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GEO190512- Beware of Staking Claims

2019-05-12. Beware of Staking Claims

Illawarra District, Australia, May 12, 2019. – geo #190512
Teachers: The Damascus Scribe.
& Secondary Midwayer, Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).

Subject: “Beware of Staking Claims.”

Message received by George Barnard.

The Scribe: “There are others like Orion and of course Primary Midwayer, Andrea, who are both very much in the know about the local scene, but when it comes to the types of inhabited planets or even peopled moons all over the universes, I have exprienced much, much more. Orion is very busy at this time as you know (work associated with the borderland troubles) and so is Andrea presently burdened as a liaison between Secondary Midwayers and Angels regarding the troubles with likely upcoming wars.

“That is almost more than you are entitled to having confirmed without your having asked for it, but this is something I have taken upon Myself since soon you have to make the decisions and the moves to make safe for yourself and your 11:11 Progress duties. And so you can continue on with the task our Master Michael gave you and see it through to the end. There are two main things you may need to contend with: one is a likely war at the rate your high-paranoid leaders are egging on some others. The other is an almost ‘forgotten about’ Global Warning dilemma. I leave you here for now.”

Chief Bzutu: “Hello! In the midst of all that, too many of you have your idyllic ideas of escaping to the Moon, or Mars or some other captured rock spinning around a heavenly body but I’m telling you that you would soon be singing ‘There’s no place like home.’ And there isn’t. With colorful oceans and rivers, green vegetation, white and blue skies and golden beaches there are few planets like Urantia, so look after her as you find it increasingly harder to breathe clean air and she herself is choking on plastic and more useless waste.

“Both of you have been on other planets in Satania and neither planet was worth ‘writing home about’ as you call it — one is a hot sandy desert where people are still eating people, the other a bare sandstone sphere where you must descent into its bowels to find a drink of water and slake your thirst from surface heat of meeting that Urantia visitor.

“I can see it in my brilliant Jinn mind and so can this receiver of messages — don’t go into outer space bearing arms or exhibiting your customary attitude. Urantia mortals are well known and little admired in Satania and not one of you speaks their languages. Frankly, we all feel it’s too early for any of you to set up shop so far away from home and beware of staking gold claims up there (laughing). Au revoir.”

George: “Thank you both.”

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