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ICC-MM 180513- Mother Spirit expanding the Resurrection and Restoration upon Urantia

2018-05-13. Mother Spirit expanding the Resurrection and Restoration upon Urantia

Planetary Seraphim Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

May 13, 2018

Topic: Mother Spirit expanding the Resurrection and Restoration upon Urantia

T/R:    Donna  D’Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, this is a special day of remembrance of our human mothers and we put our attention on you Mother Nebadonia as our Spirit Mother.  We thank you for your presence pervading our minds and giving us the ability to be the sons and daughters of God living on this material world though your gifts of Mind.  As we collaborate with our Seraphim today may we be more mindful of your presence in our beings that we may engage with those mothering aspects of our abilities to share with our brothers and sisters.  We ask you to use this aspect of our beings to share with the world today that the world may receive more of that mothering and nurturing from you as we hold the focus and collaborate with our Seraphim.  Thank you for this opportunity to serve.  May your will be done.

MANOTIA:  Greetings, my dear brethren!  This is Manotia.  It gives me great joy to be with you today especially when many, many individuals are focused on remembering and honoring their human mothers.  We will use this energy today to amplify the circuits in which we operate to share this energy all throughout the circuits of planetary consciousness.

The focus today is simple.  I invite you to place your hearts’ gaze on your Mother—our Mother Nebadonia.  She is the environment in which we all live.  Her environment of the universe of Nebadon is very vast.  And you as humans are growing in some of the expansiveness that She provides to you that gives your minds the ability to be elastic: to grow, to learn, to thrive in your creative potential that is seeded in you from the Paradise Father.

All twelve sectors of seraphic life are now engaged with us in this circuit.  And, as you simply place your internal gaze upon your heart centers, feel that desire for you to be more expanded in Mother and for Her presence to pervade more of the circuits of human consciousness.  This world needs more mothering, and even though Mother is real and alive, here so much of the awareness of Her presence has been hidden or buried.  We are here to engage with your minds and your desires for more of this nurturing mothering presence to pervade the circuits of human consciousness even down to those areas where Her presence is unrevealed and unacknowledged.

Simply join with now through this desire of the heart. And if it is helpful see the word MOTHER gently pulsing in your hearts with the desire for Her energies to pervade the world, or you may simply envision the world being held in the word energy of MOTHER.  What is most important is to feel that desire for this world’s consciousness circuits to receive more of that mothering presence and essence that Nebadonia so freely imbues to this, one of Her dearly beloved and cherished worlds.  We begin.

The human heart is crying out for Mother.  By you holding this focus today you are helping us to engage with deeper and broader bandwidths of consciousness for Her presence to become more enlivened and operative throughout this mindal circuitry.  We also invite you to feel your desire for Her presence break through the ground to uproot all that is out of alignment with the Father’s WILL, that more hearts may open to the presence of their Mother within them to receive the love, the understanding, and the comfort they sorely need.  Let your feelings engage with this idea now as we move in you and with you as one.

During this period of circuitry reconnection of the Urantian system to the circuits of the universe, there will still be those planetary constructs that press upon the human energy system and still create feelings of separation or isolation or abandonment.  These rebellion forms are still operative on the planet.  But they are being outworked and it is through infusions such as these through our human and spirit collaboration wherein the errors of the past are being perceived within the human mind and heart.

It is indeed a very difficult time for many of your brothers and sisters who feel this pressure and do not recognize what is happening within them.  At the same time there is this resurgence of interest in Mother Mary and other representative forms of the Divine Mother that are now reaching into human consciousness to impart those concepts of what the divine (feminine) aspect of God has to offer humanity.

So what we invite you participate with us today is for more of this interest to prevail, this inquiry into the female aspect of Deity—that which you might consider to be those feminine attributes of nurturing, comfort and safety.  Nebadonia is much greater than these human attributes, and all we ask of you now is to simply honor your Mother today by asking for more of Her presence to pervade the planet.  We can help in this and add more of that spiritual circuitry to those areas of great need, both on a personal level and the collective.   Do your best to maintain that focus on MOTHER. Feel that desire for Her presence to become more fully operative in all dimensions of mind, even down to the embedded subconscious regions.

We invite you to simply shift your focus but maintaining that desire for more of Mother’s presence to prevail.  Place your gaze on the words and energies of RESURRECTION AND RESTORATION OF THE DIVINE PLANS UPON URANTIA.  Feel your desire for Mother’s energies to pervade in these very deep places of the evolutionary past, amplifying those human creations that have been aligned with the divine values of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY that have cultivated higher human ideals so that the good may be amplified and the error may fall away.  We know where these pockets of truth and goodness reside.  We need your desires for these to be amplified, for the desire of truth and goodness to prevail in the human mind that may diminish the taste for sin—to turn from the embrace of evil and error.  Let your hearts swell with the desire for Mother’s presence to envelope, saturate this world especially in those areas where there has been much resistance.

THE RESURRECTION AND RESTORATION OF THE DIVINE PLANS FOR URANTIA continue to unfold.  It is making an impact on the individual human mind, and it is also having an impact in the collective.  Soon you will see more evidence of its impact in the collective.  We have encouraged you to collaborate with us on a daily basis in your stillness for these energies to take deeper and broader root all through Urantians’ consciousness.  But now we add another element or flavor, you might say, that when you collaborate with us you are honoring Mother.  You are recognizing that it is Her presence, Her womb of LIFE in which we all live.  And She acknowledges this and shares more of her LOVE with all of us and our reception and perception of that love grows.  For we as seraphim, benefit from your human love.  It stimulates us in our work because now we are building more of those relationship bonds which are so fundamental to the outworking of the Father’s great plans.

We cannot encourage you enough to spend a portion of your stillness time with us.  And now with this celebration of Mother’s Day and you paying homage to your human mothers, we invite you to expand this into your daily stillness to honor Nebadonia and all of the gifts She provides to you—the means to exist, and when you do that we can respond and amplify these circuits of consciousness to feed more hearts and minds with truth, mercy, justice, love, compassion and peace.  As we have encouraged you before, do not underestimate the value of what you do but come into a deeper relationship with your Mother and allow Her to speak through you, clarify your minds, heal your hearts that you may convey that love to a brother or sister in need.

For now, continue to focus on THE RESURRECTION AND RESTORATION OF THE URANTIA DIVINE PLANS that we may complete our objectives today as Mother has more space to impart Her presence to Her children.

We have completed our objectives.  Thank you so much for your participation.  As you celebrate your Mother’s Day in acknowledging your human mothers, remember that it is your Mother Spirit in whom all life originates.  Honor Her today and take this honor into the coming days with the desire for more of Her presence to comfort and nurture Her children and to bring back more of that recognition that humanity is a member of the divine family of LOVE.

I leave you in Her LOVE, my brethren, and I thank you for your dedication to being the nurturers and the comforters of your brothers and sisters.  Know that when you intend and demonstrate these nurturing and comforting abilities that Mother is indeed speaking through you.  You are conveying something of great value to that individual with whom you are engaged.  I withdraw now and I leave you in our Mother’s LOVE.  Thank you and good day.

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