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RAF9206 – Part II – The Lesson Aids – Topics Q-S

RAF9206 – Part II – The Lesson Aids – Topics Q-S


Q:       RAYSON, when did Prince MELCHIZEDEK take over as Planetary Prince? What happened to the Lucifer rebellion, and to Caligastia.

RAYSON:     Just a moment.

MELCHIZEDEK: This is Prince MACHIVENTA. You all know the history of the nefarious rebels who took control of this planet. In 1984 the Mercy Bank was rejected by Caligastia and Daligastia. They refused to repent. They are no longer.

Caligastia was such a bitter being that he left behind this virus (AIDS) and other illnesses which he, being of such a brilliant mind, designed. He would never give us the access so that we may effect some physical cure. He said “If I cannot be Prince of Urantia then I will take the planet with me into the blackness.”

But God’s will is not for that to happen. This planet is a protected place as it is the birth planet of the human-divine JESUS. It will take us some time. We are approximating a thousand to two thousand years to erase the evil that this insane being left behind as your legacy. But we will erase it, and your planet will be a beacon to all other ascendant mortals. God’s will is never hurtful or harmful to His little children. It is the will of The FATHER to heal his little ones, and many are being used to do so.

We look in awe at the agondonters on Urantia. You are truly God’s children. To build and maintain faith and God consciousness in the midst of such darkness is commendable.

I have taken over by order of my God, MICHAEL of Nebadon. This occurred when those two evil  beings ceased to be. I am, and have been, officially ushered in as your Planetary Prince. We have a lot of work to do, but do not cast eyes downward. Cast eyes upward for the glory that will befall this planet.

These are wondrous years. (12/01/91)

[See also: “About the Teaching Mission” in PART I, above.]


Q:       You said there was no such thing as reincarnation on this planet. There are those who claim to have lived previous lives and I am wondering, number one, if there is any reality to their beliefs, and second, what is the explanation for them?

RAYSON:    There is no reality to their beliefs. Explanations are speculative. Access to Adjuster eternal memory, even if the Adjuster is virgin. Adjusters share eternity. What has come before, what exists   now, what will be, is in their realm. Group consciousness of the planet does exist in a very philosophical or ethereal realm. Physically it exists through DNA, electro-chemical genetic line. Some people can access memory, bodily memory, through a physical mechanism. Those who are sincere, we speculate   get this through those three channels. And then there are – of course – many insincere people who make money on this belief. 05/30/92)


Q:        I’ve been thinking about responsibility and I wonder if you could comment at some length about responsibility in our interpersonal relationships? And how does that relate to our spiritual growth – in  our connection with God as well?

RAYSON:       Your responsibility is to yourself, to other mortal creatures, to your Thought Adjuster, to the Supreme, to the Ultimate. Your responsibility is to do what you can to fulfill your potential, but the foundation for this question lies in your own will, your own choice of what you want to do. No one can make you shoulder the burden of responsibility. You are given the free-choice will to do as you wish. Your Thought Adjuster leads you, guides you, and wants you to make the right choices. And once you have made the supreme decision to do the will of The FATHER, then your responsibility lies to  yourself. The Supreme will eventually get all your painstakingly earned experiential values whether you choose to survive or not. The Thought Adjuster is, and will always be, eternal, but you, yourself, the responsibility for you to become a Finaliter, rests only on yourself. None other.

Q:       So responsibility is something that as we accept it, we are given more opportunity to accept more and more. Is that correct? (Yes) And there seems to be a direct connection from the assumption of responsibility to our own spiritual growth – from what you say?

RAYSON:    Yes, not only the assuming of responsibility but in actually realizing what you have assumed.

Q:       I read in The Urantia Book today that the I AM is ultimately the responsible entity in the Universe, where the buck stops – as we say – the buck stops here is at the I AM. So in striving to be more like The FATHER, among other things, we would want to strive to assume these responsibilities that are brought to us?

RAYSON:       Yes. In one sense in a cosmic way The FATHER is responsible for everything for he is the First Source and Center from which everything sprang. But when He gave you free will, think about all of this, He is letting you be a creator also. You are a co-creator and as a co-creator of your soul, you must assume some responsibility for that, also. (11/15/92)


Today the lesson is on self-mastery. This subject can be the topic that can be talked about for many days. I will not take so long. You must master yourself. You must control your body and your mind.

It is more difficult now than it was in the days of JESUS because there are more things that tempt you, lead you astray, to distract you. In the olden days people only worried about controlling their inner emotions, their actions towards others, their thoughts, and other things, which were natural. Now you must control the influences of things you partake. Food, for one. Before, food was not as plentiful, and so control was not as necessary, at the most. Now there is an abundance of food, especially in this     country and in the Western nations. And there are other substances. There are the illegal controlled substances; there are the legal substances, which affect your state of mind. And, of course, there are influences, which bombard you day by day, such as from television, radio, and the media sources, which arouse in your mind a certain tendency to want to react. These influences may pressure you to buy  things, to do things, which are not really necessary for spiritual gain. Keeping up with the Joneses so to speak, maintaining an outward appearance, which is more than is necessary. All of these things – I’m sure there are more – but these things require control. You must put them in perspective.

How to do this? You must think of the Paradise goal, values of which are needed for survival. You must live with your aim far head, although you must maintain some perspective of what you are doing here in this material world. You must not let material values take priority. Prioritize your actions on what you must accomplish in this life. Set your goals. And make those actions, which will actualize those goals, a priority.

This does not mean that you must be a hermit, or a person that renounces the pleasures of day to day living. No. Enjoy what you have, and partake of the bountiful fruits of which your ancestors have worked so hard to attain. But do not overindulge. Do not unthinkingly participate in the wanton splurge of those things, which are now so plentiful. Do your work, and when you are finished reward yourself with certain pleasures. Delay your gratification on a day-by-day basis until you have finished with your priorities, and then you may enjoy life’s beauty, take pleasure in it.

Then, in matters of service and relationships with others, always master your responses to a sometime negative reaction of others. Control your own zeal. Do not shine the truth that you know so well so that it will blind others who are not so familiar or not so developed in their knowledge.

But control means more than the negative aspect of limiting yourself. Sometimes you must know when to let go of your zeal, let that knowledge shine brightly to those who are ready for the light. And also, when others are sometimes negative, depending on the circumstance – sometimes a person may require admonition; they may require some sort of fate like scolding. These are not outside the realms of personal relationships. You must know when to do what. This is control. This is self-mastery.

And in mastering yourself you must know certain aspects of yourself. The more you know yourself the better. This does not mean self-analysis. This means just to take a look inside yourself and realize who you are, what strengths you have (??both this is your life?) And make use of those strengths. Do not be self-cautious; do not think that you are not worthy. Realize that each and every one of you have aspects which are very beneficial to others. Use those parts of you to do good to others. And your weaknesses. You can strengthen your weakness by sometimes going ahead and doing those things, which you thought you were not capable of. Try, strive, to better yourselves.

But if you know that you cannot, upon the proof of many trials and errors, then avoid those circumstances, which will cause you harm. Do not place yourself in undue jeopardy if you know that it will be destructive to you. As you progress, you may become stronger in that aspect of yourself. And you may at one time be strong enough to confront those things, which at one time you could not. And this is accomplished by – once in a while – facing that very thing which frightens you.

When one’s physical organism is hurt, when one has a wound or injury, if someone places a finger upon that injury that person will yell or scream because of pain. There will be commotion because everything is not right at that spot. Look into your own selves, and put the finger of your mind upon certain places, especially the places which hurt. Just gently – do not hurt yourself. If there is a twinge, that means that part of you is hurt. There is a wound there, an injury. You must bring that part out. Have faith. Pray to The FATHER, and shine the light of self-knowledge upon that spot. And realize, what is this that hurts you so? If it is a very sore and painful spot then you should leave it alone for that moment, but you should be aware that there is something wrong with it. And when you have gained strength, go back and gently approach that spot. Little by little you will focus light upon that grievous injury, and day-by-day what was once painful will become less painful until it will be healed and your probing will not cause any pain. Then you will know that you are completely healed.

Doing this frees yourself from reactions that you might show when spots like those which were painful are touched upon by others, and this way you will be master of yourself when others talk or when you talk or communicate about matters regarding that spot or part of you which had that injury or wrong. We all – even I – have places within us which we are not completely comfortable. I have seen and realized all my parts of myself, which I was not comfortable with, and I have shone the light of The FATHER upon them. You must do that. Be free of anything within you, which might make you react in a way that you would – do not want to head.

There are other ways of self-mastery, but I will not touch upon them now. Are there any questions?

Q:       I heard enough of it to know that you were probably talking about both physical and spiritual self-mastery. Is that correct?

RAYSON:       Yes.

Q:       And on the physical side, I think I understood you to say that we should take physical care of our bodies, is that correct?

RAYSON:        That is correct. (10/25/92)


Lesson I on Soul: (Also Lesson IV on Thought Adjusters)

I would like to explain that the lesson tonight, which Prince MELCHIZEDEK has planned for you, is another lesson on the Mystery Monitor as this Divinity affects and creates your emerging soul. However, (T/R) is nervous – not settled correctly and so we have decided to split this lesson which is quite important for you to grasp, into two sections. Prince MELCHIZEDEK’s lesson was one, but we have permission to do half this evening and half next meeting.

I just wish to explain that it is not a criticism judgment of (T/R) or of your ability to understand, so with your gracious permission I will pass on to you this wonderful lesson prepared by our beloved Prince MACHIVENTA.

What, children, is a soul? Such a simple sounding word, a word which little children know, and yet such a profound concept – even a miraculous, growing, living thing in our midst. As we have discussed, in every human will-creature of normal mind lives a FATHER Fragment, the Divine Indwelling Monitor. What then, is the soul? Simply put it is the creation, the child of the Divine FATHER and the human mother.

How does this soul evolve? The Adjuster comes to live when the human makes their first moral decision. The soul is born at that moment. To understand this miracle we must first analyze or understand that mind. Let me explain.

The conscious mind of the human is divided into three segments. Higher mind is not usually in human consciousness, but it is the Adjuster, higher mind, Divinity. The animal lower mind, the electrochemical impulses, the body, is also largely not conscious. In the middle is the conscious human mind, resting on the uncertain rocky and explosive bed of the electro-chemical lower mind and reaching up, extending to the midst of the Divine. In the arena of conscious human mind is where the decisions are made, influenced by the Divine pilot, which gives birth to and in essence creates the evolving morontia soul.

