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BET160808- Patience and Faith

2016-08-08. Patience and Faith

Monterrey, Mexico, August 8, 2016.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Patience and Faith.”

Message received by Bettina.

Thought Adjuster: “My times are not your times. Sometimes you despair of feeling you have long been waiting for something good to happen in your life.

“That ‘long’ time is not the same for Me. For Me there is no time.

“Have faith. Your evolution process is occurring perfectly. Each one of you has a different path on which to evolve, learn and grow.

“Every event in your life happens to contribute to your own evolution process, and it happens at the exact moment it is needed. Sometimes your earthly mind is not able to understand the reason behind certain happenings, or the reason behind the moment they occur.

“Trust Me. Have faith. Surrender yourself to My love and protection.

“Live every day as if it were the first. And also live every day as if it is to be the last. Live with the surprise and excitement of the first day and with the strength and determination of the last.

“Have patience to wait for the things you want, for everything happens at the perfect moment, and in a perfect way. When you walk holding My hand, you know that everything is fine, and that everything will be better, until eternity.

“Rest in Me, trust and live every moment with your whole being.”

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