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ERE39-Big Bang or Whimper?

2010-07-20-Big Bang or Whimper?
Erethea #39


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Big Bang of Whimper
o 1.2 Group: ERETHEA
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Monjoronson
o 2.2 TR: Vince
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Big Bang of Whimper
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince


Monjoronson: Good morning dear fellow; I am glad to see you are a bit better today.

Vince: Thanks, yes I wasn’t too good yesterday. What brings you here?


Monjoronson: As your main contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy these days, I want to give you a heads-up on the Stasis portion of the Ascension Project concerning current news. There are going to be claims and counter claims regarding stasis events connected to the current Gulf oil disaster and the Ascension Project in general. Now we agreed that you would stand back from the picture and take an objective view over a longer period of time to see how events play out, and not become involved in predictions as to what level of stasis we would have, when we would have it, or whether we would have it at all.

Standing back is still a good place to be, and you then place yourself beyond accusations of fakery or new age fluffy thinking, and it is important that you are known as a channel of purity and risen above the level of childish behavior which tends to accompany the debate regarding stasis in current times. I know it is a subject which interests you, but our joint best interests will be served by keeping our distance from the discussions and avoiding passing comments on other people’s predictions, whatever they turn out to be in the fullness of time. There isn’t a celestial or human who actually knows what is going to happen, and so any comments are proposals at best, and wild speculation at worst. Becoming and remaining detached from this arena is essential, even though there are many who are exceptionally interested in comments on stasis. Abstention is now the main requirement.

Vince: That’s fine by me, and I hadn’t intended to alter my stance from dispassionate viewing of the claims and counter claims attendant upon the predicted events, and which you previously asked me to adopt.

Monjoronson: OK then, so now I am going to give you some new information.

There was a plan to explode a nuclear device in the Gulf to ‘seal’ the many leaks which exist, but that has been halted in favor of a large number of conventional explosive charges which will have a less devastating effect, but which will very likely turn out to be equally futile. There is no known magic solution to this problem, and there is the ultimate possibility of extinction of all life on Earth eventually, if this leak cannot be stopped. That’s it in bleak form, encapsulated in a nutshell.

So it can be seen that there will have to be a clean up of planetary pollution at some point, and the preferred way of doing that is during stasis, and not a devastating natural event where the whole planet is left fallow for countless millennia before being repopulated once more. There we have arrived back at the contentious issue again; which is stasis. Will it happen; what will be the magnitude, how often will stasis occur, and so on? Nobody knows, and we are effectively sailing in uncharted waters; so I say to you ones: “Prepare for the worst and expect the least, and you won’t be disappointed.”

Whether this is rolled out in one big event or several small ones is another issue on which there will be speculation, but nobody will actually know for sure until after an event has happened, and speculation in advance is also futile. I’m afraid it fits into that category which seems to infuriate many people, and that is; ‘You’ll just have to wait and see.’ You ones have already waited and seen that the big stasis you expected didn’t happen; and that has lead to multiple disappointments.

What if you are given to understand that the event is back on schedule, and fails to materialize again? Then maybe there will be further disappointments; and if only one small stasis event happens, how many of you will say you are going to quit and chuck your toys out of your pram? I repeat; nobody Celestial or Mortal can predict what will happen; even though the best planning and intent are all there from the start; what happens, happens.

Vince: Well, that’s spelled it out fully to my satisfaction at least, and I’m going to continue to watch and wait and see what happens.


Monjoronson: That’s the best course of action and will allow you to remain centred and unemotional as to the project progress and outcome. I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy in conversation with my scribe named Vince. 20th July 2010

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