Free-will of the creature is always paramount, tantamount to all. The Adjuster does not manipulate, dictate, tell, or in any way dominate the human will. It is in the arena of choice, the middle mind that the soul grows. How does this happen? The Adjuster influences. As the human will is consecrated with a conscious decision to the Divine will, the Adjuster’s influence increases and you can more clearly hear and do the will of The FATHER. Thus the soul evolves.

The miracle is, children, that even on this material plane, you can achieve the morontial. Do you truly grasp this concept? Your evolving soul is morontial. The more you are in line with the will of the Divine adjuster; the more you will actually live the morontial on this planet.

Before death or translation, the soul can only reach a morontial stage. After death and re- personalization, the soul is more readily replacing the human, purely human, will. After fusion, of course, survival is assured. This morontial child within all of you will grow stronger in time. The mind is the soil from which the soul grows. The mind of the human where will resides determines the rate of soul growth.

But, my brothers and sisters know this, the mercy of the Lord. It does not matter if you do not comprehend God. It matters only that you wish to comprehend God. It does not matter that you do not recognize fully truth, beauty or goodness. It matters only that you wish to recognize truth, beauty, goodness. Every day that you live you grow closer to actualizing and comprehending the Divine.

And this is what is causing your soul to evolve and expand: the human mind. Simply: material, lower mind; morontial, middle mind; spiritual, Divine, higher Adjuster mind. You can achieve a morontial outlook in a material body. That is your soul.

Regrettably I will end this part of the lesson for now, but I promise you that next week it will blow your mind. (Laughter.)

Q:       When you discuss the three levels of mind, how do they relate to the Infinite Mother Spirit and that mind?

RAYSON:    That is an excellent question. Mind, human mind, mid-mind, must be prepared to receive the Adjuster. It must have the seven Adjutant Mind Spirits, have attained the seven levels of Adjutant Mind Spirits, which are the gifts of Divine Mother and her spirit. Therefore, Divine Mother is the Deity, which prepares mid-mind for the bestowal of the Adjuster. Also, as mid-mind works with the Divine         mind, Mother Spirit is working in mid-mind to help the child of time hear the Divine.

The human mind is capable of greatness, of eternity perfection. But the choices are your own. You, the human will, may turn the mind, mid-mind, away from the Adjuster into sin, evil, even into nonsurvival. It is the arena, more so than the Adjuster, of the Mother Spirit, which offsets these lower impulses.

Q:       Do the impulses, the negative impulses that you are discussing come from the lower mind, the human electro-magnetic impulses, and if that which you try to fight with is the mid-mind, with the help of the Mother Spirit and the Adjutant Mind Spirit?

RAYSON:        Some come from the lower mind. Yes. Some come from character flaws.

Q:       Where does a character flaw reside if not in the mid-mind?

RAYSON:  You are not created in perfection; therefore it is the will of The FATHER to create within you rungs on the ladder of spiritual evolution. These rungs are your faults. Your feet climb it at your will, and your destination is God the Perfect.

Q:       Where does the soul go when the brain dies, when the human mind dies?

RAYSON:        The soul is shepherded to the mansion worlds by your guardian seraphim where it is reunited with the Adjuster and personality of the human.

Q:       So if a person’s mental capacity, through either disease or illness or old age deteriorates and becomes no longer able to function on a spiritual level, that person’s soul and Thought Adjuster wait in the Mansion worlds until the body dies and the personality is resurrected?

RAYSON:      That is absolutely correct.

Q:       RAYSON, you spoke of the mind being the arena of choice, the conscious mind. Is the will that makes this choice a function of the personality? Is it identical to the personality?

RAYSON:    No, not identical. But it is a personality function. Your personalities are incomplete in your present form. Your personality will become, or your soul will become your personality on the Mansion Worlds.

Q:       Well, I’m a little confused. We are told that personality is one gift of The FATHER and is an unchanging attribute or entity.

RAYSON:        But you have not attained it fully, yet.

Q:       Just as we have a piece of The FATHER living within us yet we are not communicating with Him fully yet, is it similar to that?

RAYSON:       Your personality is bestowed, but you have not grown into it fully yet. Your personality will be seen more clearly in the morontial because it is more fully seen. It is your soul; it will become your soul.

Q:       Well what is this thing that does the choosing?

RAYSON:      Will. It is human will. It is a part of personality bestowal, but it is not synonymous with personality. There are times when you may choose to follow higher mind. Other times your choice will be not so evolved. You are the same personality but your will varies.

Q:       When the impulses of the lower mind, the electro-magnetic and chemical make up our mind, weighs on us too much and we fall prey to it with anxiety or fear or even chemical imbalances or whatever, will appealing to the higher mind offset that, or will we just learn to live with that? Is there a way to reach a balance again in an unbalanced lower mind by appealing to the higher mind?

RAYSON:     The balance will be achieved by your choices. Even though impulses may be strong and sometimes irresistible, you can choose in mid-mind not to act. This is balance.

Q:       Though we choose not to act, which in essence is the best thing possible in a situation where your lower impulses are strongly affecting you, will the choice not to act constitute more soul growth, and willthat help ease the struggle? Is there a way to ease the struggle against the lower mind impulses?

RAYSON:        Yes. The more the human will chooses the higher road, the easier it becomes, because you make spiritual progress – as we discussed, circles progress, last meeting. Also, soul growth and the reality of the morontial is actually put into practice and lived here on the material level. But you must choose.

Starting as a child learns to walk, you fall, stumble, but you must get up again and take those few steps. Even when one has mastered walking there is running. (Laughter)

Q:       RAYSON, The Urantia Book says that after forty years old the adjuster is like a controller. Does that mean that the mid-mind is used in some other way?

RAYSON:     No, it just means that mid-mind had become more adept at hearing the Divine mind. It also means that the experience of the human has tempered the will with wisdom and evolved higher values.

So choices are at a higher spiritual level and the adjuster has a bigger field to plant seeds in. (02/17/92)

* * *

Lesson II on Soul: (Also Lesson V on Thought Adjusters.)

This is a continuation of our study on the Divine Mystery Monitors. What we are focusing on this day is the relationship of your evolving morontia soul to the fragment of The FATHER, which indwells each  of you.

To quickly review, as we learned last week, the Adjuster indwells the higher mind of man. The material mind is the soil upon which the Adjuster plants Divine seeds: spiritual realities and concepts. Lower mind is your purely instinctual, physical, subconscious nature. The soul is the morontial child of the prompting of the adjuster in conjunction – wedlock – with the decisions made from free-will choice in the conscious mid-mind realm.

Personality, which is a gift of The FATHER at birth, also resides in mid-mind while you are in this material body. But it is much more identified with the morontia life after death or translation when the soul develops will, and can more consciously align itself with personality-Adjuster consciousness.

Man is conscious only of will. As one progresses spiritually and through time in this physical state, it becomes easier to get a glimpse of the spiritual leading of The FATHER fragment. However, your task, brothers and sisters, should be thus: to consecrate your human will to the doing of The FATHER’s will. If one does this in a positive way, one is assured of eternal survival. Not now, but eons from now, you will surely stand in the presence of the First Source and Center from whence your fragment came.

It is not so much your task to fully understand the Divine, but only to wish to understand God. It is not so much your task to be Godlike as to wish to do the will of God, and – in eternity – you, too, will attain Divinity. Day by day as you live your life, study your choices and consciously become aware of choosing higher, ever-higher values and climbing toward God.

Unfortunately your great struggle, brothers and sisters, is with your dual nature. You are physically a  part of nature. You are animal in origin. But there exists within your mind the Divine. And you have the ability, potential, to transcend nature, the material, and exist in the realm of the spirit. This is a conflict. It is personality, which integrates this conflict.

Let me try to explain further. How difficult it is to be a finite being with an infinite piece of Divinity. It  is unbalancing. Those mortals who do manage to transcend the baser material realm also are prone to other pitfalls: pride, ego, and self-satisfaction. It is a balance that one must achieve. There is nothing wrong or inherently sinful, evil, in the infinite temporal material state. To the contrary, it is a creation of the eternal Sons and Daughters and is good. It is what you do with this state by your will decisions that determine your destruction or survival. Rest assured that even amongst us in this room, as we ponder the cosmic insanity of destruction – non-survival, each of us, myself included, runs the risk of that choice until we fuse with the Divine. So, although it is hard to project, understand, the destructive nature of   man it is a true reality risk and is determined in the tiny choices of everyday life, children. This is what you must become more aware of.

No human is born evil. Rather does the will of the human twist the mind choices until evil is embraced. Your soul is but a shadow of the real you. It is being created for your next life, not for this one. But even in this material life here on this planet your soul is developing awareness, awareness of the Adjuster and the human personality. Just as the Adjuster, of course, is aware of his soul – his child, the soul – the human personality will become more aware of the evolving morontia self.

The mind ideates; it thinks. It deals on an intellectual realm of facts. The Spirit, The FATHER, is truth eternal, absolute. The soul feels. Please let me emphasize the feelingness of the soul. It is the difference between scientific knowledge and true values. The soul deals in the realm of values, and the will can force ever higher and increasing awareness of ever more spiritual values: truth, beauty, goodness, and love, Godlikeness. You grow more Godly.

The human condition is a delicate balance between uncertainty and security: the uncertainty of what lies ahead; the security of the love, mercy, and Divine compassion of Deity; the uncertainty as a newly ascendent child of God; the certainty, security, that one day you will stand in the presence of the Creator, Himself. This is the human struggle.

But make not the mistake to live only on the material plane. This is one of the greatest dangers of this age, children. A society that dwells only on the material level is doomed to extinction. Because man has these opposing natures there is the potential for conflict. The conflicts we see in nations, societies, the world wars, poverty, prejudice, bigotry, oppression, unfairness of every kind, have at their root the inner conflict between the spiritual and base natures, the dual nature, of man.

There is also a risk of inner civil war in such a diverse being. Inner civil war, conflict causes you to lose the peace that MICHAEL promised you, the sublime peace that transcends understanding, causes you to lose touch with spiritual realities, causes much wasted effort and a cut off from spiritual help. While you cannot control the world, the environment you can control the inner life of yourself, the inner man or woman. In this inner life are the decisions of eternity created. This is the source of all creativity. And if you approach life not from the outer material world, but bring to the world the inner nature of man, the creative force which stems from The FATHER, Himself, you will make a difference in the world, but most of all in yourselves, in your ascent Godward. This is the important fact to grasp.

