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ATL311- Teaching Mission Mandates

2016-03-03-Teaching Mission Mandates
At Large #311


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Teaching Mission Mandates
o 1.2 Group: At Large
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Machiventa
o 2.2 TR: Newstarsaphire
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Lesson

Topic: Teaching Mission Mandates
Group: At Large
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Newstarsaphire


MACHIVENTA: I am here today to review with everyone the priorities required to help proselytize the readers via teachings to be posted on the new Teaching Mission website. Most teachings will be basic at first in their clearly defined address of important issues to be dealt with by the public and forum members alike regarding the standards and ways of living to be integrated into society in such a way as to allow for and encourage growth of the individual and the societal construct that will aid in embracing new cultural concepts that will imbue life with the love of the Father and loving consideration for all siblings.

New teachers will be stepping forth to take leading roles in addressing areas of life not previously visited and open-mindedness is required on the part of transmitters to listen carefully and work with the teachers to ensure concepts are correctly interpreted and presented to make it as easy as possible for the readership to grasp. As recently as yesterday you of the forum who will be involved in these transmissions have been given specific advice through Moribotia Melchizedek on how to effectively work with spirit transmitters and be part of invaluable team in the working of such important details.

Don’t limit what is transmitted by your own understanding but rather allow your own understanding to be expanded and choose to ask spirit to expound or clarify the intention of their lessons through review and confirmation with them of what you have received, this is part of your mandate. Those from whom you will be receiving transmissions for this Teaching Mission website have been chosen for this specific purpose and, like you, desire their lessons to be expressive of the subject matter in such a way that maximum comprehension is achievable.

If you listen intently and with an open mind and heart you will truly be astounded at the depth and breadth of information you will be given to share and the broad range of life topics that will be covered. For the Missions of your Fathers to the heart of Urantia and for the futures of both, I Machiventa Melchizedek have long looked forward to these days when I would again see, as in the days of old, the children of the Fathers hearts attuned and fully opened to receive their words.

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