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ATL287- The Lack of Love on Urantia

2012-06-16-The Lack of Love on Urantia
At Large #287


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: The Lack of Love on Urantia
o 1.2 Group: At Large
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Siraya
o 2.2 TR: Paul Conklin
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson

Topic: The Lack of Love on Urantia
Group: At Large
Teacher: Siraya
TR: Paul Conklin


SIRAYA: My dear children this is Siraya, the Voice of the Father. If you hear my words you hear the voice of the Paradise Father. You hear the voice of the Father for the Father and I are one.


SIRAYA: I would like to speak with you children over a matter of some import. Here on Urantia you children do not realize how deeply you are affected by it. How deeply you are affected by a lack of love. I do not speak to you about a lack of love that you show to others, but about the lack of love that you show to yourselves. In this lack is the source of all problems on your little world. For imagine my children, if everyone loved themselves. Would this love of self become a benign virus that would spread through the world? Of course it would.

Imagine this if you will my children. You are in the center of a black void. Yet, at the center of this black void is a little light shining brightly. This little light is cared for because it happens to be the only little light in existence. In this wide and unbounded universe, in this endless black void, a little star shines so bright. Outside of that black void there is a Father of that little star. Each day and each night this little star is cared for because it is the only star in existence.

Now imagine that you are that lone star. Unseen by your starry eyes are hosts of celestials attending to your every need. It is their joy to give out this love and care for this solitary star. My children, my children, you are each like a solitary star. You are like the only star in existence that is showered with much love and concern. Will you just believe it? Will you just believe that you are loved and cared for like you are the only child in existence? Even though there are trillions upon trillions of beings in this mighty and grand universe it is like you, it is like you are the only one in existence. Why, the Eternal Father sends a piece of Himself to live in each one of your hearts.

Do you understand what that means children? That means you each have a piece of the limitless Father living in your hearts. Can there be a greater gift than that? Can there be a greater gift than that my children? During your meditations take that profound thought into the stillness. There in the stillness all will be revealed to you. All will be revealed about the precious child of God that you are and that you always have been.

So what does this mean my children? The great and wondrous Eternal Father wants to give to you ALL that He is. He is eager to give ALL that He is to you. Yet, He will not force this gift upon a single, solitary soul if they do not desire it. Yet, the main reason for a refusal of such a gift is a misunderstanding about who each of you really are. You are each one, essentially God. How can you be a part of God and not be that which God simply is? Again my children it comes back to belief. It comes back to remembrance.

Will you go into the stillness and remember who you are? Will you remember that you are a piece of the living and dynamic Father? Will you believe that there is nothing impossible for you? Will you believe that, in essence, you have all sprung from a black void? Will you believe that you have all sprung from a black void of non-existence into the wonderful light of the living Father? Will you simply believe that you are a precious star shining your light in an endless void of blackness? From that endless void you have come. You have come in beauty and power and glory and life everlasting.

Tonight when you look out upon the starry vault imagine for just a moment that there are no stars, no galaxies, no comets, no planets, save for just one star in the center shining bright. In the velvety darkness you are that single star, that beautiful light shining in an ocean of darkness. And it is because of you that the darkness becomes light. It is because of you that the night becomes day. It is because of you that love thrives. You are the love that you seek. Within you, within each of your hearts is the love that you seek. It is not necessary to look at the starry vault for the light that is in you; for the light that is you.

So children will you stop your doubting? Will you finally believe that a universe exists because of you? Will you finally believe that you are loved beyond measure? Will you finally believe that you are cherished with such tenderness and gentleness? Will you finally believe that you deserve to be loved like you were the only child in existence? Oh little star shining bright in the lonely night let your rays illuminate the inky blackness. Child of the cosmos the Eternal Father wants you to know this. He wants you to know that you are loved and cherished and adored like you were the only child in existence. Oh little star, oh little star, how can you not be loved? How can you not be loved little star? How can you not be loved little star because you have come from my heart and that is where you always are. That is where you always are.

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