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ICC-MM 190210-Focusing Redemption in the Purification of the Holy Spirit within the Sovereignty and Fatherhood of Christ Michael into recalcitrant planetary circuits

2019-02-10. Focusing Redemption in the Purification of the Holy Spirit within the Sovereignty and Fatherhood of Christ Michael into recalcitrant planetary circuits

Planetary Seraphim Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

February 10, 2019

Topic: Focusing Redemption in the Purification of the Holy Spirit within the Sovereignty and Fatherhood of Christ Michael into recalcitrant planetary circuits

T/R:    Donna  D’Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, we center ourselves in your presence.  We thank you for your Spirit of Truth and Holy Spirit now embracing us and moving through our minds and bodies to relax us and to help us in our focusing efforts with our Planetary Seraphim today.  As you connect us in your circuits may we act as one: Spirit to Spirit, soul to soul, heart to heart, and personality to personality.  May we now be connected with our Seraphim to be directed where they guide us into those areas of great need into our planet.  We are here to serve and we thank you for this opportunity to collaborate with you and our helpers.  May your WILL be done now.

MANOTIA:  Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Manotia.  As you settle into this combined circuit of human and seraphic involvement, we invite you to maintain that focus on your desire and intention for more healing to prevail in those areas where there is still this recalcitrant rebellion mindset and influence.

On our last call together we began to work in this particular area of focus, and we will continue to invite you to move in those circuits as well.  Your intention and desire for healing to occur in these recalcitrant circuits will help to build more of the potential for redemption for these individuals who are still participating in the Luciferic agenda.  This is a very important fundamental area of forward growth in spirit, and the redemption energies that can be applied into this recalcitrant circuit can help certain individuals who are on the verge of coming out of their own inner darkness to receive the forgiveness that our Parents are providing them and help them see the error of their ways that they may make the choice to align with Spirit.

This is something that has not yet been achieved in the circuits of Urantian consciousness.  It will take time for this recalcitrant circuit to be fully expunged of the rebellion mindset.  But you aid us greatly in this undertaking today by simply focusing on that desire for these erring brothers and sisters to receive the PURIFICATION IN THE HOLY SPIRIT within the greater context and circuitry of the FATHERHOOD AND SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL.

Our Parents desire for these erring children to receive redemption.  It is of paramount importance.  So all we ask of you is to recognize that these individuals have a God-given right to choose, and that their choice be made in an environment that is spiritually conducive for them to make the right choice.

So we invite you now to settle into your hearts.  Let the words PURIFICATION IN THE HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN THE FATHERHOOD AND SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL form in your mind’s eye.  As you see this, become emotionally attached to this notion—this infusion—and for the potential of what it means for the healing and transformation of this planet’s system of consciousness.  Let us begin here as you allow the energies of your hearts to be directed toward the globe and ask for that to be seeded all around the planet in those areas where there is great need for this. We begin.

We are establishing certain circuits and connections in this intention for what was co-created during our last time together to have more bandwidth to inlay into these recalcitrant energies and influences of mind.  As these circuits become more tightly interwoven, they form a field of spiritual pressure to be conveyed into those recalcitrant energies in order to help them to loosen their grasp within the human’s system of consciousness to help those individuals very entrenched in these mindsets to begin to see some movement away forward—a way out.

Now that this energy field is being more tightly interconnected, we invite you to simply feel that desire for the REDEMPTION to infiltrate this circuit that they may receive forgiveness from our Parents and begin the journey out of this very, very nefarious influence.  Simply send the word energy language of REDEMPTION from your hearts as we apply this where it will do the most good.

We would ask you to amplify your desire for REDEMPTION to be conducted within this greater field of PURIFICATION IN THE HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN THE FATHERHOOD AND SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL.  This is a very large field of spiritual energy and we simply ask you to feel your desire for those individuals who have been long attached to this mindset to have a chance to receive REDEMPTION.  They are worthy of being redeemed.

Our Parents’ LOVE for them is beyond measure.  So we ask you to move beyond your own human feelings of resentment or frustration because the changes that you desire are not happening as quickly as you might like them, but to go into that place of the Father’s LOVE for this REDEMPTION energy to pervade these circuits now. Have compassion for these individuals and let that REDEMPTION field become so interconnected in the PURIFICATION conducted by Mother in the greater FATHERHOOD AND SOVEREIGNTY OF OUR DIVINE FATHER.

Let this REDEMPTION energy be applied in this field of PURIFICATION to move into every area of planetary life.  There are many of your social and cultural institutions that need this now in order for more change to take deeper root and to move this planet forward into its trajectory toward Light and Life.

All twelve sectors of seraphic involvement are engaged now.  We are moving these energies into those specific areas where there is great need.

