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SEI37- 5th Epochal Revelation Comparison

2002-08-30. 5th Epochal Revelation Comparison

SE Idaho #37

Topic: Fifth Epochal Revelation Comparison

Group: SE Idaho TeaM

Teacher: Klarixiska, Daniel, Aaron

TR: Bob S., Bill K.


Prayer by Klarixiska (Bob S): Children of light, here these words for your comfort. Let us pray. We seek, O Father, your way not our own, your will not ours, your truth not our truth, your future not that of our own architecture. We seek only to be full sons and daughters worthy to be called your children. Amen.

Daniel (Bob S): This is Daniel. I revel in knowing that I am your friend and teacher and guide. You make me proud. You are all seekers of the truth, and we, in our small way, take comfort and pride in being able to assist you in your search. I am not the major speaker tonight. We have made adjustments. Laughter. Your earlier discussions have made us reassess our program for this evening and set it aside for a later date so that we can address what appear to us to be topics of higher interest and educational value for you at this time. I shall, therefor, following these words of greeting, step aside to allow our major presenter his time.


Aaron (Bill): Hello, I am Aaron, your brother and a member of the staff of the Southeast Idaho Team. Relax, no exercises this evening. [Laughter and comments.] Yes, Ken, there will be other times, as we appraise the needs of this group, but this evening we have indeed shifted gears according to the unexpected circumstances which are a part of the pattern of life even for Morontia beings or spirit beings for all is not yet settled in perfected-ness. We have listened carefully to your interactions this evening, and we congratulate you on your integration of truth as you are living it, reading about it, and studying it. You are wise always to use the Urantia Book for its intended use as a textbook of revelation.

First of all I want to address the issue of challenge to Paul’s statement that his times and your times are similar. Implied in his discussion was the concept of epochal revelation. The time you live in is the time of the 5th Epochal Revelation, which is more than the publication and dissemination of the Urantia Book. It is indeed the Correcting Time, which is designed to bring the evolution of this world to the threshold of Light and Life, the very beginning of its first stages.

That’s the basis of the similarity with the events of 2,000 years ago for that was our 4th Epochal Revelation to Urantia in its most dramatic form, the very Bestowal Son himself, Michael, who also, as Creator Son, established a unique bestowal experience. So you see the times are of the same nature. They are epochal moments in history. Major revelation has come again to Urantia after 2,000 years where the 4th Epochal Revelation has been distorted, side-tracked, institutionalized, codified, solidified, and frozen, yet not totally destroyed, no, no.

It was recommended originally by your permanent citizens, the United Midwayers, that your time was ripe for a re-presentation of the 4th Epochal Revelation in the “Life and Teachings of Jesus”, now to be disseminated in print form since the printing press had established its communicative expertise. And we anticipated the coming of the Internet, the electronic telecommunications explosion, that would further enhance the communication of the text. But like the 4th Revelation, the Fifth Epochal Revelation also has to be communicated from one life to another.

Another similarity is that some in the original company of Jesus were waiting for dramatic events to establish the kingdom, as they understood it; and there are many in your world today, part of whom are in the Urantia movement, who look for dramatic events to establish the kingdom at this time. They look toward heavenly intervention of an apocalyptic nature, and in doing so they may, and often do, miss the actual dramatic intervention which is occurring.

Now there is a new thing, so that the 4th and the 5th Epochal Revelations are not exactly parallel. The Correcting Time has begun following the adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion. That is finished, and the notions of the presence of the devil and his angels are a hangover from previous times. They are a distortion even of the 4th. So strong are the shock-waves of the Lucifer Rebellion on this planet that they still reverberate with great intensity, but their source is gone, and therefor  the waves will, of their own energy, gradually diminish.

However, we will not wait until the energy diminishes of its own accord. We will and we are providing a push against that tide of evil and sin. Along with the adjudication has come the re-connection of this planet to the System. Not yet do you sit at your television set and view universe news, nor will it ever be provided in that impersonal manner; but you are hearing from us, and we have been telling you things in this form of communication for ten years, and even longer in some cases. We have announced to you the Spirit connections which you may tap into. We are telling you that the potential has never been so great for spiritual growth and spiritual transformation as it is right now, today, on planet Urantia.

Michael has repeatedly offered to you His intimate companionship, and this is through the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of the Father and the Son combined, the love of the Father expressed through the mercy of the Son. It is not idle words that are spoken when we say you can commune with Michael as intimately as did His first Apostles after His ascension. If you have not done so it is not because He does not offer His hand to you. It is because you are reluctant to grasp it. You are all worthy to grasp Michael’s hand! He has been a man. He knows what it’s like to be human. He can walk with you and talk with you just as He did with his Apostles, two by two, on the shores of Galilee. As Paul said, these are like New Testament times in a way. But I say they are even greater times!

Living faith is what it’s all about, not second-hand religion, not what the Christian church teaches, or even the Urantia Book teaches, as a thing apart from you. Living faith is that connection that you have with the Spirit of Truth and with your Thought Adjuster, who eagerly desire that you hear Him ever more clearly. Living faith is hearing, communicating, and then following guidance. The key, (and you know this well), is willingness to be knowledgeable of God’s will for you, which requires that you be willing first to hear it.

