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ERE127- The First Steps

2011-03-13-The First Steps
Erethea #127


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: The First Steps
o 1.2 Group: ERETHEA
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Mary Magdalena
o 2.2 TR: Diana
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Lesson
o 3.2 Closing

Topic: The First Steps
Teacher: Mary Magdalena
TR: Diana


MARY MAGDALENA: Dearly Beloved Ones, I join you today to bring again my love and understanding as your world appears to descend into to turmoil and chaos, I wish to assure you that you have my eternal love, I have watched over you through this life and the many previous ones you have endured. Your current path is to get even more challenging but be assured that it will never be more than you can handle. You have within you the strength and skills to go forward and create what must be created, to develop a new way of life.

The old ways are changing and they must do this for your world to survive. Your planet is a beautiful lady who has stood you in good stead. To begin with your kind only took what was needed to sustain it, and then along came the greed of one person to begin with who learnt manipulation and destruction to gain the best pasture or beast. Soon others saw the supposed advantage in this and the ways of sharing and working together as a community or family started to unravel.

Man then developed and experimented with new ways of life and although in moderation this is to be applauded, the greed then became the normal way of life. The stronger man took from the weaker one until these ones were little more than servants and slaves. This was not the way it was ever intended to be and we watched with great sorrow, but also with eternal hope that the right path would again be found. Sadly this destruction continued and man learnt even more cruel and distasteful ways and these show themselves in many facets of your life today.

The added side to this is the destruction and cruelty that has been done to your beautiful planet – Mother Gaia. Man has systematically raped and pillaged her of her bountiful resources and this has now to stop before the destruction goes too far to allow the damage to be repaired. Mother Gaia has begun to heal herself; her resources are beyond even the highest level of imagination that is available to you in this incarnation. She is healing the rifts and damage, but to do so she has to cleanse and remove the poisons that have been inflicted upon her.

You have seen this happening in the last few months; be assured my children that even more is needed, it is necessary, it will happen. Mankind will have to learn to recreate himself and develop new ways of living in harmony with the new cleansed natural world that will be reborn around him.

My beloved ones, do not worry about those that in these times go missing or pass away, it is their time to move on; they are returned to our care to be healed, to learn and grow further before being set upon new challenges and lessons in further lifetimes.

The dark ones that are being removed are also given this opportunity to return to the light; we have abundant love to give and will only give up on a soul if all else fails. Should this occur then they will simply be concluded and returned to the spirit light to begin their journey over again, to attempt to reach the light. We do not give up my loved ones, be assured we do not ever give up, our love is eternal.

The dark ones that remain will be removed over time as we cannot allow them to take control in the new world that is being created for you, for one thing they will not be able to survive in the new vibrations that are now being created; to live in these vibrations you need to have a pure and clean heart and soul, they do not have this through their own doing.

At this time your thoughts and love should be sent out to all those who are frightened and in need, they are your brother or sister whatever their creed or race, whatever they believe to be right or wrong, it is irrelevant what they may be, whatever they have done or not done. Everyone is in need of love and prayer and should receive it; there is hope for each and every one of you; the only requirement is that you will seek it, and ask for help.

The choice for change is there for each and every one of you. Be assured that the changes will be made, there is no going back only forward, so you must reach within yourselves my dear ones, for the strength and knowledge you will need it is all there at your command and know that your path is straight and true, it is to be and will be.

Join me in prayer as we go forward to the future; this can be a truly amazing thing for each and every one of you, the journey has started, it will not be easy but the things in life worth having are never achieved with out a struggle or learning life time lessons.


The day grows nearer when we will walk together with you again on your Earth, we will share stories by the fire as we break bread together and harvest the crops provided by nature and as the vibrations of your world improve and Mother Gaia heals and changes to make this possible, know we work alongside you to bring this day nearer. With love and prayers I take my leave of you and remain your beloved Mother.
Mary Magdalena.

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