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ICC-MM 181223- Seeding in Michael’s Peace and Compassion and the Universe Heart Circuit

2018-12-23. Seeding in Michael’s Peace and Compassion and the Universe Heart Circuit

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

December 23, 2018

 Topic:  Seeding in Michael’s Peace and Compassion and the Universe Heart Circuit

TR:      Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Thank you, Mother and Father, for this opportunity gather as one in our family of love.  May we all be encircuited together heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, Spirit-to-Spirit as you move in us now and as we connect with our Planetary Seraphim.  Our hearts are gladdened because this is the season of Christmas when we celebrate your birth on Urantia, Father.  We invite your presence to envelop us and guide us today as we focus on those areas of planetary upliftment that are so vital now during this phase of our evolution.  May all things align in your WILL, and may we hold the focus for where we are guided to send our love and desires for more healing to occur.  Thank you.

MICHbAEL:  Greetings, my precious children!  Peace be unto you!  This is Michael.  Allow the presence of your Mother to gently expand within you that you may experience more of my presence pervading your minds and bodies.  Take these few moments to sit in this place of Her gentle expansiveness and know that I am within you and enveloping you in my LOVE.

As this is a most opportune moment for human and sprit collaboration, the corps of Urantia Seraphim is ready to engage with you now.  Allow my presence to continue to swell within your beings and simply feel your desire for this to pervade the entire world at all levels, all dimensional aspects going into those places of evolution and creation.  Let my presence envelope Urantia in my LOVE and my embrace.  Simply send what you are experiencing of me out into the world through your hearts.

Your seraphic sisters will know what to do with this energy as my PEACE and COMPASSION flow into and through you and out through your hearts into the globe.  If it is helpful, simply visualize the words:  MICHAEL’S PEACE AND COMPASSION spiraling around the planet, seeding these energies into the various dimensional circuits of consciousness through and through this beautiful world.  And we begin.  (Pause)

The times of great change are upon you.  It does not mean you are going through these changes on your own.  There are mighty universe helpers escorting this world and the other rebellion spheres into these circuits of life that originate at the very center of all Nebadon.  I invite you to now focus on the universe heart circuit.

Let the words the UNIVERSE HEART CIRCUIT be your focal point as this expansive energy flows through the circuits of Urantia consciousness as the Seraphim use this now to secure more of its presence and prevalence upon the world.  Let your hearts expand.  Let your energy systems feel what it means to be loved by not only your Mother and me but by your universe siblings who cheer you on during these times of great change.  Feel your desire for the UNIVERSE HEART CIRCUIT to penetrate into those areas where there still is great need for many hearts to open and receive what they need to heal and transform.

All around the globe people are being prepared for change.  You are fortunate in that you understand to varying degrees what is occurring upon Urantia as the agenda of the Correcting Time continues to evolve.  Much of what you see occurring in your material world is simply the outworking of the rebellion legacy, but there are pockets of light that are now transforming into new societal areas of change and growth and movement in Spirit.  These places will continue to expand until one day this energy is fully connected all around the globe.

So take heart that this is underway now, my children, and continue to do your part each day to grow in who you are and to be the best examples of loving service to your brothers and sisters as you can.  Do not judge yourself when you falter or fail to live up to your own expectations, come to me and I will help you.  Do not think that in my human life as Jesus that I was able to sustain this at all times, especially in my earlier phases of growth, but always did I seek encouragement from the Father Within and therein I found my support and the ability to maintain that level of divine guidance and expression more and more each day.  It is the same for you.

Now I am there within you to strengthen you, encourage you, uplift you, so use me to grow strong and healthy as you express the gifts that you have been given by the Father Himself to share with others.  So let this UNIVERSE HEART CIRCUIT expand into yours and let that flow out into the world as the mighty Seraphim apply this energy into circuits where much good will be secured and produced.

My PEACE and COMPASSION flows through this UNIVERSE HEART CIRCUIT, engaging with the heart energies upon Urantia that more my children may feel this expansiveness flowing within, breaking open into new areas of the heart energy for more healing to prevail.  This is what your brothers and sister need to experience: to know of my love for them, my availability to them, my support of their lives and the validation of who they are as children of God.

Everyone has a right to know and experience this, so do not withhold your love from your brethren and let all of the frustrations or grievances that you may hold against a person or a situation dissolve into nothing that you may be strengthened in my presence to support the cultivation of your own soul expression as vessels of greater love and peace.  It is time to ignite the Christ light within, that all hearts may be illuminated with this and ignite the flames of love.  It is so healing and transformative for the human nature to evolve.

The changes you have long awaited are underway.  There is a momentum unfolding, it is unstoppable.  It is the presence of your Mother moving through this planet opening new places for my LOVE to transform this world and to help more children open to the presence of their own indwelling Father Fragments.  There will be some times of chaos and tribulation for a spell…

Note:  Here the recording ended abruptly due to computer failure, but Michael continued to move into us and into the circuits, ending with the encouragement to remain peaceful and hopeful and to come to Him when in need to receive His renewing essence to sustain us.

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