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CWM72 – Social Responsibilities; Core Values; Planetary Management

2013-03-22   Social Responsibilities; Core Values; Planetary Management
– Mar. 22, 2013

Conversations with Monjoronson, #72


Making Divine decisions before taking action
Is sustainability the “goal?”
The advantage of using a spiritual consultant in design teams
Beginning conversations with people about sustainability
More on societies’ responsibilities granting individual rights
Our society is becoming “sociologically/psychologically unhinged”
Society is being attacked from within
Society’s responsibilities involving accidents
Commonalities of Homo sapiens with the 3 core values
Life and growth are innate to your species as part of DNA
Equality is missing from our species
Our world is very primitive, considering the value of equality
The universality of the three core values
Equality and competition
Defending the universality of the 3 core values
Christ Michael’s foresightedness to invoke the Correcting Time
Why are these core values not involved in our current society?
Our current citizens want society to take more responsibility but without cost
Softening of the border between Mexico and the United States
Understanding the problems of the drug trade
Individuals need a purposeful and meaningful life
Parents are responsible for teaching a life with meaning and purpose
This forum to discuss Planetary Management

TR: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Michael McCray

March 22, 2013

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Michael, Nebadonia, we come to you again for another session with Monjoronson and his staff. We wish to thank you all sincerely for your help during this Correcting Time and for allowing us to take part co-creatively with you all in planning our future. Thank you and amen.

MONJORONSON: Good morning; this is Monjoronson.

Group: Good Morning, Monjoronson.

MONJORONSON: I have been attending to other duties and have left Charles to respond to your questions. I am, however, here today and would be glad to receive your questions and your statements.

MMc: Very good. Do you have any information you would like to share with us today?

Making Divine decisions before taking action

MONJORONSON: What Charles has stated before has now come to flourish and has developed and we have enough assurance now to proceed with our plans that even though we are Divine, even though we can fairly well predict the future, we do not depend upon those predictions to make hard and fast and irreversible decisions or actions, but we wait for that moment when you make the decision and take action to then begin emplacing those developments which springboard from that.

As you were saying before the meeting, that yes, we do wait for sometimes that odd, spurious, spontaneous response to a situation by a mortal who takes some decision and action spontaneously, and sometimes the decision and action follow each other so closely that they are almost inseparable. And so, we do not predicate our actions upon what mortals may or may not do, but make plans and when you fulfill those parts that flow with our work, then we can proceed; and when it obstructs the flow of our work, then we have alternative options that we can proceed with. We are pleased now to say that the developments which Charles has spoken of, and which he affirmed with you, are developing apace and quite nicely, and that now we can begin to put into place those next options for decision and action which will follow these soon.

Is sustainability the “goal?”

MMc: Thank you. Charles and I were involved in a conversation over the last two sessions. He was explaining pretty much everything in terms of sustainability. Was this because sustainability is the goal we are looking to achieve?

MONJORONSON: It is “a goal.” First, there must be stability; then there must be social sustainability—or at least the attempts to achieve that—and the third phase is the early phases of the days of light and life. So, social sustainability is something that has a measurable outcome, a measurable process of achieving; it provides you and us with a developmental schema for proceeding towards the days of light and life. Social, political, economic stability is a part of that development. When you begin to see sustainable social, economic and political stability, then you are beginning to see the early phases of social sustainability and the embryonic phases of the days of light and life. So, yes, it is a goal, but there are other measurable variables that we can take into account before then. Our work now is to feed these social sustainability concepts and methodologies to you individually and socially and for groups and associations, educational settings and religious settings so that you can begin developing these on your own.

The advantage of using a spiritual consultant in design teams

Yes, there will be mistakes in the beginning; there will be missteps; there will be misinterpretations, but this is all part of the process. There will necessarily need to be follow-up on your part, conferring with associates in other groups, and with us to reaffirm your progress in this methodology. This is where the spiritual consultant has the advantage over those secular design teams, which do not use a spiritual consultant, that these teams that do will have the advantage of aligning or re-aligning their work to conform to that which will be successful in the short term and the long term. Human consultants simply do not have the capacity of intellect, the perspectives of history, or the experience of history on other planets and in those developmentally evolving societies.

