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HAM6- Collection2: Bertram & Malcom Sessions 1-5

1999-01-01-Collection2, Bertram & Malcom Sessions 1-5
Hamilton #6

• 3 Session 1
o 3.1 Preparation
• 4 Session 2
o 4.1 Diversity
• 5 Session 3
o 5.1 New Age
• 6 Session 4
o 6.1 Isolation
• 7 Session 5
o 7.1 Free will
o 7.2 Trust

Topic: Collection, Bertram & Malcom
Group: Hamilton TeaM
Teacher: Bertram, Malcom, MuriEl
TR: Tara Logan

Session 1

TARA: Today is the beginning of a new year. Is there a new message for us regarding this year ahead of us as we count down to the year 2000?

BERTRAM and MURIEL: Greetings little one. It is such a pleasure to be with you again on this new beginning. May this coming year be a period of growth in the spirit for all of God’s children all around this beautiful globe we call, Urantia. Great is the need for peace, for harmony, for love, for co-operation, international trust and a true spirit of good will among men.

Pray daily for the Kingdom of Heaven to come on earth. Prepare yourselves now to be the loving examples of His peace on earth; for only the peace offered by Christ Michael can truly bring this world to the brink of Light and Life, for which we all pray. You are truly His vessels of light to the world. Do not underestimate the part you are all called to play and will partake in.

As we have said to you so many times, we have come to prepare you, to guide you into the paths of truth and righteousness. To expand your understanding so that those you meet every day in your daily walk in life will see the better way of living, and serving and loving one another.

As you demonstrate Michael’s way, then will peace and love spread abroad throughout your world Then will corrections be made for the betterment of all who share Urantia. When you truly become your brothers keeper in your hearts and their needs are fully recognized and supplied by the works of your own hands, working together in unity and harmony no matter what the task at hand, then will prosperity and abundance come to all.

Do not fret and despair at the magnitude of the work at hand. How shall we feed the poor. How shall we clothe them, nurture them, educate them? How can we lift them up to where even their basic needs are supplied? By working together as brothers, caring for the whole family. When one suffers, all suffer. Through united worldwide effort much can be done to feed the hungry, the starving, heal the sick and clothe the naked on your world.

You can start right where you are. Be mindful of the very poor even on your own doorstep. Listen and be aware of the pleas you hear. They are your brothers no matter what their circumstance. How many will die in the bitter cold on the very streets of your city? How many homeless are there in your cities? How many children go to school hungry each day ? How can you help? Seek where you can offer your loving service. Ask the Father within to guide you in your service.

Only by changing your own attitudes towards the poor can you hope to be of loving service, unconditional loving service not seeking reward or praise or recognition. But realizing that they, your brothers, your unfortunate brothers, are also children of the living God, children of the family of God. When you serve those less fortunate in any manner you can, you are surely serving the Father and acting according to His will.

There is much unity in diversity. Many loving people, who aren’t aware of our mission are also doing their part to bring this world peace and prosperity. Always honor these efforts of bringing brotherhood on earth. Work together in unity and give support when and in whatever way you are able.

Much will be accomplished in the harvest fields of the Father in this coming year. Be joyful and do all to the glory of the Father and to his Son, Michael and Nebadonia. We leave you now in the peace of the Father that you have come to know. Pray that all His children will someday live in this wondrous new way of light and life and love, that is daily becoming apart of your new life in Christ Michael as He intended it to be, lives shared in the acknowledgment of the Fatherhood of God and the true worldwide brotherhood of mankind. This vision of unity is what we will strive for in the coming year, the family of God becoming visible on earth. May Michael’s peace be upon you all. Bertram and Muriel.

Session 2
January 5, 1999

BERTRAM: I have a message regarding UNITY IN DIVERSITY, for you. We closed last time, expressing our hope and vision for unity on Urantia. Unity doesn’t mean conformity There is much unity in diversity as you can see all around you The Universal Father, in His infinite wisdom created diversity throughout all His creations.