Even with the strife, anxiety, uncertainty, poor genetic make up, lust sinfulness, slothfulness, poverty, prejudice, bigotry, hatefulness, lack of God consciousness on this planet, many, many, many, many of your mortals do ascend and fuse. This is the great miracle of the Adjuster, children.

When you look around at the world or at your own individual lives and get discouraged, depressed, despairing, remember that out of such seeming inhospitable soil have sprung many souls whose eternal life is assured. From these very conditions and worse, children, as you will see – will spring the chorus of ascending mortals. And that, children, is your destiny if you so choose it.

Q:       I get confused about the desire to expand my soul and live in my soul, and seek other souls, and you      are saying that the soul is for the next life. I feel such a desire for it here and now that I am wondering if that is dangerous somehow, or negative?

RAYSON:      No. You are simply confusing terms. You feel a desire to know the personality, which will be spiritual, of your fellows. When you are on the Mansion worlds, the personality and the soul are evidenced together and as you ascend, both become fused on the spirit level with the Adjuster. Your soul is evolving now and therefore it is difficult to be your soul because you are not – you are physical. The Morontial, the soul, is a small part of you which you and The FATHER are creating as co-parents.

Q:       What about people who forego the material existence while they are here, who try very hard to communicate with God and give up the world to do it? Priests, or monks or holy men. Is that something to be desired? That kind of attitude here?

RAYSON:      I will generalize, and it is not set in stone. But no, it is not to be desired, because the gift you give to your Adjuster is experience in the world. To skip that is to open the door to many problems of ego and pride. And the goal is not to forego the material but to live with it and transcend it in your area of free-will choice. To live in the world but not of it was the great accomplishment of JESUS.

Q:       You said something at one point about the will. It was almost as if it was a separate thing from us. Is the will completely from an animal level or it is it from personality?

RAYSON:    Personality exercises dominant will choice on this level but the will is the offspring of the conscious human mind, mid-mind. It is your only area of control or choice. You cannot effectively influence other things: your body, material world, the Adjuster. But you can exert influence and growth through will in the material conscious mid-mind.

Q:       How do we develop the soul while we’re in our mortal condition? It seems to us from reading The Urantia Book that the exercise of the soul is what helps to build it. Just as physical exercise would help to build the body, experience helps to build the soul. Is that correct?

RAYSON:       Experience, and how one chooses to react to this experience. You have the choice, will, to react positively in the mid-mind. Much latitude is there. For a while an experience might appear tragic. You have the ability to see the spiritual reality behind the material tragedy and to live in that realm of love, survival, and spiritual growth. …

Q:       Page 1205 of The Urantia Book says “Adjusters are devoted to building up spiritual counterparts of your careers, morontia transcripts of your true advancing self.” What is meant by counterparts?

RAYSON:      For example, you may have a human understanding – analysis of a situation where you were disappointed or hurt, and it might be remembered by you as a sad or humiliating experience. Your Adjuster may have a completely different interpretation – record of that. He registers your soul growth through disappointments, the progress you have made in your understanding of experiential difficulties, the spiritual progress as you broaden your value to higher meanings and this day, incident, might be recorded as your victory with a feeling of success – achievement on the part of the Adjuster. There are different realities for creatures so far from the spirit. What you think of as defeat is probably your highest illumination.

Q:       Carrying through on this, would it be correct to say that which is counterparted is real and will exist and that which is not is unreal and will pass on?

* * *

RAYSON:       Absolutely, that is correct. (02/22/92)

Q:       In the relationship between people – between personalities that you were talking about, what is the optimum way of relating to other people that would achieve the best soul growth? For instance, the motive, does that make any difference? Or the truth of how you are relating to that person, how does that make any difference in the growth of your soul?

RAYSON:     That is a deceptively simple question with much complexity. The optimum is to love one another. But this is not realistic, for to love one’s fellows truly you must understand them.

Understanding begins when we place the spiritual ahead of the ego. So, the realization that we are one family created by one FATHER is essential, not just in terms of lip service, but in terms of true service to one’s brothers and sisters.

Mota is not that significant. It is the quality of the interaction. You will always experience imperfections in yourself, annoyances, impatience, and conflict. These are a part of your imperfect state. How

one-what one does determines a realistic goal of relating to others. JESUS said “turn the other cheek.” I am not as adept as our Creator-Brother-FATHER, but I would say sometimes the highest good in terms of personality relationships is avoidance if one is not evolved enough to come from a place of highest values with another being.

The sincere commitment to understand is important in terms of perspective: the spiritual rather than the “me.” But it will be impossible to remove the ego, but remember it is not instinctual. Personality – I mean ego is instinctual, animal, but personality can break that stimulus response. For example, if one is physically struck, the animal will fight or flight. The spiritual intervention of personality might cause a different reaction.

The highest would be to allow The FATHER to be seen in your relationships with others, for you to reflect and embody His perfect qualities of love, mercy, patience, wisdom, truth, beauty, and goodness. Partially these can be attained by you, and not always consistently, but that would be the ideal.

Q:       Would the personality that I have received, for example, that the soul be me in potential, and that personality that I exhibit here – different sense of humor or whatever – is that the reflection of that  reality? When we talk at this level, we talk about having personality and recognizing personalities, and types of personalities, if we are 99% potential then what is that that’s here?

RAYSON:        Potential. Let me explain. The you that you will be is personality, like letting the personality out of a locked room. It exists but unseen. It will be the combination of your fusion with your Adjuster and soul growth and eventual transmutation into a spirit being. Your personality contains the potential of all the ascension career. It is there in you now.

But it is not apparent because it will be based upon your choice-decision-action throughout your entire ascension career. Your free will determines the release of your potential into actuality.

How does one see the one percent here? Your guide, in general, should be spiritual fruits. That is evidence of your personality, your unique personality. How does (S) love? How (S) loves is different from any other created being, the tones and songs and harmonies that (S) brings to the quality, the universal quality of love, is and forever will be different than any other personality, a jazz interpretation of a universal theme. (05/17/92)


Q:        As I walk the spiritual walk of my life I notice that sometimes I feel really moved, filled, and close to God and JESUS, and sometimes – and now to the teachers also – and then sometimes it feels   like everything withdraws and it – there is sort of a still quietness out there. Is that my imagination? I know God doesn’t go anywhere. What happens then? Is that something real that happens to people? That there is an ebb and flow of their spiritual receptivity and constancy of the ministry to them.

RAYSON:       It appears to us, (S), that this is quite normal for you humans. Of course, God is constant. Your consciousness is not. And for many reasons. Some growth takes place beyond consciousness in higher mind realms. Much reality takes place on a spiritual level, which you would never, never see tangibly or be even aware of. So, sometimes when you feel you are not spiritually centered or tuned, you are indeed experiencing growth. There are also rest periods, plateaus, spiritually as well as intellectually,  physically. A being can only work so hard so long than must rest. So this seems to be normal and, of course, the constancy of the human will varies. Although we have all made the ultimate commitment to do the will of The FATHER, the acting upon this decision involves constancy of spirit in actions and varies, which is not extraordinary, but is the condition of imperfect beings.

Q:       Do you visit us during the week?

RAYSON:         I have visited every member of this teaching group. Whether I visit every one every single week is dependent on other factors. My assessment of your spiritual growth, my commitment to other parts of the mission..

Q:       Sometimes I get a visceral feeing, an actual physical sense of your presence. Is this possible or imagined? And this is not when transmitting receiving is taking place. This is at other times.

RAYSON:         I do not know because one can viscerally react to the presence of angels, Midwayers, especially Midwayers. I can only say that much time I spend with (T/R) as she needs more of my attention right now. But I do visit others in our group as their needs dictate. Everyone has been visited for assessment of levels of the lessons. (05/24/92)

* * *

RAYSON: So, science, yes, concerns with cause and effect. Philosophy, yes, concerns with morality, ethics, and loving service to one’s fellows, making sense out of the meanings of systems. Spirituality is the awareness of the creative mind of intent, cohesiveness, on faith beyond what we can see and think. Does that answer?

Student: Yes, and those aspects are used to determine the truth or falseness of any given situation, so to speak?

RAYSON: Correct. That is correct. (05/30/92)


Lesson I on Spirit of Truth:

 The Spirit of Truth is the great Comforter. It is like a gentle rain falling on your souls, and can be called upon and fostered in each human’s heart. The Spirit of Truth will never misdirect you. It is able to teach the difference between spiritual truth and mere fact. When you are able to discern spiritual truth, all things reflect the truth, beauty and goodness of The FATHER. Even in the worst tragedy-which is only a fact – The FATHER’s fingerprint can be detected when looking through the Spirit of Truth and comfort becomes a reality. When one sees God, it may remedy the situation.

Reflect upon the recent event. The tragic death of (S) and (S), when seen through the leadings of the Spirit of Truth, are a testimony to the compassion, mercy, and goodness of The FATHER. (12/15/91)

Lesson II on Spirit of Truth:

 As our Creator Son lived to show man to God and God to man and was brought to a heinous crossing by the mortals of the realm, His loving apostles and disciples and other followers secluded themselves from the wrath of the Jewish authorities in Jerusalem at that time. When the Master appeared in his morontial forms, the followers were overcome with joy. But still they remained waiting for his promised spiritual bestowal. And after forty days, or at the feast – the Jewish feast of the Pentecost – the spirit was indeed bestowed. But not only to the loyal followers of the Christ. The Spirit of Truth was a gift from the Son   to all mankind who sought truth and oneness with God.

The Spirit so inspired and mobilized the believers in JESUS that they immediately were filled with the overwhelming desire to preach the gospel. Although they forgot the message, the pure message of

JESUS, which is the God as FATHER and all mankind as children of this loving FATHER, brothers and sisters in this spiritual family, they did preach the resurrection of the Master and the gates opening to all humans who would accept Him as Deity.

The Spirit of truth was not bestowed only upon one class, one religion, one race, one sex. It was, and is, bestowed upon every ascendent child of time who sincerely hungers for enlightenment, truth, beauty, goodness, and God. The spirit is not ever perceived by the mortal mind, heart, soul, as the Spirit of Truth, but merely creates an awareness and hunger to know more about MICHAEL of Nebadon, the Son.

