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HAM17- Collection2: Malcom & Muriel-Sessions 11-15

1999-08-12-Collection2: Malcom & Muriel-Sessions 11-15
Hamilton #17


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Collection, Malcom & Muriel
o 1.2 Group: Hamilton TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Bertram, Malcom, Muriel
o 2.2 TR: Tara Logan

Session 11
 August 12, 1999

TARA: Malcom, I understand that you are my personal teacher, but I am not sure just what that means, that is, am I allowed to ask your advice on personal issues in my life of a material nature? I would like some clarification. I have been dealing with some personal issues other than spiritual growth and physical health, which has to do with finances and appropriate decisions concerning taking on a debt for a new car. I do need a dependable car as I expect to be doing more travelling in the future, especially transporting clients who are very ill and also more involvement in the Urantia Movement in other areas and cities. Have I made the right decision on buying this car in spite of these initial and costly expenses trying to get it certified? If this is an inappropriate question please tell me. Also has my attitude been right? I didn’t feel I was over spending initially, but these extra costs have been back breaking and I hate to be so dependent on my son. I truly needed the computer more for the work and now there is no money!

MALCOM: Little one, little one, how you fret! Did not the Master say that all good comes to those who love God and obey His will? There is nothing wrong in having nice things in your physical life. The wrong is in the love of them. We do not see you loving these things but possibly enjoying them too much when other pressing duties are at hand. We are not harshly reprimanding you here, but bringing to your attention in a most gentle way that you must always strive to restore balance in all things. Did not the Master provide time of recreation for His disciples and are you not His disciple today in His present mission?

All will work out in time. Indeed, are you not learning some strong lessons in patience here? Overcoming obstacle after obstacle in getting you new purchase on the road. Little one, we desire that your vehicle be absolutely road worthy. Did we not care for you that your breakdown occurred right in the garage parking lot and we did not let you leave on your long journey until this matter was looked after, the car breaking down again on the lot at the highway entrance? It was not meant that you travel this day, so do not be discouraged nor disappointed. We understand that this trip is not just for yourself, but for your friend Cheryl also.

Tara, we do not want any thing to disrupt or deter the work you two have been called to do for the Master. You are most certainly under Christ Michael’s over care and He has charged us to be your teachers and guides and protectors as is His angelic hosts which surround you daily. Did not Tomas tell you that we do literally watch over you even from the tree tops! You are NEVER, NEVER alone! Little one, believe us that we are here to aid and help you in many, many diverse and unexpected ways. No, it is not improper to come on line and ask for personal advice or assistance. We are ever here to serve and help and direct you.

Regarding finances, we know that you are very limited and so does your loving son and his wife. They love you dearly and want to see you about and active and safe in your pursuits and desire that you have dependable transportation. They will see you through and when the time is right do not doubt the tools that you need for this work in your home office will also be supplied. So go in peace now and be thankful for all the love that surrounds you from so many sources, sources, that you are not even aware of now. All will go well now and you will have a safe and eventful journey.

We look forward to your visit with your beloved Cheryl, and also to the Urantia Retreat in Flesherton with other Urantia Brethren. We will rejoice and enjoy those times with you. I hope this has helped answer some of your concerns for now. Call on us. You KNOW that we will answer you. The peace and love of Christ Michael we leave with you. Ever in His service and in service to you, Malcom.

TARA: Thank you so very much, Malcom.

Session 12
 August 24, 1999

TARA: Dear Teachers: I am still feeling elated and in a state of ecstasy from all the experiences shared at the Silver Springs Retreat Center, at the home of Derrick and Sue Tennant, this past weekend, there to celebrate the birthday of our Lord and Master Son, Christ Michael! It was my first ever meeting with brothers and sisters from areas far and near. It was like we already knew each other and the love between us all was so powerful and wonderful! It felt like a real taste of what the morontia worlds and eternity will be like!! EVERYTHING was beautiful from the wee babe to eldest “faither,” from the beautiful surroundings supplied by Michael to the man-made architecture of the center homestead.

All weekend truth, beauty and goodness enfolded us! It was so hard to leave, so hard to say goodbye, yet we knew we would all be together again possibly in this life and also know each other for all eternity! I thought of you, my teachers and somehow sensed your presence. It was a spiritual and study time, yet a feasting and recreation time also. All was conducted in such beauty and harmony and a wondrous out flowing of love, fellowship and brotherhood honouring the Fatherhood of us all!

