1999-04-16-Collection2, Bertram & Malcom Sessions 27-31
Hamilton #11
• 29 Session 27 – o 29.1 Stillness
• 30 Session 28 – o 30.1 Stillness, Fear
• 31 Session 29 – o 31.1 Transmitting, Mind
• 32 Session 30 – o 32.1 Violence, Correcting Time
• 33 Session 31 – o 33.1 Transmitting
Topic: Collection2, Bertram
Group: Hamilton TeaM
Teacher: Bertram, Malcom
TR: Tara Logan
Session 27
April 16,1999
TARA: This is the day of our next Urantia study group meeting. Is there a further message this morning?
MALCOM: Little one, I would like to comment further on the concept of the deep mind, but in the context of the practice of stillness. We would like you to grasp the importance of seeking the Father in the quietness of your mind, for in this place, set apart from the busyness of life, are you able to have deep and loving communion with Him, who has created you, loves you and wills that you become like Him.
He has provided for you a spirit fragment of Himself and as you progress and grow spiritually and develop that immortal, evolving essence of yourself, you will be able to more clearly commune with this fragment spirit essence of the Father within. Here, He can adjust your thoughts and it’s patterns so that you can be in greater harmony with His will for you. But only as you will and as you seek this divine connection, will you be so encircuited.
Why is this important? Because it is as He has designed you and created you, to evolve to this degree of reception of His plans and purposes for you. Now it is possible for all His children to understand and perceive more clearly His divine will.
You also have within you the power of the Spirit of Truth sent by your Creator/Father Michael to assist, guide, and teach you. All you need do is ask, knock as it were, and it shall be opened unto you. So seek and ask in those times you set aside to be still and to pray and to ask and to listen. The Fathers hear you and do surely answer you according to what is best for you and for all their children, like any loving, kind and generous and caring parent. The Holy Spirit is also here to comfort, guide and support you in your daily walk with the Father.
Here, in these quiet times in the stillness, is the quality time you spend with the Father. A time for rest and comfort and renewing of your “spiritual batteries.” Our Master, Christ Michael showed you by His own example the value of these times spent alone with His Father. Always did Michael seek the will of the Father, throughout His life and ministry upon Urantia. He exemplified a sure and positive way to always keep connected to the spirit currents of the Universe, the Universal First Cause of All that is.
We, His children should follow His wise example. Why? Because then you will have definite direction, clearer understanding, spiritual courage, more brotherly tolerance, deeper love and desire to be more effectual in your loving service to your brethren and your community at large. You will most certainly show forth the “fruits of the spirit” that are growing and developing within you. You need this nurturance of the Father within your deep mind, obtained in the stillness practice.
So we admonish you to become fruitful. Stay connected to the source of your power for growth in the spirit. This is your calling and your service for the Father: to shine forth, showing a countenance of good cheer, expressing love and devotion and right action in your life, in all your serving, in all your relationships and interactions out in the fields among the “sheep.”
My, it seems we have woven parables and modern technology all into a modern lesson, for a current mind set! Therein lies the wonder of evolving progress of mankind. The Master taught in parables using current examples of the experiences of His listeners of that day. Today the same lessons can be taught using modern day experiences and examples. In the far distant future other concepts and ideas will surely be used.
This can be of value to you today when you are approached to explain the present Fifth Epochal Revelation to others in this more modern and scientific age. This world needs an updated and understandable revelation of the truth which it has in the Urantia Book!
Therefore let the spirits guide you and teach you and prepare you for more meaningful service to modern man today. This you do in your devotion to study, prayer, the stillness practice, your deep mind training, in your continual progression in understanding, and your daily living of your lessons learned. This is indeed your religious experience that develops you and prepares you for your service and your ultimate survival and ascension. With that said I will close and bid you a good day and a rewarding and prosperous and enjoyable meeting this evening. Your teacher and guide, Malcom.
Session 28
Stillness, Fear
April 19, 1999
TARA: Last night I asked for deep mind training and I awoke this a.m. feeling that you may have more for us regarding the stillness, especially why we seem to resist this practice. Please respond if this is correct. Thank you.
TEACHERS BERTRAM and MALCOM: Yes indeed, we have an admonition for you all. It is very, very important that you practice this discipline, first and foremost for your own soul nurturance, and for your connection with the Father. As we have said before you need this connection to your source of being.
