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GEO190211- Eleven-Eleven

209-02-11. Eleven-Eleven

From the desk of George Barnard – 02/12/2019 – 11GB #090211

The first thing I can remember about eleven-eleven is that I would wake up at night in the 1960’s, look bleary-eyed at my alarm clock, once more note the time being 11 minutes after 11, shrug and go back to sleep. This happened so regularly, I had to find a reason for it. Simple! I had to open up my factory in time to let all workers in and so I was kept 49 minutes ahead of all others.

Sure ! Well, did not all other folks get woken up at 12:00 Midnight ? They knew, however, I would find out.

In reality and quite unfairly, it was mere chance the Urantia Secondary Midwayers, or Jinn, ended up with just 1984 individuals when the usual number is 50,000 per planet. Needing many years of basic education in the vast array of complex tasks they needed to perform, they got precious little tutoring and it surely is a wonder that as many as 1,111 were finally counted among the number of honorable ones, just 873 being classed as rebels.

As ABC-22 admitted to me in 1972 to having done things wrong in his past, he was quick to add, “There was no law!” Those who could have assisted them were the Primary Midwayers, but near enough 80% of them were in Caligastia’s camp. No wonder so many of all kinds of celestials went astray.

The time prompt 11:11 tells you a Secondary Midwayer is there and should you drift into a meditative state you might well learn what this brilliant Teacher has to tell you. If 11:11 is inconvenient for you, 1:11 AM or PM might on occasions be used for the same purpose.

Later you will find the individual midwayers will let you know who is around. For me it is Bzutu (ABC-22) prompts at Anything:22, Beatrice (ABC-3) at Anything:03, Dreyfus (DEF-5) at Anthing:05, Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8) at Anything:08 and so on.

If you find it difficult to relax, try the Akashic Construct. You can find it on: It’s cheap and used in some similar form all over our universes.

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