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ATL257- New Transmission System

2011-05-13-New Transmission System
At Large #257


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: New Transmission System
o 1.2 Group: At Large
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Malvantra, Father Melchizedek, Siraya, Michael
o 2.2 TR: Kathy
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Lesson
o 3.2 Closing

Topic: New Transmission System
Group: At Large
Teacher: Malvantra, Father Melchizedek, Siraya, Michael
TR: Kathy


MALVANTRA:  Malvantra here. C’est Malvantra. Le Père Melchizédek veut vous parler. Father Melchizedek wants to speak to you.
Father Melchizedek: My little children, this is the Father Melchizedek who speaks to you.
Mes enfants c’est moi, le Père Melchizedek qui vous parle. Je viens juste 5 minutes pour vous annoncer une bonne nouvelle.

I will speak about five minutes with you in order to announce some good news.

[Editor: The original message that follows was in French and has been translated for English audiences]

We have successfully developed a new system of contact with reflectivity. It is a system which hitherto has never been tried before nor has it ever been explained to humans. We have completed various tests with this group before, and we see it now works very well. The new system allows both myself and other personalities on different spheres in the superuniverse of Orvonton, as well as from Havona and Paradise, to communicate directly with people who are in your local universe. The local universe in return can use this circuit in reverse at the same time. So it’s a dual system, and it works well. We see everything and we completely feel what is transpiring when the circuit is open and in operation.. Before using it with its full potential, it will still take time to do so. We will continue to test it more for several weeks, or several months if necessary.
. . . [deletion of a short personal note to the Editor]

More information will be shared with other T/R’s when the time comes to allow everyone to see the whole picture. The process we intend to use will be valuable as a way to validate your information. I know I speak French, but we test the system and try it in several languages, and in the future, we think we will attempt to try with T/ R’s who speak languages other than English.  We wish for foreign language T/R’s to tell their own people, in their own environment, in their own language, what we have to say. This method will avoid delays in providing information and it will allow the world to evolve roughly at the same time. But it will still more time before we can place everyone to be ready around the world. That’s all my children, that’s all I wanted to communicate. But it is of great importance to insure we can communicate in the times ahead for what humanity will experience. Just as your internet represents a big change in your communication system, this reflectivity circuit will also expand our ability for easier communications across the world with the same messages at the same time.. Thank you very much my children.

MALVANTRA:  there is someone else who wants to speak to you.

SIRAYA: This is Siraya here, The Voice of the Father, Master Spirit Number One, Master Spirit of Superuniverse Number One. From now on when speaking to this group, we will not only say our names, but we will also say to which order we belong. So that after a while our names will be enough for you to know immediately who we are, where we work in the administration of this superuniverse and all the other universes including Havona and Paradise.

Our Dear Father of All Creation has decided that more personalities– Higher Beings, as you would call them– should be presented to Earth to come and contribute in the evolution of Humankind. We wish to bring evolution to move faster. So that is a good reason to start communicating alternatively in all parts of the world simultaneously with the reflectivity communication circuit.

Now we communicate in one primary language [English] and for other languages, we have to wait for translators on Urantia so that these messages would go to other parts of the world. That is too slow. Things have to go a little bit faster so that the Plans of Christ Michael can be achieved in the time period he would like to see them achieved. So it becomes apparent that we on our side think it is important that we can speak in different languages ourselves.

[Editor: Note to transmitter has been deleted about the need to learn a language for better communication.]

This system of communication will go as fast as the internet can go and even faster. There are people who will receive these messages in their sleep. They will not know it, but somehow when they are awake they will use that information. Later more will be revealed. It is all too new now. It is just our first steps and the first steps of the T/R. It may be years, decades, or hundreds of years before all can be used or told about it. This system will be the primary means to communicate our messages to the people of the Earth and for them to pass them, in turn, the same messages to others properly and correctly.
That is the wish of the Father and everyone helps in this. In the ancient times, although not using this system, there was another one by which your High Priests could communicate with others of our messages precisely. Now, however, we will work with all people and with all races of the world. This is so all of you may be lifted up together as One, as this is the Will of The Father. These also represent the Plans of Christ Michael. Thank you my children, thank you very much to give us this opportunity to bring this message out to the people who have to know it. Thank you very much.

MALVANTRA:  Christ Michael wants to speak fast to you.

MICHAEL:   Hello my children, it is Christ Michael here. Yes, we are all in a hurry, because your meeting/meditation of you three coming together was not planned.


MALVANTRA: we are going to close this session. Thank you for giving us this opportunity. Goodbye all my friends and children.

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