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HMB1.4- Halfmoon Bay Part 2 – Sessions 22-29

1993-03-20-Half Moon Bay, Part 2 – Sessions 22-29
Halfmoon Bay #22-29  HMB #1.4

Note: Within these transcripts are several areas where the T/R relates their sensations, impressions, feelings and thoughts during the TR sessions which are green text. Many celestial lessons and responses are not identified and left as they appear in the transcript. When the celestial is identified they are capitalized and emboldened for ease for the reader. 


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Half Moon Bay, Part 2
o 1.2 Group: Half Moon Bay TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Signa, Olfana, Tarkas
o 2.2 TR: Susan Kimsey

Sessions 22 – 29

Session 22
Energy Concepts

Allow this connection to begin. Thank you for the purchase of this recorder. It will serve its function well. [I purchased a recorder with a clip-on mike and voice activation.] Tremendous changes can occur on your planet with the help of loving mortals Teaching Mission co-creative. Enjoy the fruits of your labors, S. The friends you make through the Teaching Mission are the quality of friendships that will grow as people learn to trust and have faith in this work. Sacrifice is not the concept we offer. Industrious, benevolent efforts in the Father’s name signify the quality of work we ask of you. Tremendous effort on our part is offered in the hope that you will respond equally with love and effort on your part.

The energy beginning to be felt in your hands again signifies God’s love pouring through you. The paper in Urantia Book helps understand healing forces. The Urantia Book that you read helps you to understand the mighty forces we use and manipulate to heal this planet. Paper 29 – The Universe Power Directors The Life Carriers have much to offer in love and service to Urantia. Many other celestial beings are using this energy now, also. Worship and Prayer and healing energy prayer on your part connects you in strong ways to this benevolent energy. We hope you begin to understand this process.

For too long, Urantians have seen worship and prayer as more rituals of observance of devotion. Indeed, the energy connections made in worship and prayer transcend any ritual pattern. They allow a direct connection to the Father’s power/love/energy that manifests throughout the entire universe. Holy words are another means by which this energy connects you to God. Understanding of all of this will come to Urantia as you grow in your intelligence and efforts to understand the Creator’s work. Many things can and will be taught to you if you will only come with open hearts and willing minds to learn. Every effort we make to which you respond brings such joy to our hearts!

Envelop yourself in the pulsations of energy that you feel. Remarkable things can come from our work together. Never doubt or question the Father’s ability to heal. His love for his children extends to all areas of healing. Remember to listen for every word carefully. Cause and Effect, Cause and effect needs to be broadened as a scientific concept. The first cause is always the energy of the Father. Allow F full access to the transcripts. He is a dear, beloved one of the Father. He is cherished. He is welcomed to the Mission. Your curiosity and desire to understand are honored and respected by us, F.

[F is a physicist, a long-time reader of The Urantia Book, and is very interested in the concepts of energy discussed in The Urantia Book.]

Trust your heart in this effort to understand. Many things will fall in place for you as you endeavor to understand this healing work. Be patient in your efforts. You will grow and transform in the process. Remember to guide yourself by the spirit of truth. Never question your ability to use this as a guide and judge of accuracy. Turn all doubts to quiet meditation. The Stillness Practice increases healing abilities stillness practice greatly increases your abilities in this work.

Trust this energy that you feel, S. It will not harm you in any way. Thern is becoming a good friend. His knowledge and guidance in this healing work are valuable tools for you to use in your own learning. Healers Healers linked together and sharing their knowledge and inspiration make a powerful body of knowledge from which others also learn. Energy circuit position Raise your hands. This position is also a strong connection. Energy can be channeled through a body. Feel the energy as it courses through your head. Open your hands.


Allow us to work with you now. Do you not feel a growing peace of mind? This is a part of the healing. Emotions rock your body’s balance. Everything you do on your part to achieve emotional equilibrium helps you to heal. Joy and happiness are easily balanced. The extremes of anger and worry are not. Conclude this sessions by placing your hands together and touch your forehead…Release your hands. You tire now. Trust your efforts in this work.
Olfana and Tarkas

Session 23
Teacher’s relationship to group

Allow this connection, S. Respect for your questions is acknowledged by us. Answers can come over time.