Beginning conversations with people about sustainability

MMc: So, the concept of sustainability that you would like us to—not just to begin thinking about—but you’d like us to start thinking in terms of that concept. When we begin to have our conversations about individual rights being extreme and dangerous, should we be phrasing those arguments in terms of sustainability to people inside and outside our audience?

MONJORONSON: Most definitely. Of course, anyone who is involved in that discussion, whether opposed or supporting it, will perk their ears up and ask you questions about what you mean, and that will be your springboard to discuss the fundamental concepts of social sustainability, and of course the methodology is the bridge between the concepts and the application of those concepts, so they will be curious about that. You do not need to “sell” this, as it requires those people who are truly curious and interested. Those individuals who have their minds made up would not buy into what you are saying anyhow.

More on societies’ responsibilities granting individual rights

MMc: Understood. Charles mentioned that if society grants the individual the right to have a machine gun, society must also take responsibility for what that individual does with the machine gun.

MONJORONSON: That is correct.

MMc: It is outside of the box for me to consider that society should bear the responsibility for the medical treatment and rehabilitation of injured individuals if the machine gun is used maliciously. Would you share some other moral imperatives to sustainability that we have not yet considered?

MONJORONSON: What your society has not yet considered is society’s responsibilities and obligations for not only protecting, but to caring for those people who are injured by the abuse of those rights. That is the core statement. Your society as a democratic society is still very immature. It has only recently come out from under the umbrella of the monarchy that required everyone to be a subject; even nobles and the gentry and the aristocracy were subjects to the monarchy. And so, your society has not taken on the obligations and responsibilities that the monarchy had. If the monarchy abused the subjects, then the monarchy was responsible for their care. This, as you know, is only primitively developed under the monarchial system.

However, evolving democratic societies must take into account their obligations and responsibilities to protect their citizenries from the abuse of rights by individuals. What you will find then, when this finally reaches the consciousness of the public and of your society, is that it becomes obvious then that society must limit those political rights of individuals, so that its obligations are diminished, that its financial obligations for the recovery and healing and care of injured individuals is decreased so that there is a balance. Right now, there is absolutely no balance in your society. The rights of individuals far outweigh the obligations, responsibilities of your society.

Our society is becoming “sociologically/psychologically unhinged”

Therefore, we bring this to your attention. It is one developmental step that must be exercised and must be developed to grow your society into an evolving, sustainable democracy. Right now, your democratic society is on the brink of exhaustion; it is simply too tired from cleaning up the mess of the rights of individuals. We bring these social sustainability concepts and methodologies to your social and societal attention now, as a means of guiding your society into a more stable and developmentally mature democratic process. Were we not to do this, your society would continue to fumble to the extent where it would crumble from within, even more so than it is now.

As you read in the papers and on the Internet news in your society, there are a tremendous number of random killings, in which the victims seem to have absolutely nothing to do with the aggressor. This is the evidence of a society that is becoming sociologically/psychologically unhinged. We bring these concepts and methodology to your society’s attention to help begin rectifying those problems in your society and help it get on a course towards its evolving maturity in a successful, developmental process. There is no need at this point on your world for societies to regress, or to devolve and go backwards in their social and political processes. Your nation could quite easily fall into a militaristic or martial law state within the next decade, were these concepts not introduced as a counter-balance to that devolving development. Is this clear to you?

Society is being attacked from within

MMc: Yes. So what you are telling us is that these individuals, the imbalance of the individuals rights, versus the responsibilities of society to help curtail those rights is dragging our society down and may, at some point in the future, cause it to take a step backwards into, as you say, a point of martial law?

MONJORONSON: Yes, this is correct. Right now, this is the most opportune time to introduce these concepts and this methodology to your society. We began this approximately 10 years ago, and now you are seeing the results of that come out into your society and on the Internet. What is going to happen in the coming years and coming decade is that there will be these constricting influences that will have a tremendous effect upon your society. As you are seeing, the weather has become quite extreme. There has yet to be any major tectonic or volcanic activity in North America, but this will occur. There is also the prospect of a global economic meltdown, which is in the offing as well. These all will provide a cover for those malevolent individuals who wish to perpetrate their psychopathy upon the populace at random. There will be more acts of tremendous violence expressed in your society by these individuals.