Recall the Master’s lesson of the vine. You cannot bear much fruit without this connection. You are the branches where the buds appear, the blossoms form and the fruit is borne. We could say this in modern terms today. It is keeping your connection open with Head Office. You are the workers in the field and you must stay in contact to know what is going on in the company and what you are expected to do in your area of expertise. It all comes down to you, through E-mail, fax, or computer, but all lines must be clear and receptive to the dictations and commands from the Boss. In the stillness you make contact with your Divine Boss, through the vine to your Source.
Today life is much more complicated and the natural flow of nurturance through the vine is often impeded. There are more temptations, more stress on the systems, less time to just stop and smell the roses, less time to stop and reflect, more distractions, ingrain habits and conditioning. This is not to say that previous generations did not also have their conditioning and environments to deal with. Earning a living was very laborious, the acquisition of food took up much of their time and they did not have all your labor saving devices.
Mankind has always had his excuses, but the primary reason in any age, why you seem to avoid this divine contact, is fear. Yes, fear little one, and that is what I want to address here. You have all been conditioned to “fear the wrath of God.” Remember the old testament stories of the wrathful God slaying the enemies of the Israelites, casting out Adam and Eve for their sins, Sodom and Gomorrah, poor Job and his afflictions, the destruction of mankind in the flood, and finally the wrath of an unmerciful God who sought justice through innocent blood, shed on a cross by His own Son! Is it any wonder that you recoil at the thought of being in the very presence of such a God in the stillness alone. And if you close your eyes, in the darkness!!
Our little ones, our little children, we understand your fears, the Father understands your fears and he loves you and desires to enfold you in His loving arms, to comfort you and reveal Himself to you as a loving Father. You have nothing to fear, little ones, nothing at all!
Christ Michael came to reveal the true Father in heaven to you, and he said if you have seen me, you have seen the Father. There has never been on Urantia a greater display a greater example of love for mankind:
- He exemplified to us a loving God, a merciful and loving parent with fatherly affection for each and everyone of His children.
- He knows each and everyone of you.
- He wants you to know that He is nearer to you than even your hands and feet because He does indeed dwell within you.
- He wants you to truly trust Him and to walk with Him daily, to get to know Him as your Father, your friend, your guide.
- He wants you to stay connected to Him so He can guide you and help you and nurture you in your soul growth and development.
- He wants you to progress forward and upward to His Paradise Home to be with Him for all eternity, to share His vast domains that He has prepared, and is preparing for you.
- He wants you to be courageous and faithful and full of child-like trust of Him.
- He wants to abolish all your fears and wipe away all your misconceptions of Him and His plans for you.
That is why this Mission was commissioned by Christ Michael, under the leadership of His faithful and trusted Melchizedek staff of teachers. Our sole purpose is the soul development of all of the Father’s children and the upliftment of the Master’s sphere of nativity into the first stages of light and life. Now see and understand the importance of your deep mind training and the benefit of practicing the discipline of the stillness. Yes, you must discipline yourself and create for yourself this practice, this new habit of being with the Father in the quietness of your mind.
The Master would admonish you to “be not afraid for I am with you always even unto the end of the age.” He wills that you be strengthened in your faith and trust and in your love of the Father, for He loves you more than you realize. The Fathers’ will never forsake you. It would behoove you to seriously study the life and teachings of Jesus in your Urantia Text, so that you can truly get to know and understand the Father through Him.
Now wash away all your fears that hold you back from this relationship with the Father in the quietness of your mind, for therein is your strength and your comfort and your support to face the future and beyond. It is your refuge from all your trials of life, your source of help to overcome all your fears.
Know indeed that you dwell in a friendly universe that is here to help and teach you in your eternal ascent to Paradise, now and beyond your mortal existence of flesh on Urantia. So little ones, have faith and be of good cheer, for you are loved indeed by a loving Father who awaits to embrace you now, in your still moments with Him, and when you arrive upon His Holy Isle of Paradise. We will close now encouraging you to practice and become habitual in your quiet times with the Father. Your companion, friend and guides, Bertram and Malcom
Session 29
Transmitting, Mind
April 20, 1999
TARA: Malcom, my beloved friend tells me she finds it difficult to distinguish anymore my letters from your transmissions. Is this because I am resonating with you and Bertram and the Truths of this revelation coming from my deep mind. What is exactly going on? Also other T/R’s are also transmitting similar lessons only days or weeks apart. Is there a connection? Please answer our request for a better understanding. Thank you.
