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ERE114- Animal Rights and Wrongs

2011-02-18-Animal Rights and Wrongs
Erethea #114


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Animal Rights and Wrongs
o 1.2 Group: ERETHEA
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Monjoronson
o 2.2 TR: Vince
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Animal Rights and Wrongs
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince


MONJORONSON: Hello my Dear Ones, today I want to talk about animals and some of you may find what I say at odds with your beliefs and how you go about your lives. If that is the case, I must ask you to hear me out and then see if you can find the truth in these words, for this is an important matter to be considered in the history of mankind and the coming times on your planet.


You used to be an animal, for they are a scoop out of the reservoir of spirit, just as you are. They live and then “die” just as you do; they reincarnate, just as you do. Then over a large number of incarnations in many animal forms, they will have developed to a point when they are ready for their first human incarnation in a series of them. Animals go about their daily business, just as you do; and like you their priorities are food, shelter and bringing up their families. They don’t work for money as you do, but they work just as hard for their living and some of them perish while doing so.

It was intended that some animals were put upon your planet to be of help to mankind, to act as motive power and as food and for clothing. In the days of the hunter/ gatherers, they provided much of the food and clothing that people had, and there are still regions on Earth where people could not survive without eating animal carcasses and making their clothes and essential goods from them. But, it is a matter of respect, where the indigenous populations of these lands respect the animals they have to kill in order to survive and the animals concerned fully understand their place in this situation. That is how it was intended to be until mankind had developed to the point where he was able to grow sufficient crops of other foods and commodities for clothing and essential goods, whereupon his consumption of animal parts was to have been scaled back and only used where strictly essential, and where nothing else was available from non-animal sources.

That was the agreement which was established within the boundaries of Divine Law and given to the people of Earth by Christ Michael Aton, your Creator God. But there was a rebellion and certain people had ideas of grabbing power and steered your planet away from the normal control a creator god has upon his realm, which has led to the mess in which your beautiful planet is today, where overpopulation brings food and housing shortages to many of your countries.

Growing cereal crops to feed animals to provide meat for inclusion in hamburger and fried chicken fast food, which leads to gross obesity in the population of many countries, is outside of the agreement. Producing vast quantities of milk to make even larger quantities of fattening milk-chocolate confectionery, is also not included in the agreement, and if you look back a few decades to where shirt collar stiffeners were made from whalebone, that was also not in the agreement.

Much of the world’s water is used in producing livestock and fizzy drinks of dubious nutritional value, which is often sold alongside the fattening fast foods I have mentioned. Much of the world’s cereal production is tied up in producing animal meat, where it should be fed to the people instead, for in terms of global resources, meat is a very expensive product and kept artificially lower in price than it should be by vested interests. There are also other detrimental effects of producing food this way, and the vast amount of animal excrement slurry and associated gases are very polluting to your environment.

Outside of marginal lands where humans cannot survive without animal flesh and derivatives, most people don’t need to eat animal based foods to keep alive and healthy, and plant based foods provide all the nutrition most people need. Indeed a plant based diet is much healthier. Animal based food production is often achieved at the expense of concern for the well-being of the animals, and cruelty is often involved, much of it intentional. Intensive rearing and feeding; followed by exports of live animals and slaughter causes all manner of pain and discomfort to the creatures concerned. Indeed, in some cases animals are even cooked while they are still alive.

People accept that getting a pack of dead animal parts with residual blood included from the supermarket is normal; that an animal based diet is normal. That is perhaps the saddest part of all, that mankind on planet Earth is so backward in his understanding of spiritual matters and Divine Law, that he neglects the well-being of fellow creatures on his planet and dines on their body parts. This is yet another large pillar of your society which is holding back the evolution of mankind to the next level. All animals have feelings and need respect and care, but unfortunately intensive food production systems do not take this into account and ill treatment is endemic.

There are also issues with horrific experimentation on animals for the medical field and the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, where nightmare scenarios exist and all manner of torture is performed on them, with complete disregard for their well-being, or the fact that they have as much right to be treated with respect as fellow beings of yours under Divine Law. Can a population who routinely behave against creatures as if they were as dense and unfeeling as a chair; ever hope to drag themselves out of a spiritually backward dead-end road? I wonder about that, I really do.

Mind you, so many of your own people are treated by the ruling elite as sheep to be robbed of their money, brainwashed into submission by the system and regarded as scum by them; that if you can’t even see your own position in the scheme of things, how will you ever learn to treat animals better?

Most of you do not have to eat them, you do not have to ill treat them, you do not have to use them as laboratory equipment, you do not have to use them for sporting purposes; and it is about time for humanity to move on and consider your own spiritual evolution and behave better towards the Animal Kingdom, for you have the opportunity to make choices in this and they do not.


You may find this controversial, or think it has nothing to do with you what you or anybody else does with animals, but it is an opportunity to examine your own position on the subject, and see if you can move on from it and that is my reason for bringing it up at this point. God bless you, my Dear Ones. I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you this message through Vince. 18th February 2011

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