The rights and protections of your society, those parts which are highly constructive and which are the base and foundation of a stable society, are being attacked from within. Your society will eventually have to take a high road and hard stance with these individuals, to mete out justice to them and therefore the concepts and methodologies of a sustainable morality—or a morality that contributes to social sustainability—is desperately needed. Its introduction now, too, is perfectly timed. It is our hope to provide these concepts to the world audience, globally, within a short period of time—weeks or months; it must be less than a year.

Society’s responsibilities involving accidents

MMc: I’d like to hear you talk to us about another example of society’s responsibilities. When society grants the individual privilege to use an automobile, will you help us understand the responsibilities of society toward those who are involved in an accident resulting in property damage, and one resulting in injury or death?

MONJORONSON: Let me approach your question sideways perhaps, which is not in direct response to your questions, but we can get back to your early basis of your question soon. Responsibility of society is much like a parent: You have children, as society has citizens. A parent has a child who wants to play baseball, and so you buy them a bat and a ball, a mitt, cleats, shoes and uniform. They go outside in the yard and practice. Lo and behold, they hit the ball and it goes through the window of the neighbor’s house. Who is responsible? You are; the parent is responsible. You gave that child the ball and bat. However, you did not prepare him with the skills, understanding or responsibilities for its use, and therefore, the child, without thinking, used the ball and bat to practice and improve his/her skills, struck the ball so it traveled through the window of your neighbor’s house. You, as the parent are responsible for the repair, clean up and replacement of that window in your neighbor’s house. So too, are the responsibilities of your society towards the rights of individuals.

However, your society is as immature as the child in the back yard. It has not come to the parental, responsible adult, mature position of understanding its responsibilities and obligations in response to the misuse of those rights of the individual. The same can be said for a metaphor with an automobile, when a child reaches a more mature age, you let them drive your car. You gave them training lessons and so they are mature, they are responsible, but they do not have the experience in the use of an automobile in the many thousands of situations in which they will find themselves on the highways and streets. And so, they proceed too quickly through an intersection, slide through the intersection and strike a car on the other side, and perhaps even a fire hydrant, leaving quite a mess. Who is responsible, the child or you? You are, of course, because you are responsible for that child and what the child does, and so you must make amends for this destructive behavior, even though it was accidental.

Similarly, as is done with the child, the society must clean up the mess of its citizens, therefore, you would place the citizen under a shorter leash so that they have less latitude for destructive behavior, whether it was intentional or just from a lack of experience. You always want to give individuals in society the benefit of the doubt to learn and amend their ways to become contributing citizens. Those who do not, however, will become the full responsibility of society in one way or another.

MMc: I was looking to highlight in one case, the malicious intent, versus an accident, but it would seem that my parents are responsible for any accident I have with my automobile at this point, so I’m not quite sure how to interpret that. Society is responsible and needs to take responsible actions to prevent accidents?

MONJORONSON: Yes, particularly those that generate more people.

MMc: “Particularly those that generate more people.” Understood. That is clearly understood.

Commonalities of Homo sapiens with the 3 core values

Charles was talking about the three core values, and he said that the three core values form a commonality that makes all of us brothers and sisters in humanity. Would you elaborate on this please?

MONJORONSON: I have reviewed Charles’ transcripts and I do not believe that I can improve upon what he has said. I will say this, however, that your species—all of you—you are humans, are you not? Homo sapiens? So you are and therefore you have certain commonalities to your species. It matters not what color your skin, or your ethnic group, your culture or nationality or your gender—you are all Homo sapiens and you are motivated by similar core necessities of living and growing, and that is to have life and that is understood. Once you have life, you want to improve the quality of your life. In order to do that, you must grow, and your society must appreciate you as valuable as any other individual in an equal manner. These are what make you human; these give you the potential of becoming morontial. When you learn the responsibilities of enlisting a higher quality of life, that is socially, morally and ethically acceptable, and you grow in a moral, ethical and socially conscious way, you value yourself as you do others, and you value others as you do yourself. You are well on the way towards becoming a spiritually evolving individual.

