1992-01-01. Part II – The Lesson Aids – Topics G-H
Q: Teacher, I am trying so hard to increase my contact with my Thought Monitor and increase my spiritual growth. The process seems so slow to me. How can I improve my worship and stillness periods? How can I be more God-reflective? How am I doing?
RAYSON: The best way to become more God conscious is to think of our FATHER as a personal friend. Talk to The FATHER each day. Let him know of your thoughts and your feelings. It is true He does know about these things before you speak them, but it does help you. It helps you understand yourself more fully.
The spirit fragment within you knows you far better than you know yourself. Do not worry about making communication. This, too, will happen when the time is right. The best way to make this happen, aside from the constant communion with The FATHER, is to live your life bravely, to go forth each day and be aware of who you are and your relationship with those that you come in contact with. Be sensitive to the spirits that are around you, and always be ready to feel the love from within, the God within, so that this love may flow through you fully, that it may pour forth out on those that you come in contact with, and that we may bring those people to you that you may share with them your personal religious experiences, and that you may be an instrument in helping them enter the kingdom of heaven.
This is a long process, this communication with the spirit fragment. It will – for most mortal ascenders – not happen quickly. It takes much hard work and patience. Do not become burdened with the thought that I am doing what I can yet nothing happens. You will inch your way into God-consciousness. You do not run. Always be mindful of who you are. Remember that spiritual growth is an unconscious process. In time you will look back and begin to see some of the decisions that you have made and where it has led you.
For now you are in the forest and you cannot yet even see the trees. This is as it should be, for now. Hopefully, with your whole-hearted dedication to doing the will of The FATHER, you will rise above the forest and look down and then begin to get a glimpse of where it is you have been. You will see all of the decisions that you have made and know more fully what direction to go. (11/18/92)
Lesson on Guardian Seraphim:
The seraphim are the children of the Infinite and Loving Spirit. In your local universe there are many, many orders of these exquisite and friendly creatures. We are concerned with only one order in today’s lesson, the Guardians of Destiny. How to explain who these wonderful beings are? Seraphim are very closely connected to the material state. Although they do not possess a material mind or body, their emotions – although spiritualized – are very, very similar to your own. They are only slightly more evolved than you. If you did not have your body you would be quite like these delightful beings.
The only emotion that the seraphim cannot understand, having never been in the material state, is animal fear – which derives its roots from the physical resistance to the demise of the material body and, of course, branches out to encompass anxiety, doubt, panic, insecurities, etc. Because seraphim do not die, they cannot understand this spirit poison, which so permeates and inhibits your spiritual growth in this form. But they feel many of the same things that you do. They develop a great affection for the humans they are associated with, as well as the planet on which they serve.
Some destiny guardians – or most – are experienced and have served on other planets which are not Adjuster fused for a time, until mortal death, or have served in other capacities on Urantia before becoming Guardians of Destiny.
This is a highly prized job for a seraphim because of the close association with the mortal ward, and because it affords the seraphim the opportunity to ascend as they shepherd their human being through this life, and Mansion Worlds, and on and even unto the Corps of the Finality. Some seraphim biunificate and become finaliters along with their mortal associates.
Why does one acquire a Guardian Angel? Well, it is directly related to circle advancement. As the human of normal mind becomes more spiritually evolved, you work from the outermost circle, the seventh, to the first. When a mortal is in the seventh, outermost, circle, guardian seraphim are assigned to groups of one thousand mortals along with the cherubim. Sixth circle drops to five hundred mortals per seraphim; fifth circle, one hundred mortals per seraphim; fourth is ten mortals per seraphim; and the third circle is a pivotal spiritual rung. And this is when the seraphim become personal destiny guardians. When a mortal achieves third circle status, he or she is assigned personal Guardians of Destiny – a pair of seraphim that only work with that one person. They are assigned in complementary pairs, and there is always one angel on duty every minute of your life. One angel is the recording angel, and one is the active influential angel. When one leaves for rest, the other takes over that role, and a cherubim fills in as the recorder.
Humans can also receive personal destiny guardians when they are mustered into the Reserve Corps of Destiny or into the Cosmic Corps of Destiny, or when they have totally committed their will to that of the will of The FATHER.