MALCOM: Little one, there is indeed a connection. Remember, think about it deeply and you will see our connection. Yes, it is the Father, the Source of all there is. Remember the vine? The central computer, the command base from which we all receive our source of knowledge and instruction, filtered down to us through the universal circuits, the spirit circuits that connect us all together in a mighty grid work of energy thought and transmission. We are, indeed, the end vessels which receive this information and pass on what we have been taught just as you are doing in your receiving and passing it on, as physical teachers in your realms.
Your dear spiritual sister’s request and keen observations leads us into a further lesson on this deep mind training and the value and need for the contact with your Thought Adjuster within. There do you, indeed, connect with your source. All are encircuited, and have this connection with the divine source of all. Did not the Master teach you that when you willed to do the Father’s will, that you allow His mind to be in you, to teach and guide you into all truth, beauty, and goodness?
Think it not strange then, that the Mind of Christ should dwell in you and bring to your recall also, what you have been taught within your own mind circuitry. This is truly what is meant by being born again within. You become a new creature in Christ, daily growing to become more Christ-like, more God-like in your character, in your thoughts, in your actions.
But remember this, you are not carbon copies of the Master. You each have your own fragrance, your own personality and ways of expression. We, in the teaching mission, use these qualities that are distinctly yours, hence our transmissions through you will have your “signature,” so to speak, as well as ours, blended to produce its own unique style. Someone who does not know you as well as your friend and who has not received personal letters from you, would not sense this similarity, this quality.
We would only admonish you again, as we have before, not to judge yourself, or compare yourself to other transmitters. Each are called to serve in their unique capacity as well. What is most important is the messages that are given, and the fruits that are produce in the lives of those who read them. Mistakes will be made in the transmitting/receiving, as we are all in the process of learning and growing and receiving and passing on the lessons learned.
We are in the process of becoming perfect, students all, and in each our own way and in all manner of degrees, teachers all. We are only just a little ahead of you, little one, for we are also students, in fact, we learn from you. You do indeed give us lessons of value also. We are all on this journey home together.
There is universal truth, beauty, and goodness available, to be understood and known, for the seeking and the asking. It pervades and envelops all of creation, for it is indeed the very essence of the Universal Father. When all mankind, when all God’s children are raised and settled into Universal Light and Life, there will be nothing else but Universal Truth, Beauty, and Goodness expressed in the Supreme Being. Such a glorious future, what a glorious present, what a glorious presence you can experience now in the stillness as you make that spirit connection with your Father.
Never underestimate the value and the importance of that most needful connection created for you by the Father Himself, when He gave you this very fragment of Himself within your very being. [[ Christ Michael]] has expressed to you how we are all to be as one, and this is what you are having a glimpse of, being of one mind and purpose, one ultimate destiny, working in harmony in all our personal diversities. To the Father, each of you are precious to Him and He loves and honors each and everyone of you, each different, special and unique, created exactly as He wanted you to be. So look upon each other as brothers and sisters, all belonging to this great cosmic family of God, all connected to the same Universal, Heavenly Father of all, beloved and cherished.
I will bid you goodnight now as it is getting very late. One moment. Bertram extends his congratulations and his pleasure and satisfaction in the growing awareness of all those in the realm of his teaching base. Sincere questions will always receive answers that will assist in your spiritual growth, setting your feet firmly on the pathways home. He instructs me to tell you that yes, your teachers are all connected also, all teaching the same curriculum outline, overseen by Machiventa, head of the Invisible Teaching Corps of the Melchizedek University now on Urantia of whom you are all students. Until next time, we remain your faithful teachers, Malcom and Bertram.
Session 30
Violence, Correcting Time
April 23, 1999
TARA: Is there a message today?
BERTRAM: Little one, we have been waiting for you to return to us once more. We have been observing your world scene and it is most grievous indeed, INDEED. The world is so filled with violence.
- When will you learn?
- What will it take for you to learn? Violence only creates more violence and the innocents suffer.
- The nations are sick and the people are sick at heart.
- Your civilizations dwell in a most darkened period.
- Your world moans for righteous leaders, wholesome examples of righteousness and goodness, truth, and beauty; for mighty leaders, who know the way to peace.