However, the greatest mischief that still prevails on your planet is that of equality. Your societies and you as individuals do not have a true appreciation of the value of other individuals, either positively or negatively. The difficulty with your world is that there are far too many people here, which skews the value seen in individuals. Were you to truly appreciate the value of other individuals, as individuals and as societies, you would reconstruct your economy so that everyone has far more resources available to them to improve their quality of life and grow. I believe that Charles mentioned that, but this is part of the restructuring of your societies and your culture. This will require a tremendous cultural change across your world.

At the moment, there are far too many people on your world for the equal value of individuals to become a really socially acceptable and economically viable option at this time. This will have to wait for the pandemics that will sweep across your world and level the playing field for everyone. It will have a devastating effect, but the outcome will be that the principles we are teaching you now about the value of individuals will become emplaced in your laws and your social policies and in your own culture and your assumptions that you are enculturated with as children.

MMc: I see. So, the larger question I am working on here is how to introduce these core values to others, so I have some preparatory questions that I’d like to ask you. Are you just introducing these core values as a group to Urantia now, or have they been universal aspects of Urantia’s past?

MONJORONSON: Explain, please.

Life and growth are innate to your species as part of DNA

MMc: The core values that we see, basically, they are the aspect of a quality life and the aspect of growth. As you say, pretty much understood within Urantia, and it may be that these are parts of a more universal aspect within us to become perfect. My reading in The Urantia Book tells me [it] is an aspect that is a part of us, even before we were human. The core value of equality, as you say, is not one that we have come to cherish at this point in time, and it is a relatively new development in our sociology. I’m wondering how much these universal values have been involved with Urantia’s past; how much these have been involved as a group in Urantia’s past?

MONJORONSON: They are endemic or innate to your species. They are part of your genetic structure; they are part of those genetic behaviors and those genetic predispositions towards life. They are innate to your species and have been innate to many other species as well. It requires an evolved mind to want to grow, even animals will seek a higher quality of life; that is why there were migrations; that is why animals traverse from the mountain regions to the plains during the seasons, to improve the quality of their life, to make life easier.

To grow, however, requires a different mental mind mechanism that seeks to grow, which is curious, which feels angst in its living situation and wants to satisfy that. It is a curiosity, a desire, a yearning for that which is better. There is the consciousness, the awareness of what is, and there is the imagination and vision of what could be. Therefore, this is the inspiring part of your species that assists it to grow and to develop, socially and otherwise. This is necessary in the mind mechanisms of evolving species. This has been an aspect of your ancestral species for over a quarter million years. These are antecedent to Homo sapiens, just as they will be innate to the next species that evolves from Homo sapiens. These individuals had the capacity to make decisions, to make moral decisions, and therefore, they had the decision of right and wrong, besides better and worse. It requires this judging and evaluating on a higher scale, a higher level than mice or other rodents, for example.

You have seen that some primates are capable of being taught sign language, and that once they have this language, they even begin to speak with each other; they are able to emote feelings of loss and grief, and have sympathy and even empathy with humans. There are recent anecdotes concerning this in the literature, which you are welcome to research. Therefore, we should tell you that even the mind of a primate, who is not a Neanderthal, who is not as evolved as even the species before Neanderthals, that these are capable of emotions and feelings. They can make ethical decisions, but as far as growth is concerned, this is a great difficulty. These species must have the capacity of language, and must have the capacity of manual manipulation through their hands to make tools. These are necessary to help the mind evolve. Does this answer your question?

Equality is missing from our species

MMc: Yes, but in your last explanation, you’ve omitted equality.

MONJORONSON: This is the major facet, which is missing from your species. Your species has gotten a thorough grasp of improving the quality of life, and of growth. However, we see—and you see yourself—that individuals are sometimes trying to improve their lives through immoral, unethical, illegal, or actions that violate the social conscience of your society. Yet, there are individuals who show tremendous evidence of ethically and morally achieving a highly improved quality of life by consciously growing themselves, evolving themselves into higher consciousness.

The aspect of equality is one that is, as you say, not very well grasped by your species, and it is not truly well recognized in your societies, and therefore the societies are struggling with the value of the individual. It is struggling, therefore, with its own responsibilities and obligations. Were your society to fully grasp the value of each individual as a potential asset, who has the capacity to improve the social sustainability of themselves and their community and society as a whole, your society would thoroughly take on far more responsibility in preparing the individual for an adult life, a responsible adult life, and for the responsibilities of begetting children.