Now, since our Father is pure love, knows what is best for us, desires us to come into perfection in His presence eventually at the end of our ascension career, since He is all and beyond measure more than the best concept of parent that we can conceive and the greatest love that we can feel in our own hearts towards our own children, because of all this….then there is no need to hold back your willingness to be guided and assisted and comforted by that great love that lives in your soul and mine!

Watching the news, reading the newspaper, studying documents, reading books, gathering information from outside, while it has some value is not the source of your inspiration. Jesus did not run a survey on his followers to see how the numbers were progressing.  (His Disciples did. They were statisticians to the max, and as the numbers grew their enthusiasm grew. They could see themselves sitting on thrones of power next to the Master in the Judaism that would cover the earth.) Jesus drew His power from within, with His communion with His Father, for He was bestowed on this planet under the mandate of doing His Father’s will.

It is a mystery how the overcare of God can insure the ultimate outcome of the whole without over-riding individual free will of each free-will creature. It is beyond finite human understanding, but the Thought Adjusters, the Spirit of Truth, the Mother Spirit through Her Holy Spirit Circuit, the ministry of angels, the work of companions such as we are to you, all of these influences apply a certain amount of pressure, but never coercion.

Finally, modify your trust in your own thinking and allow that there is a lot more going on than your know, that you cannot comprehend even from the most astute scholars on this planet all that is happening and all that is developing. If you look at the half empty, half full bottle, you have a choice, whether to name it half empty or half full, because you know that evolution is progressing, and not regressing. Choose to name it half full, and know that it shall rise higher and higher until the bottle is full, until this planet is in Light and Life, until the system of Satania is in Light and Life, until the constellation of Norlatiadek is within Light and Life, until Michael’s universe of Nebadon is completely within Light and Life, and so on, and so on. Have that faith, my friends, far as that stretches your mind! I have completed my words. I will interact with you now if you have comments or questions.


Virginia: Aaron, I did have a thought, and I appreciate so much that Michael is willing and the Thought Adjuster wants to communicate with us and guide us. I think my question and my perplexity with that is that I am never quite sure whether what I am doing is or isn’t God’s will. I ask for circumstances to work it out so that if I’m supposed to speak to someone or supposed to do a specific thing, then the circumstances are set up so that this happens. I think of the wonderful object lesson that we heard in Colorado. where we’re shooting the balls in a pin ball machine and God is able to knock those balls around where they are supposed to go. Is that a cop-out, because I don’t hear God’s will specifically for me? Fruits of the Spirit yes, but to do this or that, I don’t know.

Aaron (Bill): The question is very complex. Certainly the willingness to do God’s will allows your angelic helpers to arrange circumstances in such a way that you are assured that you are doing God’s will. There’s also the lack in trust in your own spiritual intelligence, which manifests itself as a fear, to be fearing actual verbal words. (Virginia agrees.) And yet you hear Klarixiska, and you mostly believe you hear correctly. The irony, my dear, is that your TA’s words are just as easy to hear. It is a matter of lack of faith in your spiritual intelligence.

So I encourage you to give yourself more credit. Know this: if you hear something, which is your own subconscious mind masquerading as your Thought Adjuster you will be still lead in the right paths because you are willing to do God’s will. He is not faulty in His thinking so that he puts up a major barrier to His own guidance reception in the structure of the human mind. Yes, it is true that the mind can speak from the subconscious level and sound as though it is super-conscious. But if the heart, if the will is to do God’s will, then mistakes and errors will be corrected. They will not be allowed to continue.

You have had a very harrowing experience with a number of individuals that have helped to undermine the pillars of your self-esteem from earliest childhood on. At the same time your have had marvelous interactions with other individuals, some mortal and some beyond mortal, who have been filling the chinks in those pillars, and putting new steel rods in to firm things up. Would you not agree?

Virginia:  Yes.

Aaron:  What I recommend you do is get down there with that trowel and put some of the patchwork on your own pillar. Assist yourself with your own self-esteem enhancement.

Virginia: And you are doing this, of course.

Aaron:  Just keep on keeping on. Are you interested in moving another space outward from the center, and walking on new ground?

Virginia:  Very definitely.

Aaron:  Then, my dear, the grass has been planted long enough that it can endure your footsteps.

Virginia: Thank you, Aaron. You’re most generous.

Aaron (Bill): You’re welcome. One moment.

Daniel (Bill): Daniel here. Hello, my friends. You have become quiet and thoughtful, or are you tired, or do you wish to conclude our evening?


Hearing no response I suggest that we have spent enough time; and therefor let us join hands once again and conclude our fellowship. Virginia, would you be willing to transmit?

Virginia: Yes.

Klarixiska (Virginia): This is Klarixiska. Eternal Father, Who has sought each and every mortal on each and every planet by putting the Spirit within that they could respond to Your love: we thank you. Eternal Father, Who brings together the right circumstances to bring each of Your willing children into the path that will lead most directly to You; we thank you. Eternal Father, that becomes the Parent of all who look towards You, we thank You. Eternal Mother, that gives each mortal the kind of mind that can not only respond to the Father’s love but can reach out and be a minister to brothers and sisters, we thank You. Eternal Son, that gives the mortals the mercy to love themselves and to know the Father’s love, we thank You. As these, our little brothers and sisters go out, renew the love of the Father and the mercy of the Son, that they might truly be servant to all that they meet. So be it. Amen.

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