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ERE100- Futility of Clockwatching

2011-01-10-Futility of Clockwatching
Erethea #100


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Futility of Clockwatching
o 1.2 Group: ERETHEA
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Monjoronson
o 2.2 TR: Vince
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Lesson
o 3.2 Closing

Topic: Futility of Clockwatching
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince


MONJORONSON: There is much going on in your material world relative to Earth’s ascension programme, and if you look around you these subtle changes are there for all who have eyes to see; and yet still the media isn’t reporting what is happening and colludes in the plan to obscure the truth. Never mind, for the truth is still there, but hidden in plain sight. I will say to you again what I have said on previous occasions, which is that you should get on with your lives and do not watch the clock or calendar for they are unreliable guides as to what will happen and when. Just because your lives are dominated by daylight and night-time, breakfast, lunch and dinner, weekdays and weekends, birthdays and Christmas, that is no reason to expect events which are planned and executed outside of your time lines, to happen on any given day to fit in with your expectations.

There are many people who cling on to every word of the latest bulletin issued from the genuine channellers of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and of those which contain a percentage of truth and a large wedge of disinformation. Are not the animals on your planet aware of what is in progress? Of course they are, but they do not suspend vital parts of their ongoing evolution waiting for their personal expectations of unfolding events to materialize before their eyes, as many humans do. They carry on evolving as all of you should be doing.

There is a reason for everyone to be here in the current body at this time in the history of your planet. Most people are totally unaware of that reason at the physical level, but there are a few who have some idea as to why, and yet fewer who are fully aware of all aspects of the matter. Every moment of your lives should be dedicated to your own spiritual evolution, for in every activity you can think of there are lessons to be learned, and it is a poor person who thinks they have nothing to learn.

Your lives are subjected to a vast array of diversions designed to engage your attention and stop you from finding out that you are a child of God and there are many secrets to uncover on the unending path or spiritual evolution. Please note that I do not include the religions of your world in this, for it is very unlikely you will obtain adequate spiritual growth from their spiritually bankrupt philosophies. You are not in the position to see the overview of how your world works and the impact it has on your lives, so from my perspective of being on Christ Michael’s team, I can say to you how things actually are, and your religions do you no favours. Their texts contain truth, but not the whole truth; for they do not want you to know that, but only what they want you to believe. That way they have followers who they can mold to their own requirements, and who will not follow your true Creator God, Christ Michael Aton.

The media is equally unhelpful and has an agenda of its own, which is to keep you from finding out the truth of what you are, lest you upset the apple cart and demand freedom from the virtual prison matrix in which you are situated. You can’t see it, but you are trapped inside a dark web and those in charge of your daily reality ensure you are milked for everything you are worth. Animals reared for the table actually know that they are destined for slaughter, and their carcasses are used to obtain the maximum financial sums possible. Humans know their material lives are equally temporary, but are mostly unaware that they are farmed for their material wealth, which is taken from them by taxation, profits, charitable donation, financial interest, gambling, theft, and in many other ways. You are working more than three times harder than you should, just to pay these leeches what they demand of you.

Like cattle you are lead along to the objective and as much value as is possible is extracted from you along the way. If along that path you discover religion and think it is there to help you escape the prison, you are sadly mistaken; for it is there to divert you from ever finding out the real truth. Just look at the wars and civil conflict fought in the name of religion and in the name of God; when in reality they are nothing of the sort.

Conflict is designed to enrich the perpetrators, who sit comfortably behind the scenes and collect maximum value from interest on the loans taken out by governments and other parties involved, and all the profits from the materiel sold to fight these conflicts. Not only that but vast numbers of you are killed and maimed in the process, and if you ever talk to a person who was in the thick of battle, there is vast psychological damage done to them which never goes away and they keep having disturbing flashbacks to these dreadful events throughout their lives.

You were not made for conflict; you were made to love and to experience love; of your family, of your fellow mankind, of the animals, of the wonders of nature which surround you, and of your God who is part of you. Along came dark and evil people who found they could use you to make themselves rich on the back of your own toil, and this system has been going on for many millennia.

It may be that you are waiting for a series of major events which will not happen as you think they will; as you may have been told they will, for at best these views are merely snapshots of a system of vast complexity which no incarnate human could possibly understand fully, and which takes no account of your timekeeping whatsoever. There is a point where ascension will happen and this has been set by divine decree, but it takes no account of your calendar. So, I will say to you once again my Dear Ones; be aware that change is happening all the time; the ascension progress is ongoing, whether you can see it or not; and it will not happen as you think it will.

In the circumstances it is in everyone’s interests to make changes for the betterment of humanity as a whole in whatever way you can, through the use of divine love, compassion and truthfulness, and by so doing you will be meeting us, the Spiritual Hierarchy, half way. That is how the co-creative process works, we work and you work; then between us we achieve the desired result. We provide the venue, and the plates and cutlery; then each of you bring along friends who are of like mind, and some food and drink. Then we can all sit down together and share the true stories of how we all returned your lovely planet and many of its people to the realms of love and light; and that’s what we call a real party.


Well my dears, on that note of viewing our joint victory over the Darkness, I must take my leave of you until the next time we are together; and we are together, for whenever you are reading this you are tuning in to my being which in turn is connected to Christ Michael and thus via Him to the Source of All That Is. God bless you Dear Ones.

MONJORONSON: I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing this to you through Vince. 10th January 2011

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