[I had asked if Tarkas and Olfana could be considered my primary teachers.]

Teachers mobility – Many teachers move from place to place frequently. You will be visited by Tarkas. Olfana remains with you as your regular teacher. This arrangement suits our needs currently. Flexibility is a hallmark of this Mission. We work with you in many ways, always seeking the best relationship possible for the work that we do. Others will come in time. The Father’s plan provides for many possible ways to uplift your planet. Recognize your role in this work, in this Mission, continues to grow and change as you open your heart to us. All things are possible with God’s love/power/energy.

Tell Thern not to worry about details of the Healing Time Healing Mission. These will come later as we see you grow. Listen for instructions soon. Remember to give attention to your own healing, S. Withdraw your efforts from allowing so much assistance to others (who have interest in the Teaching Mission.) They need to reach out on their part, also. Create a plan to improve your body’s health. Exercise is needed. Recovering your health is your goal. Attribute your healing to God’s love. Remember to praise him for his nurturance.

Try to understand the magnitude of this blessing. Enter this phase of your life with joy and gratitude. Doing God’s work is a great honor for all mortals. Know this well. The energy and colors you experience are part of the healing you experience, the healing you undergo. Allow us to do our work with you.

[I felt strong pulsations of energy begin in my hands.]

Chakra adjustment Raise your hands. Put them together.

[I held my hands, palms touching, over my head about three inches from my scalp. Energy TransmissionThe energy began to pulsate in my scalp. Slowly, I felt the urge to move my hands down over my face, my throat, my chest, my abdomen, and finally down to my groin. In each area, I felt a surge of energy pulsations. My whole body felt warm and somehow more comfortable when I was finished. As my hands moved away from my body, I felt a comfortable release of some kind.]

Slowly take your hands and release them. You tire now. Rest with this balanced energy.
Olfana, Tarkas, Others who care……Goodbye

Session 24
AIDS cure

Allow questions, S. We wish to work with you this way, also. Know that Thern is aligned with you in this work. Christ Michael on AIDS Recovering from AIDS will be a co-creative process. Assistance in this will come from Life Carriers. Natural herbs contain components yet to be discovered that will assist the immune system. Recently, work with these herbs has occurred. A schedule of events can be difficult to project because of human free will, but we hope this activity will prompt the discovery necessary within a year’s time.

Praise to the Father for this work! Caligastia is undone! Resistance comes from the medical community. They must learn to trust God’s plan, allowing others to help cure AIDS AIDS cure for. Never will this disease rage as Caligastia had hoped. Blessed be to the Father. His protection is complete. Remember, Thern, to endeavor to work with others who need this information. Our blessings are on you, Thern. You are a beloved child of the Father. Energies flowing through you express His love. You are an instrument of healing for Him. Use this power gently, my son. Christ Michael message from


CHRIST MICHAEL: Allow your hands to move to your groin. I had the beginning sensation of a bladder infection that morning. I felt pulsations of energy and warmth in my hands.] Release your hands. Remember to exercise, S. You have worked well. You may rest now. Flower essences speed the healing. Releasing you….

Session 25
Stillness practice

TARKAS: Namaste, we welcome you. This is the beginning of a collaboration we most heartily welcome. It is joyful to see your trust, your faith. The Father offers many ways to serve him. This is one we wish to share with you. Allow yourselves time to grow as a group. F is welcome as a member. D may wish to join eventually. Do not doubt your ability to work with us. All who come to the Teaching Mission purpose of Teaching Mission are needed, are blessed, are welcomed. There is much work to do to help your planet heal. Remember to practice the stillness Stillness Practice remember to. Open your hearts to the potentials of this connection with the Father. Regular practice allows us better connections in our work with you. Questions are welcome. Begin, if you wish.

A: Tarkas spiritual purpose Could Tarkas tell us more about his spiritual purpose?

TARKAS: I serve the Father.

S: “I serve the Father” is all I hear.

A: Does he have ways in which he prefers to serve?