TEACHERS: We are your teachers, Bertram, Malcom and Muriel. Yes indeed we were there in your presence as was Michael, Machiventa and a host of other teachers and visiting celestials on Urantia that weekend, passing through. We did experience with you the joy and lightness and love enfolding your festivities.

Michael was indeed pleased and honored and immensely enjoyed His time with you all, from strolling among the wee ones fishing in the pond to enjoying your frolicking karioke night, from listening to your joyful heartfelt singing and dancing to your solemn communion with Him in bread and drink. Never doubt His presence among you, His most beloved children on Urantia. The light of God, indeed, surrounded you, the love of God enfolded you, the power of God protected you all, the presence of God watched over you. Where you were, HE WAS!!

Little ones, we were all most pleased with all your weekend activities. Did you not get a glimpse of what Light and Life will some day be like on your beautiful Urantia? All living in beauty, harmony, love and trust as brothers and sisters, all honoring and loving and desiring to live according to the will of the Universal Father! The “hand of God” is, indeed, working in the affairs of men, readying His willing children for the future feeding of His flock, preparing teachers and leaders to carry the Gospel to all corners of the world, each in their own and special way.

Congratulations on a job well done, to this gentle and loving, gracious and dedicated couple! We will leave you now to savor still this beautiful experience and we will look forward to sharing with you the activities planned for the coming Sunday gathering in Hamilton. We are your teachers now, and forever, in the service of Christ Michael, Bertram, Malcom and Muriel

Session 13
 August 28, 1999

TARA: I feel there is a message for this evening. I have felt this prompting over the last few days. I must beg you understanding and forgiveness if I have been remiss putting other projects ahead of this responsibility. I felt also the urgency to complete other projects in preparation of the meeting tomorrow.

MALCOM: Indeed we have missed our communication with you, little one. We are forgiving of course, and not task masters! We do understand your limitations in your time space environment and everything does revolve around priorities and time limitations. Your priorities were just as you were still involved in preparation for your meeting tomorrow and in loving service to your family and even in your time out this morning to have productive and challenging conversation with another child of God who is also trying to live in the ways of truth and is himself a seeker of truth.

We do certainly look forward to your Teaching Mission Celebration of Michael’s Birthday tomorrow. This will be your first meeting with other transmitter / receivers in Michael’s Mission. Greatly have you looked forward to this meeting, and we also understand your hesitation and yes fear of taking part verbally if called upon. This is only natural for as of yet you have not had experience in a group of people especially other t / r’s. Do not let this distress you, little one, for we are here beside you and will not let you fail as you will to do His will. Just be of good cheer and open to our prompting if we desire a message for the group. We are all here dedicated to the doing of the Father’s will and we are all in service to Him upon this plane of learning here on Urantia.

We have taught you and you are now prepared, so be not anxious. As Tomas has told you, “You will do well.” No one is here to judge you or harm you in your service of the Master. We are all here dedicated to the doing of the Father’s will, to the furtherance of His Kingdom on Earth, to the furtherance of the success of the Michael’s Teaching Mission on Urantia.
So now be at peace and have a peaceful rest this night. I ever remain your friend and companion and guide, Malcom.

TARA: Thank you Malcom, for your encouragement and kind words of understanding.

Session 14
 September 2,1999

TARA: I woke this morning feeling there was a new message for us. Can I be of service today?

MALCOM: Yes indeed little one. We have desired contact with you especially after your most joyous experiences with your brethren over the last two weekends. These have been firsts for you, and new steps forward in your work in Michael’s Mission. We now want you to go forward renewed and strengthened in your faith in Michael and His mission on earth today. It was our pleasure to have Bertram’s teaching base acknowledged by our most gracious leader, and head of staff, Machiventa Melchizedek.

There is indeed much work to be accomplished and many more workers are needed in the fields of the Master where you are. Precious little ones are being called and have been prepared for the coming of this new dispensation now opening up.
This mission and its effects upon Urantia is only now being recognized and felt by the awakening souls, seeking to do Fathers’ will in their lives, those seeking to be of service in whatever capacity called. Together a mighty work will unfold for the betterment and enrichment of Urantia in the coming years. The ground work is being laid with firm foundations. Many are being tried and tested, taught and edified in their personal correction times.

The Fifth Epochal Revelation is being rooted and grounded in faith. The birth pangs have been horrendous; the birthing process now nearing completion. Now little ones, it is time to rise up and begin to walk in childlike faith, each day growing in the fruits of the spirit; each day growing towards mortal, morontial and spiritual adulthood. Indeed have you been taught these many months the importance of these spiritual qualities, for they are in essence the very nature of the Father and He desires all His children to “become perfect as He is perfect.” By these spirit qualities, these fruits in your life, you do express the very nature of Godlike-ness in your personality, as children of the living God. You set an example before others of righteous living; of peace, love and harmony in your life.

