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ERE29- On Frustration and Irritability

2010-06-29-On Frustration and Irritability
Erethea #29


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: On Frustration and Irritability
o 1.2 Group: ERETHEA
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Monjoronson
o 2.2 TR: Vince
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Dialogue
o 3.4 Closing

Topic: On Frustration and Irritability
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince


Vince: G’day Mojo, are you available to talk, please?

Monjoronson: Yes, certainly; I’m only too pleased to . Vince: As you will surely know, I find life quite frustrating at times, particularly those little material things which niggle and go wrong. Today was a case in point, and there were a number of things like that which cropped up and were quite irritating. Now I remember an occasion in February 2010 when I had to go back to S333 and ask him to clarify certain points in a message, because it involved questions from other ones elsewhere in the world, and he got rather grumpy. My question to you is; do you of the Spiritual Hierarchy get frustrated, irritated and a bit fed-up with things at times?


Monjoronson: Do ducks quack? It matters not how high you climb in the spiritual sense, it is an ongoing and ever upward path which is never ending, and it is in the nature of things that we get difficult matters to deal with; and yes, we do get frustrated and get the ‘Irrits’ as you call it.

Our tasks are monumental by your standards, but they are within our capabilities; and by and large your tasks are within your capabilities, and when things don’t go smoothly we, like you, can become fed-up with things when they keep going wrong. We feel as you do; we laugh, we cry, we get grumpy on occasions, but we try not to let these feelings get through to your level, as we don’t want to adversely affect our Dear Ones. It is like the parents having a ‘bitch’ about things in the kitchen, while the children are blissfully unaware in the lounge. Every now and then, a small amount creeps under the kitchen door and you ones sense it, but only mildly.

On that day, S333 was really up against the wall on a number of tasks, and he had a ‘bitch’ about having to go back over it all, because of questions from one in Germany, and you picked up on that vibration; others may not have.


Vince: I must say that makes sense, because if we are all created out of particles of Christ Michael, then we are of God, in the likeness of God, and Gods in the making, albeit with a very long way to go, so we must then have similar feelings when we meet obstacles to progress in our particular realm. Would that be correct?

Monjoronson: Indeed so. I mean, we don’t throw things at each other, or throw our toys out of the pram as some of you do, but our frustrations and irritations are very real, but you would regard how we deal with this as very mild; but at an altogether higher level than where we are, our irritations are regarded as far worse than that of the Most Highs. If you can imagine perfection, then it may surprise you to learn that even perfection is imperfect.

Vince: How can that be; as it is seemingly a contradiction in terms

Monjoronson: If you remember, I said that we are all on an eternal journey to constantly improve and further refine ourselves spiritually? Well, when the Most Highest of the Most Highs has encountered total perfection, it is in the nature of things that they probe this perfection for faults.

Look at it as the scientist who uses a powerful microscope and can see things so tiny that they consider they’ve found the very smallest of things; and then they go and invent an Electron microscope, and then find things even smaller. Well, the Highest of the Most Highs do the same; they probe perfection, and when it seems totally perfect, they find new ways of finding the faults.

It’s a bit like a caterpillar where as the front end moves forward, the back end has to catch up and if it falls too far behind, there will be an almighty twang, and the rear will be pulled into line quite sharply. Do you recognize that factor in your lives? If you don’t bother to grow adequately in the spiritual sense, it’s going to be bad news further down the line when you find yourselves with a huge challenge, and all of eternity to catch up. All of your companions have moved on, and you are bumping along the bottom of your current level. Even then, there are many in your world that just switch off and get drunk or sniff white powder up their noses; thus further compounding what was originally a simple matter.

I know there are sadly misguided and Dark Ones whose task in life it to hook people on gambling, drugs, booze and a whole range of spiritually toxic pastimes, distractions, diversions and substances, and all it requires for them to succeed are individuals who can’t be bothered to advance themselves spiritually. We’re not talking Holy Moly World Religions here, just plain, simple spirituality without cant and dogma; but even then, there are just so many who don’t want to make the effort

Do you know how sad it is to watch God’s children living in squalor with these vile addictions? It brings sadness to the eyes of some very elevated and senior ones here, for it is such a waste of an incarnation, and there are such huge numbers of people with these addictions.

So, in time the back end of the proverbial caterpillar will get twanged up near the front again a bit further down the line, so that the next incarnation may be rather more productive. It makes us sad to see though; and here again this will be a perfectly understandable emotion to all of you.


Vince: I sense the conversation coming to a close, so I’d like to thank you for your insight in these matters and I look forward to our next ad hoc session.

Monjoronson: For me it has also been a pleasure, and I very much enjoy these short times we spend together, and they are all part of my Teaching Mission. I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy in conversation with Vince. 29th June 2010

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