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VAL170923- The Ethics of the Kingdom of God


São Carlos-SP, Brazil, September 23, 2017.
Teacher: Prolotheos.
Subject: “The Ethics of the Kingdom of God.”

Message received by Valdir Soares.

Prolotheos: “Ethics are principles that regulate individual behavior in life. Naturally, ethics are dictated by one’s conscience but they can also spring from assorted philosophies or some religious beliefs. Indeed, ethics presuppose the promotion of a better human behavior in society and to contribute to common welfare. Thus, there can exist different kinds of ethics according to various philosophies or beliefs that validate different types of behavior. The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth represent the ethics of the Kingdom of God which He proclaimed on Urantia. If we could mention three important postulates of the Kingdom of God’s ethics, which would they be?

Being Humble. “Oftentimes, especially in success-driven-societies such as most of the Urantian societies, humility is comparable to weakness and a cowardly attitude in life. This is far from the truth. Humbleness certainly is the opposite of arrogance but it is not in any way synonymous with inferiority. Jesus was the humblest person who ever lived on your world and He was the furthest from either being weak or being a coward. In the evolutionary realm, the genuine humble one recognizes his or her weaknesses as well as those personality skills that bring personal distinction. However, he or she consistently refuses to use them for self-aggrandizement but rather, steadily employs them to promote other people’s well-being.

Being Considerate. “Kind consideration to others, especially to those underprivileged in any way, is basic in the principles extensively taught by Jesus: unselfishness, the noble attitude of putting others’ interests before one’s own. Being considerate, on the one hand, is refusing to make use of manipulation, deceptiveness, and coercion or similar in dealing with others. On the other hand, being considerate also seeks to protect others from evildoers’ malice and from their own naivety and misguided actions, without patronizing them. Those considerate of others kindly think of a fellow’s disadvantageous conditions and try to find ways of compensating them to their benefit.

Being Helpful. “Being helpful is more than merely being moved by pity. Pity may be caused by your observing of the helpless condition of somebody and a desire to alleviate such a plight. Being helpful may include these aspects but it is not satisfied by simple alleviation, rather by trying to be instrumental in an effective and lasting change in people’s condition beyond the immediate aspects, and towards a self-sustaining state. To be helpful includes acting with sensitivity, to neither be forceful nor humiliating towards the person being assisted. One should always respect people’s will and dignity to be really helpful.

“In this way, my pupil, the ethics of the Kingdom of God, are reflections of the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth on Urantia. Some of these ethical commands are humility, consideration and helpfulness. It can easily be noted that these three principles reflect the commandment of loving your neighbor. The ethics of the Kingdom value solidarity, love and respect as the means to build a Brotherhood-Sisterhood on Urantia based on the Fatherhood of God. Ethics are principles to be held in whatever circumstances you experience. I am Prolotheos your tutor on High. Peace.”

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