression rather than personal spiritual growth. There is no judgment associated with the three persons of man; factual observation does place one slightly ahead of the other. The Father truly loves all; question is…. can you open the door to your heart to allow the Father’s full expression?
Jesus 2/6/21