This was indeed what you were all experiencing at the Silver Springs Retreat and also in Hamilton last Sunday. Experiencing life in love and harmony and peace among one another yet in your diversity, each bringing their own individual beauty and strengths and service. Each contributing in their own loving special way to the peace and enjoyment of all.

Indeed was it hard to say good bye and go your separate ways once more back into your spheres of daily reality, of work and responsibilities of human life and survival. It is hoped that each carried away renewed hope and love and the prospects of a new beginning, a new year of goals to be achieved in the furtherance of the work of God; in the work of Michael’s Mission; in the work of renewing your souls with an increased abundance and blossoming of the fruits of the spirit in your lives.

We see new and expanded growth over the next months and years for each and everyone of you, and in this, Michael’s Mission on earth today, right where you are in your own arena, in Bertram’s base of service. Many more areas of service are opening up worldwide, many more are now being called to service. So go forward now firmly grounded in revelation, truth and knowledge; ever with beauty and goodness enriching your souls; ever enfolded in the love and over care of the Father for ever more.

Just as we have celebrated the beginning of His fourth revelation of his personal presence two thousand years ago; likewise now let us celebrate the beginning of this His fifth revelation now delivered to us, with renewed dedication and love to Him for His continued love and service for all mankind. We would bid you good day now. May Michael’s peace and blessing rest upon you all. Your teacher and guide in service to all, Malcom

Session 15
 September 6, 1999

TARA: In the stillness this morning I felt a strong prompting that a lesson was forthcoming from you, our teachers. I look out my window and the trees are yet green but out front, leaves are already falling in the drive. Tomorrow my grandchildren start back to school. It is as if we are starting on the final count down to year 2000. Also we are nearing one full year of teacher communication in this manner in Bertram’s teaching base. It has been quite a year!

MALCOM: Yes indeed, little one, it has been quite a year for you! For us! For the Mission of Michael worldwide! We do all grow and mature together in this mission. Each contributes to the whole, and indeed to the Supreme! As you realized in the stillness this morning, we have been laying foundations, solid building blocks that will accelerate growth in this mission base in Southern Ontario and indeed throughout all the world.

As more is understood, more will be required and the capacity for understanding and serving will be increased. More and more knowledge is flowing to all of you now because you are able to absorb and understand more. Gradually you are all becoming more efficient at time management, self discipline and setting priorities, yet do not forget the need for recreation, work and service, along with your pursuit of knowledge and truth.

Always must you remember to set time for being with the Father in the stillness. This is your anchor, your root, your starting point for each day. From there you flow upward and outward in love and service. When your priorities are in order then is your life in order and in harmony. Everything flows smoother and in harmony with the will of the Father, when you ask that He be an integral part of each moment of your day. Then shall you walk with God in the awareness of His presence with you and He shall direct your path in your service for Him among His little ones brought into your sphere of influence. He is indeed the vine and you are His branches. You have been pruned and nurtured and fed and now must you produce fruits of His spirit in your life. His spirit essence will flow through you, His mind, His nature will become a part of you.

Thus do you experience soul growth in your struggles in life, in your nurturing process. It is for you to be a willing branch, naturally yielding to the flow of love coming into your very nature, into your own personality, from your First Source and Center. Thus are you on your way to “becoming perfect as He is perfect.” We, your teachers, have been sent to you to assist in this nurturing process. So long have you been undernourished and impoverished on your sphere of nativity. All that is in a process of correction and will continue so, as more and more help arrives to assist the work of Michael in this mission and in all other true spiritual endeavors overseen by Him worldwide. Rest assured all is going according to plan.

Michael is most pleased with the progress of His mission and in the growth of His children being called now, being prepared for service now, and in the immediate and far future. We must all go forward now in dedication, in faith and love for Michael, and His Mission on earth today, each willing to do our part in His service. We are here united as a team to see this mission come to full fruition, each one doing his part faithfully, patiently and in perfect harmony with the will of the Fathers.

The little ones are returning to school and the year is indeed marching on with new beginnings and yet we can rejoice in the fruitation of the year now passing, both personal and in the work worldwide. Rejoice, rejoice and be exceeding glad for the love and mercy of the Fathers upon us all. I will leave you now, bidding you a very prosperous and rewarding day.
Ever your teacher guide and companion, Malcom.

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