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GEO120623- Justification Overload

2012-06-23. Justification Overload

Illawarra District, Australia, June 23, 2012.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Justification Overload.”

Received by George Barnard.

Chief Bzutu: “More than a few vultures are circling, and rather than feeling concern about the Urantia Mission and your part in it for those many decades, you should feel proud about others trying to emulate your efforts. Do you feel better now? That’s good! That’s fine! And we will get back to that later. Let me get comfortable on this here windowsill and cover a subject others know a lot more about, and here I speak of your learned Cherubim, Frank and Alice, and of course the good Doctor Mendoza.

“Should you wish to know, I have their blessings to give a critique on the subject of Justification. Justification overload, really, and I will first give you the wordly examples, before we cover those who must exasperate those close to our Creator Father before all other petty instances of justification of misbehavior in the extreme. Your propensity for justifying your spiritually malfeasant behaviors is legendary in this patch of the local universe, and especially is this the case among the white races as Dr. Mendoza earlier indicated.

“For ages have the more aggressive and forward-looking races subjugated the less advanced to the status of serfs, for later generations to unwisely, freely interbreed with these lesser tribes. And so it was for the white man and the greatly ‘diminished in vitality’ females of the blue race. It is to the greater part through the contribution of the latter that your race is visited by mental disorders, specifically, more so than is the case with any race that is to a lesser degree interbred with the blue race. Examples exist aplenty.

“The ownership of tools, equipment, or even currency on long-term loan, does not change from the lender to the borrower. How often have you heard the justification, ‘I’ve had this for long enough. It is all mine now.’ Such behavior tries to justify outright theft, and when such behavior is practiced by individuals, it is bad enough, but entire nations are so involved, with the freezing of funds and with sanctions, with piracy of shipments, and organized wholesale plunder. These are unjustified actions of man against man to the profit of man.

“It is ever so much the white man’s poison, but never as fatal to the soul as when theft, destruction, or ‘the thwarting of another’s good deeds’, is accomplished on behalf of their Creator. Neither the desecration at Bamiyan, nor the burning of Korans can bring you anything other than sadness to even the greatest minds of the Spirit World. And still, how some clamber over their fellow students to solemly declare, ‘Behold, dear Lord, I will serve You better than another can . . . and I offer You something You already own.’

“Be well in all ways, and let the task be evermore important than the self. This is ABC-22, not leaving for anywhere soon that I know of.”

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