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GEO060804- Heartfelt Intent Is All That Counts

2006-08-04. Heartfelt Intent Is All That Counts

Illawarra District, Australia, August 4, 2006.
Midwayer Mathew.
Subject: “Heartfelt Intent Is All That Counts.”

Received by George Barnard.

Mathew: “The real and ultimate value in any given task is in the effort you put into it; the energy you bring to bear on the project at hand. The psychologically experienced reward may well be in the result, or results, but the real spiritual value is in the intent. And while your brother (Bzutu) sees many disruptions to his endeavors, as he, with all his troops, is presently in the arena where he is most needed, his intent to carry his usual task forward never changes, although weary he might be. I, however, do have a little time to spare. This is Mathew.

“There, where the greatest unrest is at hand, we are dutifully employed to do the best we can under trying circumstances. Sadly, on this planet, and for all those who have now joined the small band that had to suffice you for so many years, it is, too, becoming a routine.

“Pressing on the Chiefs mind, is the difficulty these times are presenting to you all. Vital, to his mind, is the need to warn you that all must go on, in peacetime and in unrest. And so, his message to you is for you to pray with him, but to also clear your mind and carry on with what shows such great success so far, and will likely continue.

“Always be aware that in this universe of universes, a love for one’s brother, and the intent to do good works, comes before anything else. The law of averages will provide you with greater or lesser results, but heartfelt intent is all that counts in your long universe careers. Carry on. This is Mathew. My love I give to you both.”

George: “Thank you Mathew.”

Receiver’s note: The minimizing of loss of human life is part of progress.

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