This is the aspect of equality, of equal value of individuals, that then prepares you as an individual for an aspiring spiritual life. You have seen, however, in your societies, those Avatars, those Masters, those highly evolved individuals, who have appraised others as equally valuable as themselves, which is essential for peaceful development of social stability. Your world, your societies and your cultures and democracies are well prepared for this next social evolutionary step. It must be ingrained in your culture to value others equally, as you value yourself, and to give others equal consideration for their rights to grow, their rights to have a quality of life. This one fundamental understanding is the basis for the evolution of your societies to become more stable, more social, more evolved and more peaceful, all of which leads to greater social sustainability and the days of light and life.

Our world is very primitive, considering the value of equality

Your world is very primitive, considering this fact: There are many of you in your own society who are egregiously condescending and arrogant in their treatment of others. This is evidence of a thorough lack of understanding of their own worth, in comparison to others, and the worth of others compared to themselves. This disparaging treatment of others as individuals, as families, as communities and societies, and ethnic groups will come to an end eventually. We are here to assist that process by presenting these evolved concepts of equality to you at this time. When these begin to be emplaced in your laws and social policies of societies, whether in for-profit or non-profit, or other organizations, then you will see the beginning of a rapidly evolving society. This is the main problem of the world now. There is not the conscious thought of parents about the quality of their children to others, and so you find that there are families which have 8, 9, or 10 children, which creates a tremendous draw upon the resources of your society, which takes away from the resources of others yet to come in the next generations. Until this equation of population is balanced, you will continue to see greed, avarice and the aggressive behaviors of individuals, whether to invade another country or to usurp the financial rights of stockholders for the gain of the individual.

In the equation of an evolved society, an evolved society sees no difference in the actions of the individual who squanders or misuses the finances of companies as their own ego pursuits, compared to an individual who walks into a theater and kills several individuals. It is a matter of withholding, withdrawing or destroying social assets of individuals, of society. When an individual takes insider action or takes money through malfeasance or through embezzlement, they have taken the resources away from other individuals to improve the quality of their life and the capacity to grow. In an evolved society, this behavior is not seen any differently than those individuals who maliciously strike another individual with a car, for instance, in an attempted murder and to destroy their life. They are left incapable and incompetent to improve the quality of their life and grow. Your society has much to do; much work to do. There seems to be a great lack of consciousness among many leaders in your world, in your nation and other nations, whether they are political, economic, academic, religious, or social. What is missing from your society is a holistic integrating set of concepts and methodology to bring about homogeneity, holism and integrity in your society across the board, from politics to economics to education and even to religion.

The universality of the three core values

MMc: Yes, we have a long way to go. I’m still searching for that elusive way to explain to others how these core values might be universal. I haven’t quite heard you say the magic words yet to explain it to me. I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, but I am trying to get you to give me a capsule summary of that.

MONJORONSON: I would be glad to.

MMc: I wonder if I might ask you a few more questions and we’ll come back to that original question in a moment.

Have the three core values, as a group, been mainly involved in our success as a species? You have already told us that yes, the first two have. The third will become involved in our success as a species, but it hasn’t been utilized very much so far. Am I correct in that assumption?

MONJORONSON: Yes, the first two values have assisted your species to grow and to sustain itself, not only to survive or to exist, but to sustain itself which means to grow and improve its quality of life as physical beings, as quantities. However, the last value, that of equality, is the one that must be invoked in your societies for your species to grow socially. Do you see the difference?

Equality and competition

MMc: Yes, I do, very much so. What do you think of the concept that equality fosters competition, or vice versa?

MONJORONSON: Oh, certainly it does. It is good to have competition, but competition eventually becomes obsolete, it becomes archaic and it in fact, becomes antithetical to the social evolution of a society. There is a necessary use for competition and that is for there to be evolution, for a continual evolving of the quality of life that is available to individuals and to societies, and to their capacity to grow. There is a competition, which you are seeing in your universities, where individuals go to a university to grow with the hope of improving the quality of their life, whether that is for the purpose of their life, or to find deeper meaning, or simply to have a life of ease. These two values are highly important and they give rise to competition. However, when a society becomes far more aware of the value of equality as an asset, which directly contributes to the societies and the social evolution and social sustainability of societies, then competition becomes less important, it becomes a devolutionary influence, which has a devolutionary effect upon the establishment and maintenance of social sustainability.