How does the angel help you? They are not in your mind. Unlike the Divine Monitor, they do not work from inward out, but work from outward in. They are in perfect synchronicity with your Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth. And, frankly, we do not know how the divine feat of perfection and orchestration is accomplished, as we are unaware of communication between the Adjuster and the angels. However, we speculate that communications must occur. Angels work more when the Adjuster is not communicating. You are never without the benefit of spiritual counsel in your life.
What exactly, does your angel do? Well, they – as every other being from The FATHER on down respect the sacred nature of the human will. An angel cannot force you, manipulate you, dominate you, control you, or trick you into choice. They mostly work with the environment that surrounds you, the social moral, physical intellectual, spiritual environment in which you live day to day. They can manipulate this environment to up-step your choices. They may even, in some instances; manipulate the material-physical world, which includes your body. This is rare, but angels work closely with Midway Creatures and Master Physical Controllers. This is why, throughout the ages, God has spoken to men mainly through angels. Angels may appear. They may speak messages from Deity. They also are linked to the evolving Supreme Being.
So, your guardians push you gently forward spiritually through presenting an environment which demands spiritual growth. They are matched to you in terms of like being-ness and understand you much better than you understand yourself. But mistake not the work of angels for a life of pleasure and ease. Angels work best when the mortal struggle is hard and deep and painful. These are the footprints of the angels. Do not idle too long on the plateaus of past victories or your angels will be sorely tempted to push you into the troublesome waters of spiritual growth and activity. Those who are blessed with the
work of angels are those individuals who experience defeat, disillusionment, disappointment, depression, obstacles, hard times, periods of doubt, isolation, loneliness, discouragement, and all of the mountainous and hard roads that constitute – in this life – the path Godward.
However, this is not a bleak scene. It is the fertile soil from which your soul will spring forth renewed, alive, strengthened, more dominant, victorious, and joyous. Yes, this life is burdensome. But the fruits of your life will be seen on the Mansion Worlds and you will one day thank The FATHER for the opportunities, which were presented to you by your angels for your spiritual survival.
When you are someday freed from the material fetters of your animal form you will sit and converse with your guardians. You will become great true, and fast friends, sentimentally linked throughout eternity. Even during the periods of separation when angels go to Seraphington, there will be constant communication, so deep is the affection between man and seraphim. Your destinies are intertwined.
Your seraphim record your spiritual growth-life. When you die, the seraphim hold your memory records, soul-mind, to be reunited on the shores of Mansonia with the Divine Monitor. The seraphim stand ready and when they observe the light is gone from your being – that is, your Thought Adjuster has departed – they then report to their superiors and obtain the full roll of your spiritual blueprints which they trustfully guard until you are reawakened on the shores of Mansonia.
Make no mistake of the love of your angels. They are great comforters to you. They truly empathize with your struggles and stand ever ready to applaud your victories. They – in a sense – are even more joyous for they can fully see your victories than you yourself. They are aware of how far you must climb. They are also aware of the sublime peace, which comes from knowing The FATHER.
The children of the Infinite Spirit are most like you. They are your spiritual best friends. They do not answer prayers: this is the job of the Son, and their work continues regardless of your human pleas. But they feel along with you. This is unique to their orders of being. They feel your pain. They feel your faith. They feel your love. They feel your peace. They feel your joy. They urge you to arise when you stumble in the weeds of human frailty. They are constantly ready to lend a hand to the frail mortal. And most of all, no other creature in the universe wants you to survive or succeed more than your personal seraphic guardians. And they are ever faithful, loyal, hopeful, and diligent to aid you in the great adventure of ascension. (03/01/92)
Lesson on Habits:
Today’s lesson is upon habits. You must keep a body and mind of clean habits. The things that you do daily, that you do regularly, are important. Negative habits can be overcome by prayer, but let us not dwell on negative habits, you must gain positive habits. Prayer, worship, on a daily basis is a good habit. To love others, even if they do not show love to you. That can become a very good habit. Don’t be afraid to show love and to work on your own development by positive acts. Little acts can become great acts if you practice in making them become habits.
Many of you, because of this environment you live in – this mortal realm – have habits you wish to get rid of. You cannot destroy anything, not even habits. You must replace them with good habits. Pray for this. The strength you need to accomplish this is yours. Ask the spirit within you and you shall be granted this energy. It is not easy, but you must make the effort. That is what is meant by progression into the positive states and on to the expansion of your soul.
Don’t be afraid and hold this off, you must do it. The sooner you do it the better. But do not be ashamed, do not blame yourself if you cannot immediately obtain these goals. The important thing is you must strive, you must desire to better yourself. Make this a habit: always strive to better yourself. From the smallest detail in your life to the largest. It is a goal you can attain.
