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ICC-MM 170625- Focusing the Energies of Divine Justice into Planetary Circuits

2017-06-25.  Focusing the Energies of Divine Justice into Planetary Circuits

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

June 25, 2017

Topic:  Focusing the Energies of Divine Justice into Planetary Circuits

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we thank you for connecting us together as one in the circuits of your LOVE and LIFE.  Today we set that intention to collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim as they work in the circuits of our planet’s consciousness to evoke more change to occur.  We gladly offer our energies of heart and we thank you for putting what we generate to good use.  As we center into our hearts, may we also be able to perceive the leadings of our Spirits to focus where they guide us and to render us more spiritually receptive to the energies of our Planetary Seraphim.  We thank you for this opportunity to serve.  May your WILL be done now.  Thank you. 

MANOTIA:  Greetings, my dear brothers and sisters!  This is Manotia.  I am so pleased to rejoin you again as we of the Urantian Seraphic Corps are pledged to guide your efforts today in those circuits of conscious co-creation in the WILL of the Father.  As you know, the evolutionary advancement of a material world is of utmost importance.  Each world has its own unique flavor, design, structure and plan to reach the heightened states of Light and Life.  Your world now is on the path to return to the original plan as it was designed by our Spirit Parents long, long ago.  Your world has progressed on this path of evolution, but there have been what you might call speed bumps along the way and it has altered your course of development in various ways.

There is a type of cynicism and frustration within the human heart.  There is a recognition of the ways of Heaven that is built in to your systems of consciousness to help you on your paths of personal transformative development.  The circuits of your world’s consciousness are receiving much light to correct that which has been out of alignment with the Father’s WILL, and you have stepped up to participate with us to further this correction, and we are grateful for your participation.

Take a few deep breaths.  Settle into your hearts.  Feel your love for your world as a collective body.  Each individual is dearly loved; and the relationship each individual has to the collective is fundamental to the continued advancement of this world toward this glorious stage of Light and Life.  But this frustration and cynicism is an impediment within the constructs of your world’s consciousness.  Some people sense a futility in their actions, feeling that ‘nothing I do has value nor will it create change.’  But this is not true.  You all have tremendous abilities to live lives according to the WILL of the Spirit Within.  You have a capacity for spiritual receptivity.  It is flexible, it grows, it expands through your own desires and intentions.  But as you know, there is mighty interference preventing more individuals to open to their potential—what is in their capacity and ability to co-create with Spirit.  And here is where we can step in, collaborate with you and bring in certain spiritual circuits to help people awaken to their potential.

Feel your own need and desire to live and develop your potential more.  There is an infusion we wish to share with you today.  It is a focus that you have used during your times of collaboration on the Magisterial Mission call, and we invoke this again inviting you to now focus on the energies of DIVINE JUSTICE.  Take a few deep breaths.  Allow these words to form in your mind’s eye.  Allow your hearts to open to the power of what is contained within DIVINE JUSTICE.  There is a quality of this spiritual energy that helps to activate you at certain levels of operation.  It will help to release some of the tension and pressure caused by feeling of cynicism and frustration.  For when DIVINE JUSTICE prevails within the human heart, it activates something within you of great value that speaks to your potential and says ‘yes, I can rise above this because is something and someone in me who is helping me achieve great things.’

As these words settle in, take them in.  Feel your desire for DIVINE JUSTICE to resonate within your hearts.  And then as you have done so many times before, let those words pour forth from your hearts, and if you wish to use that familiar visualization of these energies spiraling around the planet, invite them to go into areas deep within the subconscious memory patterns all around the world.  We will take what you provide and put them to our uses.  Let DIVINE JUSTICE stream forth from your hearts as we collaborate with you now, my dear brethren.  (Pause)

Your world is presently undergoing a period of adjudication.  There is spiritual pressure being applied upon the human mind and heart to help each individual awaken to the TRUTH and GOODNESS that lives within them that they may seek the Father and grow in Father-likeness.  As you know, this is a monumental undertaking.  But it is being done with great care and dedication to each individual, to help each person awaken and recognize the Spirit Within.  DIVINE JUSTICE is spiritual energy to foster this inner awakening—to help individuals recognize that the hand of Heaven is upon you and that there is awareness in the higher realms of your world suffering grave injuries and that restoration is being made.