Every generation receives a new outpouring of the spirit to insure that the Fatherhood of God – Brotherhood of man concept shall never be lost on this Planet. The spirit is bestowed upon all who are faith sons and daughters. However, the spirit is not equal in its bestowal. But, only equal to the capacity to receive truth.

Prayer, while not affecting the Spirit of Truth, does affect your receptivity to its leadings. Therefore, through prayer, my brothers and sisters, you will increase your capacity to receive and detect ever-higher levels of truth and Deity.

Another suggestion I would make is to increase your prayer life each day, and pray to be led by the great Comforter who will always be there to show you the way.

The Spirit of Truth also takes away the loneliness of the God-seeking mortal, for as you have had JESUS here, walking on Urantia, living among its people, breaking bread, teaching lessons, if He had not sent his spirit you would feel an emptiness in your souls.

The Spirit of Truth also allows all mankind to find God. As JESUS portrayed man reaching Godward, the Spirit of Truth is the Son reaching manward and leading us to Son recognition. When the evolutionary religions make intuitive leaps forward in understanding it is due to the presence and  leading of the Spirit. No generation shall be lost if they indeed have a spark which leads them Godward.

To understand the Spirit of Truth we must understand that times and world conditions change, therefore we have more than the life of JESUS the man-God to derive inspiration from. JESUS revealed man’s perfection amidst the times and people he lived in. The Spirit of Truth will show you your perfection on this the world and peoples you live in – which are vastly different from the times the Master walked Urantia. However the higher truth, the hunger for God, faith -filled vision, prayer, brotherhood, and service, and loving kindness-mercy-compassion remain always the fruits of the Spirit of Truth.

TO see the Spirit working in your life, observe the fruits of the Spirit. Do you need more compassion? Do you need more service? Stronger, deeper faith? More unselfish love? Prayer will open the channel, and in time the fruits will grow in your life.

My brothers and sisters, I pray for you to be more faith-filled and less self-filled. It is the human condition to battle the ego versus the spiritual mind. Observe your lives and correct the manifestations of lower character using the wonderful, powerful helper sent from MICHAEL himself to enrich your souls and make the world a more spiritual abode. Let us thank MICHAEL for the Spirit of Truth, this wonderful bestowal that has helped us all Godward.

Q:       When you said the Spirit of Truth was bestowed every generation, can you illuminate that? I don’t really understand.

RAYSON:    The reason for this, (S), is that each generation of mortals faces different temporal difficulties in the world. The Spirit of Truth is not static, but illuminates truth set against a backdrop of the world circumstances and peoples that are present in that generation. Some generations receive less because they are less spiritually receptive, perhaps more material minded, or perhaps must deal with great distractions, such as your aggressive wars, or hunger, or natural disasters. So unto each generation the Spirit of Truth reaches down to lead the children of time, but it is not a static message. It grows with the generations and illumines truth in the world they live in.

Q:        Is it MICHAEL of Nebadon who re-bestows the Spirit of Truth to every generation?

RAYSON:      Yes, that is correct.

Q:       Does the Spirit of Truth work through the movies or any other of the media?

RAYSON:      No, it does not. It works only through mortal beings. And if they work in the movies then, if they are able to, they can bring truth to the people. Truth, however, can be discerned everywhere: films,  books, in other people, and the beauty of the planet. The Spirit of Truth leads the seeker to the highest values reflecting beauty, truth, goodness and Deity. But it does not directly work on things. Only  humans.

Q:       Is the Spirit of Truth then a personality? Is it to the Spirit of Truth that we pray? Or to MICHAEL?

RAYSON:         No, MICHAEL receives all prayers regardless to whom they are addressed. The Spirit of Truth is not a personality. It is a spirit, which does not create a consciousness of itself, but only a consciousness  of the Son.

Q:       In the revelation of the Spirit of Truth by generations to our group, would you take a look at the ages? And there are little babies that are now growing. Is the Spirit of Truth relevant to each individual?

RAYSON:       The Spirit is bestowed in a two-fold manner. It is for every individual to receive according to his or her capacity. In addition it is a restatement of the gospel of the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood   of man so that no culture, age, race, religion, non-religion, gender difference, will be left out. The Spirit of Truth must take into account not only the individual’s hunger for The FATHER, but also the world  that individual is shaped by. That is why there is a generation bestowal by MICHAEL. For Example, (older students) lived in a much different world than a child today. The Spirit of Truth for them led them on a different path to truth. A child growing today might have more choices to find truth to lead them Godward. So the Spirit of Truth is ever adaptable and alert to any stepping-stone to the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of men.

Q:       Does the current encircuitment of our planet enhance the Spirit of Truth? Or is it a separate bestowal?

RAYSON:        It is a separate bestowal. However, we have not considered the effect of the re-encircuitness on the mortal mind. This may indeed – and my prayers are for this to happen – enhance the spiritual receptivity and truth-hunger in the mortals of the realm, thereby increasing the awareness-knowledge of the Son. That is a most pleasurable thing to look forward to.

Q:       Is it possible for human minds, at this point, to tune in to any universe broadcasts?

RAYSON:     You are already tuned in. (Laughter)

Q:       Is there some sort of test that we can apply to the statements of a T/R in order to discern when they come from the deep longings of the heart of the T/R vis-à-vis the true teachings of the teacher?

RAYSON:     (S), you can apply the use of the Spirit of Truth… (S), again I ask you to read pages 2059 to 2065 and reflect upon the Spirit of Truth … (01/06/92)


Lesson on being Born of the Spirit:

 Today, brothers and sisters, today our lesson shall be on … being born of the Spirit.

Each of you have – deep within your being – sought God. A commitment, a prayer, a quest was begun. For some, many many many years ago. For others, more recently. When man reaches a hand Godward, God has already downreached to that being. God had already found each of you. This will-decision is enough for you to enter the kingdom upon mortal death. It is enough to spiritualize your human life. But it is not what JESUS taught, for we understand “to be born of the Spirit.”

Allow me to elaborate. Born of the Spirit, born again, these words are often used by your religionists. They think to bathe in water, to commit in words, is being born of the Spirit. That is incorrect. You Urantians think to make a commitment to The FATHER is born of the Spirit. That is also incorrect. It is too intellectual.

What is birth, children? Birth is action, physical action. Some births are long and hard and painful. Some births involve some injury, or perceived injury, to the participants. Some births are easy, but not the majority. As it is with childbirth, physical birth, so it is with spiritual birth.

Spiritual birth involves physical action. Born of the Spirit is action, spiritual action. When one embarks upon spiritual birth there is a period of dormancy. The conception is your commitment, survival commitment, and your ultimate, to the will of The FATHER. This will-decision should grow during the pregnant period. Then comes the birth in the Spirit, of the Spirit, to the Spirit, children.

If you think that this will be painless you are incorrect. It will involve much ego bruising, pain, depression, disappointment, all of the things, which you humans are so adept at avoiding. This is why, children, most who hear the truth push it away. They dismiss it. “Oh, this is not for me.” “Oh, I have heard this before.” “Oh, I do not need this now.” Etc. Because, being born again means changing. It is a birth. But always will your evolving soul thank you if you undertake this action here.

You must have courage and commitment. You must have valor. You must realize that this is – this will repercuss on all levels of your being. Many who are involved in the spiritual birth go through doubts, spiritual uncertainty and confusion, even rejection of the Godward life. It is difficult. It is harder to live as a raging heathen than as a committed spiritualist – correction, it is easier to live as a raging heathen than as a committed spiritualist. Why? Because there are more rewards for the worldly attributes, the lower emotions, on Urantia than rewards for the higher values in action. Why? Because it is easier for the human temperament to embrace negative qualities and act on them than to go against one’s own inherent animal nature and modify the clay from which you are built, by higher minds an values.

The long dark passage through the spiritual birth canal can be terrifying. You lose sight. The safety after your commitment to God’s will has been left behind. The light of emergence into a new way of life is  not yet seen. You are surrounded by darkness, feeling contractions, fear, aloneness, and self-doubt,

God-doubt. Why venture on out? Why not stay safe in the womb of intellectual commitment? Read your books? Reward each other’s goodness in study? Which are all good things to do. But what I am talking about, and what we gravely miss on this planet, is the application. You, as a species, are lazy and indolent, and pleasure seeking. You do not yet have the vision to see the spiritual pleasure at the end of the birth passage.

Many holy men and women have gone through periods of great soul darkness while they were being born in the Spirit. This is an active fight. This is not passive. You are at war with your lower nature. Ah, but the victory for your Adjuster, for you, and your soul. It may last in human terms years and years.

This is what born again really means. It is an actual occurrence, a transmutation of nature that is not won without much struggle. Very few humans have the inherent spiritual capacity for receptivity to be born again without bloodshed.

Page 1130 you will study, as you will study, have studied, Rodan, 1738. First, sit in the silence with prayer. And rededicate your will to The FATHER’s. Examine your commitment, and then pray for life to force your spiritual hands. The waters of adversity will pursue for each, but you will all reach tranquility one day on eternal shores.

This is the war of time versus eternity, of material versus spiritual, of the imperfect versus the perfect, of the finite versus the infinite. One does not become one’s opposite without what you think of as pain.

Death of the animal is birth of the spiritual. Does the animal not suffer? Does the spiritual not empathize? An enigma created by the father is evolution. But if you choose not to go though this and most choose not to – you are not giving to the Supreme. You are cheating your soul growth, and not understanding the process.

Think, children, of John the Baptist, alone in his cell, abandoned by his fellows and his Messiah, so he thought. His struggle was necessary. He assumed he was born of the Spirit. But truly his birth came shortly before his death when he accepted and understood that his earthly mission was over, that JESUS was indeed the incarnation of God, and that he would leave. Only then did he attain serenity. Only then did he see with an eternal perspective. That was the moment of his birth-day.

You will all see a spiritual birth-day like John. He was blessed with much adversity. But each of you will face your own struggles. But JESUS beckons to you. He asks you to be born into the brotherhood. And your rewards will be great, personally.

As a species you are mandated or asked to do this, to begin this process so this planet may grow toward the light. Your species, your planet, will benefit from transformed individuals. That is an active attitude

– being in light. Cowardice is not for the spiritually committed. Indolence is not for the spiritually strong. You must have the same passion in this area that you bring to your profession, your political commitments, your emotional relationships, your financial gain. Where is your spiritual passion?

