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GEO180126- Not Less, uh, uh! More!

2018-01-26. Not Less, uh, uh! More!

Not Less, uh, uh! More!
From the Desk of George Barnard.

Back in 2002 or 2003, (I forget now precisely when it was), we undertook to forward five celestial transcripts each week to all members. That won’t change. Even though a number of us have as many as 1.000, 2.000 or more transmissions, that will some day come out in book form or otherwise, we will carry on publishing some 260 transmissions approximately in a number of languages each year.

That said and hopefully made clear, we have been handed more work to do by all of our Teachers (The Damascus Scribe, Christ Michael, Orion, Machiventa, Ophelius, Samuel of Panoptia and all our T A’s) and we have the Scribe’s undertaking that at the point where the task is half completed, Monjoronson will physically take over the running of it. He’ll be here, doing His thing, at last, and shouldering the responsibility for the organizational aspect of the (our) said additional task, which comprises fully clearing the Borderland.

I’m advised that we potentially have access to more than 60 first or second living languages among the 11:11 Progress Group subscribers. Many other languages are required, as well as workers who know these languages to help us with the task of clearing the Borderland. The Clearing of the Borderland is a once in a lifetime opportunity to actively bring forward Monjoronson’s arrival. 

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