In your studies of science and cosmology you have learned that there is great variety in all things created. No two snowflakes are alike, yet they make up a whole, which is beautiful indeed as you can see in your most recent snowfall. Each individual has unique and diverse fingerprints, no two are ever exactly alike. There are different and diverse creatures and species and yet there is still unity within each family. Ponder the insects, birds, animals, fish and mankind himself. You are all different, yet make up a complete and whole human race in your diversity. Rejoice in the truths of your differences, in the variety of each and every child of God. Appreciate and love one another in your diversity and realize you are all a part of even a greater extension of diversity in unity throughout the universes.

It is of utmost importance that you accept and learn to love one another, now in this life, for in accepting your present realm of diversity, you will be better able and prepared to meet and accept the diverseness of the worlds beyond. Take to heart and apply the lessons taught now for there is also divine purpose behind them. The Father wills that you be come perfect and in your ascent to Paradise, in the worlds you will visit, you will meet and experience much diversity and you will see unity in all its increasing perfection.

As mankind begins to accept and love his brothers and sisters who share his beautiful world in all its beauty and diversity, and begins to live in harmony with one another, then will peace come to those of good will, who do not judge one another or try promote only their own ways, but love one another and accept the brotherhood of all. Acceptance and tolerance are worthy attributes of a child of God. Worthy fruits of the spirit that foster peace and unity in all your diversity.

True unity in diversity fosters enjoyment and happiness to your evolving soul! What a mundane, dull, repetitious, boring life you would live if everyone believed exactly the same, looked the same, thought the same, lived the same way. In His infinite wisdom the Father has decreed diversity throughout all the cosmos. Even the heavens are diverse in their beauty of stars, suns, nebulae, of every color, size and activity.

All is there for you to experience in your climb to Paradise! As you have read in your text even the central universe in all its perfection is diverse, each of the one billion worlds is different! You can not even imagine it, what the Father has planed for you to experience! All the more should we praise Him and be ever thankful for His love for us to have created for us such diversity to enjoy for all eternity. It is a friendly, warm and loving universe, of which we are all a part. The journey home will be an adventure worth striving for and you will ever rejoice in the great diversity you will experience, in all its unity and wholeness. I leave you now to ponder this lesson, each one come to an appreciation of diversity in unity now, Bertram.

Session 3
New Age
January 8, 1999 A.M.

TARA: Am I really receiving messages from you Bertram, Malcom? How can I really know? I do not want to mislead or misrepresent the truth, the Teaching Mission, or the will of the Father. I am asking again how to trust and know that I am not being mislead. I would feel terrible if I were to mislead and harm those I love, my spiritual brothers and sisters who might someday read what I believe I am receiving from you. Please give me a definite answer to the validity of these transmissions.

BERTRAM: Our little one, have we not told you over and over, we are here! You need not fear! You ARE receiving OUR WORDS meaningful for you and your brothers and sisters on Urantia. We are very pleased with the progress of you all. We would not harm any of you or mislead you. You must trust in our sincerity also, just as we trust in yours.

This is not your work. Neither is it ours. We are all in the service of the Father and Christ Michael. We are the custodians of the plan they have set in motion eons ago. We are here to oversee and guide you in those plans and purposes for you, that you may all, someday achieve your divine destiny. You have chosen to be a part of this Mission. It is because you have chosen and are willing, that you are called now to serve in this manner. Do not think it unusual. This method of communication seems unusual, only because your planet home has been in isolation for so long. Now that the spiritual circuits are being opened once more, many more will become accustomed in communicating in this way.

You are setting an example and you can rest assured, we are truly here to guide and teach those who are willing to hear. Each of you “hear” these transmissions just a little differently and express us just a little differently. Remember our most recent lesson on diversity? With time you will be better able to distinguish each of our personalities.

It is the MESSAGES that you hear that is the important thing to be considered. We use your own individual methods of expression, but it is the TRUTH of those expressions that one must be mindful of. Consider:

  • — Is it consistent with the life and teachings and faith of Christ Michael?
  • — Does the Spirit of Truth validate the messages received?
  • — Do they ring true?
  • — Are they consistent with what you have been taught in the Fifth Epochal Revelation, your Urantia Book?

Little one, you are in sync with us. You need not fret your self that this is a genuine transmission. Continue to do your service, in a loving and trusting, child-like attitude and you will do the Father a great and much needed service in this stage of the Teaching Mission.