That is the lesson for today.
Q: RAYSON, could you speak a bit more about habits? Define habits, maybe?
RAYSON: Do you have a particular habit you wish to bring up?
S: Probably many of them.
RAYSON: So do we all.
Q: Lets see. Well, when you’re raising kids you have so many habits that you want to try and improve upon so that you don’t pass them on. Impatience is a habit.
RAYSON: It is crucial to control your habits when raising children. Impatience is not necessarily a habit. It is something that is carried over from your animal background. It can be a habit if you persist in it.
When you are impatient think of eternity. Think of the ages upon ages that you will be here, and realize that a moment spent well is worth many hours spent haphazardly and impatiently. (10/11/92)
Lesson on Harmony:
How wonderful it is to be with you, to see the out-workings of the evolutionary ordeals and its rewards as it unfolds. Be thankful of the valleys as well as the peaks. You will look back to these times and see the majesty of life as it grows and blooms like a flower.
Today my lesson is on harmony: to be part of the music of the spheres, to be part of the music of each other’s feelings, thoughts, ideas, values. How glorious it is to be in harmony with the universe. In your daily life it is important to attain harmony with your fellows. Tune yourself to the thoughts, the feelings of people around you. Keep your senses alert for their sound vibrations, their feelings, and emit the kind of vibrations that are in harmony with things. Sometimes you will have to diminish your own harshness. Sometimes you must enlarge your feelings, the truths that you know, and the actions, which come from them so that you will achieve a greater whole rather than stand out alone.
It is also important to have harmony in your mind. Harmonize the truths that you know, the values that you have learned, with your intellectual ideas, your conditioned responses, and your animal emotions. Think of evolutionary growth and progress as music, it’s not how loud you are, it is not how technically brilliant you are, but how you harmonize with others. And this is also true of each and every aspect of your own self, your intellect your spirit, your physical organism; they must all harmonize with each other. And this whole must harmonize with outside. And eventually this world will harmonize with the rest of the universe.
Harmony. It makes for a wonderful sound. When you harmonize, the sound of your harmony will be heard by others and they will wish to harmonize with you.
Q: I feel an inability to harmonize with a certain person right now. And perhaps others do too. And I feel the need to distance myself emotionally and physically. On the one hand I feel that need, and on the other hand I feel the desire to be in harmony and to work out the hurt. Would you comment on that?
RAYSON: Sometimes, before you can harmonize with another instrument you must tune your own instrument. It is unwise to try to harmonize before your own instrument is tuned. This sometimes requires time, and some introspection, prayer.
Q: To extend that analogy and metaphor, if one’s own instrument is tuned, but the other person’s whom you wish to be in harmony with is not in tune, is it fair to assume that harmony will not be able to be achieved in that case until both parties are personally in tune?
RAYSON: Yes. We must be patient and pray for the other instrument to get in tune. But do not always assume that it is the other person. (10/18/92)
(This message from ABRAHAM to the Woods Cross group on 08/05/91 relates to the healings supervised by RAYSON.)
I AM ABRAHAM. There is much I require or need to impart to you this evening. It is FATHER’s will that these healings, now and in the future shall be done in the strictest confidence and quiet ministry as possible. We do not wish to sensationalize or cause unfruitful attraction of many people who would not help our cause or mission. Therefore admonish all who are receiving or will receive healing that they are not to broadcast this news.
These healings are for the benefit of the individual or individuals concerned, and will gradually be brought to the attention of the world. This attention, however, must not be sporadic, but must come in due time with due preparation. Many of these healings are seemingly miraculous and we wish not to have our attraction based on so-called miracles. These orders we wish strictly followed. Joshua, you have further questions.
Q: Perhaps the healing spirits could receive permission to give (S) scientific arrows that would lead our scientists toward a cure for AIDS for the general public.
RAYSON No. Not at this time.
Q: Father ABRAHAM, do you have specific instructions to the healing recipients as to what they should say when they are confronted by their personal doctors and by their friends as to their healing?
RAYSON Yes. Say this: I have benefited by a spiritual healing through the Lord our God. (08/05/91)
* * *
Q: Concerning the AIDS virus, sometime back it is my impression that you said the AIDS virus was brought about by Caligastia, and that the Life Carriers had not – at that time – been able to break the code. Later on I understand you to have said that there had been a major breakthrough by the Life Carriers, and they were seeking – my understanding is – humans to reveal this breakthrough to. My question is, have they found the human doctors to reveal this breakthrough to? Or – and what is the status of the progress on AIDS?
