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WDC535- New Outlook

2006-01-09.  New Outlook

Woods Cross #535

Topic: New Outlook

Group: Woods Cross TeaM

Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina


ABRAHAM: I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I look forward to seeing you each week. I am feeling we have quite a family here. The influence you have on one another is positive and always lesson filled. Our gratitude goes to Father for making this possible. It is said that to have lived life with no adversity is the greatest adversity of all. To have had no affliction is to have very little or no spiritual progress. It is all a matter of perspective. You can view your life with self-pity or as a teacher, who is transforming you mentally and spiritually.


It is well understood that many older adults look back on their lives and are grateful for the wisdom they have gained and would never go back, never repeat those difficult lessons. Many times it is all too easy for the mature mortal to hypocritically view the youth, when indeed there was a time when the mature mortal had the very same experience. While it would appear that the youth are less experienced, somewhat less wise, they certainly bring new life, a new outlook to the world of today. On the other hand, we each know more mature individuals who have become better by experience, not bitter. They are with a glad heart to greet each new day.

Personally, I believe that peace and contentment is the goal of most individuals. It would seem the more you experience and strive to learn therefrom, the greater perspective you have on knowing the purpose of this mortal life. How you perceive change is key to taking in the greater meanings and values and having the courage to move with grace and integrity. How have our seeming so-called afflictions in life helped us to progress as a mortal and a budding soul?

It is said that to grow potatoes one can pray for success, but he had also better bring a shovel. Father is more than willing to aid you in all your undertakings and He wants for our success. We know that fear or slothfulness is an obstacle to our progression. As you each mature in the spiritual life, you begin to understand that some hard work is necessary. Some willingness to endure any and all things are simply an advancement in understanding. I mean not to say that Father expects you to have a sunny disposition in your seemingly darkest hours, but merely the willingness to endure, stay the course. Look always for the meanings and values.

Many individuals have not much growth in their efforts made to complain about everything. There is not effort made to be a willing co-creator or even to be a part of the solution. There seems to be only effort made to point out the negative and believe me, they do draw energy from those who are committed to being part of the solution, instead of another aspect of the problem. We, involved in the Correcting Time, always have opportunity to point out a new and better way through our actions and truly living what we believe in. We cannot set the world upright in these beginning years of our Mission, but certainly we can all influence our little corner of the world.


This week ponder how you have seen your experience as a good teacher or merely an exercise in luck. What are your efforts made to be knowledgeable, be on the side of an open perspective, instead of fear and unknowing? Again, I am with gratitude and joy to you each for your willingness to stay the course. Be who you really are. That is all. My love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.

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