JESUS was not a weakling. JESUS was not a man of sorrows. JESUS was not passive. He was active. He was courageous.

I would like you all to pray – if it is your will – for your spiritual birth process to begin. And what I can do as your friend and teacher is to be here when the sea gets choppy. I have been through this same storm, and I speak not down to you but speak to you with much love and empathy as one who has gone

through this when I was like you. My sense of self is much inflated and I had much pruning to do of the dead branches in my own being. With all humbleness I tell you it is worth it.

I embrace your struggle and am willing to buoy you up. As your angels draw near to you, as JESUS, himself, has promised to walk through the waters of adversity with you, as your Adjuster points northward as your soul expands, you are not alone although aloneness is a feeling, state, you will go through.

The lesson is short today, and simple. Simple to hear, but not to do. I will pray for your birth and that He will recognize your blessings. And now I invite questions.

Q:        If we see ourselves as warriors to do the will of God, and we rush out with energy and courage, and with a great desire to do the proper thing, what is the role – if any – of self protection? Even a warrior will protect himself to a certain extent, and I don’t mean shirking responsibility, or running away       from doing the right thing, or anything else. But there is comment in The Urantia Book about protecting oneself. I wonder if you could expand on that?

RAYSON:     First, let me say that your role as warrior must begin with yourself. Why assume you are ready to rush into the world when you have not conquered your own inner being? Of course this may be done simultaneously, and should be: inward fight outward. Self-protection comes from the continued  evolution – growth of the fruits of the Spirit. A truly evolved spiritual being housed in a material body who exudes genuine love of fellows tolerance, understanding, empathy, friendliness, warmth, kindness and true service will not need protection. Who could harm such a loving loving being? Point: JESUS, himself, while brawny and strong, rarely was involved in any encounter, physical or emotional, because he was so full of love.

Protection comes from wisdom, the wisdom to clearly see what the other person needs. If it is something

– of course it will be something that a spiritual being can give – for if the person feels they need money, we know that is not their need. As JESUS saw – as He passed by in so many – what they really needed, and gave it to them: the spiritual goal, the spiritual tools, – he spoke to their heart, soul, mind, deep deep prayers. As you grow in wisdom and your own spiritual heart expands, you will be able to easily see what another needs and provide this. Very little self-protection is needed as one grows.

However, much of your life will be not at that point – for any of us. So, what can be done? When one is assured of one’s survival very few things can hurt you people. JESUS ignored his critics. There is something in human nature, which wishes to test the good, smear the truth, mar the beautiful. If this is a horrible strain, there will always be those willing to push so that they can say “They are not so good.

They are not so full of truth. They are not so beautiful. Their message is false. Their lives are a sham. They are hypocrites. Therefore our dedication to temporal pleasure is fine. There is not a higher way. There is not a better path. There is no God.” Yes, there will be those.

When we are so sure and anchored in God, even if we cannot see or hear or feel, in our hearts we know. This cannot truly harm you. Ignore the criticism. Reach for the commonality of truth. Stretch, and when you do, you will find less hostility than you think. It is hard to resist love, even for the most unloving.

That is my reply.

Q:       How do we know if we have already been born of the Spirit?

RAYSON:     None of you have completed this process yet.

Q:       Is it correct to think of the product of the new birth to be your own soul?

RAYSON:    Expanded soul. Souls are already in formation, but the conception, yes. Birth of –

Q:       The development of the embryonic soul?

RAYSON:     Correct.

Q:       Does this happen suddenly? In an hour? In a day? Or is it a long, gradual process?

RAYSON:       It is rare that it happens suddenly. Even for JESUS it was a long process. It is most often decades.

Q:  RAYSON, have we already undertaken this process, some of us? Everything you said sounded kinda familiar to me. I’m not saying I’ve been born of the Spirit, but I think I’ve begun the process. Do you want us to be more conscious of this process? Is that what you’re saying?

RAYSON:     Yes. You have all begun the process to greater or lesser extent. And at some earth periods you cruise, sometimes you go quicker. What I am asking you to consider is a conscious effort to take the harder path. When there is a choice, choose the higher. It is often the harder. Truth, illumination, loving service, kindly tolerance – fruits of the Spirit – are all difficult to act in your life. So, easy it is to avoid, ignore, table, but you get no growth from it. I am asking you to not idle so much. It will not be easier.

There will be pain, death of ego, much shock, but it would be better.

Q:       JESUS is quoted as saying to Nicodemus, in effect, “are you not a ruler in Israel and don’t know that you must be born again?” What happens when this new birth process is interrupted by physical death?

RAYSON:      It continues on the Mansion Worlds. There is still human ego felt on the Mansion Worlds. If it is completed here, one goes to a higher Mansion World. You need not so much correction.


Q:       I get this image that when you are born of the Spirit you wear your soul on the outside instead of on the inside. That’s what you do first. Everything we do comes from that. Is that correct?

RAYSON:        That is a wonderful image, (S) Thank you.

Q:  RAYSON, In the process of being born in the Spirit and the struggles to achieve that, as one makes progress, would there be an effect on the physiologic functions of the body? For example, the ability to become well from a chronic disease process?

RAYSON:        Yes. Increased spirituality always eventuates in upstepped physical health. Absolutely.

Q:       Am I correct in believing that this is the basis of all spiritual healing, right along this line, that inherent in spiritual growth would go improved bodily function?

RAYSON:      It is not the basis of all healing, but most. There are actual outward celestial beings that work through some healers among humans. And the combination of the two, of course, greatly speeds physical development and health.

Q:       Yes, I guess the thing that’s been going through my mind over these last several months is, since we’ve had our encounters with (S), has been puzzling over how energy transformations change in accord to spiritual experiences, but I suppose that’s probably something you are not allowed to comment on.

RAYSON:    A moment. (pause) Yes, spiritual growth is the invisible energy, which motorizes the physical, mindal, emotional, material being. It connects all systems. Spiritual growth affects, on the physical level, the molecular structure of the material being. It is an actual energy. As a child grows bigger you see formation of material mass, energy, etc. So, as you grow spiritually, and it transforms actuals – the physical – and upsteps the systems, the system coordination working of the material beings.

There is an actual spiritual gland of receptivity, which I am not allowed to point out to you who is so familiar with human anatomy. There is a definite crossover. Just as an impaired physical brain or  disease, pain, affects spiritual receptivity, so does spiritual growth affect physical health. It is a marriage, intertwined, but you are unable to discern this medically now, but some day you will.

Q:       Am I correct in believing that this is the basis of what I seem to perceive in people that I know to be transmitter-receivers as well as some other people that are seen to be like holy people? There seems  to be almost a glow coming from them. I don’t know how else to describe it but there’s just a difference that I get from such people. Am I right in thinking that its involved in this business?

RAYSON:          That is correct.

Q:       And, am I also correct in believing that it’s visible to almost all human beings at some level, that they know there is something different, its almost like a smell in the air?

 RAYSON:     That is correct.

Q:       And I think that for all of us who are involved in this mission, it may be one of our strongest weapons.

RAYSON:          Correct.

Q:        I understand that on your world of birth you were a doctor, but less physical and more spiritual?

RAYSON:     We integrated all systems.

Q:       Am I correct in surmising that – in our spiritual growth process, when we are in the process of being born – that we might need a little special attention such as a spiritual obstetrician?

RAYSON:        Correct. (laughter by students) That is what my role will be and has been. (more laughter)

Q:        Is there something daily we can do in a quiet moment to actually assess were we are in ??? time and space, spiritually?

RAYSON:     Mmm. That is interesting. I think assessment, (S), is an ego function. Be not concerned with what place you have at the table. Be in the silence and pray to be guided by your Divine Mystery Monitor. Even if you cannot discern guidance, you have your signposts. You know the spiritual versus                the less evolved. Pray to be more spiritually active. Be full of gratitude and thanksgiving. And of course, worship God. Assessment is not a function of spirituality. It is a function of human ego. (08/02/92)


Lesson on Spiritual Growth:

Today we will speak in a summary type of a lesson, actually, to tempt you onward in your spiritual growth, to accelerate your will commitment to the fruits of the spirit. Let us try to soul center and take in these truths.

Glory to God, children, who has created such perfection from imperfection. Glory to God, children, who has given a Divine, perfect, piece of Himself to the lowest creatures who may seek him – the lowest –  the humans. Glory to God, children, who has given you the bestowal of Christ MICHAEL on Urantia.

Glory to God, children, who has given the Spirit of Truth to Urantia. Glory to God, children, who has given Divine Mother Spirit, Her mind Adjutants, her angels, the Midwayers and other ministering spirits to accelerate your growth. Glory to God, children, for you, your creation, your personality bestowal, and for you – children – who are the children of the Supreme.

Glory to you, ascendant children of time, who are creating the Supreme. Glory to you as the Apostle  Paul said, “you are the body of Christ.” The body of Christ is really the body of the Supreme. Each one  of your tapestries, your decisions, your soul growth, every experience, every thought, every life moment, completes the Supreme, the God of experience – God in formation. Glory to God for the wondrous, wondrous, outcome of the ascendant children of time: the creation of a new being, spirit, between the Divine and the evolutionary; the wonders yet to come of service; the glorious ascension.

Glory to God for the perfection, the goodness, the inspiration, the mercy, the love, the service, the tolerance, the perseverance, the human will commitment to participating fully in His most wondrous plan which we can only glimpse and speculate about.

Children of time, you have it difficult for a short time, only. Such a short part of your career is spent in this struggle to commit to knowing, searching for God. Once you transcend death of the physical body you enact what you only believed. You learn more about the decisions you made to search for God and put them into action. After fusion you are spirit, and you begin the actual journey to The FATHER.

Glory to God who takes his creatures so far and ultimately returns them to their creator, and then sends them outward as His personal agents, representatives, to as yet uncreated beings and children of a new Grand Universe which we can only imagine, but know – by faith – that it will be another perfect element in the plan of the Great I AM, First Source and Center, creator of all beings, all life, all thought, all motion, everything.

How can we inspire you to accelerate? How can we tell you the reality of your importance to The FATHER? Give glory and thanks for your beingness. Become aware of your importance, of how The FATHER, Himself, cherishes every Himself to the lowest creatures who may seek him- moment of your life. Nothing is ever lost to God. When you, yourself, regret or have shame or guilt, the lowest – the humans. Glory to God, children, remember that God does not. He will cherish the children of time, and are designed to make mistakes. The only mistake with any real consequence is the decision not to seek God.