RAYSON Some humans have been tasked for this, however the process of transmitting thoughts is a convoluted one. And the Life Carriers cannot directly communicate with the humans, so must go through – I hesitate to reveal too much but – it is a process of down-stepping information that ultimately will be transmitted to the humans through Secondary Midwayers and mind adjutant spirits of Wisdom and others of – it will not appear magically written on their desks, but is a process that is fallible. And in any case one must deal with the human ego, which goes off on tangents even when pushed in the correct direction. The process has begun. How long, we cannot estimate. But we are assuring you that we are committed to imparting the information in as pure and speedily as we can.
Q: But the breakthrough exists, is that correct?
RAYSON That is correct.
Q: When the message was given to us that Caligastia had designed AIDS, the phrase “and other diseases” was there.
RAYSON Correct.
Q: Is the new strain of tuberculosis one of the other diseases?
RAYSON Absolutely correct.
Q: Does this mean that we should all be vaccinated against tuberculosis. There is a general tuberculosis vaccine called BCG that’s given to many persons in underdeveloped countries. It’s been my intuitive feeling that I should get it for myself, my family and my friends.
RAYSON You should be vaccinated, however this mutated strain – this will help you to resist, but will not be total protection as the mutated strain is fatal.
Q: Should I obtain vaccine for members of the group who wish to be vaccinated?
RAYSON It is their will choice, but I would suggest it.
Q: RAYSON, since this lesson is going out to many persons who are not in this group, I’d like to ask a question about diseases, not only AIDS but other incurable diseases rampant in our society, such as the various cancers, hepatitis, some other situations. For the last three or four years I and other physicians have been advising patients that they can enhance their immunity by following programs like that of the wellness community. The wellness community encourages its patients to undertake moderate exercise, have some exposure to sunlight, improve interpersonal relationships with kind of a modification of the 12-step programs used by Alcoholics Anonymous and other groups, which includes prayer or meditation – whatever a person wants to call it. Is there anything potentially harmful in this advice? Number one. And number two; is there anything worthwhile in continuing to give this advice when asked?
RAYSON: No, no potential harm. Yes, it is quite helpful. But even more helpful is to try to enlighten one’s fellows that death is not tragic but the culmination spiritually of one’s life and the beginning of potential eternity. That really is the job at hand, not only improving years and quality of life and acceptance of terminal illness and will to go on, but what going on really means. Putting physical death in perspective, (S), is one of your assignments.
Q: Thank you RAYSON. People seem receptive to this kind of talk, but even when they don’t I still do it. I always have a sense that it sinks in somehow, that it resonates against – I guess – the Adjuster –
RAYSON: And the Spirit of Truth. (05/24/92)
* * *
Q: RAYSON, do you feel that our fellow individuals in this world sincerely desire the kind of spiritual healing that we are all planning, that we’re all preparing to dispense? When I look around me sometimes it seems that the animal tendencies have – if anything – gotten worse rather than better, that people rush in the opposite direction. I wonder just how much desire there really is on the part of so many people to get better.
RAYSON: When you look at people, you see many things. You see the positive side and the negative side. Sometimes the negative side will appear strong. But notice that the negative side is always weaker than the positive side. Sometimes the negative manifestations are but a sign that it is about to fade.
As you know, all creatures strive for the light. We all seek The FATHER. The negative is but a shadow. Do not concern yourselves with the shadow. Aim for the light. Those people that you have in mind that show their negative side are going through their phases. Do not judge them. Love them. Shower them with your light and their shadow will diminish.
We must all do this – all of us. The more people on earth that do this the sooner we will achieve the era of light and life. Thus caution is recommended. Speed is not of the utmost importance. Quality of attainment, depth of perception, wholeness of true being, of true realities based upon The FATHER’s love is what is required. Pray for your fellow beings. (10/11/92)
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Q: [Is (person) to be the conduit for healing in the area?]
RAYSON (T/R) is a little green, as you might say, but the name is familiar. But more than that I cannot say for now. But while waiting for this person there are things that all can do to help one another. Love is not just an emotion, and not just a spiritual quality; it is a force of energy. It changes the way the body works.