TARKAS: Instruction of mortals is my function.

T: Can Tarkas tell us anything about his history?

TARKAS: I come from a planet devoid of the strife you face. Relax with this. S is trying very hard to hear. Do you wish further information?

T: Yes, it didn’t seem like you completed your answer. You were interrupted.

TARKAS: Allow me to ask what information you wish again.

T: We would like to learn more about the history of Tarkas, the better to understand our teacher.

TARKAS: Nothing of details allows or gives understanding here. My function as teacher is relevant in our relationship.

T: Are you afraid that information about your history might undermine your relationship with us as teacher? Is that why you don’t want to tell us any more?

TARKAS: Allowing responses can be confusing at this time for S. Protecting the connection with her is important. Patience is asked even on S’s part. This information will come later.

T: In order to maximize the use of our time together, what is the nature of the kind of question from us that would be most productive in your Mission?

TARKAS: Consider the Father’s love for you. Consider your relationship to him. Actions which encourage this relationship are what is called for now. Practice in stillness is important for all of you. Prayer, attention to your health, bodies, beginnings are just that. You will grow quickly if you start humbly. The Father’s plan includes, requires, commitment on your part with this Mission. That is all.

T: May I clarify something that you said?


T: Is it my understanding that since this is a beginning, that our primary focus should be to develop our listening skills for the Father’s messages as a beginning, before we begin to actively try to implement the Father’s will in our daily lives?

TARKAS:Allow yourself to focus your energies on your relationship to the Father. Growing in God-consciousness is always the perfect beginning to this work. Guidance will come through your Thought Adjuster. Thought Adjuster by choosing the connection with God every day. A.

A: Yes.

TARKAS: Recovering your balance and focus with your Family Relationships spiritual growth family is important work for you. Your heart functions well when there is connection for you with them. Distractions will always present themselves. Know the Father sees your desire to serve; yet, take time with your family. That will serve as a strong base from which your growth develops.

A: My family doesn’t seem very receptive to the Spirit of Truth. So sometimes it seems that my efforts are wasted.

TARKAS: Nothing of God-consciousness is wasted. Love, generated from your awareness of the Father, rekindles elements in R. Distrust and anger can be softened by patience and your resolute conviction that God is your primary guide. Your model to them is important. Scoffing or apathy are protections their egos reach for. Do not falter in your attempts to be loving. Show patience. Jesus can be a great model in this challenge. Remember his example to those who scoffed. R serves in ways he does not understand, but nothing is unnoticed of his good heart. Try to bring levity into your perspective on your family. You are a joyous Child of the Father. Bless your family with your own peaceful happiness. Do not doubt the power of this example to all of them.

A: Thank you.


T: Yes.

TARKAS:Is there a question you wish to ask?

T: There are many. One thing that I’m having great difficulty with, and that’s trying to successfully practice the stillness Stillness Practice difficulty with. I know that S has already gotten one message from Olfana about this once, but I don’t know, maybe it’s just the life I’m choosing to lead now in terms of my job and the fatigue that it renders on me, but I haven’t up till this point really felt that I’ve been successful in seeking the stillness, and if you have any advice or hints about how I might do a better job of it, I’m more than open to any suggestions you might have. I sincerely want to do that more than anything right now.

TARKAS: These are good questions that you ask. These questions promote your spiritual growth. This is the focus we ask of you currently. The Stillness Practice relax in Father’s arms;stillness practice should be seen as a moment to relax in the Father’s arms. Enter this state with a gentle trust. Expectations lead only to concerns that you may fail or waste time. The stillness is an opportunity to connect with the Father in many ways. Even for each person the experience can vary from one time to another. Regular practice encourages a familiarity which allows you to relax.

You have many prejudices against your body. You battle your energies often. Realize your body has great strength. Cherish the energy that goes through it.’Thought Adjuster communication with Thought Adjuster. Sometimes I feel when I seek within for answers, asking the Father’s guidance, that I do get guidance from my Thought Adjuster, and that voice from within that tells me that these things are right or something I’m feeling is correct. Do you have any way of knowing whether I’ve been successful regularly at communicating with my Thought Adjuster on that basis, or are these just answers that I’m coming up with from my own mortal consciousness?