There is much work to be done and still so few workers in the fields. As you learn to truly trust in your calling, you will go on to perform even more service for your brothers and sisters in your own arena there on Urantia, if you so will. It is because you are willing and able to do so, that we are using you in this way of service.

Even we were called to come here to serve you in this way because we were also willing and able, and volunteered to do so. It is our pleasure to be able to work with you, and we rejoice in your response and in your own willingness to serve in this way, so that together we can accomplish and do the will of the Father on earth today, at this most critical time in Urantia’s history.

This present time is heralding the beginning of a new age on Urantia, a great time of correction for all of mankind. Watch and you will see. Be forewarned so that you will not be dismayed at what shall transpire over the next year and the years immediately following the year 2000! You need not fear, it is NOT the end of the world. Severe correcting will be made. More and more of humankind will turn to right and moral ways of living and surviving.

But it is important for you to change your own ways and attitudes now, to learn and to be examples of righteousness on the earth. So show forth the better way of loving service towards all. Go back to your rest now little one. We will contact you again later today. I am Bertram.

Session 4
January 8, 1999 P.M.

BERTRAM: We are pleased, little one, to be with you once more this evening. The coldness of winter has settled upon your area of Urantia and tonight there is the beauty of a fresh new snowfall. You have felt somewhat isolated today. We can draw an analogy to this isolation with the isolation of your planet in the universe. Like the snow, your world has been covered in default and rebellion. You have literally been in darkness, under your blanket of sin and evil.

You have not been aware of the greater universe and universes of which you are really a part. You had no way of knowing your true purpose and destiny, the true plan of the Universal Father for all his children on all worlds. Your world has stumbled and faltered in the darkness of ignorance and superstition. Even when truth was partially revealed, it was misunderstood and perverted in its understanding, and so you have had a mixture of truth sprinkled throughout all religions on earth. A little light was indeed better, than none at all.

So never must you judge your brother when they do not seem to see as clearly as you do today. In the Fifth Epochal Revelation more has been revealed to your world now, than has been possible in ages past. It is not because you were more worthy to receive expanded truth, but that mankind has now developed to the point where his understanding is such, he CAN understand.

In the days of the Master, the apostles were taught directly by Michael, Himself, yet they could not grasp completely what He was trying to reveal to them. The subsequent scriptures were not a complete revelation, just as the Urantia Book is not complete today. You are given what you are able to understand for now which is needful for your soul growth, and for the advancement of the nations on earth today. The quest for truth is an ongoing experience for all to enjoy.

Now, as the Spirit of Truth spreads over Urantia, more and more light will come to the nations, and a richer and fuller and more satisfying life will be experienced by all. Light and Life will dawn upon Urantia and the epochs of darkness will be no more. The golden dawn of a new age for mankind will finally arrive. A time of true peace and harmony will prevail, as your world is united in brotherhood of all, and all come to the realization to the divine Fatherhood of all, then will there be less and less darkness.

The Father loves you more than you can ever know and has sent you this expanded revelation of truth, for you to study and to understand, and we are here to help, guide and direct you in your study, and in your understanding. Call upon us. We are here to serve you, in the service of the love of the Father, and His divine son, Christ Michael. We will labour together to bring their plan to fruition on the earth, to bring light and life to all nations and into the hearts of all men of good will. The Father’s peace we leave with you. We bid you good evening. I am Bertram.

Session 5
Free will
January 12, 1999

TARA: My mind was really in a whirl this morning, Malcom. Could you come and help me sort out all these issues? I know you understand. Sometimes I feel so isolated from those I love. I feel I really fall down in being able to express my love. How can I be of more help to my son? To Cheryl? To my friends so far away? There are also spiritual issues that need clarification. I truly feel I have found the ultimate “truth” revealed to us today in the Fifth Epochal Revelation. Help me to get these thoughts and issues into some kind of order. Thankyou.

MALCOM: Our little one, you are so near and dear to us in you loving attitude and quest for truth. Long have you searched and great is your desire to share.

As we have explained to you, all will be made very clear to all, in time. You need not fret. We have also told you of the value of expressing the ”fruits of the spirit” in your life, showing forth your confidence, trust and faith in this revelation from the Father. As yet His revelation is not as wide spread or as well known as the ancient scripts. The Christian teachings have tried to keep alive many of the concepts of Christ Michael, as they have understood those concepts and how they were taught and passed down over generations.