Anyone could be a healer. The designated healers have somewhat better ability to focus their spiritual powers. They are very slightly more – but not that much more – (able) than the rest. And not only love for healing, but the other positive qualities so generously bestowed by The FATHER, the composite of which we call prayer: the good unselfish thought, earnest thought, and wish for the well-being of another.
Prayer is most powerful and useful adjunctive to any mission, be it a human mission or a planetary mission or a personal mission of any sort. Like love, prayer never falls without engendering positive results. It always yields benefits and growth – not the instant gratification desired or even required by some – but be assured that the benefit is always there. How healing it is to receive the love of another. Like a drink of cool water on a dry hot day. How healing it is to behold beauty. How healing to experience goodness or to know truth. (11/09/92)
Lesson on Hope:
This lesson is generally along the line of personality survival, however it will be approached through the quality of hope. On page 51 we learn that hope is “the grandeur of trust”. So, brothers and sisters, one must understand that hope leads to or is the basis of trust. Trust in The FATHER’s goodness, watch- care, love, and overall plans. Trust in the fellow’s mercy, which is applied love. Trust in the Divine Spirit’s ministry through her agents to us.
It is only through faith, which can be viewed as belief beyond rational, tangible meaning in a Deity or creative purpose and mind in a creator – that is what faith is. It is only through faith and hope that man transcends the portals of physical death. Hope – potential trust – is a key because it is the belief that man, ones self, is capable of transcending the material into the morontial and eventual spiritual.
Hope is the unifying emotion underlying all true religion. Hope is ultimate optimism for the individual, the society, and the world, that the plan of Deity for evolving perfection will be realized. It is the driving force behind even, true progress.
It is initiated – faith and hope – from the Divine Adjuster. Therein springs these two necessary spiritual qualities. Even the Adjuster unceasingly hopes for the perfection, communication, and consecration of the human subject’s will to the will of The FATHER. The Adjuster is familiar – and synonymous – with the spiritual quality of hope, and thus propels you toward personality survival.
Children, on advanced worlds so different from your own, when a mortal-evolving imperfect-individual dies, there is immense joy, faith, celebration, and assured hope. If only your world could view the physical death this way, so much hope would abound, so much fear would disappear, and despair would be unknown.
Urantia, as reflected in your scientist, materialist philosophers, intellects, and every day people – even some religionists, lack hope because if one narrows ones vision to the material, physical, life or planet or even universe, one fails to grasp the hope of evolution perfection, even eternity.
The perspective of the eternal is quite different from the perspective of the finite. Thus we who are slightly older see the goodness in this world, see the potential and promise that Urantia will one day fulfil – as the greatest and brightest world in all of Nebadon. We see the potential and promise of the agondonter, even in the human, which you would scorn.
This is hope. It is not without validity, but is not seen by time bound and often physically blinded mortals. The scientist – by and large – is without hope because the spiritual element is not integrated. The philosopher despairs because lofty ideals are so often not reflected in the world around him or her. The intellectual disdains the irrationality of his or her fellows. The religionist falsely and arrogantly assume their eventual transmutation upon death into a perfected being. All leave out an integration of what a human is, and leave out hope of improvement – which is a Divine and appropriate decree by The FATHER – creator of the evolutionary spheres of being.
So, hope and faith get one to the morontial. Hope and faith allow one to see and integrate while on this planet – through mota – all disciplines, and when one sees with mota, one’s vision is exponentially increased and much progress is made for the individual and for the world. If there were no hope, growth would cease. If there were no faith, God would not cease.
When the portals of physical death are successfully crossed, hope more easily becomes trust, for then you will know the unreality of this plane, which so mightily influences all of your moods, will decisions, thoughts, and behavior. And yet it does not totally disappear, for one hopes to fuse some day. That must also require the belief and action motivated through faith and hope.
It is so easy, brothers and sisters, to become pulled downward if one looks only at the world around. The circumstances on this planet are depressing. Your struggle is difficult. But the struggle to survive, children, will be won only with hope that you can transcend this existence. Many mortals believe – by faith in God – but are in despair and feel abandoned, or are bitter at God’s lack of Justice, or are angry at material circumstances, or are incapable of seeing goodness, beauty, or recognizing truth because they see so little reflected around or inside them.