The challenges and pitfalls and regressions of your earth career are all to the good. They are part of the Supreme, and part of your gift to the perfect Adjuster, who may only understand struggle and imperfection through your life. What a glorious way to view your times of Gethsemane, and all must walk though Gethsemane, children. Some may go through the symbolic crucifixion, but like our master, you will become morontial.

The lure of the Mansion worlds should be strong for you, not to cut short your earth life, but to fasten your vision upon the reward of this passage. You will awaken quietly in a resurrection chamber on Mansonia. You will be greeted by your Seraphim, escorted to the halls of repersonalization. Your Thought Adjuster and Seraphim join together in your morontia form, of which there are 570 different bodies before you become spirit. You will meet your Morontia Companions – a most lovable order of beings – who will act as your guides. You will have time to orient yourself to your new surroundings. You will have time to leave some ??? with loved ones who have already graduated. You will visit different spheres. You will see and be awed by the beauty of the Mansion Worlds – created by the Physical Controllers, Morontia Controllers, added substances which you cannot even imagine.

You will be made to laugh by the Reversion Directors, and may even join them along your ascension career. Much of your humor will be derived from your past: the foibles of the physical existence, the measuring of growth. The humor there is plentiful but not mean spirited. You will be inspired and thrilled by the concepts of the Celestial Artisans. You will be served by the faithful Spornagia.

You will meet many different ascenders along many different levels of the path. You will sense spiritualized ascenders but not able to see them except when the Celestial Artisans portray them for you in pageantry. Much of your trip through the seven mansion worlds will be spent on rehabilitation, correcting imbalances from your planet, planet’s history, to get you up to speed so that you may actually progress. Much music, art, recreation, humor, worship, prayer, thanksgiving, and relationship – always relationships.

Yes, there is food, drink, rest, of morontial nature.

Yes, there are assignments, but nowhere near the life of toil you experience on this backward planet. Your real job is Godward. You will learn languages and be provided with interpreters so that all may communicate without misunderstanding.

How to describe a life, which is quite the same in terms of your place on the path, but such a different environment! Imagine, children, a world where God is not only present – as he is here – but acknowledged by all, where every will to greater or lesser degrees is dedicated to knowing God, to becoming God-like, where consideration, tenderness, loving service, respect for ones fellows is the norm. Where one lives in a family of brothers and sisters under one God.

Much of your anxieties will disappear, thus train your energy for higher pursuits. You will laugh much over what you considered the huge problems of you earth career. They will be in perspective for you. When our Master said “the meek shall inherit the earth” or “the first shall be last and the last shall be first,” He tried to describe mota of the sort that “what you think are your afflictions are your blessings.” What you think of as strong on earth is not spiritually correct.

Righteousness for God, passion for God, standing up for God is always correct, but so rarely does that happen on Urantia. Most humans stand up for themselves, their egos, their belief systems, their own self interests. Meekness is humility in the face of the presence of Deity, meekness of ego.

So immediately does this await you, children. To you it seems long, but it is so – it is your next moment of beingness. If only you could live this totally, the surety, the promise of the Mansion Worlds. As JESUS said, “My FATHER has many mansions.” “I am the door, through Me you will enter the

kingdom.” You may enter now. You have entered, but you may even step further into the kingdom – is what I urge.

I am trying to tempt you. For, children, the spiritual life is hard. You invite hardship, challenges to overcome. Your soul is not gently formed, children, but honed of steel. Disappointment, grief, deceit, discouragement, fear, anger, devastation, challenges – this is the tempered steel of the morontial soul. Not the afflictions, but the spiritual transcendence and growth, which come from what, you view as troubles. Some day you will see the blessings, children, and you will reap the reward of the faith filled days.

That is God’s promise to you. Much reward for so little, so little suffering. Although while you are here your suffering is real to you and all encompassing, I am trying hard to lift you above this to a cosmic perspective! So little is asked from you, so much is given. You have an army of spiritual soldiers standing by your side. When you go through difficulties, call on your army. Remember they are there to serve you. With God, children, nothing is impossible.

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad of it. Without the I AM there is nothing but the I AM. God has given you this time, this date, this moment, this will, this choice, this life. Be more thankful, even especially in the hard moments.

The Mansion Worlds await you, children of time. Great glories lie ahead for you. Your soul is being born now. Give to the Supreme, to The FATHER, the Son, and the Spirit the best soul you can. Keep joy in your hearts, for this is not (???ty). Keep joy for the promised (??) to come, the promise you may glimpse even now with your limited eyes. What joyful, joyful news!

How can you be not excited to know you may seek The FATHER? You have been created consciously for this path. You have been chosen consciously for this mission. Each of you in your hearts and souls and minds has asked to be used. Your will, prayer, have been answered. Rejoice and be of good cheer.

What difference if all earthly things crash? What difference when your bodies turn to dust? You have been chosen by God for a glorious career, children of time. Rejoice and know your specialness. Work  for the Mansion Worlds now. Accelerate your spiritual program. Be thankful, be happy, be optimistic, because you know the ending. Live as if you know the ending. Do not sink into the limited vision of this life. Use your soldiers and God’s blessings will heap ten-fold upon you now.

And now I end this lesson and ask with all humbleness for no questions since (T/R) is tired, but I am sorry. I know many have questions, but we will have a longer meeting next week.

Prince MACHIVENTA is pleased with you. He knows you all, as do the other spiritual presences gathered here now. (06/06/92)

* * *

MACHIVENTA: This is MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK. You are all in the realms of the spirit. You are impinging upon spiritness. Remember and have faith upon your own knowledge and on your own faiths. Continue to believe. The things that you believe and the things that you act upon are of the greatest importance. This is not a mere figment of your imagination. There are things happening on this sphere that you have no conception of, and you will not know what is going on here until much later in your universe ascension career. But know this, that your faith – faith for your brothers and sisters, faith of MICHAEL, of the Universal FATHER, the whole concept of universe ascension, are of the utmost importance.

Do not look back upon your animal ancestry, upon your negativeness. Focus on your positive side. Proceed with decisiveness. You have our support and confidence. We love you children. We love you all. You are being watched and taken care of. You are being loved with tenderness. Till next time, children, have faith. (10/11/92)

* * *

Q:       Teacher, I am trying so hard to increase my contact with my Thought Monitor and increase my spiritual growth. The process seems so slow to me. How can I improve my worship and stillness periods? How can I be more God-reflective? How am I doing?

RAYSON:     The best way to become more God conscious is to think of our FATHER as a personal friend.

Talk to The FATHER each day. Let him know of your thoughts and your feelings. It is true He does know about these things before you speak them, but it does help you. It helps you understand yourself more fully.

Thespirit fragment within you knows you far better than you know yourself. Do not worry about  making communication. This, too, will happen when the time is right. The best way to make this  happen, aside from the constant communion with The FATHER, is to live your life bravely, to go forth each day and be aware of who you are and your relationship with those that you come in contact with.  Be sensitive to the spirits that are around you, and always be ready to feel the love from within, the God within, so that this love may flow through you fully, that it may pour forth out on those that you come in contact with, and that we may bring those people to you that you may share with them your personal religious experiences, and that you may be an instrument in helping them enter the kingdom of heaven.

This is a long process, this communication with the spirit fragment. It will – for most mortal ascenders – not happen quickly. It takes much hard work and patience. Do not become burdened with the thought that “I am doing what I can yet nothing happens.” You will inch your way into God-consciousness. You do not run. Always be mindful of who you are. Remember that spiritual growth is an unconscious process. In time you will look back and begin to see some of the decisions that you have made and where it has led you.

For now you are in the forest and you cannot yet even see the trees. This is as it should be, for now. Hopefully, with your whole-hearted dedication to doing the will of The FATHER, you will rise above the forest and look down and then begin to get a glimpse of where it is you have been. You will see all of the decisions that you have made and know more fully what direction to go.

[After all of the questions:]

RAYSON: As I said to you before I answered questions, I am mightily moved by your willingness to stay with me, to stay in this mission and be a part of this great adventure. Do not, my friends, give up on what you have started. I know we have had this temporary setback. But good will come of this and you will see.

Be strong! Be faithful! The FATHER loves you deeply. He has not abandoned you – nor I. Your angels watch over you each day. There is more love around you than what you are aware of. Hold on tight to what you know to be real and true. Reach out to others. Learn from their experience. WILMEK and other teachers will freely share with you information. It will not be long.

Lastly, I want to encourage you all again to spend some time each day in communion with The FATHER. I know we have talked about this before, but I cannot tell you how important it is, especially now – in this time of isolation – to continue to do this.

I love you al I very much, and when we engage together I will have a special message for each one of you. This, I hope, gives you something to look forward to. I know how important this is. Go in peace. (11/18/92)


Q:       RAYSON, may those of us who don’t know their spiritual names get them today?

RAYSON:    Yes, but remember, this is not a test. We are not always in agreement. [Gave names.] That is what I feel their names are. Everyone else has been named.

Q:       When you say you feel their names, is that a soul evaluation?

RAYSON:       Yes, correct. It is hard to translate from the universe language to English. Their names will be different but the same when they leave this planet because they will be spoken to in the language of the universe. What these names signify is a characteristic of their individual souls or personalities, that is prominent, a good characteristic, and by calling upon this characteristic through a name it is strengthened and grows. This is not so important as you mortals think, but we have a hard time explaining to you because of some information, which I am not allowed now to reveal.

Does that answer:

Q:       Partially. … Can we identify, by our names, for instance, characters in The Urantia Book are all named after people from Urantia history who have been made famous through religion – and I’m wondering if we should think that we, our souls, or the best parts of us, match some of their characteristics.

RAYSON:      That is correct. It is our reference for you down here.

Q:       Reading about these characters in The Urantia Book, might that be an indication of –

RAYSON:         How we see you. It is the tangible way of how we see your soul. Read and learn and bring forth all the spiritual qualities that you learn from this Fifth Epochal Revelation. It will help you gain direction. (12/07/91)


 Lesson on Spiritual Teachers:

 We will stray from our syllabus today to discuss something, which I would like to talk about, personally, which is “what is a teacher? A spiritual teacher?”

