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ERE123- A Few Words

2011-03-11-A Few Words
Erethea #123


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: A Few Words
o 1.2 Group: ERETHEA
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Monjoronson
o 2.2 TR: Vince
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: A Few Words
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince


MONJORONSON: Hello my dear ones I AM Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and I have asked Vince to leave what he was doing and come and sit in the quiet with the microphone, for I wanted to say a few words to you my dear ones who come and read at Erethea.


You are living in what for you are difficult times, for when there are major changes to the planet beginning to take place because of the Ascension of your planet and those of you ones who are ready, it is quite an experience to live through, and it is rather out of many people’s comfort zone. In the developed world you have seen as you describe them, third world countries, have major geophysical events, war, floods, locusts, plagues of dreadful diseases, and the tendency has been for people to give to a charity appeal and in many cases, much of the money has been misappropriated by the ones who are already rich, and thus the poor always seem to be poor and they are looked down upon by many of you.

Rest assured that there will be many people who are going to experience various events in the developed countries and it is going to be quite a surprise for many; dreadful for some and absolutely appalling for a lot of people, for outside of normal regional events, when there is something which affects a country generally, or even a continent generally; it is again outside of most people’s experience.

If you look at the geological signs all across your planet, there have been any number of upheavals, earthquakes, volcanoes, vast tidal waves which you now call tsunamis, and you find there is evidence of sea beds several thousand feet up in the mountains. Well, as you can imagine these things happened during previous Ascension programs on your planet and when you get to the end of a cycle as you are now, these things happen; it is the way things are.

The sound vibrations from Source create this wave which has an effect on everything; there is not a atom on the surface of your planet in all kinds of beings, rock formations, trees, animals, humans, fish; everything is affected by it, and these are the times you are about to live through. Sadly for some who live in Japan, theirs has already begun; and tragic as these events are they are only the tip of the thing; there is much, much more to come in the coming times. I know many of you are fed up with hearing about time, and “When the time is right”, and “When the time comes” but it is a matter of perception.

When I tell you something will happen, please believe me it will happen. At the moment we are in the early stages and if you listen to the media or watch the TV, events around the Pacific are being treated as: “Well, we expected it to happen there because Japan’s in a difficult position, and they have had so many earthquakes over the last hundred years, that of course it is to be expected”, and that is no more than I would expect your media to do, for it cannot reach the obvious conclusion, obvious to me that is; that your times are changing and the face of your planet will be less than hospitable for a while.

You should wait patiently, and in the coming times you will see many more major events; and it will be interesting to see how your media cover them, and whether any bright spark joins up the dots and reaches the “Eureka” moment and says, “It must be something co-ordinating it, could it be an Act of God”, and that is what I hope to see; but whether we do see it or not, you individuals have to face this with your family and your friends, your employers; all of your relatives. Some of you will say, “Yes, at last my God wishes me to serve, and I wish to serve Him and Humanity”, others will be in denial. “But this can’t be happening, how can it be happening; we have a Government, government should look after these sorts of things”; and then there will be the poor ones who have no explanation; who are in total fear. In fear for their lives, in fear for their country; for “What has their God done to them?”

You have to live through these times and it will not be easy, even for the most evolved of you. When you feel your planet shake, and everything around you vibrating, you may be jubilant that at last the time has come, but if your house has fallen down or your car has gone into the river, will you be able to look at those and consider them dispassionately; for it takes real commitment to serve your God and Humanity while your own family and your own house is in difficulties.

It is not for me to predict what will come next because the whole process will develop over a period of time. It maybe longer than you would like, but shorter than you expect. But it will be here quite soon. The rewards for those of you who follow the path of righteousness are great, but everyone has to earn their position by service to Humanity; to their God; to Source, and in this respect the coming times offer you a wonderful opportunity to be of service, in whatever way you are able to. Some of you, I know, are ill; some of you are very weary, exhausted in fact; some of you have family responsibilities, but I know that every one of you will find a way to serve in whatever way you can.


As your time for activity draws near, I urge you to get your houses in order and be ready to respond in a Godlike way, when your locality is affected by the rolling Ascension program. At this point I must bring this voice message to a conclusion, for my friend and scribe Vince is now very, very tired and needs to rest before he publishes this message for me, on my behalf. God bless you all my dear ones, until I speak to you again, quite soon.

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