What an untruth, children, for inside you, you have God. Outside you exists God. Hope is the assurance that you someday will become God-like, the ultimate goal of your life, the real reason for your creation – the belief that goodness will triumph over imperfection, that light will overtake shadows, that God’s plan is perfect. It is not enough to survive physical death for you the children – enlightened children – of God. Your goal is to live morontially now. This goal will be more fully realized when you walk on the legs of faith and hope.
Personality is capable always of loving God and one’s fellows. This gift is a gift from The FATHER, Himself. Survival of this gift is dependent upon faith. And the living knowledge of this faith is dependent upon spiritual hope. That is your call to action. Because you are given more, you must do more. And that will end this portion of our lesson for today. I hope next week to discuss the morontial spheres, then we will have lessons on the Supreme. Are there questions, children?
Q: Is hope the essential threshold of faith? Must you have hope before you can have faith? Is it – in other words – in this sequence?
RAYSON No. Faith can exist without hope, but survival is dependent upon both. Faith – one may have faith in God but not in one’s self, not recognize the intention of evolution. That is hopelessness. It is not sequential, although faith usually comes first.
Q: So we need first to see the potential, then have faith, after which we have hope. Is that the sequence of events?
RAYSON One can have faith without understanding potential.
Q: Would hope be what comes before trust?
RAYSON Hope comes before trust, or is the grandeur of trust.
Q: What do you mean by “grandeur of trust?”
RAYSON: It is the – as we are agondonters and have faith without proof, so we have hope before we have trust, because it is not tangible. One can trust another personality after much testing of trustworthiness, but hope – which is greater than trust – often comes without testing. It is an agondonter quality. It is knowing that even though you cannot see the good, the good not only exists but will triumph.
Q: And that is hope?
RAYSON Yes. And if one lives with hope, then one sees more good and does more good.
Q: Depression is a terrible problem on this planet. What can we do for those who come to us with depression.
RAYSON One must live as JESUS lived in human form in the undying hope in God’s love. You do not have to say this but be it. Depression has many roots, some chemical-physical, some due to lack of easy environment, perceived loss, comparisons with others or ideals internally-intellectually, despair over world circumstances. All of these things are real, but the reality pales when one realizes the ultimate destiny for humankind.
One cannot feel alone when you know God lives within you. One cannot feel despair when you have the hope of God’s promise of individual survival, potential eternity, and light and life for Urantia. All of these concepts, however, are not important to tell, but important to live – as JESUS did and gave so many the realistic spiritual hope of The FATHER’s love and the promise of the kingdom.
The Jews had false hope. Their definition of the messiah was incorrect, and when this messiah did not appear, their false hope got them into much trouble. JESUS provides real spiritual hope, and you must recognize that depression is, in essence, hopelessness.
You. perhaps, cannot provide a home, a love affair, a family, a better world, the specifics of what a persona identifies as the reason for their despair, but you can provide hope, real hope.
Q: Is it correct to assume that – like happiness – hope is meant to be shared with others? And, in a way, is contagious? That is not a good word, but I think you take my meaning.
RAYSON It is not contagious, but is inspirational. Yes.
Q: What is the distinction between faith and hope which, as I listen to the lesson again maybe I will understand a little better. Faith is belief. Okay. Then is hope belief in my beliefs? Kind of an attitude toward my faith?
RAYSON Yes. Yes, Yes, that is an excellent way to put it. Faith is generally faith in God. Hope is belief in the purpose of creation so it is belief in belief, yes.
Student: St. Paul said, “faith is the substance of things hoped for.”
RAYSON: Yes, correct. (05/24/92)
Q: RAYSON, two weeks ago I asked about the role of fear as an impediment to Adjuster action and communication with the mortal mind. And to flip that over and look at something that might positively affect Adjuster actions, I wonder if you could comment on the role of humor? And also perhaps of the sense of adventure, and any other qualities that might help us in this respect?
RAYSON Humor, wonder, joy, optimistic anticipation of the ascension career, love, tolerance, a feeling of peacefulness with one’s self, one’s fellows, one’s God, loving service – all of these qualities strengthen faith or are out-workings of faith. This great (liaison?) assists: the Adjuster providing the fertile soil for His ideas – concepts – communications. A cheerful outlook, a balanced view of life, a sure knowledge that you are God’s child, and personally and perfectly loved by your creator, an assurance of your survival, and a belief in the reality of the spiritual promise of JESUS, can only aid a joyful and daily existence, filled with the love of God pouring into you and pouring out from you to others. This type of life will surely hear the Adjuster for you are eminently doing the will of God when you live this way. (02/09/92)