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ATL265- When I Lay Me Down To Sleep

2011-05-24-When I Lay Me Down To Sleep
At Large #265


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: When I Lay Me Down To Sleep
o 1.2 Group: At Large
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Michael
o 2.2 TR: Paul Conklin
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Note
o 3.2 Lesson

Topic: When I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Group: At Large
Teacher: Michael
TR: Paul Conklin


[Preface from the Transmitter: Dear Friends, Our beloved Creator Son desires to become one with each and every one. There is a poetic and poignant beauty to such a union. A child of mortality uniting with a divine entity from Paradise. There is not a relationship more touching than the relationship between a father and his child. Christ Michael ever calls out to our hearts, will you awaken from slumber? And when you arise will you become as one with me, will you become as one with me? When we awaken from our dreams there he will be standing beside us.]


MICHAEL:  Beloved son when you lay your head upon your pillow there I am as you drift gently to sleep. When you awaken for the day I am still there as you stretch your stiff muscles as you prepare for another day. When you arise and go about the business of your day I am ever beside you, walking next to you. I see you as you attempt to reflect the love that I give you through my Spirit of Truth. But now we have become as one. I am your father and you are my son. It is like we are the only two persons alive, existing within this vast cosmos. That is the way of the spirit my child. The spirit ever calls out to you as you walk the walk in this life. My spirit ever calls out to you; I am your father and you are my son.

There is such a poetic beauty about it all. For what son does not look towards its father with deep awe and respect? It is in that relationship that true transformation begins. You wish to be where I am, but I wish to be where you are. You seem to think that there is something about me that is unique; and you are right. Yet in my uniqueness and my power, my greatest joy is to witness the awakening of my children as they arise from slumber. It is like you have lain you down to sleep unaware of my existence, and when you arise, when you arise, you have discovered me. How I rejoice at such a revelation! For so many years I tried to awaken you from slumber, but you kept sleeping, you kept sleeping. Then one day when you arose something was different. This day when you arose there I was standing beside you. “Good morning son, good morning, it is time to awaken from your dreams now, for I am here, I am here.”

What is it that father’s and son’s like to do. When I was on your sphere father’s and son’s longed to go fishing together. Even in your day such a desire has not diminished. But this is what I ask you child. Will you be a fisher of men? Will you be there when they arise from slumber? When they rub their eyes at the first light of the day will you tell them of me? Will you tell them of my Father? For they too will one day arise from their dream worlds and there I shall be, there I shall be. Will you clear up their confusion? Will you answer their myriad of questions? For one day they too shall be my son and I shall be their father. For one day they too shall be my daughter and I shall be their father. For one day they shall be my child and I, and I, shall be their father.

This whole world shall soon wake up. When they arise from slumber and rub their eyes they will wonder. What does all of this mean? Why am I here? Do I have a purpose in living? When I went to sleep the world appeared in one way and when I arose the world appeared in another way. You are the rising sun there to awaken all the sleeping residents. Let your penetrating rays go deep within their hearts. Search through them and connect with them.
Don’t you see my son, you desire to be where I am at. Yet we are already one. Any seeming distance between us is an illusion. It is an illusion because deep inside of your heart I exist.

If you were to go to the deepest ends of the earth, in a faraway place, there I would be. If you were to travel underneath the sea, to the deepest depths of the ocean, there I would be. If you were to travel high above the skies, atop the atmosphere, there I would be. If you were to travel outside of your home world to a galaxy far distant, there I would be. If you were to travel endlessly among the stars as an intrepid explorer there I would be. If you were to travel to the very edge of the cosmos far away from living beings in a remote corner of the physical universe, there I would be. There I would be child because we are one. I am one within your heart.

Throughout all of eternity we shall never part. Even when you embark towards the minor sector worlds outside of my local universe I shall be there. When you traverse across the cosmos towards the major sector worlds there I shall be. When you travel inwards towards the super universe worlds with their awe-inspiring beauty and glory there I shall be. When you enseraphim for your journey to Havona, when you lay you down to sleep on that long journey, there I shall be. When you close your eyes, when you lay you down to sleep for the final rest of the ages there I will be. There I will be as you awaken on the distant shores of Paradise, the dwelling place of the eternal deities.

You shall stretch your muscles, so to speak, you shall arise. But this time when you arise from slumber you shall never look back. You shall never look back because when you arise from the sleep of the ages you shall awaken to everlasting life. Everlasting life. Never again shall sleep have to overtake you. Never again will you have to awaken from slumber. For the Father of us all shall ever live within you. But know this child that I shall be there when you see the rising sun of eternity. When you see that sun it shall nevermore set.

Do you think my child when we are separated in this manner that we shall not be together? I tell you my son that we are one. You cannot separate two persons that are one. For when two persons live within each other’s hearts there can be no separation. This relationship of ours shall never end. A relationship that began on the rocky shores of a little planet named Urantia shall never end. For today I declare that I am your father and you are my son. You have arisen from slumber. You have been aroused from your dream world. And when you awoke, there I was, there I was.

Throughout eternity I shall cherish the love that you have for me as you will cherish the love that I have for you. This relationship that we have is so special my child. But this relationship that we have can be a relationship that all the children of Urantia can have. For them too it will be as if there are not any other persons in this universe save for themselves and me. “When I lay me down to sleep I dream dreams.” I dream dreams of a better world. But this better world will be brought about as all the children of Urantia arise from their dreams and discover me, discover me standing beside them as they arise from sleep.

Will you tell them child? Will you tell them that we can become as one also? Will you tell them that I want to go to our favorite fishing hole to cast for the hearts of mankind? Will you tell them that when they arise and stretch their stiff muscles that I will be standing right beside them? For wherever they go I shall always be there. We cannot be separate because I live in their hearts, I live in their hearts. I sing a song of love to them. The kind of song that a father sings to his child. “Oh child, when you lay you down to sleep, I shall be there. When you arise from your dreams to greet the day I shall be standing right beside you. Throughout the never ending channels of eternity I shall be there. There will be no separating us for even infinity cannot keep us apart.

” As you drift to sleep, as you drift to sleep, hear my songs of peace lull you to sleep. And when you arise, when you arise, you shall evermore hear my songs of peace being sung within your heart. Throughout eternity there shall never be another one like you and we shall be as one, we shall be as one. Amen, amen and amen! ding channels of eternity I shall be there. There will be no separating us for even infinity cannot keep us apart.” As you drift to sleep, as you drift to sleep, hear my songs of peace lull you to sleep. And when you arise, when you arise, you shall evermore hear my songs of peace being sung within your heart. Throughout eternity there shall never be another one like you and we shall be as one, we shall be as one. Amen, amen and amen!

[Preface from the Transmitter: Dear Friends, Our beloved Creator Son desires to become one with each and every one. There is a poetic and poignant beauty to such a union. A child of mortality uniting with a divine entity from Paradise. There is not a relationship more touching than the relationship between a father and his child. Christ Michael ever calls out to our hearts, will you awaken from slumber? And when you arise will you become as one with me, will you become as one with me? When we awaken from our dreams there he will be standing beside us.]

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