T: May I ask another question?


T: This has to do with my relationship with my

TARKAS: We as teachers are not privy to the direct communications between yourself and your Thought Adjuster. However, we encourage your desire to listen. Always take what you hear in your mind and allow it to resonate within you. This is one way the Spirit of Truth also communicates. Sometimes prayer will allow further confirmation of any feelings or thoughts you ascribe to your Thought Adjuster. Often communications with mortals come more as inspirations of the moment as Thought Adjuster guidance, or a quiet knowing that comes back to you again and again despite upheavals of circumstances. The Adjuster experience is one that does not flourish easily in this life. Much remains mysterious to you about the Father Fragment. Be at peace with all of this. Know that God supports this relationship appropriately for your life experience here. That is all. Further questions are fine.

A: Tarkas, do you have anything you want to say to S at this time?

TARKAS: You grow well, Little One. Receptivity is not heightened by TR Process advice on sugar, though. Develop your discipline S. Much is asked of you because we see your desire to serve. Couple this desire with convictions of the integrity of our offered advice. You rationalize so well.

A: Could I ask one more question?

TARKAS:Please do so. We welcome your interest and growing trust, A.

A: Could you say any words to me about my life’s purpose, to help understand better what it is on this planet?

TARKAS: Your free will is always a great factor in what will come in your life. Predictions are only the tendencies we see, knowing your heart as we do. You may recall we said to you these energies will come in time. This is a possibility for you if you choose to work in this way. Allowing yourself many paths to the Father seems productive for you now; perhaps as time passes, your choices will narrow. This Mission can use your devotion and energy in many functions. Desire to serve opens up possibilities for you to follow. Prayer on this topic will encourage clarity for you. Remember, though, the energies are there for you to work with if you choose. Rest easy with this experience. Beginnings always are somewhat unfamiliar. Transmission is a possibility for all of you.

T: May we ask any more questions?

TARKAS: Yes, S is growing thirsty, but this is still comfortable.

T: Are we graced this evening with the presence of many other teachers besides Tarkas?

TARKAS: Signa helps with this transmission. Olfana is here and wishes to speak.

A: She may speak.

OLFANA:  My Dear Ones, the joy we feel at your willingness to work with us is great. Much needs to be done. Much can be completed with the help of willing and loving mortals such as yourselves. Your friendship, your love, is a basis on which we can build a loving contribution to the Father’s plan. Take S’s hands. Hold your hands together. Energy can pass through you. Teaching Mission purpose of My work in this Mission involves this energy expression.

Know that this is healing, benevolent energy from God the Father. You serve even by helping to bring more of this energy through yourselves and into the planet. Circuit opening is part of the benefit of this effort. Tremendous changes will occur. Tremendous hope can be restored to the mortals of this planet. Imagine the benefit of this gift to the world. Rejoice that you are willing to play a part in this plan of the Father. Praise God. TR Process”Trust this process”Trust this process; it cannot harm you. Christ Michael sends blessings.

Open yourselves to possibilities of change and transformation until now unhoped for on this planet. I leave you with blessings of peace. Practice the stillness. Take gentle steps in this plan, in this Mission. We love you. We have faith in your progress. Allow yourselves a time of beginning. Remember you are seeds, Little Ones. Allow yourselves to germinate. Allow yourselves time to send out roots into the soil of the Father’s love. Growth will come quickly once this begins. Take your hands, place them together in prayer as S is holding hers. This connection helps to generate attributes that allow this germination process.

Use this position as you practice the stillness Stillness Practice position of hands. Everything will fall into place over time. Do not worry about the pattern. Focus on your beginning and savor these moments in your growth. Namaste.


(At this point the tape ends, but Olfana encourages us to continue with the original intention of our meeting for that evening, which is to read and study the Course in Miracles)

Session 26
Melchizedek materialization

Allow this connection to begin. Regular practice in the stillness is important, S. Do not delay these efforts, if at all possible. The essences continue to help with this connection. Melchizedek Machiventa’s materialization;Machiventa Melchizedek’s appearance is a great event for your planet. Allow time for meditation on your part that morning. Recovering…Turning your attention from earthly matters to this great event is appropriate. Quiet meditation, receptivity, is fine. Allow time for this event to happen.