The primitive way of seeing equality in a competitive society is that yes, we were equal as individuals, but I want to “get mine while I can, and before you get it from me.” Whereas in an evolving society that is moving towards social stability and social sustainability, individuals realize that their quality of life cannot be improved until the quality of life of others are improved. You see this tremendous difference between the rich and the poor in the ghettos and the upscale subdivisions, the gated communities. This is an egregious example of the inequality of value of individuals, and of course because of that, the gated communities exist and are not safe, because those who do not have, want to have, even if that means to acquire the goods illegally from the homes and accounts of those who have all these goods and money. Do you have other questions concerning this?

Defending the universality of the 3 core values

MMc: Yes, I’d like to ask you the core question at this point in time. These three core values offer us hope for the future. Your claim that they are universal is not lost on me, however, how would you suggest we introduce these claims to others?

MONJORONSON: You are still too nebulous in your question. Do you mean by radio? by television? by the Internet? do you mean by books? do you mean by pamphlets? standing on a street corner and hollering out the three core values? What do you mean, sir?

MMc: Well, if I were to introduce this by a book, say, in written form—or in oral form—I would put it into some kind of context that explains the universality of these core values as they apply to our past, our present, our future, what they might be able to do in our future, or what they might have done in our past, or in our present. How would you… what would be that conceptual piece that you would try to introduce to others?

MONJORONSON: Try again. What is the end result that you are trying to achieve by introducing this to other people?

MMc: I’m trying to get them to “get it,” to understand that these three core values, working together are what you say they are, a universal set of values that apply to everyone. Just by saying that, there’s no evidence for that. I’m looking for the evidence that supports the claim that these three values are universal.

MONJORONSON: And they are self-evident.

MMc: Yes, but they are self-evident to me and to you; are they self evident to everyone?

MONJORONSON: Yes, they are. You just need to point them out to individuals. Why was your Declaration of Independence so successful? What are the words there? We could not say this more succinctly: “We hold these truths to be self-evident….” So, these three core values are self-evident. If they were not universal, if they were not innate to your species, your species would not be here now.

MMc: Agreed.

MONJORONSON: This is self-evident. Further, the other part of the argument is that if any one of these values is missing from a society, that society will succumb. Your species has evolved principally because of using the first two core values. It will not evolve, it will not survive, it will not grow and develop fully into its next social evolutionary state until equality is taken into account. This last value is what will grow your societies into societies that form the days of light and life. Do you see that?

MMc: Yes, I do understand that.

Christ Michael’s foresightedness to invoke the Correcting Time

MONJORONSON: The first two values got your species to where you are now, but your species will not grow further without invoking the concepts and methodologies of applying equality to its laws, to its social policies and to its culture, so that eventually, this equality value is ingrained, enculturated into the very assumptions of individuals as they grow older. It is so foreign to you at this point, that you cannot even grasp such a society. But because of Christ Michael’s fortitude and foresightedness, he understands that now is the pregnant time in the evolution of your species to invoke this Correcting Time and this work into your world now, because when it soon comes into its destruction, it will have these concepts readily at hand to rebuild itself into sustainable societies, upon which equality must be appreciated for its total weight as being involved as an equal partner with the other two values.

MMc: All three must be present in order for us to go forward….

MONJORONSON: And they must be appreciated equally and invoked equally.

Why are these core values not involved in our current society?

We look forward to responses from your audience about this, as we have waited this long to disclose this material to your curious minds. We appreciate your moderation, your capacity to grasp this juxtaposition of these three values and wonder about why they are not equally involved in your current society. Your discussion here will be a discussion that will be repeated hundreds of thousands of times in classrooms around the world in all cultures, in all nations, in all languages in future decades. This will become the grist of the academic mill, to grind out the development of higher consciousness and evolved societies. Through those individuals who totally understand the equal value of all these three values and begin to impose them and integrate them in the operation of their organizations.

MMc: Roxanne, do you have any questions this morning?

Roxie: Yes, I have a couple.

