2009-11-07. A Little about the Borderland – Part 2
Illawarra District, Australia, November 7, 2009.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC22).
Subject: “A Little about the Borderland.” (Part Two).
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “We’re back to discuss some more on the subject of the Borderland. Firstly we need to acknowledge that human beings are amongst the most complex creatures in the universes in that their forward striving minds, together with the Spark of the Creator produce progress for the soul. It is this soul and the Spark of God that carry on after the biological machine that is your body is worn out. However, in your earthly lives and beyond, you are productive of recorded experiences that are ‘absorbed’ by the evolutionary Deities – The Deity Supreme, the Deity Infinite, and the Deity Ultimate.
“These are the evolving Gods of time in space and may appropriately be seen as the time-space reflection of the Paradise Trinity. Therefore it is correct to suggest that the Paradise Trinity is reproducing Itself in the Universes of time-space, and they are the total of positive experiences of you, and me, and everyone else, that evolve these still embryonic Gods. Our combined efforts in the case of our solving of the Virginia Jamieson problem served the embryo of our Planetary Supreme, Urantia, or Gaia, on behalf of whom we Midwayers constantly labor.
“There is another way of describing this for perhaps an even fuller understanding. The Virginia Jamieson ‘packet’ or ‘bundle’ was due for release, as the soul and Thought Adjuster of the real Virginia Jamieson dwelling on Mansonia had finally overcome the extreme trauma of her violent demise, forgiven in full, and so it was time for Urantia to absorb both experiences – the horror and the satisfactory resolution. Be assured these events occur on other, normal worlds as well, but not to the degree they occur on this troubled world. Remember also the great joy you felt after completing this long-ago project with me. That joy was soul-felt, and yet, at that time, you had no idea about how, or even why, we used you.
“Human lives leave their detailed imprint on the Thought Adjuster as well as on the evolutionary Deities, but not one of these is in the least interested in the negative. Neither should you be interested in . . . fooling with these packets of unresolved anger, fear, denial, and rampant emotion – least of all call them demons or devils, for the latter are here no more. They are fully rehabilitated, or have been vanquished. However, do not expect the Borderland to be fully disinfected in any great hurry, even in a few thousand years from now. Stay balanced and prayerful, knowing that a Spark of the Creator that indwells you, also protects you, you lucky humans.
“This is Midwayer Chief ABC-22, suggesting my human loudspeaker put down his recorder, and allow himself some well-deserved rest. Goodnight.”