- Where will Urantia find these leaders of tomorrow?
- Who is going to stand up and turn your world from the path of war and destruction, violence and death?
We have brought to your attention before, how your very homes are filled with violence;
- on your television, on your computers,
- in your movies you rent and watch or tune into,
- in the interaction of family members.
There is unrest and anxiety within the human heart of man. He has no inner peace and his society has failed him and so he turns to his excesses of drugs, alcohol and make-believe worlds of violence. What a man thinks; he becomes. You have a clear and horrendous example of this, in this weeks violence at the Colorado high-school. Your talk show hostess, Oprah, said it quite plainly for all watching, “It’s a wake up call.” Are you going to listen to that call?
There must be a personal, national and worldwide awakening to the effects of violence upon humankind. There must be a personal and national and global turning to the Father, a tuning in to the Father, through prayer and meditation, a true desire for change within the human heart. Little one, do you not know, do you not realize, you have within your hands the Father’s message, His revelation to this beleaguered planet which would lead to peace and harmony and brotherhood worldwide?
Only when mankind truly realizes his inherent brotherhood, will you dwell in peace. Only when he realizes and recognizes his eternal and loving parents, the Fatherhood of God, will he become aware of his peaceful place on earth and in the universal family of God. Only when he comes to grasp the fellowship and the kinship of all in the Kingdom of God will there be peace. We can but teach the Master’s religion to you and guide you when we are called upon. It is up to you to put His message into action, spread the message, plant the seeds, seek out the lost and hungry sheep.
The world cries for peace and suffers in the present violence, but be assured positive forces are also at work upon your planet. This Mission work is only one example of many. Be prepared and ready, each one of you, to do your part when called upon. We admonish you to study, to “show yourselves approved unto God” and worthy of your calling into the harvest fields of the Master, not to reap at this time, but to sow and nurture and feed the grains of truth and life and love and light to hungry and searching souls. The time of harvest will come and great will be your joy, that you were able to be of service in this most crucial time on your planet, Urantia.
A new age is dawning for all of you. Dire trials are ahead as the Correcting Time continues in all areas of your societies. Watch and you shall see and know that you have been made aware and admonished and so be not afraid of what shall come to pass. All trial is for growth and lessons to be learned. You are not alone, personally, locally, nationally, globally. Rest assured in this knowledge and be at peace. Christ Michael sends His love and overcare upon you all. Your teacher and guide, Bertram.
Session 31
April 25, 1999
TARA: Do you have a message this evening?
TEACHERS: Your teachers are here to rejoice with you in you initial contact with your sister Gerdean. She will be of great help to you as you hone your skills and deepen your desire to continue on in this Mission work of Christ Michael.
Rest assured, little one, we are here to love and support you in your efforts to be of service in this our Master Michael’s Mission. Many are being called worldwide. We were pleased indeed to perceive the efforts of your beloved friend to contact her teacher Mary. Continue to encourage her in her attempts. Sometimes perceived ideas of what transmitting/receiving is all about must first be laid to rest. The ability to T/R is not so much mechanics as it is attitude of heart, having an open and child-like expectation, trusting and believing. She too is called and much needed in Michael’s work in her area.
We are constructing a mighty grid work of transmissions all across your world and you are all becoming our base points of contact. Greatly does this world need the teachers that Michael is supplying to your planet home of nativity, both invisible and visible. We admonish you once more to continue in your studies. We were indeed pleased to see your beloved friend commence her study of the life and teachings of Michael today. She is indeed creating her foundations of understanding of this revelation to all mankind, and the life and teachings of her master Michael. As she gains confidence and enlightenment, she will also do very well in her calling. Continue to encourage her in your loving service to her.
We rejoice in the progress being made in your area, little one. Your area Study Group is indeed ready for the Teaching Mission to become an integral part of their lives. We have indeed been preparing you to be of service to them. You will overcome your initial fears at transmitting audibly. It will become as natural feeling to you as you now feel with this present method of transmitting. All is going according to plan and the Mission is ever going forward.
We are all indeed pleased with the progress of all of Michael’s children. Lives are being changed and will continue to be changed for the better. The Correcting Time is bearing much fruit. Continue to grow in faith and trust day by day, overcoming and learning the lessons presented to you in your daily walk of life. We will bid you good evening now and thank…(?)