This is a spiritual level of healing that is available to each individual.  What we are asking you to provide to us is that human desire for DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail within certain circuits of your world’s consciousness where the rebellion agenda has stood firm and resolute.  We invite you to feel your desire for this DIVINE JUSTICE to be seeded into those places that more untethering of these energies may occur and liberate more human minds and feed them with the awareness that DIVINE JUSTICE is indeed being applied here upon beloved Urantia.

While much of what we do is beyond your human understanding, it is significant that you generate these energies from your own desires because the more human will energy is applied, more change can be accomplished.  So continue to ask and invite these energies of DIVINE JUSTICE to gain greater strength into these circuits all around the planet where there is great need for this to occur.  We will do the rest.  (Pause)

This period of planetary adjudication is a phase of great unfamiliarity within the constructs of human consciousness.  There are certain disruptive components within this DIVINE JUSTICE infusion that begins to vibrate within certain mentalities of what you call the status quo to bring more spiritual vibrancy and luminosity to bear upon the human mind and heart.  This causes great internal confusion in an individual as the parting of the ways brings forth into a person’s awareness certain thoughts and feelings that have been suppressed, that have caused pain and confusion, fear and anxiety.  So this period of adjudication is being undertaken with great care, and we invite you to be more patient with one another as this period continues to fulfill its objectives.  Michael’s MERCY is prevailing here whether or not you understand or witness it, His LOVE for this world reaches down to the most erring individual with the intention and desire that this person would awaken to who they really are as a child of God.

You can help in this period of time by focusing on your desire for this DIVINE JUSTICE to reach into those places where this untethering of the rebellion agenda can be achieved to liberate the heart and mind on a wider collective scale that more individuals may respond to their spirits of truth, to hear the call of Michael saying, “awaken to who you are and to my love that is your divine birthright.”  And when that person awakens, what joy is there in the Heavens to see another individual begin this process of spiritual development and soul growth.  And it is through these infusions that this is accomplished and DIVINE JUSTICE begins to reign more resoundedly in the human heart and mind.  Continue to focus on this for a few more moments while we complete our objectives for this call today.  Thank you.  (Pause)

A new dawn is awakening within the lives of many more Urantians now.  A new way of being, of living.  As these energies of DIVINE JUSTICE continue to move through the circuits of your planet’s consciousness, do your best to be agents of change sharing these energies from your heart with your brothers and sisters.  You are all learning to be containers and conductors of Spirit, for this is what this world needs now—spiritual energy to move through all circuits: past, present and future that the divine plans for Urantia as conceived by your Parents and now up-stepped through Michael’s plans of correction can proceed apace.

Become more aware of your participation and obligation of cosmic citizenship to this Correcting Time agenda that we may use you in devoted service to your brothers and sisters that will thrill your hearts and satisfy your souls.  Drink in this idea.  Let it become a living, driving force within you.  Let not your own human limitations deter you from this, but move forth boldly in the assurance that you are all deeply loved and expertly guided to do your sacred work, wherever it takes you, wherever the Father within you guides you.  (Pause)

We have completed our objectives.  We thank you for your efforts, your faith, your devotion and your love.  We ask that you continue to help us during the times in between these calls to focus the Planetary Seraphic Corps and ask for the energies you generate from your heart to be seeded around the world for more change to occur and the Father’s WILL.

I will leave you now, my dear brothers and sisters.  Remember who you are and do your best each day to serve Michael during this correcting time of intense, intense change in the planetary adjudication of DIVINE JUSTICE.  I take my leave, now.  Good day.

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