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GEO030706- On the High Wire of Mortal Life

2003-07-06. On the High Wire of Mortal Life

This transmission, dating back some 13 years, is from the Damascus Scribe who recently placed Himself in an important task with the 11:11 Progress Group. Only later did I find out He was Jesus’ Thought Adjuster and had become a Personalized Adjuster since. Did He long ago teach me to see Celestials as He might be claiming below?

Illawarra District, Australia, July 6, 2003.
Teacher: The Scribe.
Subject: “On the High Wire of Mortal Life.”

Message received by George Barnard.

The Scribe: “To walk a tightrope from one tall building to another takes a lot of preparation, skill and courage, as do the at-times-uncertain journeys of your life.

“As tightrope walkers, your high wire must be securely attached at both ends, and the tension on your walkways in the sky must be just right. You will need to for long have practiced at a lower level and above some soft landing places for your unfailing agility to develop, and to become routine — as second nature to you. And as you now prepare for your walks at great heights, the cacophony of the traffic far below must not distract you at all.

“Above all, and although you must hold on strongly and carry its weight, it is the balancing pole that supports (aids) your endeavor at retaining your equilibrium at dizzying heights above the streets and as you take one sure but cautious step at a time.

“It is so much better to use these tools for greater balance, than to simply spread out your arms.

“On your walks of life, you need to determine and often re-evaluate, both, your starting points and wished-for destinations as you work, plod, pray and learn, and as you bring your valued goals closer, one measured sure-footed step at a time. And on these journeys’ paths you must neither create too much tension, nor too little, indeed. There is always the need to remain balanced, yet progress.

“Will you go it alone, or will you each reach out to us with much courage, for our support and balance on the high wires of your mortal lives? Will you not look back, but ahead in great faith? Will you not be distracted by the many voices that may keep you from our eternal goals?

“My name is tongue-twistingly-difficult to pronounce. My number is of great length. I am an ‘angel,’ a record keeper, also, but many know me as and you may refer to me as ‘The Scribe.’

“For a moment in time I felt you pull back from this contact, but we have spoken before. We are well known to each other, and we often conversed in pictures and words when working together in the long-ago past.

“I send you my love.”

George: “I thank you kindly, dear Scribe.”

Receiver’s note: I don’t rightly know what to call this “transmission,” for it came in both, picture form and words. Also, at the time I sure was walking a tightrope, having lost most of what I was worth. Scary.

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