You can read the story from the higher view in your text. The very truth of God can be known today, the divine plan of God has been made known and clear. You have come to realize this in your own life, but have patience in respect to your brother. Remember it was not so long ago that your understanding was not as clear as it is now, and even today not as clear as it will be. My child, you are all growing in faith and in understanding. Is that not why you are called, “faithers?”

Your friend is seeking on her own path, what is needful for her at this time. Do not worry about her or be over much concerned. She also is in the loving care of the Father and is seeking. We all learn in different and diverse ways. As regards to your son, realize he too is learning the lessons needful for him at this time. Lessons can be hard and very difficult to bear, as you realize from your own life, but all must persevere.

We are not at liberty to give specific lessons that is to tell anyone exactly what to do. We give lessons of right action, right attitude, right thoughts, concepts and truth. It is up to each individual to apply those lessons in their lives, as they see their application.

We enlarge upon the concepts of truth, beauty, and goodness, and their levels of application. Do you understand? We would not for example tell someone not to take this or that job, marry this or that person, or that such a thing will happen tomorrow if one do this or that. Humankind has free will which must not be violated. That is the Father’s divine mandate. Of course we mourn and suffer with each of you, when we see your actions bring on sorrowful consequences, when it could have been avoided had you known, believed and obeyed the wise counsel of the Father.

But therein lies the difficulty under which your world suffers. The vast majority do not know the truth, and those who do, don’t always understand it clearly or refuse to obey and apply it, as often it takes trust, faith and confidence in the love of the Father, that as a parent, He guides us for our own good. So the lessons learned must often come by trial and error.

It is within the power of each individual to change his destiny. He has the divine right to choose. The life anyone lives is a consequence of the effect of choices made one at a time day by day, moment by moment. These decisions and choices and actions all go back to thought concepts regarding self, God and ones outer environment. Goes back to attitude and the experiences that shaped those attitudes.

Our thoughts can be changed, if one is willing and wants to change; until then nothing can bring about change, or until the consequences become so great, the suffering so great, that the will to do something about it becomes strong enough to start a new direction. For you, little one, you must be patient. Maybe now is a time to begin our next lesson on the “fruits of the spirit,” confiding trust.


Confiding trust is essential to your spiritual growth. Not only must you trust the Father, but also your brother and sister and yourself! And indeed, your celestial teachers, now come to guide you in service of the Father and Christ Michael. Without trust you could have hardly begun this present journey of ascension and progression. In trust you have accepted the truths of God and His love for you and His plan for you.

  • Trust leads directly to faith in the very teachings of Michael for all His children on Urantia.
  • Trust leads to the realization of the Father’s love and Michael’s mercy.
  • Trust leads to service to your brothers and sisters.
  • Indeed trust, confiding trust, is in complete harmony with all the fruits of the divine spirit.
    In trusting we find confidence in the Father and in the Son and in the Infinite Spirit.
    In trusting you will begin to trust in confiding in the Father fragment within you. You will draw closer to the Father in the stillness.
  • In trust you will find a new desire to be of loving service to your brothers and sisters, having confidence in the fact of their kinship with you, as children of the living God. In coming to trust and in confiding daily with the Father, desiring to know and to do the will of the Father, you will grow in the very “fruits of the spirit,” everyone, even if you are unconscious of that growth.

Have complete confidence in His love for you, for He loves you more than you can ever know. He has provided everything for you. In reality you trust Him with every breath of air you breathe, confident that the oxygen is there, your lungs are working efficiently, and your life will continue, moment by moment. Truly we do “move and live and have our being in Him.”

If it were not for the constant and infinite love of the Father, we would absolutely not exist, would not have this most precious gift of life and it’s potential destiny of eternal sonship. Well we are off to a good start! In your perceived isolation, Tara, do not lament, for you are truly not alone. Have confidence and trust in your future destiny and present calling. You are only “shifting gears” so to speak. New responsibilities, new friends, new adventures, a truly exciting time in your life, in your next decade and in the next millennium, is just ahead of you. Be at peace and dwell in confiding trust and faith in the Father and in Christ Michael. I bid you farewell this evening, Malcom.

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