Our current citizens want society to take more responsibility but without cost

Monjoronson, when you were talking about societies’ responsibilities in regard to the individual rights they have granted, in our society, we already have a huge problem right now in that individuals expect more out of society than they are willing to pay for in terms of taxation. Everybody wants to alleviate their own responsibility and get society to take over, but without any cost to them in their taxes. Would you discuss this, please?

MONJORONSON: Yes, certainly. Once again, you have to realize that these responsibilities and obligations of society cannot be fully exercised or take place until there is a diminished population. There are too many individuals to truly serve them equally, and to give them equal value to improve their lives significantly. Further, all these factors are tied together with the notion and the concept of equality, the equal value of each individual as an asset of society that can make contributions. Your question involves the over-emphasis of the first two values by individuals in your society. Individuals want to improve the quality of their lives and to grow, even if it means at the expense of other people. And so, many people have done this. There is a failure to recognize that there are individuals who live in the ghettos, who are incredibly intelligent, incredibly capable of being cultural leaders in their nation and the world, if they are given the opportunity and valued equally as other children and other individuals.

The selfishness of your societies is a long-standing facet of its necessity to survive and to maintain its existence. These are genetically programmed into your being, and there are individuals who are more aggressive than others to acquire what they want to improve the quality of their lives and to grow. Many people equate these two factors in terms of materiality. However, you have also met individuals who have lived as ascetics who live very simply, but who are tremendously evolved, are adequately satisfied with the humble nature of their physical support system, whether it is a home, automobile or clothes, and that they are at peace and evince a tremendous happiness and joy in living, even without the accouterments of materiality that others seek to have.

There is much missing in your society. This question that you raise will not be answered for approximately a century, until the world’s population comes into balance, until your societies are so diminished in population as they come to value each individual as an asset who can contribute to the sustainability of everyone. These ideas, these concepts must be emplaced, plus a methodology of people actually sitting down with paper and writing out treatises and thoughts and concepts into policies and procedures that recognize the equal value of individuals. Until then, you will see what your question seeks to answer—the problems that are endemic to your societies at this time in their evolution. You are seeing, as an evolved individual, what could be, and you look about you and you see what exists in your societies and you are amazed and left questioning this reality with the concepts that we have presented to you. Your question is very natural and it will be answered in time.

Softening of the border between Mexico and the United States

Roxie: Thank you. Last time, Charles mentioned that there is far more good to be achieved by integrating and softening the borders between nations in South America. Would you please speak to this concept between the border of North America and Mexico? Would the ethnic and sovereign distinctiveness cause the same hindrances that the European nations are experiencing, or different ones?

MONJORONSON: Your question is very specific to your United States and to Mexico at this time in their mutual history. There is a tremendous amount of separation that has come about over time. There are large portions of the United States which once belonged to Mexico and which were taken away from Mexico by force and violence, and eventually by treaty. This presents a history; there has been an historic process of holding the Mexican nation and its population at an arm’s distance from North America. This has caused a tremendous difference between the two nations economically, educationally and culturally.

There is a means that can be used between these two nations that can soften this border. There are some things which will not be abridged, abided by or accepted by either one, and that is the ease of population movement between the nations. When we speak of the differences between Bolivia and Uruguay, there are very few except for the borders. The greatest fear of most nations is that there will be influx of population from the lesser nation and most nations think that every other nation is less than themselves; therefore, they are concerned about the migration/emigration of other nationals into their country. The softening of borders begins far earlier than that in much more amenable ways, and that is through trade and economics.

There must be a means by which people can travel easily between nations as workers, as you have seen in Europe, but that these [workers] would be easily identified and documentable and legitimate. When this natural traffic of individuals is not legitimatized, then they will do it through illegal means, which then complicates the whole process. There are some efforts by your nation to recognize these individuals who have come to the United States and lived here, to recognize them now as citizens. This still does not remove the problem that will re-emerge later on, unless the original problems were dissolved and that is to have legitimate means by which individuals can travel legitimately from Mexico to the United States and work here, through a documented, legitimate process, one that is highly visible and transparent and obvious to everyone.

