VAL120807- What is Spiritual in You
2012-08-07. What is Spiritual in You Chicago, US of A, August 7, 2012. Teacher Prolotheos. Subject: “What is Spiritual in You.” Received by Valdir Soares.
2012-08-07. What is Spiritual in You Chicago, US of A, August 7, 2012. Teacher Prolotheos. Subject: “What is Spiritual in You.” Received by Valdir Soares.
2012-08-21. I Am Just the Messenger.” – a personal message Chicago US of A, August 21, 2012. Midwayer Messenger Sharmon. Subject: “I Am Just the
2012-08-04. God’s Inevitabilities Chicago, US of A, August 24, 2012. Teacher Prolotheos. Subject: “God’s Inevitabilities.” Received by Valdir Soares. Prolotheos: “Human beings enjoy free will to
2012-09-09. Sexuality and Respect for the Personality Chicago, US of A, September 9, 2012. Teacher Prolotheos. Subject: “Sexuality and Respect for the Personality.” Received by
2012-09-16. A Lesson on Violence Chicago US of A, September 16, 2012. Teacher Prolotheos. Subject: “A Lesson on Violence.” Received by Valdir Soares. Prolotheos: “What defines
2012-09-28. Real Values Show Through Love Chicago US of A, September 28, 2012. Primary Midwayer Andrea. Subject: “Real Values Show Through Love.” Received by Valdir
2012-10-08. Your Basis for Security Chicago, U S of A, October 8, 2012. Teacher Prolotheos. Subject: “Your Basis for Security.” Received by Valdir Soares Prolotheos: “The
2012-10-10. Kindness is your Strength Chicago, US of A, October 10, 2012. Teacher Prolotheos. Subject: “Kindness is your Strength.” Received by Valdir Soares. Prolotheos: “The idea
2012-10-15. Hope for Peace Chicago US of A, October 15, 2012. Midwayer Messenger Sharmon. Subject: “Hope for Peace.” Received by Valdir Soares. Sharmon: “Yes, my dear,
2012-10-23. Escapist Solutions Chicago, US of A, October 23, 2012. Midwayer Messenger Sharmon (MNO-6). Subject: “Escapist Solutions.” Received by Valdir Soares. Sharmon: “As seldom before, much