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OSC1210116- About Revelation

2012-10-16. About Revelation

Alabama, US of A, October 16, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About revelation.”

Message received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “When we talk about a revelation religion we mean the kind of religion where the personal experience of each individual provides a progressively faithful and clear understanding of truth. Those who honestly strive to know their Father and follow His Will receive in their souls the truths they seek and these understandings slowly trickle down to their mortal minds.

“Today you understand very well many things that confused you in the past. Some of you possess an understanding of truth that very seldom has been reached on this earth. This has not happened because you have somehow been ‘chosen’ or because you are the new prophets. You have received these personal revelations because of your authentic interest expressed at the soul level to know the truth, with the intent of being better and to come closer to what your Father has dreamed for you — the true expression of your being.

“This sincere motivation is the key to advance and grow spiritually. When the intent of the soul is in line with the plans of the Father — His will — the only possible result is the satisfaction of the wishes of that soul, who yearns to satiate her thirst and hunger for perfection, because this is exactly what our Father desires for us to do with our lives and that is precisely the reason why He has embedded His Divine Presence in each one of us.

“A life lived this way creates a religion of experience, where what you live and what you learn becomes the most effective proof that eradicates all doubts and strengthens your faith. In your life you have not needed to force yourself to accept blindly any doctrine offered by others. Instead, you decided at some point that you wanted to find out more about this God business and when you started to search the answers within yourself — regardless of what you hoped to at first find — you started to find what you searched for.

“Today you can look back and see how much you have grown and how your life has improved, particularly your way to see the world. You have started to experience a more lasting peace based on more stable foundations. Today you are capable of looking at yourself more honestly and clearly see your mistakes, which is the first step in removing everything that keeps you away from the glorious goal of perfection. You have discovered that there is ‘something’ working behind the scenes that motivates you to be better each day and inspires you to learn more. This is the stimulus that creates a ‘vicious circle’ or learning and growth, because the desire to know more and to be better is fed by the victories and the progress that you daily experience through your search.

“Those who are explorers of their own destiny become the masters of their lives and they also become independent and deep thinkers. These fortunate mortals reap the fruits of their own decisions and start to notice that nothing in this world, no material situation, conspiracy, or event, can truly affect them, because their lives and their destinies are in their own hands and they have in turn put all these things in the hands of their Father, in whom they have learned to trust. This is how life on earth becomes increasingly divine, spiritual and plentiful, even in the middle of the confusion and the chaos of this world. These souls also become the lighthouses that guide those who languish in the dark and give hope to those souls searching for an exit from the traps of this world.”

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