Nothing can occur without the cooperation of loving mortals aligned in their desire to behold this Morontial appearance. Requesting information from others is fine. Their experiences may differ. All your energy goes toward healing now. Rest your body. Goodbye.’Urantia Book lessons on faith The Urantia Book. Tell Thern forbearance is important at this time. Many differing viewpoints exist regarding today’s event. Machiventa Melchizedek assumed his role in this experiment, which functioned appropriately. Light waves drew energy directly from his Morontial body, causing interference with his materialization Melchizedek Machiventa’s materialization;. This did not preclude his exposure to the group from occurring. It impeded the mortal ability to see him.

Regardless of this problem, there occurred a remarkable demonstration of faith and trust among the believers in the room. Learning can come through disappointments also. We regret this occurrence’s failure to establish further credibility in this work, in this Mission. However, do not forget the many other manifestations of integrity that warrant your belief. Abide with us in our endeavors to materialize a Melchizedek teacher for you. This is not the only planned materialization. Other events will take place. Have faith in this Mission. God’s plan continues to unfold within the boundaries of free will choice and human faith.

Neglect not…Do not neglect to ponder the many challenges we all face in our attempts to do the Father’s will. Regrettably, some are hurt, some sorrow now; but, they will be cheered in good time. Remain constant in your efforts to spread the loving concepts of the Teaching Mission. God reaches toward you. Lift up your hands in faith toward him. Regular stillness practice helps in our efforts to facilitate the circuit opening. Everyone involved in this practice gives energy toward circuit opening. Remember…..We love you.

Rest now, S. Goodbye. Olfana, Tarkas, Signa Releasing you now.’Melchizedek Machiventa’s materialization; Machiventa Melchizedek did indeed materialize. Let yourself relax now, S. Remain patient with this work. ‘Color Visualization Purple Energy purple is Christ Michael energy announces my presence. Blessings to you, my child. Stay calm. Know that the Father’s plan continues to open, to unfold. Melchizedek Machiventa’s materialization; Naperville served as a lesson in forbearance and faith. Rescuing the event from human machinations was not my will.i.Christ Michael:on Machiventa’s materialization.

Allowing the outworking of events was deemed necessary, given many considerations. Peace of mind will come to many upon hearing the explanation of the light waves. The reason we did not say to turn down the lights was because Life Carriers did not anticipate this as a problem. Tremendous effort was unleashed, tremendous energy was unleashed in this event. Changes will occur now for your planet that would not have been possible to achieve before.

Realize the magnitude of this event. No one will doubt in time. All things grow according to God’s plan. This is true for your consciousness also. The Teaching Mission is providing opportunities for consciousness growth that many people have never experienced before now. All goes according to plan. You tire now. Rest, my dear child. Christ Michael.Healing Time Consider the possibility of many elements joining as one. This outreach toward healers is such a conception.

Thern has been told to anticipate an increase in healing powers. Such a possibility exists for others. Never forget that all this rests on the foundation of freewill choice. Elements of this plan will come later. Now is the time to ponder the potential of such an opportunity. Energies have been released which will cause major change for the good. You all truly stand on the threshold of transformational change. Welcome the opportunity to serve the Father. Allow yourself time to prepare for this role. Healthy Living importance of Dietary changes are called for.

Caffeine is not a calming drug for you, S. Relinquish your desire for coffee to us. We can help with this. Other changes need to be considered. Animal flesh causes some vibrational disturbance in you. Eat it with great moderation. We know you feel resistance to this advice. Bear with us; the rewards are great. Turn your concerns over to the Father in prayer. This can be a great unburdening for you. The possibilities of your group are growing. We welcome this new, expanded way to work with you. Everything moves at an appropriate pace. Rest assured, the Father’s plan is well-conceived. Enter into this with hope and good cheer. Place your hands on your chest.

[I placed my hands, one on top of the other, over my heart.]