There are certain economic truths and processes that make this possible. There is the need and necessity of workers who are willing to work for less than standard wage earners, who will come here. And, when those jobs disappear, then they will return home, as you have seen in the last five years. There has been an ebb and flow of immigrants from Mexico to the United States legally and illegally due to the economic nature of the United States itself. When this becomes highly visible and documentable, legitimate and transparent to everyone, then you will see that there is more acceptance of this process. Further, the attempts to allow the ease and flow of goods and services between nations is a natural process of helping the whole continent evolve. If in South America there were to be a documentable process by which workers could travel easily from one country to another, of course with certain limitations, as documented and legitimate and transparent, it would help the whole continent improve economically and assist in the needs for workers where they are needed and the ease of flow to do so.

You see, the difficulty in North America of that happening because millions of individuals who were workers were encouraged to buy houses, and once they bought houses, then they were obligated to stay with that house and they had difficulty traveling to other states to go to work, even though there was work available there for them. The nature of your question is deep and complex, yet very simple in some operations and that is to give acceptance to the natural inclinations of individuals to improve the quality of their lives, and then to make that documentable and legitimate. People do want to improve the quality of their lives, and they do want to grow. If they are Mexican and want to go to the University of San Diego, they should have the opportunity to do so as they are capable of doing legitimately. If they want to work in a restaurant in El Cajon, California, they could do so without having to cross the desert and put their life in jeopardy by coming across the border illegally. There is a need for them here as there is a need for experienced Americans abroad as well. I have spoken in quite a breadth considering your question; I hope I have answered it.

Understanding the problems of the drug trade

Roxie: Yes, that was very understandable. How does the drug trade fit into this picture?

MONJORONSON: One moment. The roots of the drug problem and drug trade you see in the world, and we see it as a world, global problem, rather than just a United States problem. It is one whose roots are very deep in the cultures where they are received or bought and used. For one, you have seen a continued increase in the use of drugs in quantities and in numbers of people who use and abuse those drugs. You would find this in keeping with the decline of achieving a meaningful and contributing life for individuals. You see drug use in the wealthy, as well as in the very poor.

Individuals need a purposeful and meaningful life

This question has been answered several years ago, either by myself or one of my associates in the past. It continues to be the same and that is the individuals need to have a purpose and have a meaningful life and a way that contributes to their development as an individual and as a spiritual entity. If this is missing, and if they have frustrating lives, which is common in a society as you see in Western nations, then there will be an increase in drug use to escape the realities around them. Not everyone, however, has taken to the use of drugs and become addicted out of a lack of finding meaning in their lives. Others are escapists. They have not been taught to help themselves grow, that they are their best asset to themselves to improve the quality of their life.

Parents are responsible for teaching a life with meaning and purpose

This begins early in life; the education of the procreative couple, along the continuum of social sustainability, which we have explained in the past, and which needs to be on the minds of most people, that the parents are responsible for assisting their children in understanding how to achieve a purposeful life with meaning, and how they are responsible to themselves to insure that they are contributors to their life and to their own family and to their society. What is missing from this larger equation, also, are the responsibilities and obligations of your society to insure that individuals are well prepared for adulthood, or even for adolescence, and the difficulties which will arise with them, with those age groups. Your society, particularly the American society is bereft of instructing children in the ethical and moral responsibilities of growing themselves into sustainable individuals. There is the willingness on the part of parents and adults and your society to sweep these problems under the rug and ignore them, yet, premature pregnancies, early drug addictions, hostility, anger, bullying and so on are evidence of a society that has forgotten its children.

Roxie: Thank you very much, Monjoronson. That’s all the questions that I have.

MONJORONSON: Let us bring this session to a close, and if you or Michael have questions related to this, we wish you to bring them to the table next time.

MMc: Thank you very much, Monjoronson.

This forum to discuss Planetary Management

MONJORONSON: We do not have many forums as this in which to discuss Planetary Management, and this is truly what these sessions are all about. They are to instruct you in how to think as planetary managers, that you are responsible for your personal life, your family life, and partially for your community, and that you are responsible in part for the management of your planet as concerns your realm of responsibilities. This is truly missing from your cultures, from your national strategies and from your corporate strategies. This is something that we wish to continue and we thank you for attending to these responsibilities in this forum as you do. We wish you a good day and look forward to our return. Good day.

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