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FAQ7- How to Find My FAQ Response

2021-06-25. Support. Finding an FAQ

FAQ#7 Topic: Finding My FAQ

Q:  I am unable to locate this information on the FAQ link or in Cosmic Insights?

A: Thank you for your question. Please follow the following steps.

  1. Click on the “Cosmic Insights” button
  2. Click on the ‘discovery’ icon.
  3.  On the FAQ Search Menu screen
  4.  Select the FAQ Group dropdown and select the OFW-FAQ option as shown.
  5.  In the search text, field enter a search text, your FAQ# or your email address used for the question submission as shown.
  6. Then click on the SUBMIT button to retrieve your document.
  7. The results of your search will display, after which, you may click on the document itself to read.

We hope this helps in your understanding.

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