Spiritual teaching is not talking, or preaching, or dazzling others with verbal skills, mental agility, intellectual knowledge, cleverness, memory of factual things, quick responses, attractive phrases, charismatic presentation, emotional passion, personal charm – magnetism, or the weight of others who believe it – peer pressure. That is not what a spiritual teacher does for it.

Human beings often, so often, make the grave error of listening to other humans when they should be listening to the fragment within. These emotional intellectual personality factors lead some humans to believe they have more truth than others. And they are followed and listened to with very little questioning by large masses of humans, and they begin themselves to believe they have additional abilities over that of their brothers and sisters. Their egos become quite inflated, and – rather than making spiritual progress – they are, in fact, regressing.

The humans who follow them often adore them to the point of error for no human is above any other. Spiritually you are all equal in the kingdom. God is no respecter of persons. Some have gifts in some areas and some have gifts in others. But all spiritually have access to the same God, to the same guidance, to the same spirit, beauty, goodness, wisdom, as any other normal-minded person who has a burning desire to know God.

So, then, brothers and sisters, if religionists by and large have made the mistake in this area of “what is spiritual teaching,” we must discover what it is and how we can do that, and how to correct organizational religions on the somewhat distorted course it is on.

Memory and rote is not knowledge. Fact is not truth. Much that is taught by religionists is a manmade concept, which is in fact not spiritually correct in all their applications. They are more rules than truth. Society does need rules to live by, but this should be the area of government and social mores rather than what you call religion – which should encompass the concept of God as a Father and all of us as true children of this loving benevolent Father and the concept of brother and sisterhood in the kingdom.

Religion has failed, by and large, to accomplish this simple task, and instead has erroneously developed rules of conduct, which are filtered through a moralistic time-bound, culture-bound, consciousness that is not real.

So, how then – faced with a world whose spirituality has been replaced by mere morality, whose leaders have swollen egos by and large, whose followers are sincere and yet unaware of their own free will nor of their personal relationship with God – how then are we to become spiritual teachers?

First, we must examine our tools. Mindally, intellectually, we must simplify what it is we wish to teach. That is the only mindal level of spiritual teaching that should be applied: what is it that we wish to impart? It is simple, and I will repeat: that God is a benevolent parent, that we are all equally His children, that because we belong to the same family we should love our brothers and sisters as we love ourselves – and as our God loves us. That is the rule: love one another, worship God, recognize God in other humans, and respect it. That is the greatest and simplest truth in all of Nebadon.

That we have free will, that we may choose God, and when we do we have the potential to be eternal, that MICHAEL of Nebadon was indeed incarnated on Urantia as JESUS of Nazareth, these are the simple truths. For each of you there might be others, which feel important.

So first, clarify mindally what concepts you wish to teach. Then use your spiritual tools of higher mind: Thought Adjuster-Controller, angelic guidance, mind adjutants, Spirit of Truth – through prayer, worship, and quiet times of receptivity – to enlighten your being and deepen your commitment to teach            these truths. For while they sound deceptively simple, brothers and sisters, they are the most resounding concepts that you will ever learn in all your entire ascension career. What sounds simple to you – with what’s only your child-like simplicity of your level of beingness – but these are profound. You are simple

at this stage, and therefore can only see them in a narrow band. So you must pray to expand your own understanding of these things.

You must also maintain your mechanism, physical mechanism, well so that your teaching abilities will be enhanced without chemical or (?remote ?etcetera) which can reverse energies in your body and have a retrograde effect on your ability to teach. Emotionally you must keep balance as our beloved JESUS    did as human here. Your emotions must be mastered and must be under the control of higher mind. This probably your greatest challenge.

So, we know what you wish to say. We have prayed and asked for spiritual guidance and illumination. We are fit and healthy and have done our best make our material mechanism clean. And we have controlled and balanced our emotions. Now, what? Do we stand on the street and quote the book or JESUS to people? No. Do we solicit others in other ways? No. We live the truth. We produce spiritually through the fabric of our everyday life. We allow our spirituality to shine forth as we live it.

The greatest complement that you can get is for another human to approach you and say, “What is it that you have in your life? Can you help me? Because I would also like to possess that quality. I have  thought of your life and it is just as hard as my own. It is just as ridden with problems and challenges. It its just as tragic in many ways. And yet through the valleys of despair, through the hours of depression, through the darkness of fear, through the heatedness of anger, through every trial that life has (?thrown) in your path, you have not tripped.” If another were to say that to you it would be the highest  complement to your spiritual teachingness, for that is what a spiritual teacher does: inspires others to faith.

And what would you answer? Would you say, “I have read every great work written in every religion or every philosophy.” Or “I have taken courses,” or “I have prayed for months on the mountain top.” No. No. For that would not ring true nor impress nor inspire anyone to such an empty existence. You will say “I have lived fully – with my faith, with my God, with my angels – and I have actually rejoiced for every blessing of adversity that I have conquered and grown from. What you see, brother or sister is the shininess of my soul, which has grown through the hard times on Urantia. What you see is the transformation of true faith in the positive, ultimate, wonderful, outcome of this adventure that no man or circumstance can take away form me, for it is a part of my very being and my existence.”

This is spiritual teaching. Not the concepts or the words. The faith, the depth of faith and the growth of soul are what attract others to God. Truth responds to truth. Faith fosters faith. Godliness fosters God in others.

We are here, children, as teachers humbly, humbly, for we have learned so much from you. What you  get when we meet are not the words or illuminations, you already have these illuminations, especially in the Fifth Epochal Revelation. What you get is the personality commingling – which you crave – of our greater faith, for we are no longer Agondonters. And this is what you crave. That is spiritual teaching.

We put you through certain assignments to strengthen your spiritual receptivity muscles so that you may recognize and establish your own faith. Some day you will be shining, bright and mighty lights – soldiers in a spiritual war for souls on this planet. Your effort may be the very one that turns the tide towards  light and life. You will each one be a spiritual teacher-soldier and a beacon of illumination and hope to others.

This lesson is important for each of you. I would like you to read the lesson on teachers and also the women’s evangelical corps, for within the next few months you will become partners with another for a special assignment which will not be what you think, what you are projecting now.

… (Change T/R’s)

When we talk about this as a mission, be assured that it is a teaching mission. You are being taught and will become teachers. I will entertain questions from you teachers on this subject.

Student: RAYSON, thank you for a very very beautiful lesson. I think, however, you also sneaked in a lesson on spiritual living, how we should live. I couldn’t help thinking that The Urantia Book indicates that we are not only students but also we are teachers all the way to Paradise. We teach those behind as we learn from those ahead of us. I just want to thank you for putting everything in perspective.

RAYSON: You are right on as usual. There is no difference between living and teaching for the true son of The FATHER. You cannot be infused with such good news and not share the light with others.

Q:       I think its probably more than coincidence, but this morning I was looking forward to our lesson and I was wondering to myself – why is it that since we started receiving lessons from you everything seems so much clearer? And then I remembered that in school, when we had various difficult courses, the lectures and the textbooks would be supplemented by a laboratory. Our exposure to the teachers seems like that laboratory that takes the abstract from the book and helps us to apply it in our lives.

Everything that you’ve said not only in our general lessons but in response to the questions, it stays in  my mind and it works on me, and it helps sometimes right away, sometimes its a delayed effect. But it’s very very helpful, and I want to thank you for that.

RAYSON: The laboratory is greater than you suspect, (S), Yes, indeed, my personality association with you has an impact throughout your week, but greater still is the laboratory wherein you then apply this lesson, especially these more recent and simple lessons of forgiveness, and friendship, and being born of the Spirit. These are most definitely meant be applied immediately upon receipt. And you have all executed your assignments well. We are pleased with this lab method of teaching and application. It gives me great personal gratitude to know that you take my lessons, actually the Prince’s lessons – to  heart and replay them in your head. Hopefully, you will learn to impart these same lessons in a like manner that others will replay what you tell them the same way. This is the promise of this mission.

This is all JESUS’ wish for you – that, as you are taught you, teach.

Q:       RAYSON, could you elaborate on personality commingling that you referred to earlier?

RAYSON:          Yes. You may sit alone and read the truth in The Urantia Book. You may have a thought of truth on your own. But when another personality imparts this truth or thought to you and you are there to receive it, to catch it, your personalities commingle and if the truth or thought is carried on a circuit of love it will hit its mark, and that is the power of what happens here. You are listening to my words but you are feeling the depth of my love for you as I say them, and this is unfathomably more powerful than reading these truths.

Think of the Apostles, for in truth the message of JESUS is no different than the message of The Urantia Book. Both have taught us that God is a loving FATHER and that men are all brothers. To have   received this lesson at the foot of the Master would be much more impactful than to have quietly discovered The Urantia Book on your own and read by yourself.

Personality is the gift of The FATHER. When two personalities participate in give and take, a new facet of the Supreme Being is born. It is an act of creation as well as an act of learning.

Q:       Another thought occurred to me before we started on our session today that I think bears on the lesson. I was thinking about how much more meaningful and also how much more difficult the application of goodness and beauty and truth are in my life now than when I was a child and first learned about such concepts. You mentioned in the lesson about how – because we are simple – these seem like simple concepts now, but they are very fundamental. It seems to me that as life grows more complex, the application of these principles becomes more complex. Is that a right idea? And difficult?

RAYSON:      Right and wrong. In a limited sense you are correct, the limitation being your life on Urantia. You are born without negative experience, and as the babe who is potentially perfect grows and lives through negative life experiences, many defenses and lower emotions come into play. Later as an adult, much of the mortal adult life is spent weaving through this morass of subsequent pain from these negative influences and the reactions thereto. That is how the concept is more complex. How do you love when you are angry? How do you love when you have been hurt? These things make it more difficult.

However, freed at last from these entrapments, resurrected on Mansonia, you will discover again these high values of truth, beauty, and goodness, and how to live in them comfortably and easily. And you will discover them again as a babe in their fundamental consistency. In a grandiose way of thinking  these are difficult and complex concepts. Because, can you imagine that love is the foundation of the entire universe? That is complex. And that is also so simple. So, the real task is to rediscover these high values as we once felt them in their pure unadulterated state. The search is not to master the complexity but to rediscover the simplicity.

Q:       RAYSON, when we rediscover this simple truth we’ve been talking about, and we do that with another person of whose knowledge is commingling, and we do it – in a way – a lot of it is like a creation that moment, isn’t it? Or did I misunderstand what you said?