Drawing deep breaths helps. This energy is God’s great love manifested. Praise God, the Life Giver!

He expresses himself with every movement in the universe, be it planets, created beings, or energies. Turn your attention to the colors Color Visualization.

[I saw small, gently moving spots of colors, like sparkle, pass across my field of vision for approximately two minutes.]

Receptivity continues to be heightened by Flower Essences important in TR process flower essences. Olfana is cheered by your consistent use of them. We know you tire. We will release you now. [By this time, it was about 3:30 in the morning, and I felt so tired, I didn’t even wait to see if I heard the names of any teachers. All I wanted to do was to crawl under the covers, and go to sleep!

[Flower Essences Alaskan flower essences you called about will further your knowledge. This was well done. [I had called that morning to Homer, Alaska to inquire about some Alaskan Flower Essences that were mentioned in my Peralandra Garden Workbook. I requested the catalogue be sent to me.]

Remember that lessons reviewed are lessons well-understood. Much advice has been given to you regarding your body and your health. Listen as Olfana speaks…Dear One, regard for your health Healthy Living evaluation of TR is important work for you. Lighten your resistance. Allow us the opportunity to demonstrate to you the integrity of our healing. Animal flesh should be eaten lightly. Remember this tonight.

[ I had just put a pork roast in the oven for dinner…]

Cravings for sugar or coffee can be helped by us, if you wish. Your face harbors a bacteria, streptococcus. Reduce the sugar in your diet. This will help your face heal.

[I have had a recurrent small patch of very sore pimples that breaks out intermittently on my chin by the left side of my mouth. The doctor has diagnosed it as “acne rosacea,” but the topical antibiotic I have used on it never seems to totally cure it.]

Never question your ability to work with us on healing. Please have faith. We love you. Olfana. Advice about the group is this: Proceed gently. Allow faith to grow. Bear no one resentment if they do not yet understand. Your support from them will come in time. TR Process and channeling The book you read gives helpful information about channeling in general.

[I was reading A Guide to Channeling and Channeled Material by Lily Andrews, Cassandra Press, San Rafael, Ca., 1990. It purports to be a channeled work, and has a great deal of practical advice about judging the value and authority of channeled information. It also has lots of suggestions about asking questions, and how to conduct a group session. It also refers often to reincarnation, and talks about the problems of contacting “lower astral beings.” I had asked before this session if they had any guidance to give me concerning this book.]


The Teaching Mission is somewhat different because of the opening circuits. Trance channeling is somewhat akin to your experience. Astral beings are not validated. These are mind projections. [??] Recover your faith in your experience with this work. Know that you know the truth in these sessions. Rest assured, we love you. Tarkas, Olfana, Signa, Others who care. Rest now, S.

Session 27
Melchizedek materialization

TARKAS: Allow this connection to begin. Remember, all mortals must operate on faith. This is the Father’s plan. Gather together those you trust and share this message. Allowing them to know this information will not deter or prevent the outworking of these events. Regular…normal longings to understand, to have guidance by all of you is understood. Those who hear this message from us will still need to decide its credibility for themselves. Never doubt this component of our Mission. Sl. can be told. Once they hear our message they will know if they know its truth…They will know that they know its truth for themselves. Everything will be managed by those in charge of communication among us. Others may or will receive this message too. Tarkas.

Session 28
Channeling discussed

Allow this connection to begin.

[I asked, “Please tell me who is speaking to me. Give me your name.”]

OLFANA: I am Olfana. Purposeful actions to help your planet is our Mission. Do not doubt the value of our work. Allow us opportunities to demonstrate the validity of your trust in us. Recognize the laws of God bind us, as well as you. Benevolent service is our goal. Consider your experience thus far with these sessions, S. Allow time for your perspective to grow, and your defenses and doubts to drop away. Caring support is A’s impetus for providing you with these books.

[A had given me A Guide to Channeling and Channeled Material by Lily Andrews, and The Gift of Healing by A. & O. Worrall.]

OLFANA: The channeling book discusses concepts, such as reincarnation, which are not well understood on your planet.

