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LYT210417- Wipe Clean the Slate

2021-04-17. Wipe Clean the Slate

Urantia, April 17, 2021.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Wipe Clean the Slate.”

Message received by Lytske

The Beloved: “No one knows or understands your griefs, your sorrows, your disappointments, your anger and your helplessness better than the Creator God.

“All these hurts and more are immediately reflected to the Heart of God.

“At any time when you feel overwhelmed, come into the Silence within, to find the strength to carry on.

“I am willing to help, but can only do so if you remember to come to Me.

“This is precisely what your Master Jesus did in His earth-life, in order to gain mastery over the self.

“He went into the Silence within to communicate with His Father in heaven. This is the lesson I am trying to teach you. So please, My beloved, when a so-called disaster strikes, turn within to gain mastery over your anger and helplessness.

“Truly, there is One within you who can help you gain new insights as to why things happen the way they do.

“Herein lies the great lesson of forgiving those who wrought a real or perceived injustice against you.

“Wipe the slate clean of all your yesterdays, so you will gain a greater understanding and mastery over self. This again brings you closer to Me.

“Each new day presents another opportunity for greater soul growth, and the most important one is to forgive is yourself, for your impatience and your reactions.

“Everything is well. Let peace be restored by My indwelling presence, for in allowing this, you will allow your soul-self to grow into Me.”

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