RAYSON:     No, you understood perfectly. It is like the creation of a cell in the body of the Supreme Being.

Student: Thank you RAYSON. That’s why it’s so terribly exciting.

Q:         RAYSON, does this personality commingling have anything to do with the fact that a person can help to heal himself by association with another person who simply cares for him and has a positive relationship with him or her?

RAYSON:      Yes. Of course. There is no hurt that – there is no boo-boo that is not made better by a kiss. (laughter)

There is no great mystery here to personality commingling. It is simply talking to each other, relating. It is simply one unique child of God with one other unique child of God interacting through love. The greatest lesson is learned there. The greatest love is felt there. Its simple. It happens all day, all the time, to every one.

Q:        Well, I guess I’ll flip it over, then, and look at the other side. If I meet a stranger and proceed to be positive in my interaction, and this stranger is full of hatred or fear or other negative feelings, is that a bad thing for me? Is that an interaction that I should withdraw from? Is it a bad thing?

RAYSON:       There is no formula for you, (S), which is why you struggle with this question. Every individual is different. You cannot catch negativity, if that is what you are afraid of. You cannot catch fear if you are fearless. JESUS did not turn away from those who were frightened or in darkness. However, all of us not yet being JESUS, we must learn to guard against energy drain, waste of time, and you must evaluate each circumstance for yourself. It is not for you to decide the level of spiritual reality understanding of the other.

Q:       Could you elaborate a little for me on the morontia mota which – I am paraphrasing – says “many truths are lost because they are not shared, and many sadnesses are not lightened.” I think its morontia mota, its somewhere in The Urantia Book, where they talk about what – the negative effects of isolation have. And how much sadness in our personal human conditions can be alleviated by sharing it with a friend. And how truths are actually lost if we don’t have personality relationships with others. Could you elaborate on that a little bit more for me?

RAYSON:    These are two separate ideas, not one. Truths are lost for lack of being shared. Truth, itself, is not lost. The opportunity for it to be experienced is lost by one holding the truth and the one or ones missing out on hearing the truth.

Like the lesson you just studied, forgiveness, we learned that we are forgiven and experience being forgiven the moment we forgive. This truth of Divine forgiveness or mercy is only made real when practiced one to another. So, as a concept forgiveness does not exist in a bubble of availability. It cannot become part of the real life experience of the mortal until given away. This is the foundation of all truth.

You can know that you are loved by The FATHER. You can know it here (pointing to the head). You will not have a full experience of The FATHER’s love until you turn it on another. That is why the gospel is two fold that you are loved and you must love.

It is the same with becoming a teacher. You will not learn fully until you teach, until you apply. This is part and parcel of being – part of the Supreme. Were you absolute, this would not be SO.

Two, every burden is made lighter when shared with a friend. I spoke earlier of a circuit of love. We talked about how effective teaching is when it’s sent from teacher to student on a circuit of love. That is what helps it hit its mark. This love between personalities is powerful, and when experienced, can and has many times changed the entire emotional and ultimately spiritual-life of beings, of people. If one is burdened and holds those burdens to himself, he carries their full weight. If a friend is present and expresses love, the circuit is affected and the burden travels across the circuit to the friend who – in a moment – shares the load and the weight is lifted.

The FATHER also provides you with this circuit, but more readily accessible to you mortals on Urantia at this time are the circuits created by your personality commingling. You must learn to lighten your burden by allowing your brothers and sisters to love you and carry their weight.

Q:       Is there any qualitative difference in my relationship with other beings in this area and my relationship with you or other spiritual-morontial God?

RAYSON:      Yes. I am sorry to say that though I love you deeply I cannot share the weight of your Urantia life experience as readily as those who are here with you. You may appeal to me to your angels, to MICHAEL, to The FATHER and receive great amounts of love, however the mortals of Urantia can provide an empathic experience of friendship that is founded on shared material electro-magnetic life  that we cannot give you. Therefore, for the trial of Urantia life the burden is better shared with other mortals. (08/16/92)


[There is a consistent theme running throughout all the teachers that their students should seek “the stillness.” RAYSON is no exception. The following are some of the teachings about the stillness.]

Q:        When we are seeking communication with the Thought Adjuster in silent receptivity, how can we – what do we focus on in order to quiet down, what do we try to be aware of?

RAYSON:      First, I would recommend time spent in prayer which are not selfish petitions but prayer for  more spiritual fruits, higher values, service and fellowship, thanksgiving, worship. Then merely relax and try to attain the peace, which surpasses all understanding. This is not an easy task, (student). Many never achieve a clear enough state to consciously hear the guidance of the Father, however what is more likely is you will receive an impulse feeling to proceed in a certain direction and illumination of good acts or action, and these proddings should be followed. Evaluate the spiritual content and you will have an arrow pointing to the Mystery Monitor. Is that clear?

Q:       That’s very helpful. Is there something specific we should focus on in order to quiet the chatter of the mind? To achieve the stillness?

RAYSON:         (S), there are many techniques which you humans engage in. To do this each person is different. There are many paths to the same destination, and I am not able to know which might be best for you. Certainly, quiet time is a must. Many benefit from time spent on a routine basis in communion with the higher nature. Exercising a spiritual program muscle, whichever form it takes, will lead to eventual success and breakthrough. Try out different methods of relaxation and meditation. Reflect spiritual receptivity and decide which works best for you. There is no formula that I can give you. I regret that.

But each person must work out their relationship with their indwelling Divinity on their own. (01/12/92)

* * *

Q:        RAYSON, could you speak more about the workings of the stillness in our lives?

RAYSON:       Yes. The electro-chemical process of the mind, of the human mind, is very difficult to control. The process requires energy on your part and it requires practice. As you seek the stillness seek to quiet your mind’s activity, even if it’s for ten seconds, or less. What is necessary is a continual practice. Do not feel discouraged by your inability. If you are able to it only for short periods of time, very short, as you begin to practice you will definitely improve. Do not expect improvement overnight. It is like growth. It takes time. If you are diligent and you look back on it after a week or two, you will see that you are able to control your mind action better and better. Once you have gained some control over that ever present, incessant, clamoring of your mind to be heard, then you may truly listen and relax. This is not a process that you must try hard. It is actually the act of not trying. Practice is essential. Continue that daily if you can. And just listen; listen for your Thought Adjuster’s voice speaking to you. Have faith that it will occur. He is there waiting, eager, to make direct contact and to give you his marvelous, wondrous, words of love and encouragement. (09/20/92)

* * *

Q:       RAYSON, I have a question regarding what you said about how it was very important for us to practice. Is there a distinction between the times we spend being still and desiring communication with our Thought Adjuster and time we might spend being still to receive communications from a celestial teacher? Can those happen at one and the same time?

RAYSON:     Communications you receive from the celestial teacher must be okayed by your Thought Adjuster. In other words, it is your Thought Adjuster who is the gatekeeper to your body and mind, and so any entity wishing to speak with you must have the permission of your Thought Adjuster as well as your own free will. And so you must practice being still so that when you give your okay to your Thought Adjuster that a celestial being may talk through you, the celestial being is contacted by their Thought Adjuster and so achieves intimate use of your mind. So, no, it is not two separate things, it is one and the same.

Q:       O.K. Thank you. My concern was that perhaps in trying to effect a communication with a celestial teacher I might be pre-empting communication with my Thought Adjuster, sort of getting sidetracked. As wonderful and important as it is to the teaching mission, absolutely, but I just had this confusion over whether getting centered and being still to receive communication from a teacher would black out that possibility during that time of receiving communication from my Thought Adjuster. I wondered if I should – like – have two separate meditations every day; one for communication with my Thought Adjuster, and one for being open to a celestial teacher that was closer to my level.

RAYSON:         One communication is sufficient. But be aware of – that depending on the form of communication – sometimes your Thought Adjuster will not be present when the celestial personality is talking to you. Although you must have the agreement of the Thought Adjuster to contact the celestial personality, if you wish to talk merely to your own Thought Adjuster you may do that freely as long as you are capable, for as you well know, the Thought Adjuster will become one with you.

Q:       At this stage of the game in my spiritual progress, would you say that I am more likely to be able to receive communication from a celestial teacher than I would my own Thought Adjuster? In terms of consciously receiving it?

RAYSON:      You are capable of many things. There is a vast potential within you. You must decide. The Thought Adjuster is, or will be a part of you. Maybe you should start to think of the Thought Adjuster as yourself.

Student: It’s funny you should say that.

RAYSON: In the absoluteness and infinity of time it will be you. And relax. Being relaxed is very important. (09/27/92)

* * *

Q: Teacher RAYSON, our brother (S) has been writing from time to time, and I’m curious to know whether the source of his writing is his Thought Adjuster, or some teacher such as yourself. Would you care to comment on that?

RAYSON:       It is a teacher through his Thought Adjuster. I have, and I continue to, talk to each and every one of you. Even though I make attempts at times, it is not successful. Although I am there, you are unable  to reach me. With (student) it works well. He uses writing to express the communication.

Q:       To those of us who believe that we are trying to reach the stillness, yet who are unable to contact, or be contacted by, yourself, do you have any suggestion as to how we might accomplish this other than to keep on trying?

RAYSON:        It is important to be relaxed, without stress, and to be free from bodily needs: free from aches, pains, thirsts, hunger, and all things which your animal organism insists on pampering to.

Seek happiness from The FATHER. Smile. And enjoy communion. Do not take yourself too seriously. Do not be afraid of failure. Voice your innermost thoughts. Be conscious of the outside but be more conscious of your spiritual world. Handle expectations.

Q:       Teacher RAYSON, I gather from that, that it is possible to try too hard. Is that correct?

RAYSON:       Yes. By saying, “try too hard” I mean to try too hard in the wrong direction. You must try, but do not put your energies where it will not be of value.

Q:       RAYSON, will there be any physical changes within our bodies that will make it easier for us to be transmitter/receivers?

RAYSON:     Be free of poisons that stimulate or drag down you physical organism, including the brain. Those poisons can be those that you ingest, also poisons produced in your brain by negative emotions such as anger, hate, jealousy, envy, distrust. Fill your mind with love. Clean your body with love. Control the things, which influence the functions of your body and mind, for that will influence how your mind contacts the spirit. (10/18/92)

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