[The phone rang. I was going to ignore it, but I heard, “Pick it up.” It was my friend, Bob, who is also very involved with the Teaching Mission. After my call, I went back into the stillness.]

OLFANA: Regular efforts on your part to compose meaningful statements about the Teaching Mission in your discussions with others is acknowledged as helpful. You and Bob are forming a relationship with powerful implications for the future. Regulation…temperance, is called for in your divulgence of information about the Mission to others at this time. Willingness to cooperate with our instructions is appreciated. The book you read [on channeling] has concepts incompatible with our Mission. “Astral beings” Astral beings do not interfere, do not interfere with this work.

Recognize the integrity of this plan of redemption for your planet. Reincarnation not well understood Reincarnation exists differently from many historical explanations. The process of rebirth focuses immense energy on the present life. In a true sense, the only life that really matters is the one you are leading now. Too often, mortals cannot hold to this perspective when considering concepts of reincarnation. Let us help you heal now.

[I felt pulsations of energy in my hands, and held them up to my forehead and the bridge of my nose. These pulsations lasted for about 4 minutes. Then I said, “Thank you, Father, for helping me.”]

Allow your body to rest now. Your trip will be enjoyable, if you allow relaxation to occur.

[This was solid advice…I was going to Lake Tahoe for the weekend… with four teenagers in tow!]

Goodbye. Olfana and Tarkas.

Session 29

OLFANA: Allow this connection. We pause with you to examine your Family Relationships advice on family relationships. “Expectations are the fertile ground for resentments.” This is truth. Y especially struggles with this issue, allowing much resentment in his personality. Tension rises surrounding issues of control between you and T. Remove yourself from areas of dispute involving T and Y. Lessons exist for both of them in the outworking of their relationship. Sorrow surrounds Y regarding the divorce of T and his mother. Much remains to be worked out involving issues of trust for Y.

He and his father need counseling. T must remember experiences of his childhood in order to see Y’s frustrations with how he hopes events will work out. Both he and Y lack insight at times regarding how others view them. Intuitive powers in both of them are strong, but pride, stubbornness, and anger block this blessed gift of insight. Reopening issues of shared parenting with T will cause much defensiveness in T unless handled . .. unless you handle this with love. Ask yourself “What is my goal?”

Take time to remember Jesus’s example in his relationship with Peter. Truth can be heard best surrounded and protected with love. As for C, he is tender in his manhood. He allows emotions to storm through him. Use essences regularly. This can heighten his ability to balance himself emotionally. T also can benefit from essences, as well as Y. Recovering your equilibrium is important. Efforts to dominate the discussions with C often cause him anger. Relax in your manner with him. He and you are very alike emotionally. Rest assured, he loves you and wishes to see you happy.

Opportunities will come for C to establish his creative abilities. This will help him to balance outward gestures of defiance that are a part of the dramatic impulses of his nature. They run through him deeply. Remember how well you respond to feeling loved. C responds in this manner also. Do not lose patience with the concept that much of this will pass as both boys achieve adulthood. Your life will be less disturbed by their disequilibrium. Your relationship with T can stand on patterns of equality between you.

Soon much energy will manifest Energy Transmission. Feel your hands now. These vibrations are real. They have an almost magnetic sense. This is appropriate. Touching your fingertips is a connection. Draw your fingers apart. Feel this energy between your hands. This energy can/will/should be used in God’s healing work. You have an opportunity to bless others with God’s healing powers. Praise be to Him. Remember this energy. Ponder your challenges with C, with T, with Y, with H, with J. You can thrive and they will thrive to the degree that you remain in touch with the Father’s love. Never forget the power of his energy to heal emotionally also. Touch your face. Remove your fingers now. The energy is gone, but the area of your face feels the energy. You should rest now. We will discuss other issues about the channeling book later.


[S: Who am I speaking with?]

Olfana and Tarkas, Signa translates, Jun-el, Lucinda, Augustine, Rhon-el. Allow patience and compassion to rule your heart and mind. Absolve all from guilt. Ask them to look into their hearts for answers. Peace be with you. Our love for you all is great. Goodbye.

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