Author: Raymon

WDC519- Avoid Personal Agendas

2005-09-05.  Avoid Personal Agendas Woods Cross #519 Topic: Avoid Personal Agendas Group: Woods Cross TeaM Teacher: Abraham TR: Nina Opening ABRAHAM: I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am impressed at

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POC189- Spiritual Hearing

2000-09-29.  Spiritual Hearing Pocatello #189 Topic: Spiritual Hearing Group: Pocatello TeaM Teacher: Daniel, Machiventa, Larenzo, Alkon, Cora, Loretta, Klarixiska TR: Bill K., Virginia Opening Opening prayer by DANIEL:(Bill): O great and marvelous Paradise Trinity, present within

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POC190- Ghost Fear

2000-10-13.  Ghost Fear Pocatello #190 Topic: Ghost Fear Group: Pocatello TeaM Facilitators Teacher: Alkon, Daniel, Andronason TR: Bill K. Opening Opening Prayer: Alkon(Bill Kelly): Let fears subside, my friends; let peace gain ascendance in your hearts,

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RIO150- Balance

2007-11-04.  Balance Rio Rancho #150 Topic: Balance Group: Rio Rancho TeaM Teacher: Merium, Monjoronson TR: Gerdean Opening MERIUM: Hi. I’ll jump right in. How about we discuss balance this afternoon.

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RIO151- Cat and Mouse Games

2007-11-11.  Cat and Mouse Games Rio Rancho #151 Topic: Cat and Mouse Games Group: Rio Rancho TeaM Teacher: Merium TR: Gerdean Opening Elena on Piano: “Wayfaring Stranger” [Played by

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RIO152- Heart of the Matter

2007-12-02.  Heart of the Matter Rio Rancho #152 Topic: Heart of the Matter Group: Rio Rancho TeaM Teacher: Merium TR: Gerdean Opening Prayer (Men-o-Pah): Last year our choir sang

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