Feel your desire for these energies to penetrate into those circuits where this energy has been long entrenched.  As we have shared with you before, it is not so important that you perceive where these influences are as it is to simply to send that energy from your heart into the planet where we will take that an apply where the most good can be produced.  Let MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD be established in these circuits that the PURIFICATION IN THE HOLY SPIRIT may continue to foster more REDEMPTION recognition in the minds of those people who are being prepared to receive this to help them make their choice.

We invite you to hold an intention as well as to feel your desire for this energy to be applied in certain ancient historical influences as we can take this and apply it into the evolutionary circuits, even going back to that imprint when the rebellion first occurred here upon Urantia.  Feel that intention and desire for REDEMPTION to be encircuited there. Thank Mother and Father for their infusions of PURIFICATION, SOVEREIGNTY and FATHERHOOD to be applied there.

During your times of stillness ask for this REDEMPTION energy and circuitry to have more space and, what you call, bandwidth to be conveyed throughout these recalcitrant circuits.  Focusing on the word REDEMPTION evokes a certain signal to those working within these circuits of mind to help the energies move into those areas of great need.  You are certainly welcome to ask for these energies to be applied into those areas where you would wish to help more people come out of their own darkness to perceive the inner light of truth, to give them an opportunity to choose. What are they choosing?  They are making a decision about how they will move forward in their lives, what value system will they adopt.

When there is an opening in the circuits of mind, the Indwelling Spirit has an opportunity to flash an insight—something of great meaning and value to the human mind.  This gives the individual an opportunity to perceive something differently and from that point to make a better decision about the comportment of one’s behavior.

This REDEMPTION energy is meant to be applied to one and all. And even in yourselves, if you feel some resistance within your own hearts and minds, behavior patterns, conditioned thinking, and feelings of unworthiness, let these REDEMPTION energies move into that place that you may see something of a different perspective that your Father Indwelling wishes to provide to you.

REDEMPTION is here.  It is for everyone.  And we ask for you to collaborate with us that this energy may be encircuited far and wide, because it is human will that desires this.  It is human intention that perceives the significance of this.  There are still few people on this planet who truly understand this dynamic.

We certainly do not expect you to understand it at all at this level but you have a greater perspective.  You understand the component of what we speak that you may collaborate with us more and help this energy reach into those deeply embedded places of darkness—error and sin and even iniquity to receive the spiritual vibrations contained within REDEMPTION that more TRUTH LIGHT may be perceived in these areas all around the globe.


Many areas upon the planet in the circuits of mind are now changing.  The light of TRUTH is growing and more hearts are being opened to the LOVE of Father Within.  Remember, it is up to you to be responsible to and for yourselves to grow in Spirit, and to ensure that you are doing your part each day to spend time in communion with our Parents and with your Spirit that you may be mightily engaged and fortified in Spirit and truly tap into that potential within your mind, within the very fundamental component of your personality to BE that love to others.

Continue to ask for this REDEMPTION to take deeper root and hold all around the globe.  You have a responsibility and relationship to the evolving deity nature of the planet that you know as the Supreme Mind.  More and more will you become aware of not only the responsibility to contribute to this, but the privilege because now you are adding love, truth, peace, and compassion and it all feeds the collective.

This is a level of service that very few humans have truly understood and achieved.  But we encourage you and we are so grateful that you have trusted us to lead you in these guided visualizations that human and seraphic involvement and collaboration may form this tighter web all around the globe for other individuals to perceive and act upon.

In these final moments now simply let the Father’s LOVE—the Father’s presence from Paradise flow through your hearts expanding you as you allow that energy to flow out from  this very important circuit and center of your being to connect with the heart circuit of the planet.  We invite the UNIVERSE HEART CIRCUIT to calibrate with this planetary circuit and what we are co-creating together that more love will prevail here.  Let us all sit with this intention now as we move in the sacred place of transformation.

As Urantia continues on its way toward this highest state of being, many, many more hearts will perceive the internal pressure to release the pain contained within that the Spirit may have more room to function and provide to that individual heart the LOVE that lives within.  It is a deep well within each individual, but it has been buried and now that the inner excavation is underway will this inner well spring forth new life into the hearts of those who are ready to awaken and grow in their own inner presence of the Father’s LOVE.

What we have co-created today here will foster this recognition more.  So continue to maintain that desire for more REDEMPTION IN THE PURIFICATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN THE SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD OF CHRIST MICHAEL to prevail.  It is time.

On behalf of the mighty Seraphim stationed on this planet, I thank you.  It is an honor and a privilege to serve with you.  As human involvement becomes more attuned to collaborating with Spirit more positive change can grow here as the circuits of mind become cleansed of this stigma of rebellion.  Let your own inner transformations proceed and may you find great joy and satisfaction in expressing the gifts that the Father has bestowed into you.

I leave you now in this manner, but we are always at your service 24/7.  You only need to call on us to collaborate and we will share and add more vibrancy to the planet.  I leave you in our Parents’ LOVE, and I wish you all a most joyful and peaceful good day.

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